What more can be said about Wisdom Tree's unlicensed games that the Angry Video Game Nerd hasn't already said? (NSFW kids, he swears a lot!). Games such as Noah's Ark are tedious platformers, dressed up with biblical themes which often don't even make any sense.
If for some crazy reason you have any nostalgia for these games then we have great news for you, Wisdom Tree has just launched a Kickstarter which will allow you to relive these 'classics' once again.
There are 3 different game carts which can be crowdfunded, the Wisdom Tree Game Collection for the Game Boy Advance, Noah's Ark for the NES and our favourite Super 3D Noah's Ark for the Sega Genesis.
With a pledge goal of $30,000 it remains to be seen if Wisdom Tree's dream of raising these games from the dead like Lazarus will go to plan. The Arkade - a Classic Christian Video Game Plug and Play was successfully funded however, so there might be a bigger market for this than we imagined.
Let us know if you'll be backing this retro biblical Kickstarter with a comment below.
[source kickstarter.com]
Comments 82
@PAHTK Let's not turn this into a petty catfight. I think we can all agree that these games are trash regardless
If Wisdom Tree were to suddenly find a copy of the Hellraiser NES game that wasn't destroyed, back from when they were Color Dreams - Then, I'd be interested.
I always thought the Bible didn't make any sense in general, so seems like these games stick to the source material quite well, then.
There is so much good material in the bible you could actually produce a decent game.
Maybe if I ever meet the Pope I'll ask him to fund one.
Where's the Kickstarter to prevent these from being released?
Third party support!
Noah's Ark Deluxe on Switch
Hmmm, I wonder what happen to that NES Mini ripoff that they were Kickstartering which they promise will come with several free games.
@NintenerdCentral I would have to second this.
@PAHTK Did you really have to take it there? Or are you just a "troll" or something?
I'm christian as well. It's defently good to do that but I also think it wouldn't hurt to have christianity in the video games as well. Heaven know's there enough of satan / evil in other video games including demons. I got popolocrois story of seasons 3DS & started playing it for about an hour the first thing i noticed in the game it wanted me to battle a demon. I quickly returned the game online as it wasn't something I'm into.
It is frustrating seeing satan being praised in the video game arena these days & everyone just saying ''its just a game''. If the developers put it in the game they have there reasons besides from just selling the video games in general in my own opinion...
Happy Gaming! (^_^)
As a non-believer myself, I have to get this off my chest: people, there's no need to insult or disrespect other's beliefs or practices. Anyone is free to believe what he or she wishes, regardless of how ridiculous or useless it would seem to you.
Respecting others like you might well wish them to respect you goes a long way in keeping this community an enjoyable one.
That's the way the world is quickly turning. I agree that there is a lot of stuff put into games/movies/etc that could have been done without and it still would have been good.
Keep it respectful people.
Bubsy didn't ask for other people's money to make a comeback; he did it all on his own. I guess in that, I have some respect for Accolade.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Just start a crowd fund to hire a mercenary to ensure these games never get made, if you catch my meaning...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE +1 here horrible horrible games
Another Christian here- i actually thought spiritual warfare was a decent Zelda clone. Sure, a little dated and esoteric, but I enjoyed my time with it. Didn't play the other wisdom tree games
@Barbiegurl777 What might help alleviate your frustration, and might broaden your perspective a bit, is the fact that none of the beliefs in games like these are real: the good people and beliefs portrayed aren't Christian, or even of this Earth for that matter, so any evil or demon portrayed in it isn't Satan.
That is probably also why so many other people, who might not want to spend so many words on it or who simply just don't care, will just cut you off by saying "it's just a game", instead of trying to have a normal and civil discussion about it.
And in my personal opinion, what you said about the developers would make it seem as if they had some malicious intent and that goes way too far for me, so no offense, but I think that's a bit too short-sighted.
And although it is arguably true that some things in games are not really necessary all the time, in some stories, there simply has to be an adequate balance, so if the game portrays a strong force for good, then an equal force for evil will have to be in the game as well.
Two forces for good battling/warring would simply make no sense by any logical stretch of the imagination. But since it's a make believe story, it should have little to no effect on real life, unless you choose to let it.
Regardless of our personal sentiments, life is not black and white, nor is it strict in its values. It's organic and flows where it wants and where it can, and we should go along with it or remain oblivious to the bigger picture and other people's views.
More people should consider this in order for all of us to be able to respect each other more and get along better.
I love the NES version. Looks cute and fun to play. the super 3d... garbage.. lol
I play video games to immerse myself in complete fantasy... so I guess I should buy this?
@NintenerdCentral, ditto. I'm a Christian and serve as a young adult pastor for a local church. I've always admired Nintendo for being a little more "family friendly" than othrr companies. I try and read Plugged In's reviews of games before I buy and IMDB's parent's guide/listing of adult content for movies has been a great help as well. Granted in Zelda you pray to a goddess statue, but at least when my son kills an enemy they just evaporate. We're also really enjoying Arms right now and me, the wife, and son played Triforce Heroes the other night using DL play on our 3ds/2dses. Kudos to that game for being a great local team-building experience.
Spiritual Warfare was actually an ok game, if you get over the fact that the game steals your armor to make a point about how even stepping into casinos is bad, lol.
Some of these actually look kind of fun, and that 1990s MIDI jam is very on brand, haha
@Barbiegurl777 I know this has nothing to do with this game but I'm Christian as well and in miitopia, the fact that you can be an imp is really tainting my look at the game.
Never played these. I'm atheist, but the videogame collector in me is interested.
In terms of religious themes, I enjoyed Dante's Inferno quite a bit last generation.
@Barbiegurl777 Why you didn't do the good battle and defeat the demon? You deserve to be burn in hell for being a coward!!
Just kidding! But yes, it wasn't like you become the demon or that you were allied to demons, you were battling a demon, something that a every Christian must be up to, if the need ever arises.
EDIT: the last good Christian game on Nintendo platforms was a DS game, also titled Noah's ark, good for children on the 6-9 years old range.
@ThanosReXXX And I thought you were perfect...
@Barbiegurl777 Just gonna throw in my two cents. I see people go on about demons and Satan in games and such. Do you realize that there's other religions besides Christianity, other cultures where such things aren't regarded as poorly?
And AJ81, what's the problem with praying to a goddess statue? It's a non-descript generic piece of worship, just pretend it's Jesus. It's easier for game companies to put in something like that. Heck, that's why we have so many "demons", it's easy shorthand developers use for antagonists. Creators have been swiping from mythology and folklore the world over since before all of us were born.
I get that Christianity is the biggest religion in America, but the world is vast and cultures are numerous and varied. If you're going to enjoy products like games from another culture, like Nintendo's and other Japanese developers of the last 30 years, expect influence from that culture. America's certainly no different in that regard. You're not the only show in town.
A lot of these comments strike me as intolerant of differing viewpoints, so I should probably just duck out here.
@Zebetite exactly what i was gonna say, so thanks for doing it for me eh
A lot of intolerance from both sides in the comments it seems. Just goes to show that the problem isn't your system of belief or lacktherof, it's human nature itself. Both sides are acting self-righteous in this comment section because of their personal "truths" and an unwillingness to respect the "truths" of others. I guess humans will always find petty reasons to belittle and tear down one another.
@ThanosReXXX Hear, Hear good sir!
@Zebetite For once we agree.
Look up "The Bible Project" on YouTube; It's an illustrated explanation of every book of the Bible that breaks down the overarching theme of the entire Book.
I think it's wise these days to do research on something you don't know about before verbally blasting away at it. You might find there's more than meets the eye.
@Zach777 Wouldn't that just be one of many interpretations then?
That's the problem with most books, regardless of their story. There are so many ways to interpret their content, that it just ends up a mess when people form groups over them. Be it book club, a fandom, or a religious organization. Everyone ends up squabbling over intentions and meaning.
@Zach777 People are always complaining or stating that the Bible makes no sense. I have read it, had it explained to me several times, and it is incredible how a book written thru more than 2000 years, by more than 40 different writers is so cohesive and makes sense like 99% of the times.
@MegaVel91 I bet we'd agree on a lot more if I did anything besides argue around here I appreciate the sentiment, you have yourself a lovely day!
@Tarvaax To be completely honest, comments like yours don't help in that regard, complaining about complainers tends to just muddy the waters further. Eh!
Of course there's going to be many interpretations for a Book that's as old as the Bible. Thousands of years and millions of copies of the Bible are all over the earth and readers with different culture, customs, traditions, etc have had their take on some things. That doesn't mean there aren't overlying themes that stand out plain as day.
Just take the ending of Metroid Prime 3... how many interpretations have come from that... or the preview video of Splatoon 2 with Callie as an octoling... how many theories have come from that? When you don't get the whole picture you're at a loss for the whole story.
It really is woven together in an awesome way. People are quick to judge and cast insults, though. Not surprising.
@maceng Never claimed to be. Realist and open-minded, yes. Nobody's perfect, and my name ain't nobody.
@Zach777 Oh believe me, I know more than enough about the bible.
@Zach777 Just a quick comment regarding the so aforementioned ideas that the Bible has been changed and whatnot, read the last verse of the last book, the Apocalypse.
Spiritual Warfare and Exodus are legitimately terrific games. I actually prefer Spiritual Warfare (a Zelda clone) over most 2D Zelda games.
The rest of the Wisdom Tree games are terrible.
If I still owned my GBA Micro I'd actually back this.
Key word: "Believe".
I just saw there's a $6 Steam option with the two games I care about, so I actually did back it. I'm kind of ridiculously excited about this actually
@Zebetite Complaining? Nah. I'd call it trying to provoke realization that they're both doing exactly what they're upset the other side is doing. I have no ill-will towards either side. I just want to get the gears in their heads turning so that they might realize things they otherwise wouldn't have without my input.
@Tarvaax Then I have to ask, if you know people are unwilling to respect the "truths" of others, as you put it, what makes you think your comments are going to make any more difference? Cause you know they aren't, you're about as effective as anyone else here at changing people's minds.
@ProjectCafe In relation to which comment of mine?
Your comment (#4 on the post) seems to indicate otherwise. Either it doesn't make sense because you refuse to acknowledge the theme or you are lying about it not making sense. A child can understand what the theme is.
Whose ideas? Not sure what comment you're referring to.
@Zach777 Don't belittle people that hold opinions different from yours, man, or accuse them of lying - it makes you look childish, sheesh. What's with the attitude?
Anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible should check out "The Bible Project" on youtube. They basically have short videos summarizing every book of the Bible, and even Biblical themes. Or if you might even enjoy Phil Vischer's series for kids, "What's in the Bible with Buck Denver". I noticed Zach777 already mentioned it but I thought I would reiterate the point. Even if you don't believe the Bible to be true perhaps it would at least give you an idea how well educated people can logically believe it to be true without relying solely on faith.
I certainly was not aiming to belittle you. You made a comment regarding the Bible as a Book that has no common theme and does not make sense. That is simply not true and so I stated that plainly. While it is true that everyone can have their own opinion in subjects and may choose to say whatever they wish to say about something, there are always things that hold true regardless of opinion. The Bible has a theme that flows throughout the whole entirety of the Book, whatever you choose to view the Book as, belief in the Book or not. You can't argue that, you are simply ignorant or lying.
Glances at comment section
@Zach777 I never ever stated anywhere that the bible doesn't have an overarching theme or anything of the sort, at all, not even a tiny little bit, so please don't say that that I did.
I said it doesn't make any sense to me. And that's a fact, it doesn't make any sense. To me. My opinion.
Please refrain from putting words in my mouth and accusing me of things I didn't say, or even calling me a liar. Sheesh.
Gotcha, loud and clear.
@Zebetite Humans are odd. Sometimes they won't respect the opinions of others opposite from them but they will take into consideration the thoughts of a middle party. There's always a chance that people will see reason despite not seeing it before.
Great game i played it before on the NES and thought it was cool
@Zach777 Cool, thanks. Peace! ✌
Exodus on the NES was fun.
But I bet even Noah would've let this one drown.
El Shaddai: Ascension Of The Metatron is a simply marvellous game. Based on The Book Of Enoch (also marvellous!), part of the Dead Sea Scrolls, but not accepted into the Bible by the Church.
Personally, I think it's all an extensively clever business strategy very carefully crafted to exploit the weaknesses in the human psychology, all the while making heavy use of moral manipulation. Truth be told, it's worked like a charm for the last two millenniums. Countless hordes of people have fallen right into it.
Now that being said, I also don't buy the fact that a colossally enormous bang completely out of nowhere just so happened to create the entire universe and everything that embodies it. That makes just about as much sense as "Let there be light.".
As the alien in Contact, one of my favorite movies, said: "You're an interesting species. You humans are capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares."
No truer words have ever been spoken before.
@Zach777 The Bible is also flawed, and contains passages that contradict itself, in both old and new testaments. A little research on that fact would show you some pretty eye-opening contradictions.
The Bible is no holy book. It is a book written by human hands, by many different authors, all of whom and human and prone to fallibility and error. I myself believe in the existence of God, but I do not believe the idea that the Bible is the word of God. To me the Bible, while it has great stories, is foremost fiction written by people of the past to control the masses with a dogma.
I have Noahs Ark DS. I did have both Narnia ds games but didn't really understand the game play. Other wise I would have kept the Narnia ds games! 😁
Not to get biblical on you but one of the ten commandments is not to worship false idols. Praying to a statue in Zelda goes against the commandments. Yes I'm well aware there are other religions in the world but I believe in Christianity. Other people can believe in whatever religion they want to I'm not knocking anyone so don't try to knock me for the religion I believe in.
Happy Gaming! 😁
This comment section is great for figuring out who to place on ignore to save my braincells any future damage.
Not that it matters, the idea someone is trying to Kickstart ports of these awful games killed enough of my braincells already. Leave these games in the gutters of history.
Not even going to touch on the religious subject, what few braincells I've got left have taught me not to EVER talk about religion or politics, especially online.
@Ralizah has the right idea. Time to load up the Ark. This is a flood waiting to happen.
Sooooo, we wanna see the game or we don't? Sorry couldn't tell over the philosophical debate.... 😜
@Zach777 Sorry. I misread your comments on #48.
@ProjectCafe My father always says that humans are actually the worst thing that ever happened to this planet. Another set of true words...
So, I gather you're no believer either, and you kind of agree with me? Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. My main point was that right from the start, people started bashing or being negative towards other people's beliefs or convictions, and I just don't like that. Even if I don't agree, I still feel we all have a right to our own beliefs, just like how we all have our own opinions about things.
It's exactly this intolerance that is responsible for probably well over half of all the wars we have ever fought and any other conflicts that are now still going. It's about time we realized that we're all together on this giant mud ball floating in space, and that life is WAY too short to spend it hating or fighting each other over something that is either personal or from us all...
As for the whole big bang stuff: I personally have a lot of trouble wrapping my head around that as well, but also with other things such as "does the Universe have borders, and what's beyond them" and how even the Universe will once end and go back into nothing.
Not to mention Multiverses, quantum theories, dark matter, Higgs-Boson particles, space time, black holes and so forth...
A lot of stuff that could for all intents and purposes be just as mythical as any divine presence, since both are equally confusing to me in some ways.
But having said that, I have seen a Discovery Channel documentary, in which they performed an experiment in which particles could indeed appear and disappear out of nowhere. Mind you, this was on a molecular level, but it still shows that in some ways, a big bang could have been possible, under the right circumstances, so we can't completely ignore it as a viable option, no matter how crazy it might sound.
As Sir Arthur Conan Doyle once let his most famous character say:
"Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth."
The more elaborate, real-world version of this quote goes as follows, and is actually used by scientists and other academics:
"Within the set of known phenomena, once you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be true. If the entire set of known phenomena are eliminated as impossible, then the solution is simply unknown until a new phenomena that can serve as a solution is positively established."
We all need more God and Jesus in our games.
I think if we can get a talented developer to make a game of the Old Testament, it would be Awesome!
Indeed. No other animal has caused such pollution and negative effect of the planet.
I never bashed anyone for believing a man-made subject, I'm only stating my opinions upon said subject, that's all.
More than half the wars on the planet are also based upon some sort of connection to religion. Hence, one of the reasons why I'm bashing the subject itself. Not the people, which I see as victims, which is my opinion. Oh look, now I've gone and become politically correct so as to clarify everything and not hurt anyone's feelings.
I think they're just as confusing to you as they are to a lot of people. It's a big topic with big complications, probabilities, and so forth. It takes a lot of processing power to fully comprehend everything there is to think about the subject.
But who's to say we haven't found a third option, besides religion and science? Perhaps this undiscovered third door may be the true origin of everything. That's why I don't think we should go for either one and take it as fact, at least not yet. We don't know everything, so we can't jump to conclusions just yet. It's not time.
No, we don't.
@PAHTK I'm just gonna remove this comment of yours, it's not needed.
Count me in! I may be in the minority but I loved these games for what they were. If you don't that's fine just don't buy them but I will be looking forward to them.
JOSHUA was a pretty good action puzzler. I still have my Genesis cart of it.
@ProjectCafe Yeah, the fact that we can't jump to conclusions yet, is about the only conclusion we actually can come to, so agreed on that, but I'm still a bit milder concerning the rest of it.
It's man that has done these atrocious things in the name of whatever religion they adhere to, so I feel no need to bash a religion itself. Much like any other non-living object, it cannot be blamed for what men use it for. Much like how it's completely ignorant to blame ALL Muslims for what a couple of idiots are doing around the world.
Each nation has its idiots, but luckily, it's not all bad. People would be smart to understand that and act upon it, instead of condemning people with blinders on.
As for all those mind-blowing topics I mentioned: even though they are either hard or impossible for the average human to grasp, they're still highly interesting (well, at least in my humble opinion), so I'll keep watching those documentaries and reading those articles about them, and maybe I'll live to see something come out of some of those topics...
Gotta love the censorship
I posted 1 message, said the word could, quoted a line from the article, got no inflamitory responces nor caused an argument.
But yup, it gets removed around 12 hours after it was posted because Joey wants to throw his weight around.
Where were you the first 12 hours you were slacking off, eh? Because if that comment was so bad, that means you dropped the ball bigtime slacker.
@PAHTK "got no inflamitory responses", Well that's a lie, you were responded by 3 commenters, I'm not saying I side with them, but you did get responses that were provoked by what you had said.
Also the moderator's only come around to censor comments that were reported by someone clicking the report button. For example if someone made a comment that was considered unnecessary or vulgar, the only way now for a comment like that to be changed or censored is someone clicking the report button, which might explain why it took so long, since any Anonymous Joe can hit the report button no matter what time of day it is.
It's a flawed system, but it's best they can do since I'm sure their understaffed and the number of commenters signing up has really shot up over the past year or so.
@AlwaysGreener I never said I didn't get replies, I said no inflamitory responses.
2 were basically doing the bog standard responce of careful now and the other saying did I really have to say it?
None of those were inflamitory
And yeah I know fine well why it is understaffed as I was here when it happened. And quite frankly they deserve to get ******.
@PAHTK I understand that you're angry, but you shouldn't take something like this so personally. It's the moderators job to do things like this, even if the report system is flawed. It's like a cop giving someone a ticket for speeding, it's not a personal thing, it's just their job. I agree something like this is a bit unfair, but frankly fuming about it isn't going to solve anything. Thank you for responding to my comment and have a good day.
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