Meet the ALL Controller. It’s a single pad designed to work effortlessly across all your gaming consoles; for those that hate clutter and have multiple gaming systems it could certainly be useful.
Launched on Kickstarter, the product is already making waves by smashing its target of $75,000 Canadian dollars with 43 days left to run. Having already passed $115,000 at the time of writing, the gaming community has embraced it; because of this we will see the controller become a reality.
Among its features it allows for every button to be remapped to the player’s personal specification, and sensitivity can also be calibrated. Most resembling an Xbox One controller, it features a small LCD screen for pairing to the requested device. It’s wireless with some devices, while a dongle is used for others.
Console-wise the ALL Controller currently supports PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, Xbox One and Xbox 360, with the Nintendo Switch listed in its development timeline. Other devices featured are PC, MAC, iOS and Android, with the option to change your layout to a keyboard and mouse form if preferred.
The successful Kickstarter campaign means that the item will look to launch next May at the price of CA$110 dollars (£66.56 apx). Considering this is not much higher than your standard controller, the ALL Controller could turn out to be a hot property if it lives up to expectations.
What do you think of the ALL Controller? Do you need one in your gaming life?
[source, via]
Comments 87
lol that looks... Interesting.
No way I'm spending that much for another controller. I've got a controller for everything already.
Wouldn't pick one up without some sort of return policy.
Gotta make it compatible with Switch and Wii U as seen in the video, and it would be cool if they made dongles for classic systems too, especially since the shoulder buttons appear to be pressure sensitive like the GameCube controller's. Would also be pretty cool to work as a Wii U GamePad with that screen, but it didn't appear to be a touch screen. (Also, didn't notice motion controls either)
I can see this serving as an adequate universal second controller for multiconsole households. So, not for misanthropes like me who refuse to invite people over.
Love the idea, but I don't see it replacing everything. Still interesting.
Well dang. Any game ever made? That seems like a pretty lofty promise. If it actually works that'd be a pretty cool thing to have. I wonder how it'd work on a NES or an Atari.
Quite a big promise. I will play the 'wait and see' game on this.
Looks interesting, but putting the sticks in the same places as DualShock controllers was a mistake.
How are you suppose to play Duck Hunt, Wii Sports, Kinect Adventure, and Dance Central with this controller? Sorry Rerez but it doesn't seem like it can play all the games.
It'll probably use a wireless adapter that plugs into one of the controller slots.
@sp_initiate-001 Makes sense. I can't see how it'd work otherwise, but it seems like it'd be a bit annoying having to get a bunch of different types of adaptors for different consoles. But I guess not too many people would be using it for more than a few consoles.
Black again ?
This is super clever, and I'm shocked no one's thought to do it til now.
Like Switch, this is a simple idea with truckloads of practical appeal. If it works as advertised, works with Switch and is comfy, I'll likely get one.
"That's just an atari joystick with star stickers on it!"
Doubt anyone will get the reference .
It wouldn't win any beauty pageants that's for certain.
It looks way too plain. Plus I've always hated the PlayStation dual analog placement. There are controllers that'll play on most platforms for a fraction of the price. You're paying an extra $100 just to have drivers preloaded on a semi smart controller. And with that screen the battery life is gonna blow. There's so much wrong with this it hurts.
What would've made this much more practical is if the face buttons had white LED's underneath to display the face buttons of the controller it was emulating
Cool idea. But using different controllers for everything makes each experience feel different. And I like that. Also, I only have one of the platforms listed, minus my iPhone.
Right down my alley. We have an gaming PC, a Wii U, a PS4, a PS3, a Wii and a GameCube. Next in line is a Switch and a gaming laptop. I usually buy a different colored controller for my use (for the WiiU, a white Pro controller and a green Wii controller, for our blue PS4 a red controller and a blue controller for our black PS3). With one such controller I'd forego all these different-colored controllers and keep it on my office, away from the children! I just hope that it will have amiibo functionality and HD rumble for the Switch.
Man that sounds like a cool idea. Definitely keeping tabs on this baby.
@Anti-Matter I'm sure they'll consider other colors as well.
@jpfan1989 I don't know what you're referencing, but take my like for being the cultured man(or woman) that you are.
I have a Wii U, Switch, ps3 and ps4 hooked up but I'd still rather the original controls. Not s bad idea, just two late as I have at least 2 controllers for each console and even four for the switch. Maybe if there was more 4 player games for the sony systems(only two controllers each) it might save me money.
What an awesome idea! Why didn't anyone think of this before, we have had universal remotes for years. If the build quality is good this is perfect for someone like me who has multiple consoles and iOS devices and computers. I wouldn't have to buy extra controllers for each to play local multiplayer.
I have to look at the controller to know what button I'm pressing, too.
It's all well and good if they can connect the thing to the Switch, but will it have amiibo support, a capture button or a gyroscope? I doubt it.
It's a cool idea, but sounds like it'll be too expensive.
If it works on Wii u as well as Wii mode, I'd be interested when it released. Wii u pro controllers are still too expensive, so something that can be used on all my systems would be neat.
Then again I don't really need a Wii u pro controller that bad and already have controllers for every other system, no need for more as I've nobody to play with.
@ALinkttPresent emulating the gamepad might be kind of hard to do and may look bad on the controller
Don't need it, considering I have all the controllers on each console. Also you need to know exactly what button is what which sometimes confuses me on a XBOX 360 controller when I use it on my PC so can't see this being a huge deal.
To much for my taste. I will pass. And here I thought Joycons were expensive. I will just stick to my plan and pick up extra Joycons when the time comes. Probably great for people who play Multiple systems.
ALL bog standard modern black box consoles, then, not actually ALL.
@SamuFinland Honestly the people who own enough systems to warrent buying this probably don't need to look at the buttons.
If they truly wanted it to be an all-in-one controller, they'd have made that LCD screen into a touchscreen and supported the Wii U.
My favorite controller ever is the Switch pro controller. The only weakness is there is no headphone plug. Its the more beautiful too.
Nope. I have controllers for my consoles and theyre sat right on top of their consoles. It isnt any kind of inconvenience and using the different types is part of the experience.
@0muros Ive yet to ttry one, the wiiu is my favourite, then 360. I have a Hori pad in the post.
@YANDMAN Try it, you will love it. The price is high but the switch pro controller is an elite and noble controller.
Not going to be needed to replace anything but as a universal second controller for everything perfect.
I'd like to see them play Zork on that.
Analog sticks are not offset,I'm out.
It's an interesting idea, but third party controllers, well... When you buy a dualshock, you know exactly what you're getting. Third party, not so much. I sometimes buy third party, but I rarely spend over thirty bucks on them (though to be fair, I actually prefer Rock Candy Xbox controllers to the official ones by a lot). It's a lot of money to drop on something that might just be a gimmicky laggard, or might have poor construction. You'd basically need to try one out before you know if you want it or not.
It looks really ugly, those top triggers look weird. The Switch pro controller is already my favourite. I didn't think anything would beat the Xbox One controller, but the Pro feels so nice to use, if it had analogue triggers it would be perfect.
Dam that thing is fugly. If you were making a product that's USP was to replace all other controllers in your home, you'd want it to be sexy right?!
I smell a failure.
Somewhat interested but I'm not backing any kickstarter unless the product can be gain for a relatively low amount. The recent stories about Unsung Story reminded me of my own blind faith in Project Phoenix and Mighty Number 9. Plus I question in Bloodbourne and Shenmue 3 will ever live up to their name.
Plus I can't help but feel such a device will come with caveats; call it engineering judgement.
I'm using this to replace my Kempston.
Finally! I use xbox 360 wired controller on my PC and very happy with it. But it's getting old now. And i need new one. This might be the next
Don't get it. If you own the system then you probably own the controllers anyway. If you want an extra controller, then this would be the player 2 controller...
The four buttons in between the 2 anolog sticks look a bit annoying especially if like me you use chunky thumbstick covers for extra grip. Aaaaaand while I love my PS4 controller, I never use the d-pad for movement, so the XB1 and Switch Pro controller has the ideal layout.
Nice idea though and I do like the paddles on the back, every controller should have paddles.
@Shellcore I think it's supposed to be like that one backup controller, when it's actually cheaper and better to just get a backup for every system you own. As I said, it will fail miserably.
It would be a nice way to reduce the clutter caused by all the consoles I have currently hooked up, but I don't know ... it's no priority for me, and at the end of the day, the most important aspect is how well the controller itself feels to use.
I'd have to try it before I commit, because functionality alone won't really do much for me in this instance.
How do you do motion controls or even simple Gyro? What about games that use two screens? What about games that use exclusively the touch screen like Voez? What about games that use the IR Pointer?
This won't be that useful on Switch and damn near pointless on Wii
Cool idea, but that controller has a hideous design.
I'll pass. Hope it does well, though.
A better name would have been Omni Controller.
Not for me though. It looks clunky and unattractive as hell.
Oh, a Playstation controller that also works on your Xbox. I'm sure thousands of gamers have cried themselves to sleep nightly wishing for such a thing. This is like watching someone reverse engineer an Xbox One controller, then charging $110 for it.
And people complain that the Switch pro controller is too pricey with its gyroscope, IR device, NFC scanner, HD rumble, and built in charging battery that lasts 40 hours.
Review prediction-"Jack of all trades, master of none. Bit expensive"
Kinda like a Steam Controller, except mainly for modern consoles and several years too late. Button remapping might be useful at least.
ALL our console belong to them?
Seriously though, generic universal game controllers don't really sound desirable since it strips out what's unique about each console's controls. OTOH, this is the future of 2-screen gaming
@Ralizah But it has your favorite stick orientation! The worst one ever!
"Have you ever wanted to wear a jacket indoors while you play every Sony or Microsoft console ever with your overly punchable hipster friends?"
I have 6 consoles set up across two TVs in my living room. Doesn't look like it will work with my SNES, N64, Gamecube, or Wii
Nice, but a bit of false advertising, as it can't replace the DS4 since it lacks the touchpad, which a few games use in several ways.
Killzone for instance uses clicks on both sides as buttons, and swiping motions to control your attack drone, giving the pad at least 6 different inputs.
So yeah, nice controller all in all, but its not replacing each individual piece of hardware anytime soon.
@NEStalgia I like the stick orientation (the best one if you want comfortable access to the sticks AND the D-Pad), but none of those buttons or sticks look comfortable to use. I can feel the cheapness of the materials oozing out of that image in the video. Even the knockoff 360 controller I own looks more premium than this, and that only cost me $20 or so.
And what is going on with those start/select buttons?
I love the idea, but I feel like it's reaching too far. I doubt this will have a gyro sensor, is the screen even touch? Could I use it as a touchpad for ps4 games? I got one, because even with limited ability, its still good. I just think the advertisement should be more honest with its capabilities.
@Ralizah But it's Kickstarter hardware. What could there possibly be to worry about?
Yeah this thing looks cheap. Like "controllers meant for smartphones" kind of cheap. All the money is sunk into it being some kind of smart-device on a controller with a display, and probably a battery to run the display. Those cutouts are pretty rough.'s Kickstarter hardware. Was there any other expectation?
And I will never, ever like the sticks at the bottom. The only value of that is to get the sticks out of the way so you can use the D-pad. Which kind of limits the games it's ideal for....
@Yorumi it's a solution in search of a problem. An overly extravagant one, where the Game Genie thing is just a dongle you can use with any controller as a wired input, this tries to have on-board emulation of any console for no real reason. And still ends up with a dongle half the time.
Lol. This comes several years too late! Back in the days it was an actual pain, but now it's quite easy to get controllers to work on different systems.
will it work with my snes?
needs 6 face buttons and maybe a Z trigger to be perfect.
those n64 games don't feel right without the c buttons
@Giygas_95 emulation
All controller... except for the vast majority of my consoles.
I wonder how the battery life would be on it. It doesn't have the slickest in my opinion as well, but perhaps that is just a prototype. Not that I think they could design a controller better than official game console developers anyway. I think this controller is being designed out of convenience so you don't need five or six different controllers to play your consoles. That being said, getting to see the new controllers is probably my favorite part of each new console that comes out, therefore making this type of device little use to me.
Meh.. already have controllers for every system I own, can't see myself using this especially at that price.
I'll be picking one up day one to tear it's brain out for transplanting into a universal, wireless arcade stick.
If it works, and is not overly expensive, and has continued support in the future, great.
Nope. I'll just use my Wii U Pro or the Switch Pro Controller on the PC if I need.
@samuelvictor you just made my day! Thank you!
I would buy it if it was an Xbox One controller layout like the Switch Pro controller...too bad...oh well, I'll end up getting the Switch Pro controller instead, I really don't want that crappy PlayStation style layout.
Will this work on the Atari Jaguar, and Sega Nomad? NO? NO SALE!!
jk tho, but I really have more then enough controllers in my life.
Any info about gyro? That is the best part of the Steam and Switch controllers.
If it has gyro, i will kickstart it right now. If not, i buy it when it's done.
@ThatNyteDaez The design of the controller is not final. The final design will be shown later.
This controller could be best used for PC gaming, since you can bind any keyboard control to it.
@Kalmaro To save money, they should have had no screen and used a free android / ios app to control the controller
@peppaz That actually would have been pretty neat.
@EdwinJ Gyro / accelerometer is the first stretch goal (1 million Canadian Dollars). If it doesn't get it, it'll be worthless as a nintendo controller for me, but I'll still use it for my ps3 or whenever I go to a friend's house. Also I've been needing a controller for my ios/android stuff. I consider this controller an overall good investment to me.
I'm all about the split Joycons when docked, which is not often for me. So not interested. Also very happy with the DS4 controller. I use a Xbox controller on the PC and will pick up a XBox One X but still I would not be interested. The Controllers are part of the identity of the system for me.
I wish my xb1 elite controller would work on every platform with just a button press to switch. Needing just one controller would clean up many setups by a lot.
If they can match 1st-party quality and the touchscreen can be used as a mouse pointer on PC, I'm in.
The Steam controller already does this for all games on PC. I don't see anything on the "All Controller" that would make mouse movement easy. Mapping a mouse to a joystick still provides the poor joystick aiming. The best choices are touch and gyro.
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