Japanese company Hamster Corporation has confirmed the next batch of titles in its "ACA Neo Geo" range.
The new games are Alpha Mission II, Fatal Fury, Metal Slug, Neo Turf Masters, Samurai Shodown, Sengoku and World Heroes.
At the moment these are only confirmed for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, but given that the previous batch of titles was released on the Switch as well, it's fair to assume that we'll also be getting the chance to sample these vintage arcade releases in the near future.
Out of this new bunch, the highlights are Samurai Shodown, Metal Slug, Alpha Mission II and Neo Turf Masters, with the latter being one of the best simulations of golf to grace amusement arcades - or anywhere else, for that matter.
Which ones will you be picking up, assuming these come to the Switch? Let us know with a comment.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 78
I find it interesting that classic Neo Geo games are coming to Switch before Nintendo's
Having only just played my first metal slug game ever ( metal slug 3 ) i would love to play the first one and world heroes
Fatal Fury!
Love that Neo Geo sprite art.
Really need Sengoku 3. That'd get me to buy the Switch sooner
Alpha Mission II For me. Played that at the arcade a lot as a kid. Good times and good memories.
Definitely metal slug, fatal fury, samurai showdown and probably World heroes. They're all good. They're all good! I want all these arcade games on my Switch. So awesome! I hope they keep them coming.
Oh I almost forgot Alpha Mission 2. Wow yes please!
Now if Marvel vs Capcom comes to Switch I'll be sooooooo happy. It'll be a dream come true. I've always wanted that arcade MvsC
Perhaps when they've mined the entire catalog, we'll get a NEO-GEO collection on a physical disc/SD card. Then it'll be worth the scratch. Until then, nickle-and-diming us for 20 y/o titles feels pretty old at this point.
Oh man, they're bringing the good stuff. We're gonna have a fantastic NeoGeo library on Switch.
Sengoku 3 is surely inevitable, as is The Last Blade 2 and Alien vs Predator. Need that Fatal Fury and Samuai Showdown for sure
I'll probably pick up all but the golf game. Just not my thing.
Neo Turf Masters please! Anyone who's played Mario golf MUST play this!
Samurai Showdown, nice
I wonder if they go the extra mile to port every major NeoGeo game (given that there aren't that many to begin with).
So, a full set of Metal Slug, KoF etc.
That would be incredible !
Yes yes but is Turf Masters as good as Lee Carvello's Putting Challenge?
Yes! I hope this comes to switch, I have been hoping for turf masters!
@Emperor-Palpsy I was JUST about to say that!!!
@DarthPablo The Force is weak with this one.
Hoping for the Super Side Kicks series to come over,Soccer Brawl too.Loved the side view Arcade footy games back in the day.
Blazing Star, please.
Will take Metal Slug. Not a fan of fighters.
@AirElephant 20 year old titles they may be but they cost a bomb back in the day and they cost a bomb now.Many are selling for $500+ now.With the online leaderboards and some other extras they've added,I'd say they're definitely worth the asking price.
I'll grab Samurai Shodown. And let me know when Fatal Fury Special is out cause I'll be all over that too.
That isn't from Hamster's Twitter account is it? It looks like it's just a list of ACA Neo Geo titles that are already released on PS4 and XBox One.
The follow up post states that there is no official confirmation about a Switch release.
Samurai Showdown and Fatal Fury are must haves. Not so familiar with the rest.
Hope Neo-Geo sales on the Switch are good. I'd love to have portable Samurai Shodown, and I've always wanted to try Fatal Fury!
[Nintendo Switch hitting its chest]
I'm 30% NEO GEO Fighting games, baby !
Probably buy Samurai Shodown for the upteenth time. But I second the Blazing Star request!
@neufel Dat futurama reference doe
Still waiting for Soccer Brawl, my most wanted Neo Geo game
Btw does anyone know how to change the order of your software tiles on the switch? Without using the touchscreen.
Art of Fighting 1 & 2 ! Mandatory purchase for me. Oh... can't forget Viewpoint! Too
Love neo turf masters...definite purchase
@xaessya @sanderevers VC will show up at the same time as online service. I'm pretty confident on this. The online additions to the VC titles are going to be tied in to the online subscription.
Neo Geo - amazing! I will buy them all.
@SanderEvers seeing as the online subscription may well tie into VC (they'll be offering NES/SNES titles after all), this might be the reason Nintendo is commenting on neither yet.
Cough cough arcade stick cough cough Hori cough
We need Sonic Pocket Adventure.
@JaxonH don't hold your breath for Alien vs. Predator. The licensing would be a big problem for that one. Besides, that one's by Capcom on the CPS2, not SNK's Neo Geo. I'd love it to get a proper home release though as I think that's a fantastic game too.
@lemonjellydude very cool you just discovered Metal Slug. It's a great franchise. Metal Slug 3 is one of the harder entries, especially of the Neo Geo editions, with some of the paths being particularly brutal and the final stage being so long. Metal Slug 1 is quite a bit easier, but not easy. I think it's one of the stronger entries and a good choice.
For those on the fence, Neo Turf Masters is a surprisingly exciting arcade interpretation of golf. The game has a brisk pace and fun sound design. It's really good, if you don't mind golf. I like video game golf as long as it cares more about being fun than real.
Those Neo Geo games are enough of a reason for me to get a Switch. Question though, do these game have unlimited continues or do they use a set number of credits?
As a rule video game golf does not excite me, but I do love Neo Turf Masters, it really is genuinely fun to play. I'll definitely be getting it and Metal Slug if they come to Switch.
Samurai Shodown is great!
@shonenjump86 that's a good question as the Wii VC went with the AES(home) versions of the games I was interested in which made me quite unhappy. Shock Troopers was the MVS(arcade) release, so it looks like Hamster is going with arcade versions with unlimited credits and all that. Shock Troopers had a couple of extra modes as well.
Finally a portable Metal Slug, that will make up for the cancelled GBA version (not Metal Slug Advance) that I was anticipated.
Bring em all to Switch Hamster!! With not having to compete with the VC service right now on Switch, your timing just couldn't be better as we sample your retro offerings while we wait for Nintendo to get their crap together!! Smh!
I'm happy to see these guys releasing so many classic Neo Geo games for the Switch. Now we just need to see the same from Nintendo, Sega*, Capcom, Konami, Namco, Squaresoft, Enix, Atari, and maybe even the likes of classic LucasArts, Id Software, and Blizzard etc. Just get them all on the VC.
*Put the entire amazing 3D Classics range on there too, alongside whatever typical VC titles.
Still waiting for Samurai Shodown II and IV...
Getting a port of V Special after all these years would be a dream come true but I can't dare to hope!
@sdelfin thanks for the info. I kinda hate it when they are credits only.
Soon we'll have more Neo Geo games for Switch than actual Switch games. Makes up for Nintendo dropping the ball on VC so far.
@shonenjump86 I always prefer the arcade versions, myself. I do support options though. For Neo Geo, it should be easy to give that option since the home games are identical, I believe, and it's the system bios that determines how credits are handled. Now that I think of it, Shock Troopers is a poor example as that never got a home release. It's possible you may be able to play the way you want.
@retro_player_22 if you like Metal Slug and have either a DS or PSP, there's Metal Slug 7 for DS or its PSP update/remix Metal Slug XX. There's also the anthology disc on PSP, but the Switch versions of the Slug games, if they release the whole set, will be a better experience on the Switch.
@shonenjump86 I got curious about it after my last reply, so I decided to look into it. Looks like Slug 3 on Switch has an extensive option menu. You can disable continues and also adjust number of lives per credit, among other things. Hope that's helpful.
Now we just need a legit fightstick or a brook adapter! I'd much rather use one of my sticks vs the announced hrap for switch.
@sdelfin Damn didn't know that, I would eventually check those out. Thanks man!
@Corbs Always a pleasure to see this good sir now and then!
Hmm, Alpha MIssion II. Of all the shooters they could have picked from the Neo Geo why that one?
I'll get Samurai Shodown... once I get a Switch, of course.
As an owner of some of these arcade carts neo turf masters with all players and courses its the best bang for the buck.
Samurai Shodown! Yesssss! Hopefully they'll release Samurai Shodown II as well!!!
Samurai Showdown?? I missed this when it was out for the Neo Geo Pocket Color... once I get my hands on a Switch this'll be a must.
Turf masters for me
@shonenjump86 @sdelfin Don't forget the Hi Score Mode that forces 1 credit play and has a separate leaderboard.
Hamster can bring all the NEOGEO games they want. 80-85% of the library is good or better (some of those early titles are not so great, IMO).
Aside from the fighting games (because I want them all!), I'd like to see Blazing Star, Strikers 1945+(alpha), Baseball Stars 2, Super Sidekicks 3 (for the soccer fans out there), Super Dodgeball, Twinkle Star Sprites, Viewpoint, and let's not forget Windjammers!
@impurekind amen! Don't forget retro Activision!! Maybe some EA also. And VIRTUAL CONSOLE ARCADE which they had on original Wii but halted abruptly after just 21 titles. Bring it all back to the Switch! 1000s of arcade titles floating around out there. More the merrier!
I'll stand by my word!! I said they need to bring Alpha Mission 2 over - and if they do I'll ran Metal Slug and Samurai Showdown with it.
Just needs to actually come to Switch now.
@joey302 Yeah, God, ALL the arcade classics too.
Nice! Will definitely get Metal Slug and Neo Turf Masters.
Can't wait for Samurai Shodown 2, Sengoku 3, Metal Slug X, Real Bout Fatal Fury 2, Garou: Mark of the Wolves, Windjammers and Last Blade 2. Also always had a soft spot for Robo Army and Ninja Commando.
Its basically Neo Geo Virtual Console.
Now if Marvel vs Capcom comes to Switch I'll be sooooooo happy. It'll be a dream come true. I've always wanted that arcade MvsC
Was that on the NeoGeo?
@lemonjellydude There are actually 6 Metal Slug games.
I own them all on one Wii game disc that I bought for about $7.00 used back around 2009 I think?
It's a very consistent series with the art, quality, and game-play being very close throughout all of them.
They are at their heart arcade games though, so they are ruthlessly unfair, short, chaotic, and fun.
I downloaded Metal Slug 2 accidently....
Was there any Neo Geo platform games or R type style games?
@Pj1 Blue's Journey and Ironclad
Would love it if they confirmed Magician Lord, always wanted to play that game.
Turf Masters is a 10/10.
Isn't World Heroes a tad redundant with Perfect being out? The series hardly set the beatemup world alight as it is! Hmm. Anyhoo, Samurai Showdown, Metal Slug, Turf Masters and Alpha Mission. I'll probably get Fatal Fury at some point...but I always found it a bit naff.
@NinChocolate Thank You.
@Action51 yeah they seem perfectly suited to the switch platform £6.29 seems expensive but considering these games use to cost over £100-200 each to buy originally and there are extra options I actually think its great value.
@sdelfin yeah Im a lot more inclined to buy a few more NEO Geo titles now.
@lemonjellydude - Yep. A great value because they are fundamentally great games!
Appears at least partially confirmed or this week. https://www.nintendo.co.uk/Games/Nintendo-Switch-download-software/ACA-NEOGEO-NEO-TURF-MASTERS-1207830.html
All I need is Einjammers! 😭
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