Capcom has issued a response to the GameSpot article in question, with the outlet also updating its original article. Either there was a mis-communication to GameSpot, a mis-understanding of a quote (which can also easily happen), or Capcom is looking to simply assuage concerns at this time.
Original Article:
Unless Capcom is planning a surprise Monster Hunter: World version for Switch, or even an alternative 'main' entry for the hybrid portable console, it seems the company could be stepping back from the IP's focus on Nintendo hardware.
Not only is the high-profile and undoubtedly Western-centric World coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One globally, but Capcom has stated it has no plans to localise the upcoming Switch version of Monster Hunter XX outside of Japan. This is according to GameSpot, and is quite a notable blow. We'll share an editorial on this after E3 is finished, but if there isn't a full series entry for Switch it would arguably be a surprise. The Monster Hunter series has enjoyed lucrative success on the 3DS in Japan, and enjoyed a sales breakthrough in the West with Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate.
While Monster Hunter: World looks highly promising and could be a huge success in the West, in Japan the IP has typically performed far better on portable hardware, from the PSP through to the 3DS. That's why so many have expected the series to continue on Switch, with the portable aspect at the forefront of marketing in Japan. Monster Hunter XX is on the way in the country, of course, but the key question is whether a new title will follow.
Overall, this is disappointing news for Switch owners in the West that enjoy the Monster Hunter series. It'll be possible to play the Japanese version of Monster Hunter XX region-free, but that will be far from ideal.
Let us know what you think of this in the comments.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 228
No XX and no world Capcom really is dropping the ball here for the west.
They only said they have nothing to announce currently...that isn't the same as no plans at all.
This comment section will be fun and sad at the same time.
I don't think I'm hugely interested in Worlds... and I can't imagine it being more popular than the main series. The games have stayed the way they are for so long because they're popular. They also of course make lots of money.
They'll make more 'traditional' MH games. I just hope they're on Switch.
The fact of the matter is things are still looking tight in Japan. The PS4 has done worse than the Wii U and the Switch is selling.
Traditional monster hunter games will likely come out on the system in Japan-- and Capcom may not see the value in localizing them.
WTF!? Doesn't say enough
This is really annoying as so far Capcom is kind of disappointing me with the support for the switch.
Capcom need taking down a dark alleyway.
First the USFII rip off, then the ugly, ugly Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, now this? What the hell are they doing?
It's the perfect fit for Switch.
Hopefully people will buy the Japanese version in droves and send some sort of message to Crapcom
Eh I'm betting Nintendo will swoop in and publish it especially since the translation is already done via 3ds edition. In fact that maybe exactly what capcom wants.
@Equinox Considering how much they've confirmed is still in (all 14 weapons, adding mechanics to them that seem reminiscent of styles/arts rather than changing or dumbing them down-- GS can charge in the air, HBG has machine gun fire tied to a meter---, numbered zones still exist and there's just short tunnels cutting them off, health/stamina/sharpness management are all sticking around), it's actually sounding pretty good.
Looks like Switch owners have been Double-Crossed, but not in the way we were hoping. Goodbye Monster Hunter. We had some fun times, didn't we.
Oh Capcom...
And that's why we have region-free!
Why does Capcom always ruin everything eventually?
XX underperformed because people waited for switch monhun....
The other platforms get this:
And Capcom's not even going to release the ported 3DS game for Switch in the west.
When will all the bull peeing on Nintendo fans end?
And I have no plans to support them until they do Nintendo right. Goodbye Capcom!!
Either Nintendo is telling Capcom to keep quiet, or it's final...if it is final...SOMEONE PLEASE MAKE A TRANSLATION MOD! T.T
The game is practically already translated,
This calls for a Twitter movement. #MHXXForTheWest is already starting to show up in their World feeds... I suggest anyone who wants this game on Switch in the west... speak up now
Make an ez translation of a game from a popular franchise on the hottest console currently? Nah.
@ottospooky CRAPCOM sounds about right to me ., LoL Seems to me Crapcom has been crapping on Nintendo fans for quite some time now especially the fans outside of Japan .
The only reason why I bought a switch! Looks like I'll be selling it for a playstation!
fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff c***************************************ts
This is so dumb, angering the "small" but faithful Western base is not going to get them more players for MHWorld. I am pissed.
One less port.
There's no way this is permanent. I think it just means Capcom hasn't started taking steps to help localize it just yet.
IMO if people are annoyed at it not getting localised for the west, DO NOT buy it from the japanese store.
What kind of a signal does that send? , dont worry , we'll make do with a pain in the backside way of playing your games digitally, and bolster the japanese stores takings so you can gloat even more about the sales and be content in your decision not to release elsewhere.
Ive never played MH lol , but this is the caveat to region free, its like a backdoor for publishers to slack.
Sony bribed Capcom.
Sony was fear with Switch dominance.
Sony did anything even with this dirty tricks...
Just look at Monster Hunter World announcement.
Sony FORBADE Capcom to port the game for Nintendo.
Sony also Blocked the cross play features for Rocket League, fear to face with Switch owner.
Sony must Blamed because of this...
Capcom, Open Your Eyes ! (Princess Zelda accent)
Eh ?!
Could we share our petition directly to Capcom about Monster Hunter XX English version ?
Wow the salt is amazing in this comment thread .
There is a differenxe between "no plans" and "nothing to announce yet".
This mentioning of 2 million sales being a "disappointment" is just raising up memories of when square Enix called Tomb Raider's initial 3 Million sales a disappoint. All these big Japanese publishers seem to only be seeking mega multi-million blockbuster sales busters rather than keeping development costs under control and releasing quality products to loyal fans whilst slowly seeking out new ones.
If this turns out to be true then its a unfortunate sign as Monster Hunter has always been a big boost for the portable platform it was on.
As already said though, Nintendo could swoop in and attempt to localise it. They did so for Bravely Default and Bravely Second after Squeenix refused.
Crapcom strikes again!
Remember when it was Ubisoft everyone hated for not showing Nintendo more support? Memories...
@Ryu_Niiyama yep. I think the title will make it to the west.
@Utena-mobile @FX102A
First they said nothing to announce, then they clarified and said its not coming. No plans to localize.
I don't know of any "petition", but just hit up their twitter.
The series will surely continue on Switch... just not in the west which is a big problem.
I'm thrilled with the new game, but it absolutely sucks if it comes at the cost of anything localized on Switch.
screw you capcom i hope you go bankrupt.
Welp there goes any respect I had for Capcom, also I lost a lot of respect for Sony
@brendon987 Yeah I think this is taken out of context and is being blown out of proportion. But time will tell. I expect to hear a localization announcement in a few months.
I'm so glad I didn't buy the overpriced Street Fighter ll. Wouldn't buy it at 5$ now!
I mean no Mega Man, Disney, and now this?? Those titles would sell well and arguably outsell all other systems in sales.
Did Sony bribe Capcom again?
Capcom.... I just... I...
You know what? good riddance.
Capcom are always dumping on Nintendo fans. The 2 games they released on Wii U were 3DS ports(MH3U and Resident Evil: Revelations). The one game they have on Switch is a lazy port of an XBOX360 Live game with a rip-off price tag. We've not had a mainline Resident Evil since the Gamecube. We've not had a mainline Street Fighter on a Nintendo home console since the SNES.
the word in this gif (and link) counts as profanity...-Joey
Edit: hurray for hypersensitivity..
1 'held back, slowed down especially by preventing or hindering advancement or accomplishment'
2 'characterized by a slowness or limitation in intellectual understanding and awareness, emotional development, academic progress, etc.'
So if I said they went fully-impeded on this, then it would be acceptable?
Unless... if Capcom provides Multi Language Options.
Sadly, this looks like a game where a good English localization would be integral to play it. Maybe they'll be nice and include multiple language options but I don't see that happening unless they go the digital-only release route (a la "I Am Setsuna).
Then again, if you know Japanese, (I know a little) then more power to you!
Daww...silly ol' Crapcom.
Well this sucks.....
I have no plans of buying anything else from Capcom until they do then.
Hope rainway (pc streaming app reportedly coming to the switch)actually works, it'll probably be the only way to play a monster hunter on the switch in your prefered language for quite some time
Are they just out of their minds??????
capcom is taking the same path as konami.
Monster Hunter has been a massive success for Capcom (MH4, MH4U, and MHX/Generations have each sold well over 4 million copies each and kept the company alive from 2013-2016), so I don't understand why a MHXX localization is so hard.
Either Capcom hates money, or Nintendo themselves are handling publishing duties.
MHW better sell at least 3 million copies in the west for Capcom's obsession over western sales to pay off.
Time to grab the pitch forks.
I wonder if this is fallout of the whole Capcom 5 malarky.
They are becoming the Village Bicycle of publishers.
I was going to download it but screw that. I'm done with Crapcom. When World tanks maybe they'll wake the fudge up.
@FX102A more like village of idiots.
Words fail me. Capcom, you have earned the extra "r" in your name.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE USF4 on 3DS says hi. Broke a million sales, too.
@Anti-Matter Dude. the 4chan rumor's nonsense.
World's been in development since right after 4 finished up-- late 2013/early 2014.
The Switch isn't a platform likely because they simply didn't have a devkit for most of its development.
really? the article only says the have no plans. (-. - )
It's strange if Capcom won't push Monster Hunter on Switch. The system seems to be tailor made for Monster Hunter and Pokémon.
Crapcom.. really.. how much it could cost to translate game to english u greedy MF. no more Capcom games from me. and no proper MH for Switch.. don't wan't even comment on that. hope u bankrupt. fu
After how well the 3DS treated you? Shame on you Capcom.
And after they went so far to request a certain spec set for their games, they pull out almost ALL support. I own a PS4 so if I wanted MH World, I could buy it, but I don't think I want to any more, especially seeing how World is turning out to change everything about the series. I might just pick up Toukiden 2 instead.
I really just wanted MH XX. Now all of my friends are lamenting because they were buying Switches after the XX announcement and the series is jumping ship. I doubt that the Switch couldn't run Worlds. There is something weird at play.
They're totally screwing us over if they don't bring Monster Hunter to the West.
@CrazedCavalier Not on a Nintendo "home" console.
This is almost as disappointing as no Disney Afternoon Collection. Crapcom is really dropping the ball lately.
A little disappointing, but I've already resigned myself to the idea that as long as Crapcom continue to give us Ace Attorney, I can live with whatever stupid decisions they make.
So what was the point of them advising Nintendo to add more RAM to the Switch while in development exactly? So far they've done nothing but s*€× on the fans that have backed them with thus franchise for 6 plus years
It's unfortunate that World won't come to Switch, but think of it another way, they might not announce Switch support because they are trying to sell XX right now in Japan. Well, one can hope, right?
I hope XX will get localized soon. And another hope that they have another plan for Switch MH entry. Man... all these news were such a blow to Nintendo fans. It seems Nintendo will carry Switch by themselves again.
I have zero interest in PS4 or XBONE so there are zero chance I'll play new MH game ever. If Crapcom don't want my money - I'm ok with it. I still have MH4U and more future games for Switch then I can aford anyway. so once again.. fu Crapcom and your greedy policy
I'm still importing though. In fact, I just preordered XX from Amazon Japan for something to play during the next 9 months during this excruciating wait for Monster Hunter Worlds, which looks like the best video game I've ever seen in my life. Gaijin Hunter promised tutorial videos for people who import, and it can't be that hard. Quests types are color coated, and for armor just hunt whatever monster whose set you want, then look for the set that's highlited as purchasable. Mash buttons through text. Items have icons during hunts too.
I think it's going to be a lot easier than anticipated. And I think it'll be good to learn how to play a MH game in Japanese because it'll pay dividends down the line when the next main installment on Switch doesn't get localized, and I can then safely import with experience.
They don't. If they had multiple language options then they would release here because the localization would already be done. Japanese Monster Hunter games have one language... Japanese. That's 100% confirmed; there is absolutely zero chance of multiple language options.
Okay, this is getting way beyond ridiculous, getting sick and tired of your BS Capcom.
No Switch (or Vita, as I mentioned earlier) in the currently announced MHW lineup may be odd, but a look at the original tweet here reveals "nothing to announce yet" inflated beyond the quote for a dramatic section. Capcom already has a game due on Switch in August (and Japan is reportedly pre-ordering it like there's no tomorrow), so the eulogies of the franchise's run on Nintendo hardware sound baffling. We won't know Capcom's logic for sure until it's commented on, but as far as western Nintendo fanbase is concerned, they ARE doing a Monster Hunter Stories localisation this year; perhaps it takes priority over an updated re-release of an updated re-release (redundant phrasing intended) of the recently localised Generations? Granted, we're still fans here, so I wouldn't expect this guess to do much but redirect the drama into the "3DS being Switch's ball and chain" course if it were true. :V
At least all these talks (and the now unlikelier possibility of XX NSW localisation happening soon) have tickled enough of my MH curiosity that I might actually get in the mood to invest some proper time into MH4U - it's been sitting among the "inherited" games on my 3DS for almost a year since I got it, but as with Freedom Unite on PSP earlier, I got distracted by other titles long before I even got far enough into the tutorials. But the aforementioned factors plus trying and liking Toukiden 2 demo the other day are turning my head towards this kind of games again.
@jeffri xx is selling really well in japan and theys houldnt be making excuses to not bring it over here to the west.
This is UTTERLY depressing us al lin the Cfgk24 gaming group - What shall we do now?
Garbage company, always was, always will be. If turning every IP it ever own into trash is what it does best then congrats, you had just lose the respect from a long time die hard fan.
There was a rumor on 4Chan way before this announcement was made . As stated in the post on 4Chan, Sony paid for MH5 and ask to exclude Switch. It mentions it didn't care for other platforms. Hence World coming to everything except Switch. It also says that due to the unexpected success of MHX, Capcom started looking for a new game for Switch aka Portable 5.
It says Capcom was going to rush MHXX on Switch and the main team was going to focus on Portable 5. So far 2 things about this has already being confirm. Capcom also said that World is basically 5 but prefer name World.
So can we expect Portable 5 to be on Switch? What are our chances? Will Nintendo fight back? I don't know how to post pictures in here but otherwise I would put the rumor.
@Dakt thing is I don't see MHW doing anywhere near 2m.
My 3ds has been a MH machine for a long time. Thinking I was going to get to play it on the better machine was something I was really looking forward too. Gutted MHW isn't coming but not getting XX is worse in a way because that really does feel like a brush off considering most of the translations are done from generations 😒
@WaveBoy >Glad to see they're abandoning the **generic japanese anime art style** with world's-
Yeaaaaah, get out.
This is UTTERLY depressing us al lin the Cfgk24 gaming group - What shall we do now?
1 import Monster Hunter XX- Gaijin Hunter will be making tutorials to get through the Japanese menus, and most of the game is decipherable via colored icons or icons or common sense. Plus it'll prepare us in case future games aren't localized, will be much easier after getting some experience. Won't be a walk in the park to learn how to play, but it's not undoable and the payoff is an HD Monster Hunter on Switch. #WorthIt
2 Get hyped for Monster Hunter Worlds. Despite not coming to Nintendo systems, this is the best looking video game I've ever seen and I'm willing to bet anyone else who's a Monster Hunter fan will agree 100%. If you don't own another system now is a good time to get one. Even if it's just for this game- this is the video game to end all video games... I will be taking two weeks vacation off of work when this releases. It frustrates and angers me to no end that it went multiplat and skipped Nintendo, however, I am a fan of games first and foremost, and the game looks absolutely insane. Board the hype train. Monster Hunter Worlds looks ridiculously awesome
Absolutely. The rumor has proven itself legit on multiple counts.
Apparently the MH4 team is working on Worlds, and the Generations team is working on a new portable entry for Switch.
I believe they asked for more RAM because the new Switch portable MH game is going to be built ground up for the system, and while it won't look nearly as good as Worlds, it will be somewhat close, or at least a middle ground between Worlds and status quo.
So ya, of course they are working on a new portable entry for Switch (they are not going to throw away the 5 million sales they get every time they release a portable entry). It's just depressing because that's a ways off yet, and they're not even giving us XX in the meantime, despite most of the game already being translated.
@Jessica286 The rumor is confirmed nonsense.
World started development right after vanilla 4 was completed (late 2013), and seeing Sony's recent behavior over cross-platform play there's no way they'd have let an Xbox One version be made.
The rumor also said the gameplay would be greatly dumbed down and westernized-- which is confirmed 90% untrue (a few minor tweaks that are YMMV items, but every weapon is returning with expanded options on top of their base movesets).
That said, the series will likely continue on the Switch in Japan.
@JaxonH Uhh...
I simply can't believe the "Sony paid Capcom to keep MHW off the Switch" being true in any way, it's just too unrealistic to be true imo.
A more likely theory is the engine they're using, possibly the Resi 7 engine, which isn't available on the Switch yet. But Capcom have said that they are working on getting the Resi 7 engine working on Switch, though it still doesn't make it any less BS.
But if by chance, however slim it maybe, that the bribe is true, that's just f****d up, and you both can go to hell Sony & Capcom.
This is capcom giving Nintendo fans the finger. I will never buy another capcom game at full price ever again if this is the case. I do not support developers who pull this stuff. I had half a mind to sell my PS4 after the crap Sony said about rocket league not being cross platform. Wake up, you already allow cross platform with other games. Why not this one? Because it's Nintendo.
@JaxonH Did your opinion of World really change that dramatically? You were roasting it pretty hard the other day.
That sets my mind at ease a little, since you would have a lot better idea of what makes a good Monster Hunter game than I would, considering how little of the games I've played compared to you. I'll still be really bummed if no MH game comes to the Switch in the West, but at least I'll have some form of Monster Hunter to become addicted to again if World turns out to be good.
Sony probably money hatted this and refused them to make a Switch version
@locky-mavo Confirmed MT Framework. What the series has been running on since 3U and which they ported to the Switch for Super SFII and XX.
The game started development long before the Switch was a thing (right after 4 was finished)-- likely reason why it isn't coming out on it.
@CrazedCavalier What kind of nonsense is this? The PS4 overtook Wii U sales in Japan a long time ago, and even in competition with the Switch, is pulling numbers the Wii U only saw in moments of glory like Splatoon being a new game.
@locky-mavo The game has been in development for over four years. I think that back in 2013, they didn't even know about the Switch. Could be very well that the game just simple doesn't run on the Switch (like practically any other AAA third party game). Doubt it's the RE7 engine though, I most likely a completely new engine.
But yeah, I don't buy the rumour either that Sony bought them out. We know the PS4 version has some exclusive content, so I think that's where that rumour came from. Capcom has openly talked about expanding MH in the west, and they said handhelds were preventing them from doing so.
First MvC:I having a uber-cut down roster, then this.
Damn, Capcom dropped the ball hard this month.
@greengecko007 Looking at things, it only overtook the Wii U in summer 2016. The install base still isn't really there-- the Switch has portability on its side, and local multiplayer is a massive part of the franchise's identity in Japan.
Wow so many tears. I tried to play mh4 on 3ds and my conclusion is that its a terrible game. I traded it in pretty quick and it has the honour of being one of 2 games i have ever traded in.
I just dont get monster. Why is it fun to kill the same monter a million times to make a swird with 1 more strength than the one you have?
This is a big blow for the Switch. Lack of a Western Monster Hunter release for it is going to make me more hesitant to get a Switch.
I'm probably still going to get Monster Hunter World and have lots of fun with it. However, XX looks great too and I would have loved to play that if and when I get a Switch. But there's no way I'm going to play XX in Japanese.
@faint wait what? Does MHXX on 3DS come with English installed?
If that's the case, I'll buy the 3DS version for my self and buy the Switch version for my wife. I'd rather buy a 2nd switch and two copies of MHXX Switch though...
@CrazedCavalier The PS4 after 2 and a half years on the market overtook Wii U, which had been on the market nearly 4 years. Your "fact" earlier, is factually wrong. Switch is doing good too, but you are crazy if you think the PS4 install base isn't in Japan.
Yeah it will. Fans will demand it countless and countless times till they bring it over. Its not an Edgeworth 2 scenario where that game was on a platform on its way out and the franchise from then on became digital only from then on.
@greengecko007 Final Fantasy XV didn't do so hot and Square specifically started working on DQXI 3DS after making headway on the PS4 versions.
Home consoles just aren't hot in Japan.
Info was wrong, but the point still stands.
I'm disappointed.
There was a rumor that Sony specifically paid Capcom to not release a Switch Version
@CrazedCavalier No, your point doesn't stand. You continue to just make things up as if they are true. FF15 sold over a million copies in Japan. That is a huge deal in Japan, and a high attatch rate among Japanese PS4 owners.
@greengecko007 Every other main FF game since the PS2 days had better sales.
What is there to localize? I thought this was a port of a 3DS game ... which is already localized? I cannot imagine they would intentionally permantently withhold an already localized asset. It's not impossible, but it strikes me as counter-productive.
I'm not a MH player myself, but this still su*** for Nintendo. I would suggest adapting a wait-and-see approach here though.
@JaxonH We should ask Nintendo to publish XX in the West. They are doing that with Stories.
Since MHXX never came west to begin with, I'm not totally surprised. I got slightly bummed about the Worlds announcement, but then I realize that NO platform has had MH5 announced for it yet. I'm pretty sure that leaves Switch. I'm going to step off of the Capcom emotional roller-coaster for a little while and be patient until I hear more.
@CrazedCavalier no the rumor is true. Worlds looks westernize. Open World, health bar, etc.
Lots of people saying there's plenty of salt on this thread, but there is good reason for the salt.
Personally I'm not going to pile on Capcom. I will say that I am quite hurt and wounded by their recent actions, though. MH:World going to all consoles EXCEPT Switch is fine. That's their choice. But to take away MHXX Switch from us? Come on...that just sounds spiteful.
What makes it especially painful is how WiiU and 3DS users helped make Monster Hunter a thing in the West. It wasn't that popular where I'm from, until MH4U on the 3DS. I hunted with my own students from time to time. Heck, I even taught a few people about it. When people ask about this odd game called "Monster Hunter" I eagerly took the time to teach them.
I feel so attached to this series because it is primarily skill based, and that skill transfers to each new game.
I even bought a Switch in anticipation of a new Monster Hunter title! (Breath of the Wild and Mario Kart are fantastic consolation prizes, though! Really really beautiful games.)
So when they announced World, I felt a sharp pain in my heart. But I let it go. We're getting MHXX anyway.
And now this. Capcom specifically saying they "have no plans to localize it to the West." That's pretty strongly and succinctly worded. No extra explanation, no consoling of disappointed fans, just a cold corporate statement.
That really, really, really hurts me. And this is just a game! That's how powerful Monster Hunter is.
I'm really sad this is how things are turning out. Not hoping for anything now.
@CrazedCavalier You are comparing game sales of games that had years to sell to an install base that was the largest ever in Japan at the time, to a game that is less than a year old and still selling on a console that is also still growing. Sorry, that's just plain dumb.
@Dakt The info that's been provided indicates that Capcom wants World to be the future for MH, and as of right now XX will likely be the last handheld release.
World abandons the Japanese fanbase by being on console, and everything indicates that it's a traditional MH (contrary to the rumors), but it also means that it likely won't have the widespread appeal in the west that Capcom wants. So who's the audience other than existing western MH fans?
@greengecko007 It's common knowledge at this point that home consoles are largely dead in Japan. They care about portables.
@Jessica286 What?
Monsters don't have health bars and there's still numbered zones-- there's just obvious transition areas between them rather than loading screens. The core gameplay is staying the same as I've detailed in earlier comments. I'd suggest you do some research yourself before being invested in a half-baked 4chan rumor.
@greengecko007 Blockbuster game sales are highly frontloaded.
And that's also kinda the point: console install bases simply aren't as big in Japan as they used to be. The focus is on handelds and portability.
Yes I have. I'm 100% sold and not only that, I don't think I've ever been as excited for a video game in my entire life as I am now for Worlds
You have to understand, when they showed the initial reveal trailer (number one it wasn't a very good trailer), I was looking at it through the lens of the rumors of it being open world and westernized. And what they showed seemed so different and so foreign to what I've been accustomed to. It seemed like a "AAA" attempt but that didn't look quite as polished as other actual AAA games, and as a result it kind of came off as this B grade effort. There were no Palicos, no jingle when cooking steak, and I saw none of the mechanics you'd expect to see in a MH game. Add to that the impression of being open world and it just seemed like a westernized, casualized cash in that borked all the mechanics that made the game great, and had no heart and soul or quirk or charm.
However, I re-watched the trailer several times in an attempt to glean any possible information I could, and I started to pick up on a whole lot of things I missed before. A tranqued monster, a flashbomb, a hunter breaking a monster part... and news started breaking that the core MH4 team developed it, and that it's a real MH game and not dumbed down, and not open world (thank goodness)- it has traditional maps like always, it's just that the segments and loading screens are gone and it's all seemless.
Then it was explained what some of those "foreign" mechanics were. The fire thrown from the hunter's hand was actually a new item, the fire bomb. The grapple hook and camo suit are items with cool down timers and cannot be abused. It was said health bars and potions are included, stamina and weapon sharpness bar included, crafting system included, they explained the monster chewing and shaking the hunter in its mouth like a T Rex is actually the new "pinned" animation (used to be the monster pinned you to the ground for about 10 seconds). Suddenly everything started to make sense and become clear...
This game is legit.
Then I saw more gameplay that actually showed good footage and it was overwhelmingly evident that this is the Monster Hunter of my dreams! None of my fears were warranted- they have not casualized the game, and they have seriously made one of the most awesome looking video games I have ever laid my eyes on. I'll be taking a full two weeks of vacation off of work when this game releases, I kid you not. This is the video game of all video games.
This is a major blow for Nintendo and their fans. I know most of the fanbase would have preferred a game like this on the Switch, even if it didn't look quite as good. It's just typical that when they finally make the dream game... we don't get it. However. They are most certainly continuing the series on Switch for their Japanese fanbase, and I have a feeling they're going to make a game like this for the Switch for their next portable entry, built ground up and exclusive. If the rumor is to be believed (and it's been right on pretty much every count so far) the Generations team will continue the Portable series on Switch while the MH4 team continues this new generation on console. It just sucks because any new Switch game is a ways away, and there are legitimate concerns that they may decide not to localize the portable games going forward if they have this in the west.
That said, I have accepted playing MH Switch games in Japanese. I didn't want to resort to that but I settled it in my mind today- that's just what I'm going to have to do. I just need to buck up and deal with it and learn to play the game in Japanese. It'll require a little work and commitment but I think learning to play XX will pay off down the line if the next one doesn't get localized. Will be exponentially easier in the future having done it before.
In the meantime though, this game is the most exciting thing I have ever laid eyes on, and I'm so glad my initial impression was off-base. This is it. This is legitimately a game worth buying a console for.
I think everyone's jumping the gun a bit here. Capcom have clarified to Gamespot that "they have nothing to announce at this time". Which to me sounds like they want to announce it at a time when the spotlight isn't quite so First Party focused (Mario Oddesey etc) and they wouldn't want to detract attention from their newly announced Monster Hunter Worlds. It's bound to come to the west, they're just waiting for the right time to announce it, ie a future direct.
I wouldn't be surprised if Monster Hunter is going to be multiplat from now on. Yes, that includes Nintendo platforms.
Capcom made the Switch successful by requesting for Nintendo to beef up their hardware's RAM and brought their Street Fighter II game to the table...and yet, with Disney Afternoon Collection and Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 nowhere to be seen for the system, this proves how absurdly backstabby the company has become. I'm no Monster Hunter fan, but hearing this, Capcom has officially crossed the line.
Capcom can't be this ignorant in the fact that many mouths out there are saying that they want those games on the Switch, in which they have a point. The Disney games featured in the collection came from the Nintendo Entertainment System (heck, the collection's box arts even sport the same look and size from the NES!) and despite Mega Man 8 only existing on the PSX, the rest of the others have appeared on Nintendo systems in Mega Man Legacy Collection 2! And as for Monster Hunter, that sold the most on Nintendo systems (particularly on the 3DS), so why they decided to back out on the opportunity to rake in more dough is beyond me. Okay yes, Street Fighter II is a good game and I enjoyed it, but the company is well known for many more IPs besides just that!
Seriously, what in the world happened at their headquarters? Did Capcom at one point wanted to give a hand on making the Switch sell and yet for a sudden, they snuck out of it just to backstab their customers and fan base?
@IceClimbers The dominance of handheld devices hardly makes home consoles "dead". Recent trends show home consoles having a much more difficult time to be sure, but trends can and do change. I'm not going to make the claim that home consoles will ever be successful as the outrageously popular PS2, but saying home consoles are dead just because the PS4 isn't pulling PS2 numbers, Microsoft didn't try to capture the Japanese audience at all, and the Wii U was a dud everywhere including Japan, is absurd.
@CrazedCavalier Sure, but sales still carry on, even if in smaller amounts. Case in point how incredibly well Mario Kart 8 did on the Wii U. It's sold over 8 million copies to date, but in Summer 2015 (around a year after the initial release) it was around 5 million. No reason to believe that FF15 sales will not continue to be good.
@StephenYap3 don't you mean...double crossed the line?
Can't wait for people to defend Capcom's stupidity.
@JaxonH It does sound very interesting. I'll definitely keep an eye on it. Kind of a bummer if the Switch is gonna be getting the less ambitious games, but oh well.
See told ya. Calm down y'all.
@Dakt I don't think you should compare Devil May Cry, Resident Evil etc. with Monster Hunter. Monster Hunter still sells incredibly well in Japan. There is no reason for them to abandon the market yet. They have released several spinoffs of the mainline Monster Hunter series so I think it is safe to say that Worlds is just another spinoff.
@greengecko007 It isn't absurd in the slightest.
There's a reason the Switch is part portable. There's a reason the PS4 is focused on the west. There's a reason Japanese developers are making a greater effort to promote and sell their games in the west.
Japan does not care about home consoles anymore. That's reality.
@roboshort They confirmed World is not a spinoff. It's MH5 in all but name.
Capcom has now clarified on Twitter that they have no plans to localize "at this time":
It's like they're saying "no, we don't like money".
Ah! Aha! The dream is alive!
They didn't say they have no plans, they said they have NO ANNOUNCEMENT of any plans. And they further clarified to say AT THIS TIME.
Now let's be honest here. I seriously doubt they would go out of their way to clarify that statement if they weren't at least considering it.
Keep hitting that Twitter with the #MHXXForTheWest hashtag y'all. This can still happen. But we need to convince them with all our might that there is overwhelming demand for this game in the west. If you want it, let's make it happen. The link is below, you know what to do
What did we expect? Capcom never even considers, to put it one way, localizing a Monster Hunter until it actually releases in Japan. And while, yes the 3DS version is released, chances are they're holding off 'till both games are out so that they can release simultaneously in the west, like 3 Ultimate.
We get games in the same order as Japan, and we haven't received Stories yet, which came out before XX.
@andisart actually the statement is they "have not announced any plans to localize MHXX at this time."
So it's possible they have already begun just haven't announced it. Either way, this seem like typical Gamespot reporting and I'm actually surprised I believed it.
@JaxonH Ah beat me to it lol. Yes I have hope as well.
Yesterday Nintendo broke the internet. Today Capcom broke the internet. Even with this update they are better off saying something sooner rather then later. The longer this drags out the worse they look.
@Ryu_Niiyama nope we bully companies until we get what we want!!!
Wow just wow, I would never have imagined that Capcom would screw up so badly. First this bastardization that may be MHW (on the fence until I see real gameplay but definitely not impressed at all) and no localizing of XX. Trying real hard to not jump to conclusions but after this much nonsense, I'm not sure I can imagine worse.
Gut feeling says this is the beginning of the end for Capcom. Obviously a very knee jerk reaction, but from this switch snubbing, SFV, MvC infinite, and more all I can say is what the crap are you thinking Capcom?!?!
@EllenJMiller remember, they're strongly committed to switch. Or at least pending usfii sales. Which are pretty good actually. So..... this is what that commitment looks like. One might even call it an unprecedented partnership!
More pathetically, EA is actually besting Capcom in Switch
@JaxonH We should be adding Mega Man and Disney to that list. Absolutely no reason those aren't coming as well.
@Lord Or just play it on a computer. Steam at this point pretty much accepts and controller. Even better if you own a laptop.
@WaveBoy Don't have on and don't plan on getting one. One current gen system is all I need. Those 2 games should be no brainers on the Switch and yet this is Capcom were talking about.
@andisart VERY interesting and pointed update by them. My thinking if the gaf rumors of the internal cluster fudge this is at capcom, after the backlash from existing fans after World, plus the success of switch, theyre doing what sony did after ms blew the xbone debut: "all engines, full reverse!!" And are rapidly deciding on possibly localizing!
Nice find! REAL MH may yet live!
@IceClimbers You seem to have a problem seeing things as more than simply black or white. The Switch is a Hybrid. By your own logic, there must also be a reason it functions as a home console too. The PS4 having a strong focus on the Western market does not mean that it is not also focusing on the Japanese market and getting attention from that market. There is no denying the success of the PS4 in Japan. Home consoles are not "dead", especially not in an era where we are getting back to having an increase in home console games from Japanese developers.
Journalistic integrity right there guys. Journalistic integrity.
This drama about Capcom BS somewhat like this situation :
BUT AT LEAST THE SWITCH ISN'T REGION LOCKED RIGHT??!?!? Joking aside, this is some bad news for Nintendo and its fans.
It's capcom this makes sense, what a bunch of morons!😦
Did Capcom not learn their lesson when they tried to make Resident Evil cater to the mainstream masses, and how long it took for actual fans to trust the franchise many years later. MH Worlds will sell a gajillion copies, no doubt, but core MH fans will get a stripped down experience so it can cater to NON monster hunter fans.
I was actually glad that Worlds wasn't coming to Switch, but no MH XX localization is a decision I can't comprehend. So for the West, our only option is this dudebro openworld monsters of duty edition version of the franchise?
They just want to show them whose boss. They have done this before. But saddle in. It could be a long wait. Why they have to be all dumb about it is beyond me.
Are you freakin kidding me ?
At this point, you really have to question the mental health of Capcoms higher ups. Im not even joking, pretty much all of their business decisions lately have been borderline corporate suicide.
-Complete lack of foresight on market developments
-Continued to outsource software with very clear diminishing returns.
-Complete lack of knowledge of IP popularity on a global scale with next to no general market understanding.
-Late adaptation (and continued use) of clearly failed marketing / sales strategies.
-Lack of QA / polish
-Incompetent IP / License contract management.
-Complete lack of understanding their own core demographic.
I had hoped for them to do "a Sega", doing a 180° and recovering from an all time low. But all things considered, they seem to be eager in digging their own grave deeper and deeper. Pretty much like Konami did as well...
E3 Day One: Great showing from Nintendo. Fans are happy.
E3 Day Two: Capcom sucks.
hey Nintendolife! shouldn't you write UPDATE: when you change your title headline?
@N8tiveT3ch Seeing as Capcom hasn't changed their stance (they originally said they had no plans currently but folks took that as "No Monster Hunter for Western Switch" instead of what it really is; a placeholder statement because they aren't allowed to talk about it right now) I don't know if you guys bullied anybody or just ran up your blood pressure. There was some serious crusading going on in here earlier.
If they do localize it I will play it. If not ok. I didn't get generations on 3ds so I do still kind of want to play it but world is coming. So no matter what I will be playing monster hunter on something next year.
@Ryu_Niiyama yeah there was.
I bought 4 versions of 3U and 4U. I have 2 Switches and plenty of 3DSs with the full intent of doing the same with XX, thrilled with the news of crossplay. For us Monster Hunter is a family affair and we love playing together, but how are we supposed to do that now? On PS4?
I have a ps4 but I would much rather the xx game. World looks terrible gameplay wise.
Just Make it Simple....
I will buy 3 copies of MH and 3 set of 3DS/Switch (or even PSV) to Play Monster Hunter in my Living Room...with my wife and little brother
And I will never buy 3 PS4 and play that game with PSN+ via Voice Chat in everyone Own Room.
Capcom just lost me....it is simple , it even not need to talking about something like betrayal
@JaxonH Making the most of your E3 I see. Came in here expecting to see you all insane - like you get in the forums - instead I find you like this.
Maybe Capcom does not want to bring this to the West unless Nintendo helps out with marketing and publishing. Square Enix did the same thing with Dragon Quest VII. They refused to bring the title to the west until Nintendo agreed to market and publish the game in the west.
My point is this, don't give up hope. Capcom could be trying to get Nintendo to take on the bulk of the marketing and publishing duties.
Look at Dragon Quest VII. It took years, and Square Enix kept saying time and time again that they had no plans to bring it out in the west, but we finally got it!
That's sucks, I started playing Monster when it came out on Wii. And I like playing 4 and Generations on 3DS. I thought it would be a no Brainer to release XX here in the west. Oh well, but I am looking forward to MH World for PS4 and Xbox One.
Pretty much.
Read post #112. I think it summarizes (if you can call it a summary??) how my emotional journey has gone from hype to utter destruction of said hype, to orbital-grade excitement...all in the span of 48 hrs
Capcom doesn't want our money apparently. Maybe they will next year.
What IS crazy to think about, is how long development takes. 'World clearly had no warning the Switch was coming. But, localizing XX would've thrown us a decent bone. And a well deserved one at that. I dont blame them for wanting a bigger piece of the western market, but don't spit on the core fan base without even the curtisy of calling it rain.
I was ok with MHW being a thing, was even going to try it out. But saying we have no plans stinks to me. I'm not even going to bother importing XX Switch Ver, just canceled my order. I'll still try MHW, but i'm not going to import and give money to Capcom on the switch till MHXX comes to it.
I can't believe they have not continued the Mega Man/Mega Man X games, forget Monster Hunter. I lost faith in these guys a long time ago.
@audiobrainiac you speak with the eloquence of a poet. I applaud you for summing up this whole issue in such a small space.
I bought the Switch mainly in anticipation of two things: MonHun and Pokemon. The writing was on the wall, and the MHXXSwitch just confirmed it.
...and now this?
Even if Capcom does eventually deliver MHXX to the Western market, the way they're bungling up this whole thing will leave a lasting impression.
When I heard the original story, I just assumed they didn't want to say anything now so as let MHW get max hype
@YorkshireNed MHW is also getting a lot of salt along with the hype because they have kept silent regarding MHXXS.
Part of me is hoping that we get a surprise announcement in early 2018 from Capcom with their usual fanfare.
Complete with sparks and bright lights and shaking effects for each word.
@YorkshireNed Thank you. This is normal localization doublespeak. Nothing to be alarmed over. If Capcom had said that XX would show up Fall 2018 then people would be having meltdowns about Japan getting it first and how long it would take. They just want to wait until they get closer to the launch window.
@WaveBoy Those times are over man. Capcom had already proven that they rather be a trash company and therefore I will continue to treat them like trash until they change their ways. I don't care what good they done in the past or what they gems they had given to me back then, if they continue to make stupid decision right now I will be here to call them out on it. Sorry man I had defend them all I can in the past few generations even during the Mega Man debacle and yet they still had not proven that they learn anything. Until they can prove to me that they aren't scumbags, that's when they will receive my honorable respect but for now every respect I had for them had already being step on and they had continue to step on it.
@SomeWriter13 u are too kind, and we are in agreement
Let us be Switch friends:
...and anyone else who might want to here. Nintendo Life community is my fav.
Either Sony paid them just enough to keep quiet until E3 is over, or they broke the bank to ban any new monster hunter game from releasing on a nintendo platform at all.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE And that is why they are now a garbage company cause now all they can give to their fans are garbage overdue titles for ripoff prices just like they once treat their fans like idiotic zombies when they purposely charge them for contents that's already on the disc.
I was thinking you guys might want to read this. It's related to that new Monster Hunter game being released on PS4 and why it's not coming to switch. Make sure to read it all. It's not as bad as you may think.
Wrong, go check out media create sales. PS4 is nearing 5 million and Wii u is stuck at 3.3 million.
What you talking about, no idea eh. How has Sony bribed capcom, it's also coming to xbox
All this crying and slaging capcom, when they finally announce a western version for switch you will all have your heads up capcom backside. Having read many comments, many of you ain't bothered about playing XX, more bothered about switch sales, well I for one prefer to play games than watch numbers, if that's what you prefer then go buy a calculator,
Capcom seems to continually shoot itself in the foot these days, they really do make some odd decisions.
It's not even out in Japan. As frustrating as it is, Capcom seems to want to stagger the announcemebts so they can get a full year out of their games, and Generations came out in July. Once they see how XX sells in Japan, we might here more about localization plans in September or so, maybe after/during TGS. Obviously with Monster Hunter: World, they want to try to fix the staggered release schedule by having a simultaneous world-wide release, but it seems we're still stuck dealing with the aftermath until that one comes out.
@Reverandjames I'm pretty sure with the budget Monster Hunter: World has, it bombing in the west would be no more Monster Hunter in the west for a good long time...there's no need to be petty just because we have to wait...
@MilitiaMan That puts a lot of stuff into context, not only because of the idea that Sony made a push for it (though with an Xbone and PC version also confirmed, either Sony is forgetting why they reach out to other developers in the first place, or they struck out, but not before Capcom started working on the games). Also, I think it is important to remember that A) this is Capcom. They have never really stayed exclusive to any particular platform, and they have far too many fans spread out on all platformers to change that at the drop of a hat - but also that modern HD, open-world games are still expensive to make. I highly doubt we'll stop seeing handheld Monster Hunter games, though I really hope Capcom gets better about localizing their games...in general. Seriously...
@Reverandjames It's not just Capcom you're being petty about, though. If you're really done with Capcom, then the worst thing you can do to them is ignore them and move on.
All you (and a few others, possibly...did 100+ posts appear before I was done typing???) are saying is that you don't want us to play Monster Hunter anymore. Thems be fightin' words, pal...
Give it a few. I'm sure it will be here before Worlds is finished. Capcom is just playing hype games. Monster Hunter World plays entirely different with drop in/drop out multiplayer. I doubt it has that same MMORPG like feel.
Capcom's Switch support is seriously unimpressive so far. When you think back to the glory days of the NES and SNES, Capcom was one of Nintendo's best partners.
What have we had so far? A comically over priced port of an Xbox Live Arcade Street Fighter 2 update, a port of an old 3DS Monster Hunter game, and that's it. Why wasn't the Disney collection on the Switch? Or the Megaman collections? And where are the new, original AAA Capcom games for the Switch?
I just hope that the failure of the Wii U made third parties cautious, and now that the Switch is a hit there's a lot going on behind the scenes which we haven't seen yet. Same applies to Konami, although at least they gave us an overpriced mediocre Bomberman game.
@JaxonH Monster hunter Worlds = 30 fps. . . . :/
@MilitiaMan Interesting, and probably correct.
Ah the Internet... A big stew pot of click-bait and nerd rage.
@WaveBoy So far it looks to have the same art style, except it being more HD ofcourse. The face of the Hunter roasting a steak at around the 2:10 mark of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro6r15wzp2o reminds me a lot of this face option from a previous monster hunter, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/C2YOHBBeR8Y/maxresdefault.jpg and his whole model looks a lot like the standard Hunter armour male model. http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/4/4e/Hunter-Gunner.png/revision/latest?cb=20091206202241
Disappointing, but I have to admit I had no plans to purchase XX anyway thanks to Worlds. Hopefully Switch gets it own unique MH eventually rather than a 3DS port.
All this around monster hunter smell like shaddy exclusive deals....
Ya, but at least it'll be stable without drops. I know MH4U got down to around that on the OG 3DS.
@WaveBoy You do realize Xenoblade 2 is the same "generic anime style" you're speaking of right? Monster Hunter's style isn't that.
Think you need to wash the muck out of your eyes.
@JaxonH But we're talking XBOXX here lol.
We want this franchise to really flourish in the West, but now that Nintendo has a mega hot selling system on its hands we are not releasinbg it to you.
@Kokusho No profanity, thanks.
@CrazedCavalier no is not staying the same look for article; READ.
The 4Chan rumor has become true, the only part missing is the new portable MH game for Switch.
@Jessica286 Outside of the claim of being "more story driven", absolutely nothing new.
The 4chan rumor is nonsense.
Maps are still divided up into zones-- they're just larger than before with little loading areas between them rather than loading screens.
You're still dropped into a map at base camp when you start a quest (maps aren't interconnected). TL;DR It's not really open world; just seamless.
Weapons aren't being dumbed down in the slightest (4chan rumor claimed they would be).
They've only added features and mucked around with items.
You're ignoring everything I say. Read up on more than one Gamespot article.
Like this one, for instance: http://www.siliconera.com/2017/06/13/monster-hunter-world-introduces-big-changes-retains-plenty-monster-hunter-charm/
So, anyone who thinks Nintendo fans are overreacting, let me give you proof that we've been given a big middle-finger https://twitter.com/monsterhunter/status/875133770369646592
@JaxonH Look, not to rain on your parade, but there have been very questionable details about this confirmed, such as "Stable 30 FPS across ALL (yes also PC) platforms". Now for console players, no problem, but for PC players, ohh they're going to hate this.
Then there's no cross-platform play. Here's your link: http://www.playstationlifestyle.net/2017/06/14/new-monster-hunter-world-gameplay-details-revealed/#As0EoPtkZuyIJJd7.99
@IceClimbers Hmm. That's unfortunate. I suppose there is still a chance it will come to the Switch since it doesn't release until sometime next year and it would likely sell much better on the Switch than the Xbox.
@CrazedCavalier the thing is almost every gaming website is saying the game is more westernize.
The 4Chan rumor had 4 important part (this rumor was post before all this happen):
1) Monster Hunter 5 for every console except Switch. Capcom recently said that World is 5 but they prefer the name World so they went with that. Rumor 1, you zero.
2) MH World would be revamp to cater to western audiences. Already happen which is what all trades and ppl that play the game are saying. Read more than just Siliconera.
Rumor 2; you 0.
3) Port of MHXX for Switch. Rumor 3; you 0.
4) MH portable 5 for Switch only.
Capcom said multiple times they are taking the console very serious. This suggest a MH game. There is no reason to not believe this rumor since everything in it has been confirm so far. So Portable 5 or whatever ends up being call is coming. I'll not reply anymore to this.
As a bonus: the rumor nail the name Cross-Cross before it being announce. Also Nintendo made the RAM up to what Capcom ask.
Here is the link of the rumor to anyone that wants to read it.
Will they still at least release Monster Hunter XX to the 3DS for the US?
My theory is that "World" is not Monster Hunter 5 and that Monster Hunter 5 is in development right now for the Switch. It does not make sense to take a very successful game and move it to other systems totally abandoning the system where your game found great success. The Switch is selling! The Japanese gamer has traditionally supported mobile gaming. I doubt that World will be as successful as it was on the series was on 3DS with Nintendo.
As for XX's translation, it'll happen. The other games always delayed slightly behind the Japanese release date. Nothing new, they just did themselves a disservice by not just coming out with the official announcement.
@crackafreeze The Switch was born to play Monster Hunter! If it doesn't happen the way I'm predicting, then it will be one of the biggest mistakes in gaming. I was prepared to finally track down a Switch when I heard that XX was coming to the Switch in Japan....now I'm tapping the breaks a little bit.
@JaxonH Do you mean post #128 to Kirby HOWEVER the really long one? You must block/ignore a lot of folk if it's #112 for you. Or maybe just Slig?
I read all your posts, that animated blue Pikmin is adorable BTW, still no Pikmin 4 though but it was worth a shot. Not all the posts, but you and a dozen or so other folks I know.
And that's what E3 is all about, going into orbit.
Pray tell, Capcom, that Sony money is sweet, isn't it?
No need For a link, I'm fully aware of no cross platform play. Ya it's a bummer. But theres only 2 consoles to play it on, pick one and run with it.
Hey, great to see you on board with WORLDS, for me this game won E3 followed by BG&E2 and Prime, also AC in Egypt looked awesome as with Xeno2
Monster Hunter Worlds, Metroid Prime 4, Ori & the Will of the Wisps, Metroid Samus Returns, Shadow of the Colossus, Skyrim VR, and Pokémon Switch. I'm surprisingly not that excited for BG&E2, not sure why. I thought I would be. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 and Fire Emblem Warriors are also high on my list of "totally hyped games" but we already knew about those. And, surprisingly, Mario Kingdom Battle looks awesome.
And against popular opinion, Zelda DLC, Horizon DLC, Uncharted DLC, and Spider-Man just aren't getting me hyped. I'm buying them all but, Idk, maybe it's because the other games' hype is drowning out the lesser announcements.
There are a few concerns I have still though. Consumption animations have been changed (can move while drinking a potion, for example, and cancel out of the animation as soon as health is replenished), gathering animations are no longer required (sounds nice, but that does affect strategy when gathering while fighting), and I'm beginning to think flinching from roars is canned, among other flinching...and the suspicious lack of direct combat is beginning to worry me. The machine gun seems way out of place (never thought Id see a machine gun in my MH games) Also seems like the game will encourage you to avoid combat in many ways..
But regardless, I jumped on the hype train and am all in. If I face crushing disappointment because they changed the core mechanics too much in an effort to appeal to the west... then so be it. But I'm all in. I just hope the game still focuses on meticulous, rewarding, skill based combat and the i-frames and weapon complexities and difficulty are all still 100% in tact.
This is just messed up... there's no reason why XX can't come to the west... if they're making worlds that's fine... it's on another console... 3ds and switch fans deserve this game.
@JaxonH You're forgetting PC. Plenty of people on PC would've been hyped to play this... Until they brought that "Stable 30 FPS across ALL platforms" (many PC gamers HATE 30 FPS locked games). I own a gaming PC, and having to play that in 30 FPS with what is most likely a lock? And all that change you mentioned in your bottom post? Maybe if it becomes a bargain bin deal.
Yes it looks good, but all that drowns out in the face of Nintendo users who get shafted, and all the people that play it portable for various different reasons. It's not like we have an alternative either, Nintendo's systems miss an entire generation of Monster Hunter unless Capcom gets their act together. (Hah, I'd rather believe that jumping jacks start marching across the land in force) I honestly applaud more people getting to play MH like this, but it shouldn't come at the cost of leaving two systems (3DS and Switch) out in the cold.
And the silly thing is, Switch is practically the ultimate MH machine. The West gets home-console play with being able to dock it, and Japan gets their handheld part. Ignoring this proves, beyond a shadow of a doubt, just how ignorant and truly pathetic Capcom are.
The people who make Dauntless, that PC game inspired by MH are indicating that they're not averse to putting on Switch though, and I've sent them an e-mail, hoping they see the opportunity and bring it over. So even if it is not directly Monster Hunter, it's an experience like it, and I'd support the hell out of that game, happily admitting that there's a large amount of spite for Capcom in doing so. I can just see them cry over lost sales.
Oh believe me I know. No ones more ticked off than me on that. I'm blowing up their Twitter for MHXX to come to the west. Ya it sucks.
But at the end of the day, I've got MHXX imported and am ready to deal with it in JP. Generations was straightforward as it gets so, I'm not letting this stop me from playing on Switch.
And honestly, the new game looks insane. I just wanna play it. If PC players have a problem then they can play something else I guess. I don't really care, all I know is I won't miss it for the world. I'm just glad Monster Hunter fans are getting a new game, regardless of platform.
@JaxonH It's a double-edged, sht stained sword honestly. If people ignore and boycott world, Capcom, with all their tiny shrivelled little brains, may very well think the West doesn't want Monster Hunter at all (though even with those brains, they can't ignore the flood of "PLEASE LOCALIZE XX!" that's now striking them like an angry mob on tax day).
I'll consider importing XX if they've not bothered to announce anything by then, but I wonder if it'll even be available for purchase, considering how much Japan loves their MH portable. I bet Capcom will pull a really weird face when most of MHW has small sales at best when XX in Japan has sold more than Japan has in residents.
So if MHXX is released on Switch along side Sony's MHW, which game would sell better in Japan & in the west?
@Grudgebearer There are rumors going around that Cc is putting a block to region download of MHXX on the Switch. So NA fan & UK fans will not be able to download it
@CGSasuke Please tell me that's a joke, because that would cause an even greater anger wave than we have already. Do you happen to have a link for that?
That said, we'll probably be able to at least import it. They can't stop that, surely.
I read this " undoubtedly Western-centric" remark on every article (by supposedly informed people) and in a lot of internet commentaries. But from where this come from? Did those reporters get to see someone playing the game? Because gameplay wise, how does it seem westernized? Aesthetically, it looks the same for me.
@Spoony_Tech Overpriced? When I was buying a few 3DS games at the supermarket the week after this videogame's release, I saw the Switch STF dedicated stand with a 30€price tag on the boxes.
@Rei From what I've seen, and commentary by the producer, it's the same old MonHun gameplay, just prettier graphics and some stuff around it changed.
That said, there's other things this title should worry about, AND I've not seen enough actual combat to say it's indeed the case. Just that it SEEMS that way.
We'll get Worlds for Switch, like PSP got the gold in the very first game.
That answer mean that we won't get the localization - its the same answer we got fot the Great Ace Attorney and for Ace Attorney Investigations 2.
Shame Capcom. If you don't want my money, I won't give it to you on other products. I can watch Let's Plays of AA.
@CGSasuke If that's true, Capcom is more idiotic than I ever imagined.
@Grudgebearer OK, I thought I was blind somehow. I also used the verb "seem" because we can't actually say anything more (unlike those people who shout "westernized" everywhere).
@Rei They're biting into the rumour cake too deeply, many are already discrediting some if not most of it, or so it seems. I'll focus my attention elsewhere than MH, and maybe the Dauntless developers will bring their game to Switch. Also for those interested, take a look: https://twitter.com/Nibellion/status/876363766157410304
I may try Worlds (pc), but I'm very conflicted as I've been waiting for a MH to play with friends on my Switch for quite some time. It seemed all but inevitable, and this news has robbed the Switch of a great online co-op experience that it, in my eyes, sorely needs.
@Grudgebearer No really. IDK how they would do that but I guess it's a new thing they are putting into their cartridge game at least on Cc part. The link I forgot where I saw it. But I'm going to wait & see when someone buys the game & does a youtuber video on it to see what the heck is going on.
@Luna_110 I agree. Let's wait & see what the heck is going on with Cc lately.
@Arminillo To me X or XX didn't do good because it looked wack. I came away from 4U with crazy hype & put over 1000+ hrs on it. Then when I saw how X looked I could not believe how plain looking the stages are. You put 4U & X side by side & 4U has a lot of detail going for it. The stages are well design ect & something about X just doesn't pull me in.
I missed the glowing relic armors, they also removed the bottom menu switching making touch screen options easy to use ect. 4U is just so colorful ect. I wish they took their time with X.
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