A alleged leak of the full Switch SDK includes hints that Nintendo is working towards a save data transfer option for the console, and that guest accounts are also on the way.
The leaked document - highlighted on NeoGAF - contains the following passage on save data:
In the future, we plan to provide a feature to transfer account save data among multiple consoles. As a result, there is the possibility that user accounts with uninitialized account save data will be added. Note that your design must work without issue, even in this case.
At the present moment in time, it is not possible to transfer saves between consoles. All save data is stored on the machine itself - even if you're playing on a physical game card - so if you lose or break your console, your progress is lost forever. Nintendo has previously dodged the question when asked about save transfers and cloud saves.
Another exciting feature is guest accounts, which would allow you to temporarily log into your Nintendo account on a friend's console and access your data.
We are considering a feature in the future (tentative name: Guest Login) to access existing network service account information without linking to a user account. This feature would allow temporary access to the network service account linked to the Nintendo Account by logging in to the Nintendo Account within the application. This feature would, for example, make it possible to upload a character you have raised as online data and then use that data on a friend's NX (without creating a user account).
We do not plan to provide this feature for the NX launch.
It's not known if the leaked document is legitimate or not at this time, but what do you make of these proposed features, assuming they're real?
[source neogaf.com]
Comments 41
Well they are talking about NX, so i think this is a very old document
The document seems to be the real deal from what i heard.
Wonder if Nintendo has a way to find out who leaked it.
I don't see why a lot of these features would be hard to implement so fingers crossed they're on the way soon(ish). Still find it so odd you couldn't at the very least back up saves to the SD card at launch.
More than just save 'transfers' please, N. I want to be able to copy saves to other profiles, and backup them up as I please - not some convoluted and limiting transfer system.
Please, Nintendo.
An update for us to allow Transfer Save Data...
Whether it's real or not, I'm pretty confident that a means of transferring save data will appear at least before the first (inevitable) hardware revision. They wouldn't be able to convince Switch owners to buy a slightly different version of the same machine if it also meant losing all their game progress.
Save transfer is not good enough if you need to get your broken or damaged switch replaced. Cloud saves is the new standard. Come on Ninty.
I would much prefer having my save data on my SD card as to having it in a cloud. The cloud is great, but you can never tell what may happen to servers you don't own. At the same time, I hope the security on that save data is very tight. I don't want to see hacked saves, but I think that is what all that stability is for.
In my opinion, don't trust anything until it is 100% trustworthy. Even if it's unannounced or leaked data. As things can change over time and ideas may be taken back or removed as seen as previous things, most particularly for the Wii U.
Still nothing on the browser though? I mean, you can basically use it already with a few simple steps, but it would be way more convenient if you could just open it in the menu...
Nintendo, you're 10 to 15 years behind Microsoft and Sony on this. Just get it done.
Even if the doc is real, all it says is that they were considering the features at some unspecified point in the future.
Why is the data not saving on the gamecard like on the 3DS, n64 or snes
Seeing that this mentions the Switch as NX and bundled by the fact that SuperMetalDave64 has done further research on this proves that this is outdated info. The SDK is an old version released at around June 2016 about exactly a year ago.
I smell a Switch mini or redo coming down the line with this feature. Which I'd be happy about
the transfer feature is no surprise as they've added that to 3DS and Wii U after launch as well.
We got Star Fox 2 on the SNES mini, a new Metroid game on 3DS and Metroid Prime 4 announced. That's it folks I'm afraid for 2017, we've used our 3 wishes. Expect this next year, if at all 😀
It may be off topic completely but I just want them to add the WWE Network App more than anything lol. That way I can finish off my Xbox One games and sell it.
NX > Project Scorpio
My screenshots were saved to the cloud. I'm onto my second switch and they all just appeared in my gallery after linking my nintendo account.
Definitely needed for me.
for ffffffffffffff sake either save to cloud back up or on cart. Crazy 21st Century cant move saves if something happens to console.
Or wait oh yeah you could use the fffffffffffffffffffff SD card. Not rocket science is it.
This shouldn't even be an issue nowadays. I hope the reason we haven't heard more about paid online is because they are still ironing out elements of the service. This could be one of those elements?
Both of these would be great--necessary--additions.
Can't wait to hear more about the NX! Nintendo have gone suspiciously quiet on it recently. I was beginning to worry something had happened to it.
Let me share my library of digital games with another Switch in my house and I'll buy a second one without question.
It's really sad that we have to beg Nintendo to allow us to backup or transfer saved game data. They should be doing this already.
@Maxz I hate to break it to you, but.... The NX has been canceled. It's being replaced by some kind of switching device. This is a sad day, I know. 😭
Should you really be discussing information from confidential documents like this?
@PlywoodStick I heard rumours people were saying we were getting a 'switch' or something instead of an NX, but I think people are getting confused.
Obviously the NX is going to have a switch, otherwise how would you turn it off and on!? But the switch has to be attached to something, obviously. You can have 'just a switch'. That's stupid.
I'm still holding out for more NX news, no matter what rumours people believe.
@Maxz They should just show us what the damned NX is already!
Transferring save data isn't a bad first step. If the Switch has cloud saving implemented, I'll be a happy camper.
I guess you could say that I'll be on cloud nine.
Nintendo click bait Life
If this is true I'm glad Nintendo is learning and modernizing. It's frustrating how slow they are to do so, bjt I'm glad they're getting with the times
This should be real. The fact that is a rumor speaks bad of Nintendo.
Think they'll add transfers for sure... FOR SURE (how else will they convince people to upgrade). And cloud saves are pretty much in the bag given Reggie's "wouldn't that be nice" response (he's not gonna prop up a feature they have no intention of offering, that would just magnify its absence).
When is the question.
An alleged leak
Didn't trade English?
Nintendo NX One X confirmed!
@Shellcore I think you may be correct on this subject, It actually makes sense that this feature is being added as a paid service similar to what you may have on PS+/Xbox live, However moving Save file / Profile from Console to Console should be added, I think this was easily done for the 3DS using the transfer feature.
I want - and yes, I'm aware of the rudeness of using the verb - these features to become real before 2018. Please, Nintendo, please.
I love the Switch but Nintendo has a lot of improvement but make if they really want 3rd party support.
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