Inti Creates planned a double reveal at BitSummit in Kyoto, but unfortunately Famitsu magazine always leaks early online - it had already been confirmed through the publication that Mighty Gunvolt Burst is a new title coming to both Switch and 3DS. Nevertheless the formal reveal has now been made, and there's a little more detail on offer from the studio.
Let's start off with Mighty Gunvolt Burst - it's confirmed to be heading to the Switch on 15th June and 3DS on 29th June, and will cost $9.99USD / £8.99. It's the sequel to the retro-styled original that was actually a small accompaniment (initially) to Azure Striker Gunvolt on 3DS.
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack is also coming to Switch on 31st August, and combines Azure Striker Gunvolt and Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 in one place. Inti Creates promises "a host of new features, improvements, and bonus content that make it the truly complete version of the Azure Striker Gunvolt experience".
Are you tempted by either of these releases due later in the year? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 59
I never play the second gunvolt game so I might as well pick it up. Also Gunvolt as a better return to Mega Man then Mighty No. 9
I've never bought the games on 3DS, and it looks interesting.
Plus, the price for Burst is pretty low, so if the remake is in the same range, it's a plus.
Didn't get any on 3ds, but on the Switch? I'll give it a go
My money is on the Switch version. Hope it includes the anime so I can watch it on TV. Hope its more than just a port and also gets a physical release.
I got Azure Striker Gunvolt on the 3DS. It'd be great if they gave discounts across devices hint hint
i've stopped buying nintendo games. i'm assuming/hoping that there will be an e3 sale event. probably not, but you never know.
Azure Striker Gunvolt 2 was a really good game. Far more interesting than the first, if you ask me.
Wish it was physical but I'll take it
Comcept gave Inti Creates full rights to the Mighty No 9 cast... does that basically mean that Inti Creates owns the IP now?
Found the first game to be tough. Never played the second
Japan gets a physical release of the Striker Pack, so I'll be picking that one up. Considering it releases on the same day, I'd be surprised if it didn't have English subtitles.
@NicolausCamp ooh. Nice tip. Thanks for sharing
Now i really appreciate ports on the switch. Want all of the games espesially striker pack. If more of the smaller titles would get a physical release everthing would be perfect. But luckily the striker pack seems to get one. At least i cant see a digital download message. Lets hope it will.
If I were to get only one of these three, at least to start, which one should it be? Quite drawn to Burst...
That's how Switch ports smartly tempt people like me even over the equally portable originals. "Truly complete versions". Even if/when the next generation of consoles brings forth "no, really, honestly complete and definitive editions this time" with more DLC accounted for, it'll be hard to regret the earlier purchase which had the original game and its "season pass" for the price of the former.
Guess I'm buying the Striker Pack again. The bump to 60FPS, inclusion of DLC, kudos system working in Gunvolt 1 like it does in Gunvolt 2, and ability to play on the TV are too good to pass up.
Sometimes it really pays to wait and wait.
Never came around to the sequel so you can be sure I'll double dip in August!
I actually waited for the Striker Pack to arrive on the 3DS in Europe. It never did.
With this news though I'll end up getting this new Switch version though.
Provided it comes to Europe, that is.
Super excited about this!!!
Boom. Day one.
Never got around to buying any of these on 3DS so really excited that they're all coming to the Switch, buying all of them for sure
These games have been on my wishlist for a long time, just continously put off by the backlog and new releases. Now there's really no excuse!
I'll buy these for Switch and I can't wait to play them.
Like most commenters, I've had these games on my waitlist for a while. Now I really have no excuse. My switch library is growing more toward my niche tastes and I'm all for it. Add the portability factor, I'm in love with my device!
Mighty no 9. Actually good this time edition.
I will own. I must own.
Beck never had his own game.
Yep, buying them all. Thank the you Inti.
Def getting all the Gunvolts.
Soooo, I'm going to be broke for the rest of the year. I got it already, stop rubbing it in Nintendo!
Seriously I got the first one on PC but barely played it...this will give me an easy excuse to pick them up.
Ya Mighty Gunvolt was meh. Little cheap freebie, nothing more.
But I did really enjoy the second Azure Striker. Idk what it was, but it actually hooked me where the first lost my interest pretty fast.
New to these,look very cool
I just recently bought the Striker pack on 3DS. I wish I could have foreseen this announcement!
@Ryu_Niiyama you be even more broke if nintendo unleash tons of switch games announcements at e3.
I'd buy it if it was a physical release
Sweet!!! This is great news! Absolutely love these games.
I'll get it got on the 3DS when it first hit the eShop and you got both games if you got Azure Striker (Mighty Gunvolt for free) enjoyed both games. Didn't get the second one, so I'll definitely will be getting it on the Switch.
To anyone that missed the second Gunvolt Game and is interested: I really recommend it. I felt it was more fun that the original Gunvolt ( I did enjoy the first one quite a bit) and had way more replay value. Copen is great to use, and has really original controls that for some reason reminded me of Zone of the Enders but in 2D.
Just keep in mind that while they do give the megaman vibe (specially X and Zero games) they are doing their own thing, and I really apreciated that since it delivered both a nostalgic feeling and something new.
Wow the guys narrating those trailers are the absolute worst.
The games look fun though. I enjoyed Blaster Master Zero, will probably give these a look
Totally on my list to buy on the Switch.
And after I just bought the DLC for Striker 2
Yes, it begins! Lots of great 3ds games or their sequels that would be welcome on switch.
Never got any of the Gunvolt games, so once I pick up a Switch I'll pick up the Striker Pack.
Glad I waited on these games.
And here I was hoping to forget all about Beck and Mighty No. 9. Oh, well! I much prefer Gunvolt, anyway.
Awesome, middle of my vacation, at least ill have time to play em! Never got around to buying any of them for the 3DS, but ill get them this time for sure!
@AlphaJaguar good question i didnt think about it until u asked sorry i coukdnt be of any help but dats a gud question
Huh...Mighty Gunvolt Burst actually looks pretty good. I didn't quite like the 'gimmicks' for Gunvolt and MN9, so a straight up MM shooter-platform, which is what this looks to be, looks better per gameplay imo.
Aw come on where is SLIGEACH_EIRE when you need him! I want that spicy cynical goodness!
@MysticPanda I'm worried. I hope he's ok.
that awkward moment when you realize the advertising game for MN9 (Mighty Gunvolt) is actually much, much better than Inafune's final product.
I played Azure Striker Gunvolt 1 to death, but I would love to sink my teeth into the second game!!! Especially at 60 FPS!
Sweet! I already have the Striker pack, but I'd love to try Mighty Gunvolt.
@AlphaJaguar Dunno, but I bet they could turn Mighty around. It does have potential, it was just rough around the edges and a bit bland. It would look, sound and play very well in MMZX or MMX style. Inti-creates is pretty good.
Yes. That is all.
Looks awesome and with the Mighty No.9 crossover it actually looks like a Mega Man
You really trying to make some waves this generation huh Inti Creates? Now a Mighty Gunvolt sequel?
Honestly, I still would like to see the Mighty No. 9 series get another go. As much as I like Inafune, he needs to just let Inti Creates completely and utterly do THEIR thing. Gunvolt, Mega Man Zero, and Mega Man ZX already prove their pedigree of worth.
@MeloMan Yup.
YES. Now please Nintendo approve Axiom Verge so I can finally play that one too!
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