Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition recently landed on the Switch and we had a great time with it in our review. This is truly a game which benefits from the portability that the Switch offers, making it perhaps the ultimate version of Minecraft to play on-the-go.
Minecraft on Wii U was a big hit in Japan, with many Japanese gamers being introduced to the open world crafting game for the first time. Nintendo is wasting no time in pushing the delights of Minecraft on the Switch in the freshly-released commercial that you can see above.
In the video four young kids are shown, each with their own individual Switch to play on - one day we're sure they will be as ubiquitous as the 3DS given how quickly the Switch sells out when it comes back into stock.
The video also showcases other multiplayer delights such as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Ultra Street Fighter II and Super Bomberman R, which helps to hammer home the point that games are much more fun when played together with friends.
We thought it was a really well thought-out commercial for the Japanese region. Let us know what you think of this multiplayer marketing with a comment below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 35
Good commercial, showed the Switch being used in all 3 modes - TV, tabletop and handheld - with the emphasis on handheld which is appropriate for the Japanese market.
Looks like the only thing Ntinedo has left to do is make more Switch.
There will be Portal Knights on Switch with same Minecraft influence but better graphics and gameplay.
Well, if they are happy with Minecraft i'm okay.
I will get Portal Knights both PS4 & Switch version.
Having an ad like this makes a lot of sense. As noted in the article, Minecraft was a hit on the Wii U, it sold well on the PS Vita, and it should sell well on the Switch. Japan loves games and loves portability, so having it be known it is available on the Switch, which is selling very well there, is a good thing.
As well as focusing on multiplayer, all the games featured are last gen ports, except for Super Bomberman R, and even that's debatable. It's the tried and trusted recipe.
Minecraft is arguably keeping the PSVita alive in Japan. It'll be interesting to see how Minecraft on the Switch affects Sony's numbers.
Japan will always have a bias towards Nintendo systems.
been hooked on minecraft since I DL it. The dlc am I correct in assuming its just different skins for everything
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Here you are again. Moaning at every opportunity with nonsensical arguments.
@Cosats Says the hypocrite. Again and again and again. (As I go to check your other moaning notification in another story) It's all a bit tiresome at this point. People, look at his comments, another person with a very unhealthy obsession with what I write.
@rjejr I don't see the emphasis on handhelde mode. I see it clearly marketed as a hybrid console, which it is! 😘
@SLIGEACH_EIRE lol. So true it made me laugh loooool
@SLIGEACH_EIRE @Cosats - To help everyone - I've re-written SLIGEACH_EIRE's post to help it's true, positive and happy meaning simply shine through!
" This is a great advert! It's a smart move from Nintendo that as well as focusing on multiplayer, all the games featured are last gen ports, easily recognisable by potential SWITCH purchasers of all ages (except for Super Bomberman R, and, in a positive light, even that's debatable as Bomberman is a very very well known game in Japan! ) It's the tried and trusted recipe - that will help to ensure a quick build of the SWITCH user base in Japan. Such a fast install base will also help the developers quickly maximise profits and to support the system! It's a WIN for everyone!
@cfgk24 So the IPs and new games aren't necessary.
All we Nintendo fans need are the same games, over and over again, all the same broken record, exluding maybe updated graphics and gimmicks.
There are always two points of an argument. Nostalgia is fine if not overdosed. Stagnacy is bad, so new stuff must be invented.
And the truth is that, in this commercial, albeit being extraordinary well made, we see nothing but ports and remasters.
That sounds a little more like a review than a comment.
You know you're sort of a celebrity around here, don't you?
Let me insert my $0.02 here,
This has been a public service announcement. Thank you for listening. ^_^
@KTT Yes - That's because Nintendo have a plan to roll out stuff gradually to build the success of the SWITCH. I'm sure all our dreams of new stuff will be realised further throughout the year. E3 will be an eye-opener. Keep positive!
One more thing, the kid on the far right in the thumbnail looks like he's from North Korea.
He also looks like fatboy's son, but this is Japan of course...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Your comment is also ported... From pretty much every article about the Switch. Just let people enjoy their superior console, no one is making you read these articles.
Pretty cool commercial! I have been waiting for Minecraft to come out for Switch a good while now!
@Kalmaro If you were the person who first noticed how his comments about ports were themselves ports, thank you. I've said it many times but have forgotten who to credit. I'm jealous the idea wasn't mine.
@PanurgeJr Haha, wish I was but that credit goes to someone else. I forget who said it first but I know I read it. I just like repeating it for irony sake.
@MrBlacky "I don't see the emphasis on handhelde mode."
1. Minecraft on TV
2. Minecraft handheld
3. 3 kids playing handheld
4. 2 guys playing tabletop
5. 2 kids handheld
6. MK8D in handheld mode
7. 2 kids playing MK8D handheld
8. family of 4 playing w/ Joycon - could be TV or tabletop
9. Bomberman on TV
10. Zelda TV
That's 10 different segments of the console being played - 5 of them are in handheld mode, 3 in TV mode, 1 in tabletop, 1 could be tabletop or TV. The rest are just vids that could be in any mode as all we see is the screen. That makes handheld mode the emphasis, simple math. If you want to count seconds I'm guessing it's closer to even as the last 2 seconds are of Zelda w/ Switch in the dock but I think most people would view all of those kids playing in handheld mode as the predominate part of the vid. Yes, it is a tribrid, 3 ways to play, which is what I said, but the "emphasis" is on handheld mode.
I'd wager a similar commercial in the West would likely have more of an emphasis - more segments - on TV mode w/ games like Zelda and Skyrim, then tabletop w/ NBA and Splatoon 2 and ARMS. It would also show all 3 modes in the West, but the "emphasis" would be on TV.
@rjejr Not counting the fullscreen ones, there are six different scenes: two handheld, one tabletop and three on TV.
@cfgk24 After years I learned to approach Nintendo (or any other bigger company) with caution. I will never be positive towards their services, just cold calculations with my usual bitterness.
Wheter they repeat the failure with Wii U, or not, this doesn't bother me at this moment. It is however true that I don't except much at this moment (even from E3), but I would also like to be proven wrong in a nice suprise. And that's why it is better to not to be overly optimistic: you will never experience the feel of disappointment.
Oh, I love Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.
The port is really Huge Deal.
Why don't you join in that Euphoria ?
Considering the game continued to sell on the Vita for so long in Japan, I wonder if thr Switch can grab some of that.
Having never played Minecraft myself I'm somewhat tempted to jump in.
Game does so well on Vita, so good thing it's on the Switch
I think Nintendo underestimated the importance of Terraria and Minecraft on Wii U. My 10 year old and his friends are obsessed with both games. It's great to see Minecraft on Switch so early in the day.
@Anti-Matter wow. So you bought the switch. I thought you were waiting for a bundle or different colour. Enjoy Mario kart 8 delux
This is making me really wanna get Minecraft now!! :S
I haven't bought Switch yet.
I still save my money until December 2017 or January 2018.
@KTT Well, my positivity comes from experience - For me life is all about the peaks! Not the troughs - there are many more peaks to come and I am looking forward to them all!
@King_Johobo job done then!
@MartyFlanMJFan and I'm not even Japanese!
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