New Super Mario Bros. Wii has joined its younger sibling New Super Mario Bros. U on the Wii U eShop in Europe. Many people jump to compare the two and believe them to be achingly similar, so in order to put this to the test once and for all we've put both games side-by-side in the video below.
We chose to showcase levels that bore a resemblance to one another or contained similar elements to keep the comparison as fair as possible, but at the end of the day it's your call as to whether or not you consider these titles to be far abreast from one another or not; let it all out in the comments!
Comments 50
Alot more going on in the background on wiiu, just looks better in general
It's to be expected that the Wii U version looks better and more polished than the Wii one. The presentation of NSMBU is very pleasing to the eye. I think what I had the bigger problem with was that it was just more of the same - and not really what I expected out of a Mario game at new console launch.
@ericthecheese, agree, I bought NSMBU for Wii U because the Wii version was so good, but because it was more of the same I never got around to finishing it.
The "new" title was 3D World... and it needs a sequel!
As long as the video is not playing in fullscreen mode, it's really hard to tell the difference.
When the video started, I was actually wondering which game it is showing.
You have to watch it in fullscreen to see the lower resolution on the left side.
It varies from level to level the Wii version has nicer aesthetics for parts of it but the U version is a lot more polished. I'm not sure which of the 2 I prefer actually.
I loved the first game on the DS. But every game after that felt really bland. They weren't terrible it was just kind of eh. Maybe it's because the levels were designed with multiplayer in mind so single player isn't that great.
In all honesty I don't even think the Wii U version necessarily looks THAT much better compared to the Wii version, but that might just be me thinking the NSMB graphics overall are way too bland and boring, and me favouring the good ol' sprites of yesteryear's Super Mario 2D games before NSMB was a thing. Oh well. I just kinda hope the future 2D Mario games will be a little more memorable. (Not that the NSMB games are bad, just not quite as good, IMO.)
I was wondering: is it that the WiiU game is not that impressive (graphically, cos it's a blast) or is the Wii one that impressive?
@daniruy Most people don't like NSMBU very much because it's too similar to NSMBWii (gameplay-wise), I believe.
When previews of the game came out, it looked like there was going to be some inspired art, but it was really just one level that had a cool art style.
"They look so god same like the same person, I would say to them: "You want ice cream cone?" both of them say yes. How in the hell?"
They obviously are different games but it is a direct sequel which isn't that common in Mario Games.
There was the lost levels on Nes, Galaxy 1 and 2, the 2 games with 3D in the title(3DS and Wii U) maybe but I think there was plenty of difference between them and then four NSMB games.
I did like like the Wii U one the best though I haven't finished the DLC.
They are twins. That's why.
What the hell?
Hey, Let's play it. Ready?
@trevorade Context:
I really enjoyed these games, but after a while you've seen every level like a zillion times.
I really enjoyed both titles, 100%ed both of them. Tbh I'm pretty sick of that formula now afterwards though, I've barely touched Luigi bros!
I'd much prefer another dk or Rayman title than Mario and I havnt even got Mario maker yet. I don't have a favourite between Wii/U bros but they are really similar games overall, something new is definitely needed!
The Wii U one looks way better, but when I played it I thought it was the exact same thing as the Wii. I like the Wii one better.
I haven't played NSMBWii in a long time, but to me, the level design is more challenging on NSMBU. Watching this video even points that out. Or maybe just more challenging for single player? Whereas Wii was fairly easy.
In U everything has dimension.Blocks have more than one side,Mario has multiple sides.The backgrounds are also better.
I would like New Super Mario Bros U more, but one thing really annoys me.
There's no penguin suits until you finish the game.
The New Super Mario Bros games are all really boring to me, Every single sprite based Mario game had it's own personality, whereas all the NSMB recycle the same graphic style, same level themes, same bosses and the same music.
This only reinforces my belief that we need another Galaxy Mario game.
The New Super Mario Bros. games may be unoriginal, but they have stellar level design and character animations full of personality.
We just need more original themes for worlds. We don't need to get crazy with food or toys, but what about a valcano world like it starts out in the plains, than the valcano erupts and a few levels are plain and lava themed. The valcano could be on an island to so it could go from lava to plains to water all in on level.
Or I don't know a Mushroom kingdom world. The city before the castle. It wouldn't be modern, but Mario would be having a romp through the city to get to the castle.
And why hasn't there been a world inside the castle yet? Different levels in different parts of the castle. Come on Nintendo you are so much more creative than what you've been doing with Mario lately.
@Radbot42 I don't think there's anything crazy about food or toys, they've been done in Super Mario Land 2, and Galaxy, and the RPG Mario games. There's lots of inspiration in those games for worlds.
They just need to fleece Galaxy for fun ideas.
@donniedarkenson those world types were just kinda blah when they started. And I think Nintendo thoguht they would be the next big world types, which they weren't.
They're fun games. All these Mario 2D platformers are. People make too much big deal out of them looking similar. That's how these things work. Assassin Creed abd COD games also look similar apart from artificial stuff. That's how series of games are. You play them again and again. Graphics improve, new levels, new items but in general you buy them because you're familiar with it and liked it before. Anyway, looks like Ninty stopped doing those now with SMM.
I prefer Wii U for its better level design. Wii was sooooo bring. Better than the DS, but not by much.
@Lizuka I agree with you that Tropical Freeze is a much better game, in terms of its exciting, original level design and stunning environments. Plus DK controls a little bit better than Mario. But I do think the New Super Mario Bros. games are worth a purchase. While Tropical Freeze is by far the best option, I don't regret getting the NSMB games at all, because they were fun to play through and there was some great level design. It just wasn't on DK's level.
@Radbot42 Yeah, the environments are the worst part of the games imo. Uninspired and unmemorable, completely lacking in depth especially when compared to other DK or Mario games.
@Radbot42 More or less boring than Ice Fire Plains Swamp? For god sakes it's all been done before, take a chance
Both are basically the same so to me I prefer the one I got.
You could've fooled me into thinking that was the same game. Yeah the resolution's a little better, but this just served as a painful reminder of the lack of interesting new ideas. I really hope Nintendo is done with the 'new' games now that SMM is out, it's time that 2D Mario starts being interesting again.
@TruenoGT That was my line already, which is also what @trevorade was reacting to
@daniruy It's the Wii U version that's lacking graphically. It was one of the very first Wii U titles released, and the HD inexperience shows. Comparing NSMBU graphically now with other Wii U 2D platformers like Yoshi's Woolly World, Tropical Freeze, Rayman Legends, Kirby and the Rainbow Curse doesn't do NSMBU any favors.
It is obvius, the Wii U version plays/works in higher resolution ...
I own NSMB2, so I already have all the NSMB games.
If Mario Maker had been a Wii U launch title it could have made the console way more successful. People might have grasped the idea of the gamepad.
I am surprised that both Larry fights weren't put side to side. They use the same model with the same animations!
this only to show how lazy Nintendo was with NSMBU
@jariw "hd inexperience" is such a lie, c'mom
(Thou shall not swear~undead)
They're fun games but too similar.
I liked the old trend of Mario sequels. The gameplay from SMB3 to SMW was fantastic. They added Yoshi, the visuals were improved and given a fresh look and the flying mechanic with the cape was a great feature.
I'd go for another Mario Galaxy, but more than anything else I'd like to see Nintendo to what they used to do with Mario and make another fresh title that has new gameplay mechanics.
Very close you can see how quality the none HD Wii version was but yes the Wii U version is better more detailed n polished.
If I were to buy a Mario Wii U game now should I get NSMBU or SMM?
@Peterjr1 SMM.
"Entirely spoiler-free"
I don't think spoiling a Mario game is much if you at least know the basic things. The most spoilers are things like this: When Bowser escapes, unlocking the true final world. Yeah. Basically it.
The bigger difference between the two is more about functionality. Things like being able to build up a nice collection of power ups versus a limited bar of about 10 at a time. The enemy battles on the map were also better on the Wii, the Wii U ones seem too frantic and easy to get knocked out of.
As far as the actual levels and gameplay, each Mario game has plenty of "more of the same" elements as well as it's own unique mechanics in spots, but the NSMB games are certainly the most similar looking titles.
@Lizuka good points. I haven't given them much thought like that. I just enjoyed running through these games indeed as a time killer sort of... I enjoy the gameplay itself even if it's repetitive, it's the kind of gameplay that I can enjoy and had time for.
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