Nintendo's UK general manager Nicolas Wegnez has assured MCV that the Switch won't suffer from the hardware shortages which impacted the Wii and Wii U at launch.
Wegnez claimed that pre-orders for the new console were strong, but he expected retailers to still have available stock on day one, with more shipments to arrive "steadily":
It's true pre-orders are very strong, but we still expect Nintendo Switch to be available at some retailers on Day One. We do expect shipments to steadily come. As we all know, this is not a sprint but a marathon, which is why we are so busy preparing strong plans for the months to come following the launch.
Both the Wii and Wii U experienced shortages at launch, although with the latter demand dropped off quite sharply following its launch.
Wegnez also spoke to MCV about Nintendo's desire to "innovate" and "offer something fresh" to consumers:
We consistently feel the need to innovate and be different by offering ways to play only possible on our platforms. Nintendo Switch is a completely different proposition to other products out there in the market.
We will do our best to help the UK population understand and experience what makes Nintendo Switch different and unique, as we truly believe this product can help Nintendo continue on its mission to expand the video game population.
We strongly believe that when people experience the console itself in conjunction with the games launching for the system that the proposition of what Nintendo Switch has to offer will resonate strongly.
The Nintendo Switch launches worldwide on March 3rd.
Comments 68
Right, right. We'll hold him to that. Let's see how stock fares in the 2nd and 3rd quarters, after the first 2 million went by so quickly... There's no more region lock, so the whole world is fair game to order them now. For every console in the UK that isn't bought, or is from a canceled preorder, someone in the US will be more than happy to nab it.
I still saw preorders available when I looked yesterday, so I'm not worried about limited stock in the UK.
When they mention helping the UK population understand and experience what makes Nintendo Switch different and unique, I hope that means there'll still be demos of the console around the country. I want to see for myself what's so great about it, but haven't had an opportunity to yet.
I've not seen a single advert on TV. I don't think the average person even knows the Switch exists
@AcridSkull I saw one, at 12:45 in the morning. They couldn't afford the pre-midnight time slots I guess. I had been watching that channel for 3-4 hours.
Isn't Switch preorders much worse in UK vs other countries? So this makes sense, coming from this guy.
To be fair I have seen a couple over the last few days, most notably there was one during the adverts at the Brit Awards
I haven't pre-ordered one yet I'm gonna wait to see what people reception of it first.
@AcridSkull saw one yesterday evening and again after 10
I've seen plenty of TV adverts in the UK. From mainstream to the digital channels.
@AcridSkull Seen a number across the entire week at various times.
@AcridSkull saw one during the Walking Dead on Monday night on Fox Network
Yeah, we'll see what happens after launch...
@Switch81tch wait, you don't have a smartphone...?
Have a look in game stores. You could easily walk around the store and miss the switch poster altogether.
The way to start momentum of the switch is to have demo pods in shopping malls. Its not until you actually have a switch in your hands and experience the games that you realise just how much fun it really is.
To keep owners happy they need a steady stream of NEW games and to ditch the need to use a smart phone to match make - whoever came up with that idea needs to resign!
@Baker1000 I don't own a Smart phone, and to be fair don't ever want one
This is what happens when you let someone with a degree be in charge of marketing. What ever happened to common sense and hands on experience. Still to this day a lot of people in the uk do not know what the wii u is.
For those saying no TV ads, my son tells me they're on all the time on the kids channels (then again, kids say 'all the time' for like twice).
Most adults watch subscription-based services so I'd question how effective TV ads will be beyond the evergreen TV shows. Either way, some more presence is needed here in the UK, I'm sure they'll step it up over the next week.
I'd be curious what the initial supply was in the UK vs. the US and JP. I mean that's pretty bleak to be the one major region who can't sell out. How as the EU been faring in sales?
@Bunkerneath I put mine away in the drawer and use a £3 phone. I see so many people addicted to smart phones to the point they cannot even watch a film or walk down the street without being on it.
We will have shortages in the states. Portable Skyrim and full Minecraft on the go will dominate to 30+ male with kids demographic here. My QOL will be way higher when I can play Zelda during dance class.
Unpopular and unreasonable opinion: I still think it's a mistake to ramp up production. The shortages were the main thing that made Amiibo and the NES Classic so desirable despite their limited use; complaint and desperation is still discussion. If they want the Switch to not bomb, they need every dirty trick they can muster.
I'm not saying I'd enjoy it as a consumer. I'm just being realistic from a business perspective.
"We will do our best to help the UK population understand and experience what makes Nintendo Switch different and unique."
I'll believe it when I see it.
@NEStalgia Unfortunately - SWITCH is a bit higher priced in the UK because the Pound is so weak now because of BREXIT. . This may have contributed to a Non-sell out at launch but my Local Game store says Pre-orders are massive!
@Switch81tch Your Sainsbury's has a Nintendo section? That's incredible!
It's more the software shortages that I'd be concerned about than hardware.
@cfgk24 Ahh good point, I forgot about the converted price. I'm not sure that "it's too expensive" is necessarily the issue there, so much as a lot of people going on "wait and see" because the Brexit currency dip is so obviously a temporary phenomenon, I bet a lot of people are just holding off on things until the value rebounds knowing they'll get it cheaper in a little while.
Well, Game always says everything is massive I wonder what their actual numbers of preorders look like. It could just be that UK was oversupplied.
My Switch pre order will go back into general circulation the day after release. I'm sure I'm not alone.
I work retail, and our store already has a good stock, with more on their way before launch. We have WAY more than expected. Waaaaay more.
I'm being vague because I'm paranoid. I once got in trouble for commenting on a Facebook ad relating to my company, haha.
Anyways, I hope every store has a lot for next week. Maybe these won't be so impossible to grab.
There won't be a shortage here in the UK because it won't sell by truck load,there will always be a switch to buy cause here in the UK everybody is buying SONY. It's a fact Sony rule the UK and have done for many years
Obviously, because the amount of preorders is underwhelming.
Amazon, Game, Smyth's etc still have them available.
It isn't selling out here anytime soon.
@XCWarrior I can't speak to what Nintendo UK can afford but NOA put a Zelda/Switch commercial on during the Super Bowl so they have been spending some money and at least where I live almost everyone knows what the Switch is.
@CTMike awhile back I saw a Splatoon commercial while watching Hulu I wonder if that'll happen with the Switch.
Either way, to me it doesn't make sense to pay for too many commercials right now because people can't even buy a Switch. Wait until you can actually pick up your phone and order one and then bombard us with commercials.
Funny! If I wanted one here in the States I can not order one.
@imgrowinglegs Assuming you don't end up competing with Yankees and Redcoats alike for stock.
I've seen plenty of ads for it recently in the UK and I'm both happy and surprised to see them. They've only been showing 1-2 Switch though, I think Zelda would appeal more to gamers.
@Bunkerneath no voice chat on Switch for you then!
@SLIGEACH_EIRE My Switch preorder will go back to my apartment the day of release. I'm sure I'm not alone.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Wait... why are you waiting until the day after it comes out to cancel your preorder?
I honestly feel sorry for the U.K. and their reluctance to support Nintendo (in general). I don't really understand why, in this day and age, there is still such a curious case of miscommunication between Brits and the big N. Then again, I live in Kansas (insert Wizard of Oz joke here ______) and have a completely unbridled disdain for everything to do with Microsoft. From my perspective, I have never once had a bad experience with Nintendo and have been on board with them for 30 years. Sega, Sony, and Microsoft have all left terrible tastes in my mouth at one time or another with horrible hardware issues and godawful customer service. To each their own, I suppose.
This new joycon issue and no virtual console should help ease stock concerns.
@TeslaChippie I'm not. It'll most likely expire the day after I don't collect it. I should get my money back, it's not much but as the slogan goes, every little helps.
@NEStalgia It's not TOO expensive but without Brexit - it would have been at the £249.oo price point and would have secured that extra chunk of early sales to make the difference. . :/
If I could have bought my Switches in Japan I would have done
@Hordak Uk is a funny place these days. When I was in Game pre-ordering my Switch and trading in Xbox. . . the people coming in and ordering SWITCh were 20s - 30s. . . .the people coming in and buying PS4 and XBONE games were harassed looking mums who had never played a game in their life and were buying it for little Johnny who must have the latest game. . The thing was. . .they all had to ask which game to buy - which version to buy - cos they hadn't done any research - Little Johnny had just ordered them to buy "For Honor" etc. . .
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I'm so confused if you're buying a SWITCH or not lol
@cfgk24 wow. It seems like children in the U.K. are as spoiled and entitled as kids in NA.
@cfgk24 I have it pre ordered from before the presentation but that was awful so I'm going to wait for the good games to arrive, like Super Mario Odyssey, Xenoblade 2 and others hopefully announced at E3. Not hugely interested in MK8 Deluxe(Battle Mode is the only real new feature and should have been fixed on Wii U) as I played the Wii U version to death. Splatoon, same story, more of the same.
Nintendo annoyed the hell out of me with Wii U. Still doing so right until the end. Zelda: BOTW hasn't been seen in months, no Special Edition, its last and biggest game. Nice way to send off the console and thank us for sticking by it through thick and thin.
There's so much still unknown about Switch and I'd rather skip all the painful teething that plagued the Wii U's launch.
@Hordak Yeah, it's pretty grim here. . . Even the you ar sin your 20s now - your house will be bought by Bank of Mum and Dad. . :/
I haven't seen 1 ad here in Australia, not 1.
I'm sure they're there but I don't watch much TV.
Yet all pre orders are pretty much sold out.
EB Games have even emailed me to say if I don't pick up my pre order within 24 hours I'll be dropped to the second shipment.
My wife works with a lady in her 40's and she's pre ordered one and she hasn't bought a console since the NES!
Yeah sure it's gonna be fine in UK but in America.....It's not looking too good now
Don't feel sorry for us here in the UK,such a patronising comment. If anything feel sorry for yourselves your going to need it what with a racist president and all. Having said that we in the UK know who Nintendo are but you must forgive our trespassers for not putting Ninty at the top of our gaming list. We r a nation that loves gaming and most people own many gaming devices from different companies. It's very common here that ppl own Sony and Ninty devices,like I said we know who Ninty are. All those Ninty loving fanboys in USA where we're they when WII U was released many talk about loyalty but I read comments on here saying they didn't buy it,yep without a doubt the so called Ninty loyal followers helped Ninty fail with the Wii U. They talk the talk but didn't buy the buy. I bought a Wii U and I ain't a loyal Ninty follower,I showed more loyalty than most Ninty fans. Worry and feel sorry for yourselves we Brits don't need your patronising comments.
The problem is Nintendo treated the UK shoddily for years and let first Sega and then Sony get a foothold that the latter isn't letting go of. That said, their handhelds have always done well so when Switch drops to a better price I expect it to do the same.
Don't feel sorry for the UK (and not only because that's a massively patronising thing to say), if you're going to feel sorry for anybody feel sorry for Nintendo UK who have got to make up for the years of mistakes made by their parent company and the Third-party distributors they handed their operation over to.
I've seen two-one during BT Sport live coverage of a Manchester United game and one during the Brits Awards. They won't be the cheapest ads around.
"The way to start momentum of the switch is to have demo pods in shopping malls. Its not until you actually have a switch in your hands and experience the games that you realise just how much fun it really is"
I agree but the time to do that is September/October. Given that my local Shopping Centre had such things for the Wii U I'd expect the same for Switch later in the year.
As somebody who lives in the UK, in my experience, I've found that the majority of shops put XBOX and Playstation in more prominent positions. Nintendo usually ends up in the corner at the back., and that's if the shop's stock Nintendo games.
Things are also not helped by the fact that Game are pretty much the only high street retail outlet that specializes in games. They took over Gamestation and killed it off, and I only know of 1 independent game shop, and that's a few towns over.
Places like HMV a some supermarkets hold a small section of games, and they'll only stock in what's popular at the time, and Nintendo aren't normaly on that list stock to buy.
Basically, if the Switch pre-orders aren't being snapped up, a good part of the blame has to taken by the retailers.
It's true what u say,Sony rules the UK. OK the vita hasn't done great but it's still selling throughout Europe with lifetime sales close to those in Japan. Anyways we here in the UK do like Ninty products we are the 2nd biggest buyers of Ninty products in the whole of Europe,France been the biggest buyers. Sony has control over UK and that won't change with the switch,actually Sony has a massive market share in all of Europe. Ninty have also lost a huge share in USA,the Wii U didn't even sell 6 million there compared to 12million Gamecube sales. I know the Wii sold loads more but that was a one off machine for casual players that Ninty won't ever have that kind of success again. The switch at max will get 45 million and if it bombs then expect Wii U to NGC sales. I say this cause many Ninty fans have moved on to Sony,Microsoft and Smart devices.yep the world of gaming is certainly changing.Ninty have had a good run but now it's Sonys turn plus Smart devices
That pretty much sums it up. Yep same I know of only 1 independent game retailer here in Cornwall in Truro city and that's 25 miles from where I live. Saying that all Ninty games are at front,also this shop is ace it gets all the latest import games. There are loads of secondhand game shops in Cornwall and some of them do get the latest games in brand new from suppliers but not on a huge scale,actually it was one of these where I bought my Devils Third Wii U copy and it was £5 cheaper than GAME
@NintySnesMan with you mentioning second hand games, it reminded me of CeX. They're on most high street's now.
Actually, CeX might be worth taking a look at on March 3rd. There's been a few times that I've walked by a CeX and they're displaying new games or consoles on release day. Yet they supposedly only sell second hand goods. It makes me wonder if they've got a supply chain of new goods, but aren't actually allowed to sell them as such because of company policy.
Yeah mate CEX is great I like the fact they are doing most retro gaming stuff now. It's turning into a bloody good shop now although I don't like the idea they are selling NES mini for £120
I'll hold you to that Nick. I'd hope so, seeing as I did not pre order.
I'm sure Nintendo is going to make every effort to get a switch in the hands of all 17 Nintendo enthusiasts in the UK.
Of course the Nintendo Switch will be available at launch in the UK. The UK has been taken over by Sony ever since the Wii became uncool. It's a shame, because Nintendo offers something for everyone and they offer great systems and games, but retailers here don't even want to bother because they know all they need is Sony to bring in the £££.
Of course there's no demand! Social media demand doesn't count. Scalpers demand doesn't count. Consumers buying the thing, that counts!
By the way: I haven't seen a single Switch commercial so far in the Netherlands. But that may be because I almost never watch commercials anymore (life is faaaaaar to short to waste my time with commercial-watching).
it will be interesting to see if Nintendo have handed any switch's out to popular YouTubers like jacksepticeye, pewdiepie at even massive Nintendo fanboys like boogie2988. It would certainly help with the teen demographic
@Hordak that's why kids in the u.s. are so bad.i had to earn everything now the kids just get it
This Wegnez guy sounds about five thousand IQ points smarter than Reggie.
Because not enough people want a Switch, haha!
I am so late with this but seriously? So why Switch was announced to be released in "Major European countries" instead of "Europe" ? In my mind it just tells the supply is going to be another disaster.
pokes all sites where preorders have been sold out
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