Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories (iOS)Hello, everyone! This is Taka, the producer of Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories, a new Harvest Moon game coming to iOS soon as well as Android, Wii U, and PC in 2016. We know fans were very excited by our reveal of our first screenshots for the mobile versions, and we're excited to bring you a new treat today. To show you how Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories looks in action, we've made a little video for you of the iOS version.
But let me step aside and have Mike (that is what I named him, but you can name your character whatever you want) take over...
Hey there, everyone! Mike here! I thought it might be cool to show you my average day here in Chestnut Town, so let's get right to it.
I start the day off by taking care of my pets. I have two: a bobcat and a dog. I still dunno how I was able to train that bobcat, but hey, it hasn't tried to eat me yet! I make sure to feed them both before I leave for the day.
After leaving the house, it's time to take care of my crops! Luckily, Brutus has upgraded several of my tools, so watering is a cinch! It looks like there's some spinach that's ready to be harvested today. Perfect timing! I also take this time to clear my land of any stray rocks or weeds that may have popped up overnight.
Next, it's time to take care of my animals. First, I clean up the barn using my pitchfork. I can use the compost I clean up as fertilizer, though, so it's not as bad as you might think. Some of my animals need cleaning as well, so I take the time to do that too. Normally, I would also milk and sheer any animals that need it, but it doesn't seem like they do today. Naturally, before I leave, I make sure to leave feed in their feedbox, as they're quite hungry in the morning!
After that, it's off to my chicken coop. Just like my barn, I clean it up using my pitchfork. You might not think it to look at them, but chickens need to be loved and held, so I take the time to do that before gathering the eggs they've laid. Just like the animals in my barn, my chickens are hungry in the morning, so I feed them before I leave.
Next, it's off to the mountain to see the girl I've got my eye on, Andrea! She's an ore researcher, but also likes to relax at the bar after work. My kinda gal! In any case, I make it a point to talk to her every day, as well as give her a gift. I still haven't confessed my feelings to her, so get kinda nervous when I talk to her these days...
While I'm at the mountain, I figure I should get in some fishing for the day. Let's see what I can catch today... A crucian carp? Not bad. And a pretty big one, too!
Now it's time to head to Chestnut Town. I want to sell Sam some broccoli, so I talk to him first. Boy, that Sam sure has a unique way of talking! At first, it was a bit difficult to understand what he was saying to me, but now I gots it down, capisce?
Next, it's off to Iris' Flower Shop to pick up some flower seeds. I've had my eye on these white rose seeds for a while, so let me get...let's see, how about 15 of them? Oh no! My bag is full! But that's OK! The seeds I just bought were sent directly to the storage in my house, so I can just take them out from there when I get home.
After that, I think I'll stop by Hanna's Restaurant to say "hi" to Hanna and her daughter, Emily. Hanna's food is amazing! I've bought some of her recipes so I can cook her dishes at home. Anyway, her daughter Emily is great, too. She's a bit too hyper for my tastes as far as romance goes, but some people like that in a girl. She's a great friend, though!
Finally, it's off to bed for the day. *Whew*! I'm exhausted! Farmwork starts early in the morning, so it's best to get to bed around 10 PM or so. And who knows what tomorrow may bring? I need to be prepared for anything!
Posted by Natsume Inc. on Thursday, December 17, 2015
Comments 52
and that looks awful. Natsume is really dragging the Harvest Moon name in the mud aren't they?
Not so much relaxing as agonizing. To think that this mediocre mobile title-tier thing is the new "Harvest Moon" game that WiiU is getting. Thank god we're getting Story of Seasons in EU, too.
Will wiiu version not be like GameCube game? 3d world?
Dear god. Remember when Harvest Moon didn't used to look like a cheap Facebook game? To anyone who plays on PC and is looking for a decent Harvest Moon-style game, Stardew Valley is looking pretty great, and exactly what Harvest Moon should be today.
To be fair, isn't the actual team working on Story of Seasons or something like that?
ow boy...is this a joke?it looks like a facebookgame
ah,im not the first to say that.haha.it must be true then
Yeah, it's as @MitchVogel says; Natsume own the rights to the name "Harvest Moon" and has started making their own (terrible) games and calling them Harvest Moon. The long-time developer of the Harvest Moon series, Marvelous, had their latest title in the series published independently of Natsume, as "Story of Seasons". Be extremely wary of any new games marketed as "Harvest Moon", they are quite literally Harvest Moon in name only.
Just to answer your question Mitch, no it's not!
@MitchVogel The last project they worked on was PoPoLoCrois Story of Seasons, and was finished a few months ago in Japan. The team currently has no announced projects, as far as I know, and I believe they could be working on two or more projects at once.
Speaking of which, does anyone know when the PoPoLoCrois game gets released here? It's dropped off the radar recently...
Q) What do you think?
A) It's not quite the console based Harvest Moon I imagined, but it is still a console based Harvest Moon game. I feel the series could work well for the Wii U, and the Harvest Moon games feel like the sort of game that works better for consoles than handhelds (though that is just my opinion on that). I'm hoping the Wii U version will look a little better than the iOS version, those movement animations look rather stiff.
Q) Are you looking forward to this?
A) I am... sort of. I've been wanting to play a console based Harvest Moon game for a while, and whilst this doesn't look anywhere near as good as what I'd hope for from a console based Harvest Moon (though this is the iOS version being shown off), it is still a console based Harvest Moon. A big part of me feels it might be better to simply pick up one of the Wii entries I missed out on, or replay A Wonderful Life, but I do feel I should at least try this latest entry out. At the very least, the support my encourage a console focused Harvest Moon game to be made in the future.
Q) What's your favourite Harvest Moon game?
A) My favourite Harvest Moon game is Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. Admittedly, it is pretty much one of the only Harvest Moon games I've played (and it's only been since around the Wii U's release that I've been wanting to play a Harvest Moon game again), but it still remains amongst my top 5 favourite Gamecube games. I wonder if it might have been a better move for Natsume to simply remaster and combine the two Wonderful Life entries of Harvest Moon.
Why are you people using oldschool Harvest Moon artwork with the new title lazily slapped over the top? As if you're trying to hide the fact that the real Harvest Moon is Story of Seasons and that this sham by the scumbags at Natsume should never be spoken of or reported on.
"it is still a console based Harvest Moon."
No, it's not. This literally is NOT Harvest Moon. Harvest Moon is actually Story of Seasons, but Natsume owns the rights to the NAME Harvest Moon and has been using it to sell these garbage games that have no involvement from the original creator.
Do some research and don't give Natsume any of your money. The real Harvest Moon is now Story of Seasons.
I now have 0 interest in this title. I was quite interested when Natsume talked about it but.... now it's gone.
Wow. That looks craptacular. Please don't tell me this is going to be a full retail game on Wii U because it looks absolutely embarrassing. It's appalling even by the ridiculously low mobile standards, and to try to justify this as a retail title? The launch title Funky Barn didn't even look this bad. Natsume obviously have no pride left in their IP that they're willing to settle for something of this calibre.
"Got Compost" indeed.
Even worse than lost valley. Give it up natsume, your never were the real creators of the best farming simulator. You were a localiztion team and now you guys are just a rip off.
Both the Rune Factory and Marvelous games are great on a handheld.
Natsume has taken a beloved franchise and made it feel sterile, imho. At least the characters aren't quite as bobble-headed as their last endeavor.
Ew. Just ew. I don't know what else to say about this game. It looks downright terrible.Silly me, I was expecting to be 3D. What was I thinking? The Harvest Moon series is garbage now.
I would NEVER pay more than 20 for this, because even knowing this is not a true harvest moon, not having anything better on the Wii U (retail I mean, I dont buy digital) makes me want this.. (and with 20 I mean including shipping to my country, I must import all my games from the US)..
Harvest Moon has obviously declined since the change of ownership. If you're seeing declining sales numbers, it isn't because there's no fans on 3DS and WiiU. It's because Harvest Moon just isn't that good anymore. Now that they're diluting it across multiple platforms, and it looks like it will basically be a mobile game ported to consoles, I think the end is near for Harvest Moon. Such a shame too.
Still looks painfully awful. Just get the REAL new Harvest Moon game: Story of Seasons.
Yeah, they should've just acquired Victor when they had the chance. Marvelous taking it over may have been better in the long run, but this damage to the brand name...
This looks so bad it's almost ridiculous - even Farmville on Facebook has better graphics and animations than this. It just looks like a cheap rip-off of the real Bokujo games; why anyone would buy this when Story of Seasons is available is beyond me. :/
This looks like farmville. I had thought about picking it up on mobile at least...but now I'm totally out.
Looks terrible.
It has that cheap cut and paste flash game look to it...the sort of game that is perpetually on sale on the Steam store for a buck or two.
It looks like your typical lazy mobile game, visual-wise. Gameplay seems like the regular Harvest Moon fare, though. The map seems really similar to the SNES one for some reason.
And for everyone that keeps repeating how this is not a "real" Harvest Moon, and how it's ruining the image of the franchise - it's not like the series had that clean of a track record in the first place. Plus, barely any of the original creators still work at Marvellous either. Yeah, it kinda sucks that Natsume is taking advantage of the situation, but that's business, what can you do.
Oh yeah, my favourite one will always be 64.
Nothing like a mobile port to the Wii U. Why even bother.
Looks like crap
At first I didn't realize this was IOS footage, I thought it was WiiU footage and my jaw dropped at how awful it looked. Hopefully the WiiU one will be much better.
No. Just, no.
It kind of looks... compromised.
I do think a series like Harvest Moon, that usually doesn't require quick reflexes, theoretically seems doable on mobile, but it looks like they dramatically compromised the game to suit lower end mobile devices.
For me personally, the Harvest Moon series was never about the farming, the farming was a means to and end to get to know the characters, and the characters were not being showcased in this trailer.
@MrRight I believe your comment was in regards to me, as I believe that the opening line of that comment was quoted from my own comment. To first clear up a misunderstanding, I'm aware of the situation regarding Natsume and the original creators, and that the new Harvest Moon games are not being made by the original team.
That said, I will still call Natsume's line of Harvest Moon games, 'Harvest Moon' games, as that is what they are called. Regardless on whether or not any of the original team are working on this latest entry, due to IP ownership, it is still technically Harvest Moon due to IP ownership.
I am still on the fence regarding a possible purchase of this upcoming 'Harvest Moon' game, a physical release would probably convince me fully, but due to it being on the Wii U rather than the upcoming Story Of Season's release on the 3DS, Harvest Moon: Seeds of Memories is my more likely purchase currently.
@k8sMum I have played the first Rune Factory game on the DS, which was fun, but I never got pulled into it like with Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life. I think part of that was due to timing, I ended playing Rune Factory at a time where other games I wanted were coming out.
Overall, I personally feel the style of experience that Harvest Moon offers is more suited to a console. I'd like to sit back and relax with it for many hours, which I can do with a Wii U but with a 3DS I'd end up with cramped hands (due to it's size) and frustration (due to my L and R buttons constantly breaking).
No, No, NO, i'll stick to Story of Season (the REAL Harvest Moon) thank you!
Lmao.,,um no, no, no. Omg that's just disappointing, why don't they just leave it as a mobile game for Pete's sake?
I can't bear to watch what Natsume is doing to Marvelous' franchise. These cheap knockoffs are only driving newcomers away from the franchise.
@TheWPCTraveler Marvelous has nothing to do with whatever Natsume's doing with Harvest Moon now.
There's a reason why Marvelous just handed Bokujou Monogatari's localization to their english branch, Xseed. Natsume's handling of the series QA has been dropping through the years. Crappy translations, buggy releases and censorship. So now that they're dabbling in game development, you can see the same amount of effort they put into their games. Half-assed.
They're relying on the Harvest Moon name to sell the games just as they relied on BM fans who's only means of playing the games are in english, crappy localization or no. They continue with these kinds of releases and their audience will dry up soon. Hopefully the fans do enough research and move on to Story of Seasons.
@piichan Marvelous bought Victor, the developer of the Bokujo Monogatari series. Well, to be fair, I do remember that Victor was in financial trouble at the time.
So, yeah, they're pretty much in control of the original series and the localization decisions.
Last I've read, Xseed will be the publisher for PopoloCrois: A STORY OF SEASONS. Release date is Winter 2015, but yea, no new news.
Yea, but the last BM game that Natsume was involved in was A New Beginning. After that, they announced that future games will now be published by Xseed. Which is leaps and bounds better in QA than Natsume (not that Natsume had any decent QA to begin with).
@piichan Well, if Marvelous hadn't ended up buying Victor, perhaps we won't be seeing Natsume develop its own "Harvest Moon" titles.
Though, if Victor went under, we'll still see this treatment considering how small Natsume is.
It's a shame that they're dragging the name through the mud, too...almost makes me not want to buy A-Train 3D from them.
@MrRight I wanted to know about this too. I wonder if they got to keep the rights to keep using official art of all BM titles that they've handled. If not, then this is just wrong :/ Way to deceive people who are already confused.
What's up with the 4:3 ratio? What year is this?
Victor was aqcuired by Marvelous in 2003, maybe Natsume wouldn't have had enough experience or whatnot to make their own farming game during that time. If Victor wasn't acquired, maybe BM would've died along with it.
What I do know is while BM just kind of felt stale as time went on, if it wasn't for Marvelous, we wouldn't have Rune Factory.
..and this cheap knockoff looking thing is yet another example of why I'll never invest any time or money into any type of mobile gaming any time soon. Hopefully Nintendo will keep their head in the right path, not diverting their attention too much from console gaming for mobile and no Amiibo ruling over and overshadowing everything else..
Farmville, yay! I hate mobile.
You guys should stop using that picture, it adds unnecessary flames to the situation.
I still think the next step for this series is a full blown massive MMO where people have their own farms online and get help from friends. Maybe Natsume is just not capable. Quests can be added in the form of World of Warcraft type quests. I think it would be one hell of a fun game. They seem to be stuck on this release. The same game over and over and just flip the names around.
Gawd I hate Natsume for keeping the Harvest Moon title/name and the fact that people don't research ahead of time, so they don't realize they're wasting money on this crap, instead of buying an actual Bokujou Monogatari series' game. sigh
Poloprocrois is coming out February 16 2016 I think. I have it preordered but can't remember the exact date off the top of my head. It might be the 26th. I won't be getting this game unless the Wii U version is amazing. I prefer to game on my 3DS.
They published the virtual console games, so it seems they unfortunately still have the rights to everything related to past games.
On the bright side, people aren't completely oblivious of the situation, I've seen people spreading the word online. so Its just brick n' mortar retail I'd be worried about.
This is what die-hard Natsume fans cling on to. Thinking it'll be better then Marvelous' OWN, ACTUAL Harvest Moon games. I don't see why they support this garbage. Natsume is slowly killing itself. Thank goodness XSeed is bringing us the ACTUAL games. The new name rolls off the tongue anyhow.
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