It seems that leaks are an inevitable part of the modern gaming industry. We've seen plenty of game leaks come out around the NX / Switch over the past year (some yet to be proven right), while some tech specs of the PS4 Pro were doing the rounds before it was officially announced; specifications for the Microsoft 'Scorpio' have also been rumoured. Today some old 'NX' development documents have been posted online, and the indications are that they're legitimate.
The documents seem to be from last July, which ties in with a period when leaks started to ramp up around the system. They provide an outline of basic functions, how they can be utilised by developers - but, again, in relatively simple terms - and include some dummy concept art of the user interface. If you're so inclined there's information on how the 'HOME' transition will work when suspending software, and there's a sense of how the user interface will likely look in broader areas like friend lists. In terms of these user features, actually, it seems to be a natural follow-on from what we've seen in 3DS and Wii U - there's nothing earth shattering.
There are two key points - the documents are old enough that they provide insight without solid detail, with even some aspects of key specs being listed as 'TBC'; this was Nintendo providing initial development units and documentation to help developers get started on their projects in the 'NX' days. Aside from features and aspects of the user interface crossing over - in some forms - from current-gen systems a lot of the detail has been 'out there' before. For example, reports from Eurogamer and Digital Foundry on the system's graphical grunt and power evidently had some basis on documentation like this.
At this point you may be wondering why I'm dancing around this leak and not going into details? After all, this site has shared a number of rumours and leaks about games and 'NX' features in the past - that's true, when we felt the source(s) in question were likely accurate; we ignored more rumours than we covered. How they're reported is also something that we've tried to get better at, for example treating rumours that we trust as rumours nonetheless, as sources can be wrong and out of date.
This document, along with first-hand accounts from sources, was undoubtedly - in hindsight now we've seen it - a prominent part of the information that trickled out from late Summer onwards. Yet snippets of rumours and loosely drawn concept art of the system (for example), something we saw last year prior to the Switch 'preview' trailer, are on a certain 'level' of importance, I feel. They're annoyances to Nintendo and its partners, and the company will have tried to track leaks, but they've always been a part of online life over the past decade or so. What's happened today is an outright dump of a full confidential document, however; if it had been posted online prior to Nintendo's preview trailer last October or even its January Presentation, the company would have been furious due to the details that would have come out early. In some of the examples of leaks above (take PS4 Pro or 'Neo' as it was known) you can be sure equivalent documents were seen in full - yet they weren't published online by those leakers or reporters, that I saw; there are good reasons for that.
Chances are, in the case of these NX documents, that the developer has been foolish enough to leave identifying information somewhere in the screens and images, so the big N may still react directly against them.
It goes beyond sources, rumours and winks and nods, and becomes the blatant sharing of a confidential document - and many images - over which a non-disclosure agreement will have been signed. That is a key difference; it may seem like a thin line between all of the leaks from before and this document appearing online, but it was enough to give us pause for thought. The temptation was to post about a few of the features along with the accompanying images from the document, but it felt like one step beyond what should be acceptable for reporting. I accept that when it comes to rumours and then leaks, that line and where it should be drawn is highly debatable.
There are frustrated developers out there, which helped influence my own feelings on it. By multiple accounts access to development kits hasn't been easy for some smaller studios, and Nintendo has been rather reluctant to engage with some companies in this pre-launch phase, perhaps trying to keep some aspects of the system's interface and features secret for a pre-launch Direct or information dump on social media. Jools Watsham of Atooi (well known for Mutant Mudds et al as part of Renegade Kid) was unequivocal in his response, and a couple of other developers (Dant Rambo of Choice Provisions being one) either agreed or bemoaned the impact it'd have on Nintendo's openness with smaller developers, in particular.
We asked Jools for further comment, and he said the following.
I just don't understand why someone would leak secret development information. It doesn't help anyone. Devs who are interested in developing for Nintendo platforms can easily sign-up via the Nintendo dev site. Leaking confidential information that is supposed to be locked behind a NDA hurts all developers. Nintendo should be able to trust the developers they work with, but when stuff like this happens it breaks that trust and potentially makes it more difficult for honest developers in the future.
Where the line exists for sharing leaks and not doing so is up for debate. My instinct when seeing the leak was to hesitate, think on it and ultimately not share the content directly. Leaks of limited details - such as a game's existence etc - are part of our reality, but publishing full documentation is arguably on the wrong side of that line. It goes from 'understanding' information passed on third-hand from sources to being outright shared in black and white. It's a tricky area, but ultimately this isn't public interest material like in major leaks and whistle-blowing in far more serious parts of real life. It's just a developer for whom whispering small details for alluring rumours online isn't enough, and has decided to simply drop a full batch of out-dated documentation into the wilds of the web.
Sadly, it could prompt Nintendo to get even more secretive and careful than it already is. We hope it's not the case, but there's a chance that the publication of this document online will make Nintendo-to-developer relations that little bit trickier in the future. That's a shame for both the developers and gamers that are keen to share varied and fascinating titles on the Nintendo Switch.
Comments 97
Yeah I don't think Nintendo can afford to be any more secretive than they already are. It'd be one thing if they were the industry leaders and had the clout to pull.
Oh wait, they already did that once before.
Don't feel like these leaks make a difference. Just nintendo fanatics pay attention to them...
Nintendo being tight-lipped on things in one way or another is really troubling for some developers that's for sure. But that aside being a douche a leaking sensitive info is still downright wrong and idiotic no matter what industry you're in. Good thing these were out-dated spec documents. Newer kits should have been rolled out to devs sometime after July with tad higher specifications.
Let's hope Ninty won't crank up their silence meter to the max after this.
As someone who is frustrated by their silence, I understand the argument that Nintendo should have fully detailed Switch UI, specs, the online situation etc by now seeing as we're a few short weeks from launch, and that the failure to do so is what gave these leaks value in the first place.
But, no-one should be happy about these leaks and the potential there-in for Nintendo to be even more circumspect when working with Indies - they were already hesitant and tight-lipped enough as it was.
Stupid move by the developer in question and i hope they pay for it.
To offer a conflicting view, Nitendo has every right to control its secrets and when it when it will not announce information.
For instance, this data is likely outdated. Nintendo wouldn't want old specs to leak.
But in the old fanboy-ism camp, most of us are clicking refresh on Reddit in between Cheetos. We want leaks and we want it last month. As long as there's a want, knuckleheads will leak info.
Last time we got Fake NX model (Oval shape with screen on controller).
And then Fake Switch box art on placeholder.
The main reason leaks are bad from Nintendo's (or anyone's) perspective are two-fold in my understanding.
1. It hurts marketing. They can't shape the messaging, timing, hype-train, or whatever else when someone does this kind of data-dump. Welcome to the internet which is why you see "controlled leaks" more and more these days.
2. It gives competitors time to beat you to market on something unique that was a key selling point. Imagine if someone leaked Wii remotes a year before release and PS Move was ready before Wii came out...
And Jools makes a KILLER point about how defensiveness could make Nintendo harder to work with. We all know they are the most tight-lipped and furthest behind the curve of web reality (like how they pushed back against youtubers playing their content for example). They're embracing it more with twitch and streams now, but this would be bad for devs if they had to wait even LONGER next time because of leaks (well-intentioned or not).
Leaks and rumors can really harm the hype of something.
See: Pokémon Sun & Moon, the Switch reveal
I don't see a good reason to leak this. I'm new to the Nintendo game so to speak, and I am amazed at how little info they allow out. How does this leak help that? Wouldn't it make a company that's already secretive feel justified in being secretive?
There is a place and a time for leaks, in serious life. But video games are my hobby. An escape. I don't need to have leaked scenes from games. I don't need to have spoilers. I don't need to have insight to dev kits. I just want to know what games are being developed, how much money said games will be, and and info about how online works(virtual console, where for art thou...)
i wish Nintendo was more open, but for the moment I'll accept that there is a method to the madness. Until E3 at least. In exchange, the big N will hopefully get those kits out to everyone, and focus on using that time to get the info that consumers need ready for release.
The leaked info is from July, so the information lines up with the July devkit specs. That means they're close, but not updated to the final retail specs. For instance, the UI is shown, but it's an earlier version of the UI we've seen shown by Nintendo and other sources.
Sharing trade secrets can be very much illegal. In glad NL are taking this stance.
i enjoyed reading those documents. they had some interesting details, such as:
switch can WRITE to the game cards, we didn't know that
4K support was planned at some point (of course only for videos)
electronic manuals are gone SAD!
you can finally set the RGB range!
joy-cons only charge when the system is connected to AC
while you're playing on a server the system can notify you of upcoming maintenance. NICE!
joy-con firmware can be updated
the system does indeed have a fan
Leaks are never good, no matter the circumstances or situation.
And the current leak in question is from July 2016, so while the leak is likely close to reality, it's still not up-to-date information.
Speaking of NX, why is it still in the homepage's title? "Nintendo Switch, 3DS, NX, Wii U, eShop News, Reviews and Videos" ?
You reap what you sow.
Its no coincidence that people are so hell bent on getting any piece of info on the Switch, when we are roughly two and a half weeks away from launch and still none the wiser about several key parts of the system, like how its going to handle the NNID, your previous purchases etc.
If you ask me, i say its mostly Nintendos fault that these leaks have become so sought after in the first place.
If they would have released infos regularly, there wouldn't even be a need to leak anything.
Heck, say what you want about Microsoft and their honesty, but their Scorpio announcement, a future system without a proper name yet, came with general specs, hardware providers and whatnot.
If they will be final or if they hold water is up to debate, but they gave their audience something to work with.
As for spreading leaks. It is the Internet. Make people aware that there are some, and they will eventually find them.
It doesn't really make a difference if you flat out present them. People who want to see them will see them, since ethics seem to have become rather "uncool" among folks lately.
But again, this one is to blame on Nintendo.
Not publishing the blueprints for their system is one thing, but they even missed to publish some rather crucial info upfront.
This isn't even bad PR anymore, that's just stupidity.
Bottom line:
Im generally for upholding workplace ethics and not release, let alone spread potentially confidential material.
But in an extreme case like this, where a manufacturer missed every single opportunity to inform their consumer base of the most mundane things, where it actually benefits the consumer ?
Im more than happy to turn a blind eye.
...almost made it to was probably leaked by hackers..
The backlash against Nintendo's closed attitude speaks volumes about the modern gamer's sense of entitlement. It's as if Nintendo somehow owes us a constant stream of information. They really don't, and we really don't need it. From the consumer's perspective, if you see Breath of the Wild in motion and fall in love, you're not going to suddenly fall out of love when you discover it's running on Tegra X1 or whatever.
I don't trust anything rumour related by a place that endorses laura kate dale as an "accurate" source.
"At this point you may be wondering why I'm dancing around this leak and not going into details?" Some might say its cause details make NX look bad, weak and underpowered.
I'd like to hear more on this story as it develops. Who broke the NDA, and how much of a smackdown is Nintendo going to lay on them? What a d--- move. Whoever did this did it simply to harm Nintendo and get his rocks off and feel powerful. No concern for the fanbase. It's literally two and a half weeks until launch. I hope whatever lawsuit he gets slapped with puts his little studio out of commission. (It could be Yacht Club Games and I would still feel this way.) There was no need for this.
@ZurapiiYohane64 Nintendo announced the NX codename in March 2015 as a way to insure people they we're leaving the console market for mobile games.
That's only a year and a half, not 4 years.
Good, I'm glad it was leaked. Nintendo should have released this info up front. As a consumer I want to know what I'm being sold before I spend money on it, especially when it comes to technology. I don't think Nintendo's silence and secrets do them any good. I don't need surprises, I need information so I can make smart purchases.
I really don't think this is as big a deal as some are making it out to be.
Had it been before the Presentation, or god forbid before the teaser trailer, it'd be a different conversation.
The system launches in less than a month. I feel like most of this information should be widely available by now. That said, it's very unfortunate that this leak may cause Nintendo to be even more tight-lipped.
I know very little about game development, but to Jool's point, how does Nintendo being secretive frustrate a dev if they can just sign up? How's that even an argument/point of view?
It's unfortunate but I certainly hope it doesn't have a negative impact on Nintendo or the Switch. I'm def getting one.
@manu0 I thought they said joycons always charge, even when the Switch is undocked.
Maybe it is old info.
And you can always write on game carts, it's how 3DS does save games.
For Switch it would be cool to have save game on cart and system.
@MadAdam81 no you can't lol
e.g. you can't write anything on most vita cards. yes, most 3ds cards have a small memory for saves. but we don't know if switch cards have those.
@manu0 We already knew they are using 3D style cards for the Switch, so it's no surprise that it will have the same features.
@MadAdam81 no we didn't and still don't know that.
btw: I hope that they watermarked or personalized these documents for each developer so that they can trace back exactly who leaked this! a very simple method would be to include a unique typo in a random word for each developer. if they find that typo in these leaked documents they would know who did it!
@speedracer216 I agree with you. I have been playing games for longer then I care to admit. Lol. But Nintendo has always been tight lipped. Back when the only news you got was from Nintendo Power. Nintendo could easily control what was out there. In this day and age with the internet the minute you announce a product if there isn't 100% details on it people go negative. Oh their hiding something or it's not going well. Same happens in all forms of entertainment. Nintendo has been around for over 100 years making cards, toys, cab services, and even love hotels. Of corse some of them didn't pan out but Nintendo hasn't been around for as long as it has without being good at what they do. People get upset over Nintendo because it's Nintendo. Like the browser and streaming apps not being available day 1. Come on. I have more ways to watch streams and movies than I know what to do with. Using my PS4 and X1 isn't one them I use. Nintendo has taken a lot of flak for its approach to consoles since the Wii. The Wii was the first Nintendo console to be underpowered compared to the PS3 and 360. The Wii U was a big swing and a miss because of its look and support. Even Nintendo abandon the console. But as the ps2, Wii, 3ds and I think even the Switch have proven that power isn't everything. It's the games. Which I think is why Nintendo is not sharing anything but games. I don't care if it's online support is $10, $50, or free. People female dog now that the PlayStation plus and Live are not worth the price but they buy it. The Switch won't pass the ps4 in sales, which is close to 60 million units but I think it could be a huge hit for Nintendo. They are going back to the philosophy of if you want a second console buy the Switch. That is what they did with the Wii. Plus, the Switch with a March release will not be affected by any other big release then come the holiday season we have Mario and whatever other games they release.
@3MonthBeef Jesus dude, it's too early to go that deep.
I read the documents, and i think that : They are OLD.
I mean, july 2016, when the Switch was only NX and a "work in progress". So, i think maybe they are right at 50%. When the Switch will came out, we know what there is inside.
But i will be too busy playing Zelda BotW for read those thing.
My that was long winded and then ultimately didn't tell us what they are. You may as well tell us as the cat is already out of the bag. Nintendo are way too secretive, even now, 2 weeks from launch there's a mountain of information still unknown. I said long ago that if Nintendo don't tell us the specifications of the Switch chips then it's because it's weak. And Nintendo haven't told us. Anyway, we can see for ourselves it's not capable of running various games already. Which is ridiculous, paying more money than it costs for a competitive console that came out years ago and getting less performance and less features. Not to mention less games which is what's most important.
@SH007ME I doubt it was hackers, I mean why do you think Nintendo WiiU games have leaked usually right after the review copies are sent out?
It only takes one jerk who's given a review copy or dev kit information...which in the age of some of these people being one-man review sites or 1-3 person development teams takes a lot of accountability away from people leaking since they can't lose their job. But it does strain the way Nintendo will trust indie developers as a whole, considering how close to launch a number of these indie games are going to be...I'm surprised someone thought it was was worth jeapordising a situation where Nintendo is giving small indie developers dev kits and information early on.
This is why some people can't be trusted in the world.
@3MonthBeef Wow, that is the most stupid analogy I've ever seen. Nintendo is a public multinational corporation trying to sell a $300 device. As a consumer you have the right to know what exactly you're spending your money on so you can make an informed decision on your purchase. Nintendo withholding this information is an anti-consumer move which is why people seek out and leak such info.
Comparing this to an individual having their personal data stolen is just...I don't think NL would let me use the word to describe this.
@3MonthBeef Calling other people "kids" and proudly trumpeting false equivalencies is a great way to expose yourself as the true online juvenile. Private photos and system specs are at opposite ends of the spectrum. All the leaked Switch info would have been made public in a couple weeks when the system launches. You and every other fanboy are being drama queens.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Now that's a ridiculous comment. We already knew it runs on a custom Tegra X1 chip, which is pretty much the top of the line mobile chip for that form factor.
The documents are very much old, but the main question is, what aspects of the UI/OS/online features are still in the retail product?
@IceClimbers No, I'm fairly sure the X2 could have the same form factor(if not even smaller) and would have offered a substantial jump in performance.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Nothing uses the Pascal chip for gaming. That chip is meant specifically for AI and automotives. That chip was never an option to use. If it was, the new Nvidia Shield that just launched would use it, but it uses the X1.
It also wouldn't have provided that substantial of an upgrade.
@IceClimbers Yes it would:
Watch this explination
No doubt whoever leaked this is in trouble, and rightly so. There's no excuse for leaking info on this scale and if not a breaking of an actual contract (which I bet it is) it's certainly a breach of trust. Hopefully Nintendo can trace who it is and punish them rather than retreating further into their shell.
It also illustrates how self-defeating their secrecy is sometimes though. Ignoring the specs side of it as the document is out of date (and people will figure that out within hours of the Launch anyway) there are other bits that would be good to get out in the public domain. It mentions that an applet allows Devs to connect to specific websites in-game. That should allay people's worries about connecting to WiFi hotspots. Why not tell people this?
Did you just compare a multinational corporation trying to sell a consumer electronics product to someone's child?
I've seen some bizarre false equivalcies on here but that is amazing by those or in fact any standards.
Just read the full leak document. So looks like discounts for stuff you already own on the eshop. Wonder if this means can rebuy wii u and 3ds VC titles I already own? Like for the 4th time...?
@audiobrainiac I believe the line of reasoning is that while a dev can easily sign up now, leaks such as this could force Nintendo to view the low barrier to entry they've set for devs as a liability in the future.
If Nintendo were to start imposing burdensome requirements in order to get dev specs - say, if a dev has to have a proven history of games, or must submit a working prototype of their game, or just if the price tag of the dev program were jacked up - it may weed out jokers who don't take the program seriously enough to keep NDA documents private, but it makes life harder on serious devs as well.
i just realized that i finally got around to calling it the switch. this reminded me that even after the reveal, it was still the nx for the longest time.
I realise this is an editorial but it seems a bit hypocritical for this site to say leaks are bad when they've been reporting every leak and rumour with enthusiasm.
EDIT: Actually, I take that back. It's a sensible debate to have here.
@audiobrainiac Yes you can sign up.
No we dont have access to anything Switch yet. Therein is the problem. Im sat here on a gane ready to be made and "Wait for the Portal to be updated in the future". Very commital.
1. Nintendo releases game - it performs beautifully at 1080p and 60fps on SWITCH - Gameplay is fantastic, Game looks gorgeous!
2. Rumour on the internet thanks to the leak is that the SWITCH isn't so powerful.
3. Fewer people buy SWITCH as a result of point 2 above whilst ignoring point 1 above.
4. Well, doesn't that just help everybody huh?
If nintendo doesent want to fail they should be less secretive coz people dont trust and dont like companies that are too secretive especially when it comes to video games...
People will avoid nintendos console like a plague if they dont know everything about it...
@IceClimbers yes it would have made a difference.
Well leaks like this are bound to happen if you create an atmosphere of absolute desperation for basic information on a product you want people to pay more than average value for!?!?!??
Nintendo absolutely deserves this kind of thing, they show no respect to the market they rely on to survive and are ignorant to what people actually do and say on the internet so consistently it almost insults us. There is so much basic information missing from the switch package that I'm surprised it's sold as much as it has. It may be amazing in time but I'm still waiting for a reason to buy one ahead of my Wii u. What more does it offer that that console for a home gamer!?!
Maybe someone will leak a reason soon 😉
@cfgk24 would leaks be bad if it revealed that the hardware was loads better than expected and created a hardware buzz and helped sales??
You can't judge the reactions to something if the facts create the spin. The facts are what things should always be judged on. Not advertising spin, media hype or mega-price sales. If the facts are painful and damaging, blame the people who created that situation, not the people who were honest enough to tell you.
Man I have no idea so many gamers felt entitled to information about a luxury item. If you think it's ok to leak this information and in turn hurt how hard it is for indies to get dev kits then you guys really are entitled. I still remember when one dude made a complete RPG on the DS using homebrew, and wasn't allowed to get a dev kit to make it official (All because he was one dude with no real business). It was big news when Nintendo had lightened up on their stance against smaller devs. But if stuff like this is going to be a norm (And expected by childish consumers), I would not be shocked if Nintendo did a 180. All it does it gives Nintendo reason to place harder restrictions on devs to get the kits to make games. Meaning yeah you got your information, but all it does is lead to Nintendo having reason to say "You aren't good enough to get this kit with past idiots".
And before anyone says to me "That's not true", I worked with a entity that had the same type of strict mindset. When someone leaked out a lot of stuff, it made working there much worse. It made everyone's job harder to get stuff done.
@3MonthBeef You aren't seriously comparing a company and work place ethics to a private person and their right of self-determination....
I think @Mogster and @electrolite77 already said what i think of your analogy in far calmer words.
You are comparing an act of malice, aimed to hurt and damage the privacy and dignity of a person to "That's the hardware you guys are getting for 300 bucks".
What's your next analogy ? A leaked gameplay trailer = Bathroom stall photos of the next playboy model ? I mean, she'll be naked in a week anyways...
Jesus...its 12:30 and i already had enough internet for today....
@Arehexes 'Man I have no idea so many gamers felt entitled to information about a luxury item'
lol. Gonna stop you right there, pal. Consumers are most definitely entitled to know the FULL details about the product they are spending $300 dollars on. How else can a consumer make an informed decision about whether a product is worth their hard earned money?
Nintendo isn't your friend. Remember this. All they want is your money. The reason they aren't giving these details freely is because most of them don't paint the Switch in a good way.
I'm thankful to the leaker for shedding some light on the Switch.
Heh, I actually know the leaker's name and stuff....he has access to Wii U and New 3DS documents too.
@Mogster Well seeing how all you cared was my entitlted consumer remark proves that's what you are. Tell me what does knowing the specs of a closed console does for you? If you truly are a smart consumer like you act like to be why not wait two days after the system comes out? You will know everything about the system from a slew of sites talking about it. Unless you are making software for the system specs don't mean dick to a consumer. Outside of, it's janky on this system, and that's poor optimization more likely then not. Hell when I sold consoles at gamestop people cared more about which console has X game or the system their friends has. Hell I only talk specs when I'm buying a microcontroller for a project, or trying to figure out how a chip works to work with it.
Like I said I worked as a coder during a leak at one of my jobs. I had to sit in a meeting about it, and felt the impact. I get those devs concern. What I don't get is your piss poor concerns when you can just wait. Is it your livelyhood to get it day and date? Are you planning on writing software for it?
These leaks documents will be whats in the Nintendo Switch, even though its a old document hardware gets locked down well ahead of time. Software wise it'll likely resemble the UI whats in the Switch now, if anything changed it'll mainly be small changes if anything. If you reporting on leaks from places like Digital Foundry your reporting on information from confidential documents, the only difference is it written text and not the documents themselves. Digital Foundry sources is not some random guy off reddit, thay are the developers themselves you would have to be ignorant to think otherwise. But you will not show the leaked documents themselves, it doesn't matter if you show the documents or not as you've already published information from them documents. But to report on leaks as leaks are very different to rumours, but not show the documents because of some high ground belief is double standard Isn't it?
@Arehexes well said.
Here's a couple of correct ways to use 'entitled'. A potential customer of a consumer electronics company is entitled to want information on a product before giving that company money. You are not entitled to decide what information another person wants on a consumer electronics product.
@Einherjar That is a very troubling stance you take. Nintendo has a right to restrict their information. And this Dev has just done more damage to Nintendo-Dev relations than anything else for this new generation.
Game companies are also 'entitled' to prevent their information from being released outside of their scope. People are entitled the ability to buy something they don't fully understand. If game companies refuse to give that information now, and people are still going to buy it, then they will - they are Entitled to that. If they're not willing to, then they are entitled to keep their money.
@LordGeovanni Im pretty sure that Nintendo themselves are evolving into a wrecking crew more than anyone else at this point.
Again, two and a half weeks til release, and we STILL don't know if we will have to buy digital content again...for the 3rd time no less !
And im pretty sure that "buying the cat in the bag" is not a very good marketing strategy to uphold, especially not if the system you're trying to sell raised some eyebrows for having "low tech" and "might or might not be weaker than the WiiU"
You know what the result of such rumors are ? No sales.
You know what might help ? Information.
Like i said in my initial post. Im generally against leaks of any kind. But Nintendo asked for this by driving one of the worst anti-consumer PR campaigns in recent years.
The significant thing however, is that Nintendo still has the right to limit the information. You have the same right to not buy. If Nintendo isn't releasing the info you want, you vote with your voice (like your posts) And your $.
If the possibility of having to buy games again is something you don't want to risk, I support you waiting.
I acknowledge the risk of having to repurchase, I am still buying day-one. (Which I have NEVER done before.)
@LordGeovanni I bought the "cat in the bag" last time, im not doing it again.
I put my purchase on hold until i know everything i need to know (given that im fine with the answers of course).
So i still stand by my post:
Complete radio silence over a system that has to shoulder the burden of making up the losses of the WiiUs colossal failure is moronic at best.
Expecting people to buy hardware they know nothing about ? Pretty darn stupid.
So i sure as heck get why people tried to find out ANYTHING about said product, basically to do Nintendos job for them.
I don't praise 'em for doing so, but i get where they were coming from.
I can understand developers being frustrated about Nintendo's lack of being forthcoming.
However, I don't agree with leaks like this and I certainly don't agree with the notion that things like this are justified just because us regular folks feel we are entitled to this information. If I can wait patiently for Nintendo to be ready to release the information when they are ready, so can everyone else.
Nintendo still has the right to be stupid. As silly as that is. They are also allowed to be upset when others leak their info.
I still fully respect and encourage your decision to wait until more information before you purchase. I just feel that others see no problem running over Nintendo's rights just because they disagree.
Talk about unethical. Does nobody think of the legal ramifications that can come from violating an NDA? I understand being disgruntled, but this is overstepping more than a few boundaries.
To me, leaks are like snooping under the Christmas tree. You see a present with your name on it, lightly tear open a small piece of the wrapping paper, and peek inside. There you's that thing, THE THING, that you desperately wanted. Guess what? Goodbye excitement. You ruined it for yourself. You ruined it for the one who worked hard to get that gift for you. And, you ruined the joy of others who wanted to watch you open it.
@LordGeovanni Well, im not innocent in that case either.
Again: Im anti-leak but do agree that, in this case, it did something Nintendo has missed to do for far too long.
Unethical ? Absolutely and im glad NL at least tried not to spead it further.
But this was inevitable.
I fully agree. Nintendo could have done better, but leaks still happen. NintendoLife has been quite honorable about their reports on this matter.
And I fully agree with your stance too.
Well, when you're as secretive and paranoid about something as Nintendo has been about the Switch, then stuff like this will happen. They've inadvertently created an atmosphere where leakers are excessively rewarded with attention for their leaks due to the absence of official information on the matter.
I'm not sure I understand the tone of the article here as compared to coverage elsewhere.
An NDA-protected document was leaked. That's a breach of contract, and if any identifying information can be located on the leaker, Nintendo can, should, and will utterly destroy them in court. There's not much to say about the whole incident beyond that, really.
As for NL not posting the leaked NDA document, that's a good call. As are other small dev's concerns about Nintendo getting harder to work with after that.
But as for the sentiment that the leaker has somehow ruined something for Nintendo....we're 17 days from product launch, all the hardware features have already been revealed, most developers that have any real interest in the system already have a more current version of the same docs in hand already (including, no doubt, major competitors), and this information reveals nothing we didn't already know beyond some obscure technical specs (that devs and competitors already have) and some obscure software functionality and hardware usage details that don't matter much beyond being a sneak peak at the users manual, more or less. This doesn't ruin anything for anyone other than the brainless fool who chose to post a confidential document WEEKS before the specs become public domain anyway.
Do you ever let up?
@Arehexes I am waiting until the console comes out. Maybe forever, to be honest. Do you listen to yourself though? A television is a 'closed system' but they still list all the specs and features. If I want to buy a toaster I want to know all the details of said toaster. If I want to buy digital watch I want to know all the details of said digital watch. Implying that wanting to know the full details of something before you spend your money on it makes you an 'entitled consumer' is just moronic. Continue getting ripped off if you please let me, but I LIKE MANY OTHER CONSUMERS like to make an informed decision about my purchases.
I think it's time for you too lay off the corporate cool aid buddy. Nintendo isn't your friend. Stop defending them for not supplying consumers with adequate information on whether or not to buy a system.
You're using it right. Thing is, people choosing not to buy one is exactly the most pertinent use. And something you'd think Nintendo would want to avoid.
'Entitled' is regularly misused on video game forums including this one, as a way of trying to belittle genuine criticism.
@8itmap_k1d Nintendo doesn't owe us anything, you're right. But I'd argue that what they are doing isn't exactly helping them either.
@Mogster So you're saying then it's alright for say a popular RPG series new entry's entire plot to be leaked, everything down to the dialogue involved, before the game is put out?
I can say a TON of people would lynch said person if that happened.
It's entirely possible for a manufacturer to want to hide details for a surprise (could be additional functionality added later that could be implemented using some of the hardware components). Not necessarily the case in THIS example but entirely possible nonetheless.
@electrolite77 Oh so it's misused exactly the same way as the SJW term.
@Mogster "Implying that wanting to know the full details of something before you spend your money on it makes you an 'entitled consumer' is just moronic. Continue getting ripped off if you please let me, but I LIKE MANY OTHER CONSUMERS like to make an informed decision about my purchases."
There you go man, all you need to know right there. And all the info's available before launch.
I looked at them and if they are real then Nintendo should be shouting it from the roof tops. The memory bandwidth alone was insane, like a new Samsung Galaxy Note with an crazy GPU for less than half the price. I respect that Nintendo wants to avoid the tech spec ratrace, but Digital Foundry kills any hope of avoiding that in messaging. If anything DF's approach of quantifying what should be a purely qualitative experience does more to hurt the industry, publishers, developers, and hardware manufacturers, than a leaked spec sheet does. The console gaming culture is unfortunately moving toward an enthusiast luxury market, a far cry from the days Atari Jaguar floundered behind the underpowered competition.
Glad it's not up here. Leaks destroy that feeling of awe when you see something great for the first time at the right time.
@ThomasBW84: Good decision!
@speedracer216 Agree on the confidential / sensitive information point. As a company/business, Nintendo has paid several people via research and dev to come up with good ideas and invest in new technology, as well as the form factor in which a player would consume/use said tech.
It is much harder to create something new as opposed to ripping off existing ideas. While the industry does feed off of and grow from innovations across the industry, it's important that the ones who pioneered a tech and forefronted the costs for it, to be able to come to market first and make back the money and hopefully be rewarded (via net profit) for the investment.
Otherwise, it becomes less (or potentially, not) profitable and hence less / not worthwhile to innovate and try new things.
Chief, we don't even know whether VC is there at launch. We haven't seen the UI. We don't properly know how Accounts work, will we be able to transfer any previous purchases over, whether we can use a HDD in the Dock. How will it connect to Wi-fi hotspots without a browser.
It may be enough information for you as it's what Nintendo have elected to give us, but there are a lot of unanswered questions for those of us giving it some thought.
Exactly. Plenty of posts on here recently saying-rightly-that there's still plenty of information not released by Nintendo. So what do not one, but two two posters do on this thread, as if to illustrate the 'Nintendo is always right' mentality? Link to the corporate site of the company not releasing that information. You couldn't make it up.
@BiasedSonyFan @electrolite77 is trying to say you don't think. Lol
I think he/she may have figured that out without your help. It wasn't exactly subtle. Don't be thinking it's a label exclusive to them though.
@electrolite77 oh I'm well aware of that. I'm sure all that stuff you want to know will come out soon enough. Still a couple of weeks to go, enough time for a direct or whatever.
Yeah I'll just keep grinding my teeth and waiting 😂 I'm playing a game of brinkmanship with my pre-order waiting until the last minute, and it could go either way.
BTW I did email Nintendo UK, they got back to me in an impressive 30 minutes with....
"Dear XXXXX,
Thank you for contacting us in regards to Nintendo Switch.
We are unable to confirm at this time currently if Nintendo Switch will launch with Virtual Console, or information for the use of hard drives and towards Wifi hot spotting. However, it is likely that this information will be announced closer to the release date. We hope this information helps and we apologise for any inconvenience.
If you have any further questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact us."
I wasn't expecting anymore than that TBH but fair play to them for getting back to me quickly.
@electrolite77 not bad going...very prompt response.
I've already done the misuse of 'entitled'. I've already done the relationship between consumer and product vendor. We've clearly nailed down exactly where you're coming from and your angle on Nintendo. Let me know when you have something constructive to add to the discussion.
Yep. I phoned them about swapping my Account over from a New 3DS to a 2DS (I find the 2DS more comfortable and am far more confident about passing that on to the kids than anything with hinges) after I foolishly failed to notice I couldn't do a system transfer and they were great. Straight through to a rep, call took 5 minutes, switchover done that evening. Very impressive.
Er. 'Constructive', remember? Endless variations of 'Nintendo are always right' doesn't count.
See previous post. You're almost a parody.
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