Minecraft is one of those games that seems like it'll never go away; a new port is made for essentially every platform that can feasibly run it. Still, even if it's expected to be more of the same, Minecraft: Switch Edition is a hotly anticipated release for Nintendo's new platform, and for good reason. The Joy-Con will allow for 2 player multiplayer gaming on the go, and the world size isn't too shabby.
For those of you that would like to see how the game runs on the Nintendo Switch, the developers recently showed several minutes of gameplay in a livestream, playing the game in both docked and undocked modes. It certainly seems to be coming along well, and will no doubt be a chart topping release when it hits the eShop this May.
What do you think? Will you be picking up Minecraft for the Switch? Have you somehow managed to not play it until now? Drop us a comment in the section below.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 56
So, it actually is Minecraft? Just so we're clear?
Does anyone know the price on Switch (UK)? I plan to get it quite soon.
Breaking news!
@MagicEmperor If this footage is legit, then yeah, absolutely. It is unmistakably depicting Minecraft.
??? Yipee the latest console is running a six year old game.
Looks kind of blocky. That video was a bit of a mess.
I'm 27, so no, I won't be buying this.
I'm very excited to play Minecraft on the go.
The mobile versions suck. I hate touch controls :I
@KJW90 I'm 24, and I will be buying this.
I know a lot of older people that play Minecraft. It is very fun, very creative and it has endless possibilites.
Why was their capture button jammed on?
I am very excited to play this. I have builds planned out and everything.
@SwitchVogel I see. Hm. Thank you, but I had to watch it a second time just to make sure. No offense!
Definitely buying the Nintendo Switch Edition. I have a few worlds I would like to continue on from Minecraft: Wii U Edition so when the transfer of worlds option is available I can continue them on Nintendo Switch!
Very excited about this. Now my Xbox One will be even more useless.
So it looks that 2 player on the go involves either two sets of joy-con or a joy-con set and a pro controller. I never believed a single joy-con would work per each player because of directional and camera movement requiring their own analog sticks. But this seems to prove it. Still only two weeks away and a day one purchase for me. My kids love this game and playing at home or tabletop on the go with up to four players will be great though I only have two joy-con sets and one pro controller. Still it looks great.
The render distance depends on whether you're docked or undocked.
@TommyTLG At first I didn't see what all the fuss was about but once you get past the blocky visuals there is a lot of fun in it's procedurally generated worlds.
Even though I own let's see... 4 copies of this game, yes Nintendo, I will buy it again. Mainly for the portable aspects. But if I'm gonna do multi-player I'll probably just hop back on my PS4. I'm just excited for some new stuff. Arms and Splatoon 2 will hold me over until Mario Odyssey
I have no opinion on this story. Thank you for your time.
@MagicEmperor I don't blame you, I had to initially watch it several times myself just to confirm.
I had this on mobile and tried the demo out for pc and Xbox. I always planned on picking it up but never got round to it I guess lol. Honestly though the switch version looks to have some major advantages so if anything I'm gonna wait for the switch version now.
I haven't played it yet doesn't interest me guess I'd like to try it though
Minecraft itself is too outdated... it was a great idea at the time, but the concepts that it introduced have just become so widespread now that it's lost it's appeal.
They need to continue to expand upon the base concept to create new games rather than just re-release the same game over and over again. I've seen some fan-made mods that would be great if they were picked up and turned into a full-blown game
@KJW90 I'm 31 I'll be buying it.
@KJW90 What a sad, sad way to look at video games
I'll definitely be buying this, since I only ever played this on a friend's PS4 (and really enjoyed it). Though I might try to wait for a sale/preowned physical copy since I already have a backlog on my Switch, and this looks like something that would keep me occupied for a long time. (Who am I kidding, I'll probably buy this day one. My poor wallet!)
Yet another version of this game to add to the pile
No, I haven't played Minecraft indeed. If I do, it will certainly be on Switch, although as far as craftwork sandboxes go, there are several more titles in the same vein that have my head turn in their direction instead - from Terraria whose 2D visuals are more of my cup of tea to Dragon Quest Builders which taps into a rich JRPG franchise and even gives a Soul Blazer vibe in its concept. Switch itself is also confirmed to have Portal Knights already, so there's no shortage of minecrafting around - but I'd lie if I claimed no interest in trying the one game to spawn them all.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE shows how underpowered Switch is. Even PS1 and N64 had smoother character models! XD
38 and buying this. God! will I ever grow up. lol I hope not.
@PorllM has pikachu avatar though lol
@KJW90 I'm 39 and I'm considering it.
@NinjaAceTrainer In the UK they cost around £279.99 usually.
Capture taken. Capture taken! Capture taken!!! CAPTURE TAKEN!!!
No one else noticed it?
I only ever picked up a copy on my WiiU because my nephews play it when they come over to miy place. If it wasn't for them,I wouldn't have bothered as Minecraft just doesn't interest me at all.
So, when I do get a Switch, I'm not getting it again.
is it just me or is this a total god awfull video. Just a total waste of time. Did they have a clue what they where actually doing.
I've bought this twice already and I don't even play Minecraft.
Definitely want in on this! Minecraft adventures with my younger siblings are always a great time!
Already have Minecraft on Xbox with tons of dlc, I don't see myself rebuying the game and tons more dlc just to play on the switch.
Sure I'll get it
It's Minecraft so nothing really surprisingly new in that video.
Hey, at least it's only taking a couple of months for Switch to get a port of Minecraft unlike the Wii U version which took 3+ years to finally release, which by that point the system was basically on life support.
System seller right here.
@ParasolStars doesn't matter at this point. Too little too late. It's 2017 ffs
Video capture on Switch:
Take 1000 screenshots
Make a super-fast slideshow of them
-Voilà!- ..'video'
@Anguspuss agreed, it was terrible and amateurish and not in an endearing way. Nice cat btw!
@gatorboi352 Yeah, for shame indeed.
There's actually no chance of Minecraft Switch edition actually doing well on the Switch since it's practically on every device right now that Nintendo are kicking themselves in the foot for not acting sooner.
It's not like WiiU owners are actually still buying Minecraft which came way too late in the WiiU life cycle and is overpriced ($29.99)... especially in the year 2017
Oh wait.
I bought this game in alpha seven years ago.
I havenøt played it much on account of only having it on PC. On the go it would be more fun. Though I wish the 3DS could have had a version.
So let me follow your "logic" here....
Switch Minecraft will perform well because Wii U Minecraft performed well.
Seems legit.
Glad it'll be on the system, but I'm not buying it. I spent several years playing it on PC already, and I haven't really been playing it at all for a couple years now. The game is just Snoresville for me at this point.
It definitely seems that minecraft on switch will sell great because of multiplayer out of the box with the switch and 720p 60fps in handheld mode. The vita version was ok but it ran at around 25fps so I think this may be the best CONSOLE edition of minecraft since you can take it on the go but still have big worlds.
@gatorboi352 "So..the Switch Minecraft will sell well because WiiU Minecraft sold well?"
Is there fault in my logic that you would like to share?
@Gingadreadman Thanks, but I meant the price of Minecraft ON the Switch in the UK...
@NinjaAceTrainer Oh my bad, sorry.
yawn Pretty sure most kids have moved on from this old game. My kids play Roblox now.
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