1-2-Switch is an intriguing launch release for the Nintendo Switch - on the one hand it feels like an ideal pack-in that will instead cost a decent chunk of change, while on the other it'll likely be the best way to showcase the brilliant Joy-Con controllers. As a result it's tempting to pick up, even if we complain about it as we pop it in the online trolley.
Its included minigames vary from awkward to clever, and the 'Milk' game is the strangest and most uncomfortable of all. We said the following in our own 'first impressions' of the game.
How this game is received very much depends on the age of the player and their state of mind. You sit opposite each other, supposed to look each other in the eyes, while 'milking' a cow. To do this you hold the Joy-Con vertically and, through a combination of a button and a steady motion, work the virtual teats, with the Rumble HD providing feedback; the winner is the one with the most bottles of milk at the end.
Children will find it funny, grown-up friends after a few refreshments at the local public house will likely find it hilarious, and two thirty-something game writers that have had minimal sleep will likely find it utterly peculiar, and slightly uncomfortable.
Now Tiny Cartridge has posted a rather funny video with site co-owner JC Fletcher taking on Nintendo's JC Chavez; the latter will be familiar from various Treehouse streams and Nintendo Directs. They show off the game, with all of the awkwardness you'd expect - it neatly shows how the game is both fun and bizarre.
We do rather like Tiny Cartridge and its spin on portable gaming in particular, so be sure to check out the site.
[source tinycartridge.com]
Comments 72
Milk, Does a body good. Even if you're milking a plethora of random non-bovine creatures.
lol I can see 1-2 Switch becoming quite the party game. Especially if alcohol is involved.
Wolves are known to kill cows and generally they will go for the udder for a blend of meat and milk
Nintendo needs to bury this video asap. If too many people see it the whole shebang will be DOA.
why is my mind like this....https://i.imgur.com/cqiyR1L.gifv
This just looks wrong on so many levels. I can foresee the Facebook and YouTube posts appearing by the hundreds with lewd comments and innuendo.
State of mind indeed! ☺
This has not been done before! Kudos for that!
My state of mind is somehow unimpressed
The world is full of real bovines that would LOVE to be milked for real, for free!! And these two gits just spent €50 to pretend they're doing it in front of the telly...
This game is not just laughably awful, it's also morally wrong.
Maybe being compatible with some form of VR in the future will soften the blow of the price?
I want to try this game, it looks weird and unique but it is also something that u have to try to be convince it is good. I will not lie this as a pack-in would have been incredible but on its own looks good as well. ARMS is the other game that has me intrigue and I hope it makes Evo 2017 so we can see the game true potential.
Shark jumped.
As funny and awkward as this was to watch, why do they have to look at each other for this? Its not like trying to match the others' pace will ensure a better score? Watching the tv is clearly the best way to win the game. So what gives?
Arceusdamn party games...
Don't have a cow man.
@DiscoGentleman @Laxeybobby
"The more the vibration happens, the more you squirt"
There's no reason to face each other, it's just the way Nintendo set it up. Looking at the TV makes more sense as you can see if you're doing it right. Don't see this selling well as it's just a series of tech demo's. It should have been a pack in. Asking for €65 is mental. This milkshake most definitely will not bring all the boys to the yard.
"Virtual teats" . . . yeah, much better than an F-Zero installment.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I agree on the pack in, but still I want to try a demo of it and see how it is to play the game. If I like it I will buy it but not at full price.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE you can also feel it with the HD rumble
@bluedogrulez at this point why u keep asking for that franchise? Is very clear that Nintendo put that on the vault next to the Mother series.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Your last line should be the caption for the inevitable review!
Who'd have thunk, the Switch would simulate teats! Best console in my book...
Seriously though, this particular game did seem a little weird lol. I'm sure it'll be hilarious at parties though. I plan to see that through.
@ThomasBW84 "... two thirty-something game writers that have had minimal sleep will likely find it utterly peculiar, and slightly uncomfortable."
Utterly peculiar... or udderly peculiar?
@DiscoGentleman The temptation was real with the tagline, but ultimately I'd have had a number of complaints. I was making plenty of inappropriate jokes in my head, though.
@DoctorWily Boom!
I can see it now in the next installment of Zelda, built from the ground up exclusively for the Switch, instead of herding goats into the barn you'll milk them!
Milking time ! XD
Then Link has to make Goat cheese with so smelly odour. XD
I'm amazed that NoA actually elected, officially and on the record, to participate in perpetuating the meme for this video. It makes me really think I was on the right track that Nintendo knew precisely what they were doing in making this game, and it is designed very specifically to be viral marketing at it's finest. And they led us to believe they were stuck in the past. Well played, Nintendo, well played.
Um.. was that a good or bad news about 1 2 Switch video just now ?
@Jessica286: I'm sure you're right. I am a very positive here about most things Nintendo and nearly everything about the Switch. But why anyone thought 1,2 Switch was a good idea is beyond me.
Erotic. Plus 1 2 switch looks like a great game. Not full retail price but a great game nonetheless.
@Anti-Matter Just surprise that the video is all about what the internet instantly determined as...less than family friendly interpretations...of this game, and Nintendo of America actually chose to participate in the video officially. That implies that the less-than-family qualities of this game and it's spread on the internet might not be accidental, but in fact, the intended purpose. If so, that's clever, marketing (something I doubted Reggie was still capable of )
They could at least give away the cow hats as Pre-order bonuses 🙄
@Nik-Davies I would buy it for that!
Ah... I understand why 1 2 Switch rated by ESRB E10+ while PEGI = 12. A bit.... inappropriate because of .... milking mini games. XD
@Anti-Matter Basically, that. Though Nintendo's getting back into edgier stuff, given the "Mario Kart on the toilet" commercial in the UK! Nintendo advertising was a lot edgier back in the SNES era as well. I feel like it's the 90's again
I am in your debt.
@Laxeybobby as long as it sells consoles, it will be okay LOL.
@DiscoGentleman Nintendo doesn't do a happy medium I think. It's either gross-out edgy, or it's the 1950's Normal Rockwell family enjoying their togetherness in their slightly upscale minimalist living room. They zeroed in on normal people with the Switch premier....assuming normal people are all between the ages of 20-30 living in urban environments all resembling a Tokyo lifestyle
Wish we had a full list of the mini-games. Seems odd that they're still holding this back, and yet the game is available for pre-order.
I'm afraid Nintendo has prematurely shot their wad on what was supposed to be a dry run, if you will, so now I'm afraid they have something of a mess on their hands.
@remag Playtonic is also giving free upgrades for the Switch version of Yooka Laylee if you were a Wii U backer.
Just got an email today I believe on that matter.
What do you mean, awkward? It's perfectly natural for two grown men to sit and face each other, gazing resolutely with piercing eyes, while pretending to yank on their partner's imaginary... uh... um... Never mind, this is getting awkward...
@gcunit No. Nintendo made their bed, now they should lay in it. Distribute this video far and wide. Let loose the hounds of the abyss to reap the sinners who do not embrace the new Nintendo. Let the memes commence.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE Oh, it will bring all the boys to the yard... Just not the type of choir boys you'd be comfortable bringing home to your mum...
@DiscoGentleman Here you go, have fun!
@PlywoodStick Oh dear, this thread grazed your interest in this topic all over again. And here I thought it had long ago been put out to pasture.
@NEStalgia Yes.... YES..... Let the puns flow through you! Give in to the meme side of the internet... Then your transmoogrification will be complete!
@DiscoGentleman I know, right!? Rank amateurs... I'll show them how to yank a JoyToy... I mean, shake a JoyCon... But not yet, not yet. The time of reckoning is nigh.
@Setery10 Why is that knowledge necessary for you to grant upon this comment section?
@PlywoodStick Maybe they didn't intend....(check's back of case: Made in Japan)...nevermind...they intended it.
@NEStalgia This topic is just screaming for an inverted Mega Milk meme... But even I still have enough restraint over my mental faculties to refrain from posting that here... For now. HoW mVcH l0n9e® w][££ m¥ $@Π!t-< √∆§+…¿¿¿
There already were Wii minigames that looked awkward/uncomfortable in their respective ads - maybe it was WarioWare: Smooth Moves - and what followed were satirical videos like 'Shii' (you'll find it on Youtube).
When I saw the milking mini game for the first time during the Switch presentation on January 13th, I immediately thought "there will be many people making fun of that online". I briefly wondered if nobody at Nintendo were able to recognize the potential 'misunderstandings' that this game could cause.
But then I thought "no, that's impossible, it goes through the hands of a lot of people before it's finally revealed to the outside world, someone would've noticed and warned them". So just as @NEStalgia already speculated, the only comrehensible explanation must be that Nintendo are aware of this 'issue' and are planning to utilize it for marketing. They want people to make fun of it online and to create absurd masturbation-related 1-2 Switch memes.
The video in this article only confirms that.
It's really strange but at the same time, surely some people will find this kind of viral marketing clever. We'll see whether it'll benefit Nintendo or create new problems for them.
@shani it puts the Nintendo brand all over the internet, makes it look like a trending thing, and particularly in hardcore (pun not intended) part of the internet that their competitors dominate. If intentional, it's sheer genius from a marketing perspective, and cowing the entire thing in innocent...well...cows, makes it look like they're keeping their head above the sand and it's everyone else making it out to be something it's not. I.E. plausible deniability.
Considering it's Japan, there's pretty much a 0.00% chance nobody noticed this as it came across every single desk in the building
@PlywoodStick At least now we know why the Milk Bar is only open at night, and only for those wearing an appropriate mask.
@NEStalgia Yeah, I think it might receive some criticism as well, but it could actually work marketing-wise. It's basically following the old saying 'any publicity is good publicity'. ^^
@DiscoGentleman "of two (presumably) straight dudes"
That's funny, these days I presume every guy under 30 is non-straight. GBTQH*, the odds of a dude being straight are only 1 in 5.
(*I always add H for Hetero so nobody feels left out, I find "straight" off-putting since Gere was in Bent in '80, I'm really old, though I'm sure others feel the same way about Hetero. I left off the L since you said dudes.)
After Switch releases I predict all videos for the "Milk" game are put on YouTube upside down.
If you are watching this on a tablet or phone go ahead and turn your device upside down - don't forget to turn off auto-rotate first - then watch it again. If you thought it was suggestive before you ain't seen nothing yet. 😈
Edit: OMG watching it upside when the milk splattered all over the screen... I can't even.
@NEStalgia @shani Posts 61-2 "some people"
I'm probably going to be crucified for this, perhaps deservedly so, but I see this as subtle, or perhaps not so subtle, marketing to the LGBTQ community. That group seems to be a lot more open to fun, they are a growing block of consumers, and they really aren't the target audience for video games where men are macho killing machines and women are scantily clad killing machines. The gaming industry has historically been - here's your "Sing" and "Just Dance" games, that's it. And from my rocking chair in the old age home I can't really tell the previously targeted "hipsters" and the younger portion of the LGBTQ community apart, so maybe from a marketing perspective they are the same group, but this feels like it could be testing the waters. Or maybe it's just the hats.
I miss Square Pegs.
(Looking at Squishing motion from Milking gameplay)
@rjejr You've been living in NY waaay too long with an outlook like #61
And just when I thought this meme couldn't get any dirtier, you had to come along and rotate your tablet (that is not a Switch)!
#65: Hmm, I certainly can't say you're wrong, it's not like corporations haven't tried pandering to that and any other politically favored special interest group du jour, and some have seen success with it (most famously, Subaru, another Japanese company.), but I'm personally not seeing it. This is what amounts to an adult version of a potty joke, and it has equal appeal to everyone between the ages of puberty and death...no point diluting the joke by targeting it toward specific sub-groups. Though I'm probably the wrong person to notice since i tend not to filter everything through political-interest-group lenses by default, but some people certainly do, and that probably goes twice as much for politicians, PR managers, and marketing gurus, so I could just be out of touch there.
I guess the games and systems are already packed and ready to be shipped soon for the first run but it's so messed up that this doesn't come with the switch.
It hasn't been that many years since wii sports helped sell the wii that Nintendo could forget.
They should have given us Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 instead. I don't feel comfortable groping the bosoms of another species.
@bluedogrulez lol I know right it looks so wacky and sometimes just plain wrong. Thats why I said I want to try a demo but even though I would only pay for it like $10-15 nothing else. Nintendo drop the ball not including it with the Switch.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE it's actually out preforming nier on the PS4 in Japan. I think it will sell better than you expect.
What a simple mod to what displays on the tv could do....it's inevidable....
@Firelork doubtful since the point is that 1 2 Switch are screenless minigames. Maybe the sequel.
Tech demo as a launch title. sigh They could have done something more interesting with WarioWare or an updated Wii Sports.
@NEStalgia It never even dawned on me until you said that the Switch could be played upside down in tabletop mode. OMG! Again.
Born and raised in NYC, then 8 years in grad school in Kentucky, then 15 years in the NYC suburbs, close enough to visit, probably too close when the nuke goes off. My wife was working in NYC on 9/11, I took the day off to go to a funeral, watched a tower collapse while in the funeral procession on a nearby highway. And I still think the ban is wrong. And the wall.
Woops getting off topic again, been a really long day. Saved by the tablet battery hitting 5%.
Quite honestly the worst looking mini game I've ever seen. What are the devs at Nintendo smoking anyway?
@rjejr You can't tell hipsters apart from LGBTQ folks because hipsters stole all their fashion from us! Specifically, lesbians. Tell me, what do lesbians wear? Plaid flannel and combat boots or Converse, right? Now, what do hipsters wear? Plaid flannel and... oh s---! But who wore it first? The L of the LGBTQ, that's who. It just wasn't "cool" until the disaffected youth set in.
As for whether or not Nintendo is marketing to LGBTQ people with 1, 2, Switch, I think you may be a bit kooky there. I think they are marketing to the same people that wanted to play Wii Sports myself. That blue ocean again.
So I believe 😁
Seems like nearly everyday towards release day we are being drip fed some sort of Nintendo goodness........ 👌
@TheLobster "You can't tell hipsters apart from LGBTQ folks"
B/c I'm a hetero white guy over 50.
You're probably right about 1 2 Switch, it doesn't come w/ 2 guys wearing cow hats after all, but have you seen the SuperBowl trailer? About halfway thru there are 2 people playing what I believe is Just Dance and "marketing to LGBTQ" immediately popped into my head. So for that brief second I could tell them apart, they were the ones cooperatively having fun, everybody else was very competitive.
Oops, my mistake, champagne bottle game is coop. But now I can find Just Dance, it goes by too quick.
Hipsters never played Wii, it was all soccer moms and grandparents. Go watch those ads from 10 years ago, all families, no hats. Now everybody wears hats. I think it's an Apple commercial trademark.
And you all got your style from some weird combination of Curt Cobain and Gilmore Girls.
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