Without a doubt, The Legend of Zelda series has some of the most iconic music in video gaming history. As such, it's no surprise that Symphony of the Goddesses - a concert series that aims to bring exactly that music to life - would still be touring years after its initial conception, with no signs of slowing down.
Late last year we reported on an expanded tour subtitled Master Quest, and now we're happy to share that it has grown well beyond its initial dates. To learn more about the concert and to gain some inside perspective, feel free to read through our recent interview with symphony conductor Amy Andersson, or seek out a show near you with the updated tour listed below:
- August 29, San Francisco, CA
- September 10, Durham, NC
- September 11, St. Louis, MO
- September 12, St. Louis, MO
- September 13, St. Louis, MO
- September 16, Washington, DC
- September 18, Philadelphia, PA
- September 25, Providence, RI
- October 1, Chicago, IL
- October 2, Indianapolis, IN
- October 3, Milwaukee, WI
- October 13, New York, NY
- October 15, Salt Lake City, UT
- October 18, Columbus, OH
- October 22, Huston, TX
- October 24, Dallas, TX
- October 25, Portland, OR
- November 8, Hamburg, DE
- November 11, Amsterdam, NL
- November 12, Brussels, BE
- November 13, Madrid, ES
- November 14, Barcelona, ES
- November 15, Rome, IT
- November 21, Zurich, CH
- November 22, Dublin, IE
- December 5, San Jose, CA
More information on the tour as well as links to purchase tickets to individual shows can be found on the official website.
Are you planning on attending the symphony when it passes through your town? Let us know in the comments below.
[source zelda-symphony.com]
Comments 43
I just love how it skips Phoenix AZ every time!
I going for a third time. Hoping the new Majora's Mask arrangements are great.
St Louis three times, but no Minneapolis, hua? You can take that wind waker, and stick it where the sun don't shine!!!
I'll be going on the 22nd of November to Dublin. This will be my first time experiencing their performance.
I simply can't wait!
I'm waiting for when they next come to London or anywhere else in England.
@shworange Us Minnesotans do have to suffer.
I missed the Florida dates so I probably will never get to go though. Hoping to go to symphonic evolutions though.
It's quite silly. They start heading this way, stop at Milwaukee, and run to the east coast. Really? We have awesome venues that would perfectly suit the occasion. The state theater. The ordway. Come on already!
They need to come back to Canada! I was a poor student the first time they came through so I couldn't go... I guess I'm still poor but at least I could go if they were nearby this time!
So strange no UK at all..
After the NX fails, at least Nintendo will have symphonies to fall back on.
I really wish there was more of a Nintendo fanbase in WV. Between this, and all of the Best Buy events Nintendo has had the past few years, we have gotten nothing.
So it gets all the way to Dublin but can't manage to get to England????
Just in case anyone lives in or near NYC (even visit) Amy Andersson (the conductor of the symphony) will be at Nintendo World 9/4 at 6PM.
I might go to the 10/13 one since it's in a convenient location in my home borough. Wish it was at the reopened Kings Theater, that way I can just walk 5 minutes from where I live to reach there
@Acarie IKR! Seriously, why can't AZ get some Zelda love?
Hey, Portland is lucky as poopy for us to get it. We never get anything but lame major artists and a few Indies here and there. We've had Panic! at the Disco twice and Paul Baribeau once. If anything comes here cool, we're lucky.
I'd love for them to come back to London!
Meanwhile, in MS...there are trees
I live in Huber Heights OH (Dayton) so I might go to the one in Columbus.
To be honest though I don't really like live orchestrated music because most of the time they'll play the song you want to hear and then the next thirty seconds of that song you wonder if there still playing that song or have they moved on to a different one.
@Ryno You're right, no matter what state Nintendo is in I will always follow there music.
Well, it's not showing up in my area, so it doesn't look like Ill be going.
@Ryno ...Really?
@Shworange luckily I was at the concert the last time it was here... But that was 3 years ago. I would like at either the ordway or the orphium. Even the U of M theatre could work as well.
@Acarie I was so excited when this was announced a couple years ago. Then they had no dates in Las Vegas. I almost bought tickets to the show i N Los Angeles but the whole trip would have cost me about 2,000 per person. Makes me sad to miss this.
As usual, despite the long list of locations, my state is left out once again...
I'm definitely jealous. I wanted to buy tickets then too, but found out that I had a wedding I had to go to on that date... Bogus.
I really want to go, but I don't think I can though. But they're coming to Amsterdam, which is only a few hours driving away from me, so maybe I can try something
Hoping one day for this or any other video game concert I'm interested to come to South Carolina.
@enderboy221 tell me about it! I want to see it so bad. I need to find Reggie's email and yell at him!
@Windy that sucks, they cant even make anything with in driving distance for a day trip
@Inferno The best thing we had was that pokemon launch party for Black and White :/
Amsterdam! OMG I'm definitely going to be there! Now I'll just have to find someone who wants to go with me. XD
So excited! Going to the Durham and NYC shows.
Come back to Australia and I will consider going, even if it won't come to my state
More opportunities to find a recording on YouTube. Too many other things on my hands to be able to go to any of these.
@Acarie Reggie doesn't run the concert series...
@LztheQuack if you're going to complain, do it at the top! I actually don't know who does run it, I wish I knew and will send an email to request it in Phoenix.
@Acarie Denver got the original concert, and it was a full house! Why not bring it back?
cheapest ticket price 55 euro.... factor in fees, transport, two drinks and a poster or t-shirt and you're talking serious money. Sorry, can't afford it.
Come to Australia!!! D:
Sigh Not coming to my locating unfortunately. I would love to see them for a third time
No Arizona? Ah well.
@Mk_II remove the drinks and accessories and save $! /s
my friend went in canada, said there were maybe 2 songbooks, a shirt, and a poster (majora's mask themed?)
for the books he said he thinks there was a guitar book, and one for pianos.
@Acarie http://zelda-symphony.com/pages/contact
Reggie has little to no say because it's not technically run by Nintendo.
Symphony of the Goddesses was such a disappointment when I was it in London in April! I mean, the music was amazing, I really loved it, but the crawd acted like a bunch of brainless pigs, clapping, shouting and screaming every 2mins - you can't even hear, let alone enjoy, the music. It is totally ok to applause, but do it after the song, not in the freaking middle of it... The guy next to me was eating McDonald's for the first 15mins of the concert, people were drinking beer and eating popcorn around everywhere. You don't see this kind of behaviour in theatre, opera, ballet or any other orchestra performance.
Based on London performance, I can say that most Zelda fans and EXTREMELY immature.
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