Child of Light was an intriguing release from Ubisoft, utilising the UbiArt engine that originated with Rayman Origins and delivering a detailed, and rather popular, download gaming experience. It appeared to be a success, with some physical releases also making it to market, and placed well on the Wii U eShop's own charts.
We're rather pleased about recent comments from Ubisofts Patrick Plourde, as a result. According to the tweet below, there are some "very cool projects in process set in the Child of Light universe".
It's no surprise, as Ubisoft Montreal's role-playing game was revealed to be "profitable enough" before Christmas last year, after the game was well received from both critics and fans. "It's not as profitable as Assassin's Creed is profitable, but it's profitable enough that we would have been able to fund a sequel"
Child of Light's stunning artwork and original battle system was said to be down to Plourde's work on Far Cry 3. "I didn't want to make Far Cry 3, but they said, Pat, if you do that and help build that brand, we're going to give you a free shot at the game you want." Ubisoft were also so impressed with the team's efforts that they were installed as one of the core teams of Ubisoft Montreal.
Obviously, with Child of Light being such a fan favourite, questions for its alleged sequel have flooded the internet. Will Nintendo fans get to see its release? Let us know in the comment section below if you'd like to see a Child of Light sequel come to Nintendo consoles.
Comments 45
Sounds interesting
More R.P.Gs can't be a bad thing as long as they take their time then we shouldn't worry.
So in other words, mobile games and nothing on Nintendo platforms?
Sounds interesting?
I quite enjoyed the original, in fact, anything on the Ubiart framework is fine by me, but Ubisoft didn't even release "Valiant Hearts" on Wii U and as such, I prefer not to get my hopes up only to be utterly disappointed when they announce the new games for every platform under the sun except Wii U.
I don't see these making it to Nintendo systems. It could do amazingly well and still Ubisoft will shaft Nintendo owners with some lame excuse.
I have Child of Light for free on Xbox 360, but I still haven't tried it out yet. But from the videos it looks like the type of game I could get behind. That being said, they have stated that it is set in the same universe, which means there isn't a 100 percent guarantee that the next project is going to be a direct sequel, but it is a pretty strong possibility. I've always thought the music was quite enchanting in Child of Light as well. It will be interesting to see if the game comes to Wii U.
@Dpullam You need to try it out!
More games using the UbiArt Framework can't be a bad thing. I'd prefer that they make something completely new, but I'm fine with something else in the Child of Light universe. But please stop trying to force everything in the dialogue to rhyme.
I'm still not buying a Ubisoft game.
Having another COL game on the wiiu would be a blessing.
If it's better than the first one then yes please!
Why do I have the feeling this will not come to the Wii U?
Child of Light was my favourite game of 2014. Child of Light is also currently my favourite game of all for this current generation of video game systems (3DS, Vita, Wii U, Xbox One, and PS4). It's also one of my top 20 favourite video games of all time.
I would absolutely love to see more Child of Light games, or even a spiritual successor. I had an absolute ton of fun with it, and would expect to have just as much fun with further entries. I do hope it'd come to the Wii U if more Child of Light games were to release. I had such a great time with it, that I would settle for getting it on my Xbox One if need be, but I felt the controls on the Wii U were perfect for Child of Light and it'd certainly be my preferred choice of system to play them on.
Let's face it: It's Ubisoft, so you know it's not gonna be on the Wii U.
@Shiryu seriously i wouldn't be surprised to hear its being released on ATM machines but not Wii U
I bought child of light ages ago on sale but havnt had time to start yet as I'm on a back log clearing mission! But I finished pikmin 2 yesterday, I'm on the last level of nes remix 2 right now and only the last 2 dungeons in skyward sword to get through then I'm allowing myself to start a new one. Will have to be 'CoL'
Bought this on Wii U w/ a $10 eShop card and a $5 DDP credit. Hopefully Nintendo gets its new plan started before this releases.
Cool. Loved Child of Light so a sequel would be very much welcomed by me!
I feel like it won't release for Wii U, whatever it turns out to be... I can't really find any sales figures but it probably did a lot better on other systems. (Don't quote me on that.) Plus, Ubisoft seems generally unimpressed with the Wii U install base since it opted out of Rayman Legends' exclusivity...
I still haven't played the first one, but I've heard nothing but good things about it. It'd be nice to have the series continue on Nintendo platforms.
Reminds me once again to finally pick this up for the Vita. I love the art style from what I've seen.
I would love a Child of Light sequel! This game was is one of my favorite games on Wii U, alongside Smash, MK8, Mario 3D World DK Tropical Freezd and Shovel Knight.
@Shiryu Yeah, that's what I assume, as well. Which is a shame, since Valiant Hearts was a beautiful game in its own right.
The fact that it says "universe" and not directly "sequel" hints at a spin off.
So unless they are making Child of Just Dance, it won't make it to Wii U
Yeah.. glad I'm not the only one who has a feeling this may not make it to Nintendo platforms. But oh well.
Yeah, I won't get my hopes up. :/
And I bought CoL just 2 days ago. And after only 8 hours of play I must say I love it. So nice to hear about this... I guess. I don't think it'll make it to the Wii U either.
Didn't rayman legends sell higher on wii u than other consoles?.with that and CoL doing well on the eshop surely an argument could be made that ubiart games can sell on the console.
I didn't really enjoy the first game that much so I feel no loss if this new game came to Wii U or not.
Can't to play the sequel's on the PS4,Xbox One,PS3,PC and Xbox 360.Wiiu? Why would i get excited for something that ain't gonna happen?
I know I ALWAYS say this on Ubi articles, so I apologize in advance, but I CANNOT support this company in any way. I just don't want the way they practice business to become the norm in the industry. We, as consumers, would be completely worked over for every penny we have if this ever happened. So sorry, Ubisoft, change your ways or never see my (and hopefully many others) money again.
Reckon it'll show up on Wii U. Ubisoft did state that Watch Dogs would be the last MATURE game they would bring to Wii U, and since kids can easily pick this up, I'm sure any spin off/sequel will find a home on the eShop.
I mean come on, Child of Light got a Physical Box release on the PSVita, the VITA for christ's sake....
I loved that game, except the way they handled elements was so tedious that I just switched to easy mode around the end.
I sure hope it comes out on Wii U [or a Nintendo platform]. I loved the game and the whimsical story.
Sweet. Loved the game and the letters did suggest a few other stories possible in the universe, one possibly running along side this one.
So happy, that was my GOTY. I didn't play on Wii U, but if the sequel comes to it I'd play it on it. Great news!
Child of Light was brilliant, easily one of my favourite games from last year. Hopefully it's something similar, and on Wii U.
Really enjoyed Child of Light. I don't have time for RPGs usually, but it was just the right size. I do wish it wasn't so dour. Moody is one thing, but give me some escape in the sequel.
I'm curious what kind of games they are thinking of, though. Doesn't seem to suggest a direct sequel does it?
I'd support them again, as they did a lovely job with Child of Light. I had a few niggling things I'd like them to address (if they do a sequel that is), but overall it was a pleasant, and great experience.
They did a great job with this game. I would buy it. Ubisoft does suck, but the gameplay And graphics/ art style does not. I would love it for WIi U.
Still never played the first... it's drowning in my backlog...
That PS2 RPG.............remember that Japanese RPG game on the PS2, I forget it's name but basically this is what that is mimicing the idea of. More Photoshop looking garbage where you can't really see the character features at all.
No wait I am wrong, It is basically not that movie where the red haired girl, is an princess ( the movie with the mother is turned into an bear ) and could actually feel playable. Basically UBISOFT IS LOOKING FOR A QUICK BUCK.
@Jayvir Sad thing is, you're probably right.
I'm confident Ubisoft will formulate an excuse as to why it won't make it to Wii U, even if Child of Light sold well on the console.
It's a very, very easy RPG but a great one anyways.
Probably some free-to-play nonsense on mobile.
But if it is a sequel to Child of light, it could be fun. I have yet to finish the first one though.
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