If you're not keen on utilising the region free options of the eShop on Switch and you're in Europe or Australia, the good news is you have three titles on the way on 23rd March. Considering the rather limited line-up this week that's rather pleasing.
Tomorrow Corporation has confirmed its trio of back-catalogue releases are on the way, saying they are '99%' likely for next week on social media. As a reminder, these are the games coming out.
They're out now in North America and include the soundtracks, co-op in World of Goo and Little Inferno, along with multiple cool control options (including the Joy-Con as a pointer). They cost $9.99US at present, so we'd anticipate the same price in Euros.
Are any of these on your wishlist?
[source tomorrowcorporation.com]
Comments 31
Never played any of their games so I hope I can squeeze one of them (most likely Little Inferno) inbetween Zelda and Persona 5.
Little infernos good but little gameplay, World of goo seems to be the most famous of the trio but I didn't like it, and have never played human resource machine. Guess im only buying the last one because without the touch screen of the gamepad in console mode inferno may be underwhelming.
All these great games coming to the switch. Wow
World of God was great fun. I have it on the Wii though and can't see it's a title worth double-dipping for. Still nice to go back and revisit.
More ports. I have these on Wii and Wii U. Say cash grab quickly 3 times.
It's been almost ten years and I still haven't played world of goo.
I wonder if it still holds up.
@LegacySmikey I think they said on Twitter that they were looking into bundling the games, but apparently that is not possible on the Switch eShop at the moment.
Nice games and will buy them.
But i want Nintendo to step it up and reveal the other games already. Its no time to rest now.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'd rather say "trying to reach a new audience" at regular tempo once. There's no way sales on Wii U were significant, and a large number of Wii's owners played Wii Sports and nothing else.
@neufel Well-made puzzle games like this never go out of style.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm actually pretty happy about these ports because I've never played any of these games on their original systems. I think that's the audience they're going for. If you already own them, then don't buy them. It's as simple as that and far from a cash grab.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE These games are gems. They deserve to be on the Switch. You are filled with bitter criticism everytime.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE only 14 million people picked up a wiiu. I'm guessing far more are going to pick up a switch who never played these.
Lol at Queen Elizabeth playing Nintendo Switch. XD
@SLIGEACH_EIRE It's good that these are ported over - not so many people owned a Wii U . . . . and companies are more than welcome to release their game son the SWITCH shop - you don't have to buy them - it's not a 'cash grab' - it's selling a game they have worked hard to create. . Supporting all those lovely talented designers, coders and artists. .
@PanurgeJr I don't know some indies sold very well on Wii U.
I'm sorry but i have to object to the picture her maj would only ever play her switch with a corgi.
@NandN3ds True, but Shovel Knight is a masterpiece which appeals directly to Nintendo's core audience. Normal games that could expect a normal attach rate don't have that advantage, and suffered accordingly from the small install base.
Not for me, World of Goo was decent many years ago but I have no desire to play again. Wonder boy will likely be my next game for Switch before Mario Kart 8 finally gets a real battle mode
I'm just waiting for solitaire and tik tak toe. I know it was out on the amiga 600 but a lot of people didn't buy the system.
Enjoyed a couple of these on Wii / WiiU, but not enough to buy them all over again.
While I'm not a huge fan of ports, considering that Nintendo has made a MINT on VC and the Twins have a number of remasters why is it so bad for people to be able to play something on their current new shiny systems? Not a fan? Buy some of the other games that aren't ports instead. Everybody wins.
But will the Queen make it to next week to play them??? bit dark lol spot the Scot.
@faint @SLIGEACH_EIRE but didn't the Wii sell over 100 million
Cash grab cashgrag gashcrab.
Whew! How'd I do?
World of Goo loved that game on the Wii, the co-op is an exciting option on the Switch version can't wait to play it using the Joy Con as a pointer awesome just awesome.
Never got World of Goo for the Wii, but I'm happy to get it now and have something else to play on my Switch.
I have to comment again LoL , I remember World of Goo receiveing a perfect 10 review on this site and it's a score I totally agree with the art direction in World of Goo is beautiful if anyone is on the fence about this title I highly recommend it you wont be disappointed.
World of Goo was a Wiiware staple, I'm declining to replay Little Inferno (low replay value for me, plus it wouldn't be nearly as engaging), but I have yet to check out the third game. Guess now's my chance!
How about Isaac? Is Afterbirth+ coming next week, too?
I've already bought World of Goo and Little Inferno and absolutely love both. Never played Human Resource Machine because I'd stopped buying Wii U download games by then but I always wanted to give it a go.
A bit disappointed in having to wait another week but I'm really happy with the price of $13 AUD each, cheap enough for me to just buy all three.
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