Platinum turns 10 this year, and to mark this occasion Famitsu has conducted interviews with several key staff members - including Hideki Kamiya, arguably the studio's most famous (and outspoken) employee.
Kamiya admits that his directorial style is quite abrasive, and that after finishing the original Bayonetta, several Platinum staffers - including main programmer Kenji Saito - stated that they didn't want to work with him again:
As a director, I always told the staff [to implement things] 'because they're interesting!', even if they could be severe demands.
However, it would seem that such tactics aren't unique to Kamiya, as Bayonetta 2 director Yusuke Hashimoto reveals:
After a while later, I understand how Kamiya feels. When Bayonetta 2 was finished, there were many people who don't want to work with me either.
Perhaps the most interesting segment of the piece relates to Platinum's stance on collaborations with other IP owners. It is currently working with Nintendo on Star Fox Zero, and in the past has produced titles based on Transformers and Metal Gear. The company is also hard at work creating a game based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles franchise.
Co-founder Atsushi Inaba says he is surprised that Platinum has been able to work with so many other properties:
I remembered it when looking at Hashimoto's face as he's making Star Fox Zero right now… when we set up this company, we never thought we'd get lent IPs from other companies and create games of them. I think it's a rare case for a studio to make games of so many IPs from other companies.
Excitingly, it is revealed in the Famitsu feature that Platinum has been inundated with collaboration offers, some of which have not been revealed at this time.
What IP would you like Platinum to tackle next? Let us know by posting a comment below.
Comments 72
I would love Nintendo to invest in Vanquish 2.
F Zero Captain Falcon action game. Time to put those Falcon Punches to good use.
Their Turtles game is looking very cool. Their Star Fox game, not so much. At least based on what we've seen so far.
he says they were offers, not actual collaborations just yet. or was there indication that some were accepted? with the quality of their work, someone should jsut hand them a blank check and tell them 'here, go crazy', without having to adhere to any guidelines for any previous creations.
All I really want is Activision to bring Tranformers and TMNT to the Wii U! I don't get it, surely there is enought marked to warrant a Wii U version of those two games!? Oh well... what do I know. I really hope to see more Platinum Games on Nintendo consoles in the future.
@Splatburst Its been 10 years since F-Zero showed up and you want a spin off instead? Um...remember what happened to metroid last year?
to me, nothing from them interests me. Maybe if they make something for the 3DS, it might be possible but I don't think it'll happen.
It doesn't mean Nintendo couldn't release a new or remastered F Zero along side a spinoff F Zero. We're talking Platinum Games here. You want them to make an F Zero racing game instead?
C'mon Nintendo! Not like you're doing anything with it.
@Kirk Platinum Games helped out with Star Fox, but it's not their game. If it was all theirs, it would be way more exciting!
Bubblegum Crisis: The Character Action Game. Kickass sexy women, sleek and sexy hardsuits, hulking insane Boomers, Motoslaves, and knucklebomb finishers, wrapped up in an 80s cyberpunk setting.
I would buy that game in an instant.
New F Zero please please please please please please!!
Kill la Kill by Platinum is something that needs to happen.
F-Zero for sure, Captain Falcon space marshall taking down bad guys in an open world similar too the Mad Max game or Sleeping Dogs.
@whodatninja shin'en can do that. fast racing neo is insanely fun.
Animal Crossing Beat Up game? that would be interesting.
From Nintendo I would like to see F-Zero or Wave Race, and Metroid. Non-Nintendo franchises? Mega Man. Streets of Rage?
@Kirk I'd be willing to take that bet that Star Fox Zero will be better received than the TMNT game. I'd be willing to take it because it's pretty much certain to happen, from the way I see things. Using the oh-so-reliable Metacritic as a basis? You're on in that case.
Why not Kid Icarus?
@Splatburst Well let's put it this way.
Fans were waiting for a New Metroid game. Instead, we get a spin off and that spin off has the most dislikes I've ever seen in a trailer. Its been like what 6 years?
F-Zero, a series that hasn't been around in 10 years should now just get a spin off instead of an actual game? Hey, I'm fine with the idea and I can see how that works for Platinum but you have to understand, that while it sounds creative won't satisfy the ones who waited for a brand new F-Zero game.
Has to be Fzero for me or maybe metroid?
I just want Okami 3, but that's probably never gonna happen...
@clvr That would actually be a really good idea. They're already working on Star Fox Zero, which has similar controls (at least during Uprising's flying segments), and I've never played Bayonetta, but from what I've seen, it seems to focus pretty heavily on Greek mythology. Just put those two together, and BAM! You've got yourself a spicy Kid Icarus sandwich! Although, "Chicken is much more economicaaaaal!"
A cross play game for new 3ds and Wii U.
@Not_Soos exactly, in the right hands (and Platinum's hands are) I think a sequel to Uprising could even blow the first one out of the water. They could give the right emphasis to melee fights, which are not that fleshed out.
But what about a Bayo-KI crossover?! I suggested that a long time ago in a "ideal crossovers" thread and that dream of mine was reinforced when I saw Bayonetta's announcement as the last DLC characters. Uh, a man can dream...
Metroid Prime Federation got negative reception because there's no Samus on it and the graphics look bad on the non-3D trailer. I'm sure it'll look better on the 3DS with the 3D turned on. Still, the fans wanted Samus in it and on the Wii U (or in the 3DS but 2D platformer).
But what I'm asking is an F-Zero spinoff action game with Captain Falcon on it. Beat'em up Bayonetta/TW101 style or maybe Metal Gear Rising Platinum Games style.
@kkslider5552000 yeah...or...mabey...INFERNO COP!!!
Well whatever else they make I'll buy it although I do hope to see more of their own IPs soon (looking forward to scalebound!)
Metal Gear Revengeance was amazing and majorly overlooked.
Something in that vein with a Nintendo IP would be immense, like a darker, home console version of Kid Icarus
@clvr that came to mind first. Sakurai expressed no interest in returning to it for an uprising sequel. It's too bad, uprising is one of my all time favorites and I would hate to go Dormant for 20 years. So, perfect opportunity for platinum to come in and save the franchise.
Kid Icarus for me too
If it's Platinum, I don't care what IP they are using, because it will likely be interesting anyways.
I can see Nintendo either collaborating with, or outright handing over several projects to Platinum to help boost the launch line up for the NX. And I would hope that by doing so it means more obscure titles are bought back from the dead. For many none Nintendo fans it would look like brand new IPs instead of Mario and Zelda.
Platinum is great. I've been playing their games before they were Platinum. They remind me of the golden age of '90s Japanese video games, but contemporary. Their games are top notch, but they don't always sell well compared to the perennial heavy weights. That's not an issue for me, but I don't understand why companies like activision and Microsoft contract them to make games; two companies that are about as far away as you can get from the traditional Japanese video game style. Maybe I'm being selfish and just feel it's taking time and resources away from platinum focusing on making games for Nintendo, lol.
PlatinumGames is so good, they could make Nintendogs amazing.
Thundercats? Power Rangers? If we're talking more childhood treasures getting the Platinum treatment... X3
Nintendo will lose this great company if they do not lock them in to second or first party. Other companies known for doing that will keep them so busy and/or outright buy Platinum and we will have lost a new Rare.
Hopefully working with Nintendo has shown them how to put some substance in their games, and not style only.
How many games can these guys develop at the same time?!
Hand them literally any Shounen anime licence - a collaboration with Bamco, perhaps! Make it happen!
@Splatburst beat me to it. Captain Falcon beat em up please.
The TMNT game looks awesome, sucks it's not coming to wii u.
A Zelda from Platinum would be nice
Platinum, please aquire the rights to Actraiser and continue this adventure! I need more Actraiser in my life. Please, Platinum?
@Jamotello ; You got that right! Shin'en would be a great fit (and this from a Platinum fan)
Metroid. We need a new Metroid game. But only if they can make something more in line with Super Metroid or Metroid Prime.
They can give a crazy makeover to so many IPs... maybe after Koei Tecmo it's Platinum's turn to handle the Metroid franchise?
Based on the majority of their track record this can hopefully lead to great things. I do speculate what properties have been put forward? Which are the most unexpected; a Platinum developed FIFA or Call of Duty anyone?
I do however hope they continue delving in some new IPs here and there plus continue developing their own. Despite lower than desired sales, I still hold out in hope for a Vanquish 2. However if it turns out to be a console exclusive I predict Microsoft will snag it.
Fingers crossed for Viewtiful Joe or Okami
F-Zero with 40 players at once in multiplayer races.
(Battlefront can handle it - so should an F-Zero game)
Flappy Bayonetta please
"We never thought we’d get lent IPs from other companies"
Goes and makes Legend of Korra and Transformers....
@Kirk Starfox Zero looks like what Starfox is all about. If it was completely made by Platinum it wouldn't be Starfox anymore. Starfox Zero looks badass end of discussion.
@AlexSora89 Nah. Retro has 1st dibs on Metroid as Miyamoto says they are the front runner for Metroid.
@AVahne Eww fast paced hack and slash action in Zelda....that's not Zelda at all.
@Nin-Stream If it looked like what Star Fox was all about, particularly the original, and relative to modern times, I wouldn't have said what I said. No, what this looks like is an outdated and uninspired game that's been thrown together far too quickly and with almost no ambition at all.
Something like this exits me far more than the new Star Fox, and that's sad given what Star Fox could have been:
It's far closer to the kind of epicness I think Star Fox deserves in 2016, and that goes from the gorgeous presentation and graphics to the exciting prospect of playing it in VR too. Star Fox on SNES was like the Star Wars of its time, groundbreaking, stunning, epic. Star Fox Zero is like Star Fox from the '90s release again in 2016, which is so far below par it's not even funny.
Note: You also have to bear in mind that Eve Valkyrie, when viewed in VR, is running in full stereoscopic 3D, at 90fps, with 100 degrees field of view, full 3D sound, fully tracks your head motion and body position as you look around and move about in the cockpit, and exists all around you and to real world scale—which all adds together so you actually feel like you are sitting there in the middle of a space armada and huge space battle. That's genuinely exciting, cutting edge, and epic—which is what the original Star Fox was in its day.
I'd like to see Platinum working on Devil May Cry 5 for Capcom or resurrect Streets of Rage for Sega.
@Kirk Starfox Zero has been worked on for going on 7 years now. It's not rushed at all, was going to be a Wii game for crying out loud. Hell Starfox has never been an OMFG LOOK AT DEM GRAPHICS GAME. Starfox is about it's story, it's humor, it's characters and world and just having a good time. Lastly this isn't like SF64 again like you idiots say. Miyamoto himself has stated this isn't a remake, it isn't a sequel it's a reboot of the franchise, Starfox will build on from Starfox Zero from this point on. Treat it as a new beginning for the franchise, much like Kid Icarus Uprising was for Kid Icarus. It has the best elements from all SF games. Starfox Zero was my GOTY for 2015 till it got delayed.
@Nin-Stream Star Fox Zero as we know it was nothing more than a simple flying around demo/prototype when Miyamoto showed it off the previous to last E3—basically a cut-down version of something you'd see in Star Fox 64 but with slightly better textures and some Wii U GamePad implementation (and that's what all the journalists who got a sneak peak said too)—which is also when he said Nintendo was looking for a developer to take over the project get it out in under a year. It's taken a bit longer than a year, but it's still most definitely not been given the love this franchise deserved imo. (this is what they had at E3 204: A prototype they'd been working on for around 6 months on Wii U)
"Miyamoto said that because they want to finish Star Fox as quickly as possible, Nintendo is currently in discussions with outside developers to take on the project, which to this point has been prototyped entirely within Nintendo. (Again, a rare glimpse behind the curtain.)" - (after it being in development for less than a year, Miyamoto was talking about brining in some external developer to finish it as quick as possible, which is pretty much exactly what's happened)
Also, Star Fox on SNES was ALL ABOUT "Look at dem graphics!". It was the first frikin game on SNES to use a dedicated polygon engine purely to show off cutting edge 3D graphics at the time. Originally, it was all about stunning graphics and presentation, and being epic, alongside brilliant 3D shoot em up gameplay.
Here's a pdf scan of an original review of the game in Mean Machines magazine, from back in the day, when the game actually came out:
Read all the actual COMMENTS in the review, and tell me that the graphics weren't a huge deal at the time, and this was 1000% very much intentional by Nintendo.
Trust me: What you've said so far tells me you don't really know what you're talking about—whereas I do.
I just hope the final game is a lot more polished and a lot more impressive and epic than what we saw at last years E3, because imo that was kinda sh*t, and totally and utterly underwhelming.
See, THIS, looks impressive and epic in 2016: (and THIS is just a greenlight indie game, not a first part AAA title).
THIS looks impressive and epic in 2016:
THIS looks impressive and epic in 2016:
@msvt true that a million!!!!
@Kirk you are so right. And damn! That ever space game looks like everything I wish Star Fox Zero was!
When is professor E. Gadd going to get his own game? Imagine a huge Wario World 2 game? Where's Wario at? What about Star Tropics. Wild Gunman game? It could be like red dead redemption man Nintendo you're missing out on so many oppertunities.
@Kirk As Starfox is my second favorite gaming franchise, and as I've waited a decade for it to return, as I've been a gamer for 2 decades now, and as I'm a developer myself I absolutely know I want. Starfox Zero is EXACTLY what I want in Starfox. (Minus an online mode which I can live without)
@msvt Platinum already said they're not interested in becoming a first party dev team. You can't just buy the company. They're good where they are now. They deliver to all consoles equally. Just be glad they're collaborating with Nintendo in the first place.
@Nin-Stream Then YOU are part of the problem, because Nintendo is simply making a game that easily pleased people like you will shovel up like sh*t in front of a snow plough. I'm not happy, however, because I expect more from a new Star Fox game, far more.
If you are genuinely impressed with this (the bit inside the space station) then you are the reason why Nintendo is comfortable shovelling it out:
Daemon can't even fake excitement, because it's not exciting, or impressive, or epic.
Also, witness the blatant fade-in of the large ship on the right at the 12 second mark in this clip:
Unless there's some reason that particular ship fades in like that, maybe it has a cloaking shield or something, that's just embarrassing for a first-party Star Fox game on Wii U in 2016 (regardless of it being developer by Platinum and not directly in-house).
And is this snow level REALLY supposed to impress gamers in 2016:
I've shown you plenty of examples of where Star Fox could be (and where it really should be imo), at least on a technical level, but if you don't want to see beyond the blind fanboyism that's your call.
Now, maybe the final game will be much improved, and actually be genuinely impressive, but most of what we've seen so far was pretty/very disappointing, and if it were on either PS4 or Xbox One as basically a first party title and the next game in one of their major franchises, it would be laughed out the door.
Did you forget Hyrule Warriors existed?
After the Retro-made DKC games, I wouldn't take anything for granted.
@Nin-Stream Retro doesn't seem to be interested in Metroid anymore. Most of the people that have worked on the Prime games left the company.
@AVahne What about Hyrule Warriors? I hate that pile of garbage.
@Bolt_Strike Dude, the CEO of Retro stated right after Tropical Freeze released, in an interview that "We made the VERY difficult decision to choose Donkey Kong for Wii U over Metroid for our FIRST Wii U game." He later went on to say there is NO BIGGER FANBASE TO THE METROID IP THEN THOSE AT RETRO. It was revealed Nintendo offered them Metroid or another DK and they had ideas left over from DKC Returns so they wanted to conclude that, so it would go to say that Metroid was left waiting for them after they finished. Lastly Miyamoto said around the same time in an interview that "Retro is a very high priority in terms of the potential team that would be considered for working on a Metroid game.” so if Miyamoto says Retro is top tier and first in line, that's what happens lol.
Hoping Nintendo continues to do more work with them especially after W101 and Bayonetta 2
What's wrong with those IP? Transformers Devastation in particular was awesome
@Megas75 I never said that anything was wrong with it or the IPs in question. The statement was just ironic.
They already worked with other companys IPs and NOW they are shocked that they are handed one ?
Also, with their expertise, its a miracle that this didnt happen earlier ^^
Sounds like their more surprised that they're working on so many IPs than they were before
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