Dementium: The Ward was one of the first titles to be made by longtime Nintendo supporter, Renegade Kid. Though the game initially was planned as an entry in the Silent Hill series, it went on to develop its own identity and later received a sequel. Now, the first game has already been remastered for the 3DS and its sequel is soon on the way, but it seems that there may be more planned for the series if fans are interested.
Jools Watsham recently posted on Twitter, asking fans what they would think about a third entry in the series. It seems that if there's enough interest, a Kickstarter will be organized and the game may actually see the light of day. Renegade Kid tried and failed to Kickstart a game once with the ill-fated Cult County, but perhaps a game with more of a following would get more traction. Of course, nothing is set in stone yet, but if you've ever wanted another game in this series, now is the time to speak up. Here's the tweet:
What do you think? Would you like to see a third Dementium game? What did you think of the first two? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
Comments 76
hell yes. doubt he'd see my tweet considering my privacy settings.
Nope. Man I'm getting fed up of this kickstarter trend as of late, soon we're going to have to fund 50% of the games we want to play if this keeps up!
@Ichiban Kickstarter is making things possible that wouldn't ever be possible otherwise. Small teams coming forth and asking for a chance to do something bigger does in no way mean we'd have to start funding half of our games (funding them usually means you're getting a copy though), the large amount of Kickstarter campaigns means that people who aren't already doing something big are taking the only chance to do something big.
sure, I'd get in there. But since they aren't even done with dementium 2 remastered yet, they probably wouldn't have anything for 3 to show for months, and if they start another kickstarter with no game at all, it'll end just like cult county
Hell Yes!!! Would rather not go through Kickstarter, but if that is the only way, then I will back.
I am still waiting for a few kickstarters to deliver but this one I would back.
This is the kind of project that KickStarter was made for - a good idea from a proven developer, but straight self-funding is too risky and the game is unlikely to find a publisher who will cover costs.
Would I like Dementium 3? Yes... but I'm done buying digital games so my support isn't useful.
As a pipe dream, how sweet would it be to see a 3DS cartridge that contains the entire Dementium collection? I can't see how it would make sense financially, but it's certainly something that I would buy.
nope ... i didn't like the remastered one ... was boring ... and waste of time
i love horror games ... but this one not really
@RikuKH Anything is possible. If you don't believe in yourself or have faith in your product, then don't bother.
Shenmue 3 opened the floodgates, it's only going to get worse from here
The spectre of Treasurenauts has become some kind of bizarre joke at this point.
Yes. I love this franchise and thought the remaster was great. Excited to get the second one on 3DS soon and I hope a possible third one, whether it ends up being for 3DS or NX, will be a satisfying conclusion to a trilogy.
I'm done funding anything put out on DelayStarter. Mighty No. 9, Shantae, Hollow Knight, Hyper Light Drifter, and Shovel Knight Add Ons have taken soooooooo much longer that proposed in the initial Kickstarter goals and promises. Only Yooka-Laylee and Bloodstained thus far has not disappointed; hopefully they will not fail where so many others have. Pretty sure that whole list was promised to be out by now (minus Y-L and BS).
For crying out loud, wasn't Jools lamenting the weak sales of most of Renegade Kid's 3DS titles just a couple of weeks ago? If the sales figures for Dementium I and II Remastered don't give him a good indication of whether a Dementium III is warranted, I don't know what to tell him.
All due respect, Jools seems like a great guy and is a passionate developer (and I liked Moon Chronicles). Maybe I'm missing something here.
@Tops 100% correct. I posted basically the same thing several minutes after you did, just now saw your comment.
If Dementia 3 was dual analog controls I bet it would sell better. Maybe a new 3ds exclusive or a Wii u title...
If it's good? Sure. If it's as otherwise bland-but-competent as Moon Chronicles was and/or I've read Dementium Remastered is? No. The selling point can't begin and end with "it's a first-person horror game........ on the 3DS!" Though, I confess that it was almost enough to make me consider it, until I read the otherwise middling reviews of it that stated what I feared it was: another bland-but-competent title from Renegade Kid. I'd love to see them do something with some real passion and heart in it to match the polish their games otherwise tend to have, but I can only see them as bland-but-competent.
@firstnesfan Titles like Moon Chronicles had support for the Circle Pad Pro, and I would imagine that Dementium did as well, and future installments also would. I think limiting the title to only N3DS consoles, given the low sales across all 3DS hardware for the first title sounds like a deathwish.
No thank you. I never liked the Dementium series. However, for those who are fans of the series; I hope you guys get this game.
Did he make any money from Dementium 1 & 2? Shouldn't he use that money to fund the sequel?
If they didn't make money from them then that's surely telling there's no market for it.
It's a shame too, because I could be interested in the game ... but if it's anything like their other games, then I'd be worried about it even coming out in my region. I also think their games are priced too highly for what they are. I can't back this unfortunately.
@Moon Exactly — I'm a bit puzzled as to why he's asking when he's got the sales figures to essentially answer that for him.
@Moon What if those projects were profitable but not profitable enough to fund a new game?
Only if it's on NX (maybe Wii U). Not buying a 3DS to play it.
We don't even have the first game here in Europe, so how should I know.
...Although, obviously the answer is NO.
I'd buy it on the day it comes out. I'll never ever support a Kickstarter campaign.
And yet again, the amount of ignorance on this site simply astounds me.
Hell yeah you can't have enough survival horror .
Pretty good answer.
Still have both DS games, and waiting for the remastered editions to finally arrive in Europe. Though I'd prefer them to be bundled on one physical game, I'll still get them. Should there ever be a third game, I'm definitely getting it, as I loved the first game, loved the improvements done in the second, the remakes look great from what I've seen, and a new one built from the ground up for 3ds would be awesome as there is an ENORMOUS lack of slower paced horror games these days, and of any decent moody games on handhelds in general.
Nope. Give us Xeodrifter 2 instead!
As an european, i say: "Dementium what ? Oh, the games you never released over here"
If anything, catch up with europe and THEN ask questions.
But in general, id also say stick to what was more well recieved, the 2D platformers.
On Wii U.
I been wanting it since I beaten 2 on DS, it did leave on a ending that left questions, but I would say the game would be the biggest in the series and would need a proper ending this time.
Nah. Treasurenauts would be swell though.
The toxicity in the comments here shocks me and basically confirms the 3rd Party problem on Nintendo. No 3rd party games? Well, it's obviously their fault for callously ditching Nintendo even though they tried their best, yeah? Don't want another AC but would like the option!
The reason Jools hasn't brought his games to Europe before is because it's too expensive. He's American, of course he'll make games for specifically American audiences. What about all them japan-only games?
I have yet to play a Dementium game, so I'd be a hypocrite to say that I wanted more, but by all means I hope to pick up the first when IARC is on place, then I'll have an idea.
What he said
I don't know if this is the right way to determine if you should release a game @jools maybe if Dimentium Remastered is selling well along with Dimentium II remastered. Then make your decision. I hate to say this but it seems like there are a lot of haters towards Renegade Kid these. It almost seems like their agenda is to run off one of the best 3rd party supporters we've had on the 3ds. I hope that doesn't happen but I wouldn't blame you. I know I would be sad as I have enjoyed many of your releases. One of the most fun games you guys brought out was ATV Wild ride which didn't get a very big following. But for those of us who dove into the game we had a great time played on its flawless online mode. It was a great time. Anyway I started to ramble there. I hope we see you for years to come @Jools . And.....Yes Bring out Dimentium III if you feel it's right and it will be good for company.
So, a studio tries to keep afloat by re-making their DS games (which were excellent at the time) and creates a stopgap game in Xeodrifter and you'd think they'd just decanted themselves onto a hornets nest. I think they deserve abit more slack. Sure, they're notorious for announcing new projects before finishing older ones and Jool's whinges about sales figures but fact is he IS still supporting Nintendo hardware and still trying to push the boat out with cross system support and experimenting with episodic releases. RK have proven themselves a solid dev in the past and crowdfunding a game means they have some freedom in regards to time and resources to invest in 2016 worthy level design, scenarios, game engine the works... So yes for Dementium 3.
Um.... No!!
I think I'll pass. I tried the remastered Dementium and it didn't appeal to me, so it's unlikely the sequels will...
I guess I could swing $15 for a digital download.
If it had gyro controls, I would buy any fps.
Hell yeah!! Can't wait for 2 also!! I just hope if they make it so that it'll adopt more of 2 than 1... The first isn't very fun IMHO.
Honestly no, I liked the original games (Moon as well) because they were just that, ORIGINAL. My advice to them is to finally produce another original FPS. What happened to Cult County? They were recently saying their sales were lackluster for these ports. If those sales were bad, a 3rd entry is only going to be worse. Make a 3D FPS set in a blizzard! THAT would be awesome on 3DS!
Hell yes!
@Ichiban I don't think it's a fad, I think it's a fantastic connection between the developer and the player that can help developers shape their game the way players want.
How can someone who released a remake of a game (that wasn't massively popular in the first place) only in the US then complained about it not selling well, then go on to announce a remake of the second game and ask if we, the end customer, want to fork out cash to back a game that most parts of the world will likely never see?
Jools is an absolute joke and doesn't deserve the praise he gets
@Tops I thought I remembered something like that! Thanks for refreshing my memory. It doesn't make sense to me that they are trying to make a third one.
Dementium 3? I've never even seen dementium 1 or 2 let alone want a sequel.
I'd import, but bootlegs poison the DS library making me very reluctant to even wanna try.
Short answer? No.
Depends on how he goes about it.. part 2 pissed me off once i went into those... sewers.. basement what ever.. with the gas that would send me into RPG type transitions with me killing monsters over and over... at that point i threw my hands up.... he needs to make something in third person more like Silent Hill...
@Totaldude911 I can understand that.
Its companies like Sony & Double Fine I don't trust honestly. They have seen the goldmine & will scrape that sucker dry with endless remakes and sequels which should really be funded by the original owners themselves.
Projects such as Yooka-Laylee & Bloodstained I'm all for, they come across as works of passion.
WOW! This comment section alone is the reason WHY Nintendo console owners can't have NICE things!
Jools- the franchise belongs on the Wii u and other consoles!! But why are you even asking if I remember reading that you guys were disappointed with the sales of the first one??
@G3ry yep then everyone wonders why genres like horror etc on Nintendo consoles don't sell. To me this franchise has no business being on the 3DS and instead should be in Wii u!!
Not until we have Xeodrifter on the Wii U in Europe...
Just because a first person game's on a portable, doesn't mean it has to be dumbed down to death. Games like Half Life, System Shock 2, and Deus Ex came out a over a decade and a half ago... And they're better quality than Moon/Dementium.
Yes please.
Sure, I'll take Dementium 3...ON THE WII U!!!! That, and.....shiiiiiiieeeet, I'll throw down some money if they made an HD remake or HD port of Dementium 1 and 2...but honestly....Cult County, though!!!
@-Godot They were also created by studios more than an order of magnitude larger with budgets probably two orders of magnitude larger.
I purchased Moon and Dementium II at full price for the DS and have recently purchased Dementium Remastered for the 3DS at full price.
I Dementium III was make I would probably purchase that one at full price too.
I would like to see one, but I won't back a kickstarter and it will fail anyway.
I would like Treasurenauts, and or both Mutant Mudds released before any talk of the third installment to this series is discussed.
I don't know, I am from EU.
Aren't horror titles niche? I recall Jools mentioning that the series as a whole under performed sales wise. As a creator he seems to be pushing pretty hard for the genre/series but I am not too optimistic about Dementium's prospect. He probably wants to make something other than platformers and I can appreciate that.
I would love to have at least ONE First Person Shooter on the 3DS with a physical release! Was really looking forward to Cult County, but maybe Dementium could pick up some of those features.
I don't play first person games on console. So no.
@Jools I picked up Dimentium yesterday. Wow! The 3D is eye popping and I'm scared out of my wits! LOL well maybe not that bad. But excellent game I really like the eye popping 3D and cleaner Graphics to the original. I just want to thank you for honoring the 3DS by making games for us. You guys are truly one of the best Dev's we have going for us. I hope the best for you in the future and that Dimentium will sell for you and Renegade Kid. Always the Best Windy. I'm not one for Horror type of games but lately that's changed a bit. I would give Dimentium a score of 90% it is just smooth, cool, scary, creepy and good old fashion fun. I'm looking forward to part II and future games from Renegade Kid.
I usually don't play games like Dimentium myself. But wow it's neat on the 3ds. Just a perfect home for it on 3DS. Come on guys let's support our best supporter here. Support Renegade Kid and they will support us. That's a fact
@Knuckles hey buddy how ya been? How would you feel about having an ATV Wild Ride get together in the next 3 weeks or so? @jools want to join us for some racing goodness? @spoony_tech wanna dust off your copy and join us for a Saturday Night race sometime in the next 3 weeks? Anyone else interested?
@Windy Sorry for replying so late, educational studies kept me busy. I don't know if I still have any skill in ATV as when I played with you guys I was constantly on the tracks practicing and trying to get first in everything or break my best time.
Anyway if you can schedule a 4 man race, make sure to @ Notify me and I'll try my best to make it.
@Knuckles I sure will. Sorry I didnt reply sooner. My aunt passed away and I was gone for 2 weeks. I would be very interested in hosting some races soon. I will get something going soon
@Windy I only replied a day ago, no need to apologize. I am also sorry for your loss.
@Knuckles sounds good and thank you very much. Right now im hosting a sunday night game of Final Fantasy Explorers. So im thinking 2 weeks from tonight on a friday night. So soon I will post to the message board
That should hopefully work. Make sure to put @Knuckles in your post when you are ready!
@McGruber I really, REALLY hope this happens.
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