During today's Nintendo Switch Nindie Showcase, it was confirmed that the highly anticipated SteamWorld Dig 2 will arrive on 21st September; developer Image & Form has also confirmed the pricing.
It'll cost $19.99 / €19.99 / £14.99, which is higher that the original SteamWorld Dig but in the same ballpark as SteamWorld Heist; the developer has explained the pricing below.
SWD2 will be available on Nintendo eShop for $19.99 or your region's equivalent. That's twice the price of the original Dig. It's at least ten times as good, so it's more than a nice deal. Expect somewhere around 10 hours of gameplay and multiple boss battles in a big, sprawling world which you're free to explore and dig through at your own pace. The game is even longer for those of you itching to find all secrets and unlockables (and there are plenty).

Are you planning to pick this up in a few weeks?
Comments 55
Can't wait
Price doesn't scare me away. Looks to be worth it.
Was not expecting this so soon. Will be loading eshop funds next week in advance. Can't wait!
Incredible to see that the game is a few weeks away
So probably $30 in Australia I guess. Fine by me, really looking forward to this one. I know Image & Form will more than give me my money's worth.
Think I paid roughly a tenner for SteamWorld Heist on mobile, and that game is just outstanding. I'm hyped to play Dig 2.
Thanks for the love everyone! Can't wait to let you play
I will support the developer and buy the game... but I wish the price were a little lower to attract more people to it.
Is it coming to 3DS?
@imageform SQUEE
@imageform Thank you for working on such a great game!
Can't wait to dig in!
Can't wait to give it an try
September is gonna be a expensive Month for me, but i will pick up Steamworld Dig 2 Day One! I hope it also get's a physical release in the Future.
Can't wait, but that price... hmm
@imageform Any chance this game will come out on the 3DS?
NVM, scanned too quickly!
Reasonable price , might get this
$20?...I'd have paid $40! By far the indie title I'm most excited for
Pretty much what I expected, price-wise. I'm down.
This is going to be a lot of fun! Wish they'd announce/release the other games in the "SteamWorld Universe" on the Switch as well... Any chance, @imageform? wink,wink
Yes and its about time!! Day one for me!
Good price.
They aren't devaluing themselves.
Now waiting for SteamWorld Heist II.
A clear price difference between the Pound and Euro! Huzzah!
I'm willing to wait & pay more for a physical release.
I'll pay for it. First part was awesome.
"Are you planning to pick this up in a few weeks?"
@Spoony_Tech Are you telling your wife about this one?
@Captain_Gonru Or a full time job. I saw you logged into your Wii U at 2PM on a Wednesday.
With all these good looking Nindies coming out - I went in with no expectations b/c I have no love for 2D or retro but came away wanting at least 4 games - maybe Nintendo will start doing a better job with both MyNintendo and the paid online if so many games are going to go for $20, at some point people are going to run out of money. And Sony Flash sales every other weekend and PS+ games are training people not to buy digital games Day 1 anyway. I really liked the first Steamworld Dig, but I think I got it and a dozen other games as part of a Humble Nindie Bundle for about $8.
£15? Nice. UK store it is then.
@A01 It's a much, MUCH bigger game, so the price is more than fair we think
Image and Form is one of my favorite new studios. I can't wait to play this as I loved Dig, but if I'm to be honest, I really loved Heist even more. Maybe I was just really into collecting the hats, haha. Still, beggers can't be choosers so just take what you can get. Day one for me.
Day 1 for me!
Absolutely Day 1. It's the perfect autumn/winter game, kind of cozy doncha think?
Day 1 purchase for me. That was already an expensive week with NBA 2K and Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2
Not long after payday for me so I'll likely pick this up day one. Steamworld Dig was good and Heist was brilliant so they've more than earned my trust.
Glad to see it's bigger and better than the original. Can't wait!
Having played and loved both Dig and Heist I got my hands on Dig 2 last week at Gamescom. It outperformed Dig 1 in any respect and I really can't wait to play this. 20 EUR seems like a very reasonable price. I'm pretty sure it'll be worth every cent.
@imageform This game looks great! I've played SWD1 more times than I can comfortably admit to playing a single game, so I'm extremely grateful for the chance to dig through some new turf.
@imageform I loved the first one on psvita. Any chance that the second one also arrives on vita?
If not I’ll buy the Switch version.
One of my most currently anticipated games. Super stoked to know I'll be pkaying it in just a few weeks.
As for the price, well, as far as adventure games go, I'll take a higher price for a bigger game every time.
Can't wait either. Dig fascinated me with the trancy Western themed Steampunk music and the boss was super fun. Hyped
LOVED the first two, getting this on Day One!
@A01 It's not a price increase because it's a different game and it's not out yet. It's more expensive for apparently vastly more content.
day one for me!
Major plus for me that the developers take time to read and comment. I enjoyed the first one, and I would happily pay the asking price.
Week one purchase for me.
@rjejr I usually never tell my wife lol. She always finds out eventually though. Since I used saved change for the most part I'm usually ok. Did just get Just Dance but it was only 29.99 at Target and couldn't pass that up. Used change today for Mario + Rabbids.
I can't wait to play it! Might have to live off tap water and pot noodle all of next month, though - I'm already getting MH Stories, Metroid and Rayman Legends, and now this, too, since it's definitely a day-one pirchase for me.
@imageform This may have been asked before, but any chance for a physical release?
This is the release date I cared about most. I'm glad it's coming to Switch so soon, loved the first one and will partake in the second. Seriously, the first game is such a love letter to the 2D Metroid games (particularly Super Metroid) that I have to support the sequel. Great work, Image & Form.
I've purchased the first dig and heist on multiple systems for myself and as gifts as I was so enthusiastic about both those games so I don't have an issue with the price - but I do hope it gets a release on 3ds or Wii U at some point. I can understand a lot of developers not being interested in providing backwards compatibility but in this particular case it seems like a game that wouldn't struggle technically on those systems, and would be very nice for those of us who haven't upgraded yet.
3ds version please and thank you!
@Spoony_Tech "Just Dance"
I bought my wife a JD game once, maybe #2 or 3, I don't think she'd be too happy if I bought another one. I think last game we bought for her was Wonderbook Harry Potter on PS3 and we watched her do spells with a wand. I try to only buy games she likes to watch me play, JRPGs and Uncharted though she'll sit thru God of War, I think she has a crush on Kratos. Since I haven't had a job in 15 years now she knows every cent I spend, it's all hers.
Ahhh, yes. Day one purchase for me. I remember the 1st one on the 3ds when I was on military orders. I bought it due to seeing the different art style and the trailer seemed cool. I was addicted to that game and it helped me through those orders. Ended up buying it for my son's 3ds and then on my Vita. Can't wait for this one!
What I loved about the first one was that it was so short and cheap
It's just a great little game you can play in one sitting.
Given the number of staff members they hired now compared to the days of Dig 1, they have to increase the price.
Dig 1 was so addictive, I stopped play Zelda ALBW to complete it. I remember these 2 games came out around the same period and Dig was more memorable to me. First 3rd party game to defeat Nintendo on their own console.
If this is coming out on the 3DS "in a few weeks", then yes, I will plan on picking it up. Otherwise, no.
@imageform Will it come to the Japanese eShop at the same time as the rest of the world?
Sadly most games don't, so I spend more time waiting for games than playing with my Switch
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