Though the situation with stock and pre-orders for much-desired amiibo is still far from ideal, Nintendo and retailers have slowly been learning lessons. In addition to many introducing one-per-customer rules, outlets have started to announce when pre-orders for new toys will open, giving eager fans an opportunity to plan ahead in order to try and grab their favourite figures.
The Official Nintendo UK Store has done just that for the upcoming wave of Super Smash Bros. figures; details are below.
- Greninja and Jigglypuff - live today (15th April) at 3pm UK time
- Dark Pit, Ganondorf, Palutena & Zero Suit Samus - live from 3pm UK time on 16th April.
We expect two things to happen - the store's website could potentially have issues with high traffic, and stock will disappear very quickly, so be sure to be ready.
The products are likely to pop up on the store's amiibo page - will you be clicking refresh like crazy at 3pm?
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Comments 89
I'm only interested in the Ganondorf one, so don't need to get into the scrum today. Will be interested in how it works out though.
Good luck everyone! At least they give a time. Lets just hope there's plenty of stock!
No Commander Olibob?
I'm just waiting for Mewtwo and maybe either Mr Game and Watch or ROB.
So sensible that they've let people know ahead of time. I'll hopefully be putting an order in for Palutena and Zero Suit Samus. I managed to get an Inkling Girl on Zavvi, but missed out on the other two.
Disappointment came over all the land... only one thing keeping us going...
Seriously, i can't be the only one who's sick and tired of amiibo's, am i ?!?
In slightly related news, just got my mewtwo smash bros download codes through. So much for painting the hallway.
Only ZSS tomorrow. I'm trying to cut back on Amiibos and the Smash Bros series are the ones I'm fading out. But she's my main, so I want her.
You know you could pre-order these from other websites such as ShopTo and GAME like a week ago?
Yeah, but GAME has already run out of pre-orders for Greninja and Jigglypuff.
I got them pre-ordered, at a little more than NIntendo's official UK store would charge, but for many people this is a second chance with advance warning, something we've not yet seen for amiibo actually.
Yes, put out even more Amiibos that never appear in any shop at all.
Im still looking for Toad, Shulk, Rosalina, DeDeDe and Meta Knight.
No where to be found, no where to be seen.
Amiibo, DLC, amiibo, DLC, amiibo, DLC.....
Its a glorious time to be a Nintendo fan!
E3 can't get here fast enough
@Ichiban Amiibo, DLC, amiibo, DLC, amiibo, DLC...
I see no mention of games there... No wonder the release calendar is empty for Nintendo games so far except for a few... Splatoon, Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush and Yoshi's Woolly World...
What good is 3pm to most ppl, irritating
I wish I didn't want these, and I wish they actually did something tangible and worth the cost within the game.
Either way I shall be hitting refresh like an idiot and grabbing a Jigglypuff, ZSS, Ganon and Palutena
Meanwhile, in North America, Reggie has confirmed which Nintendo executive's office is getting each amiibo from this next wave. First three people to find the right office get one.
@Einherjar not sure if they deliver your way but these guys are handy for some amiibo stock from the UK....hope they can help with the ones your after!
@ULTRA-64 Thanks man Well, their website doesnt state anything about shipping outside of the UK, but i recieved deliveries from Royal Mail in the past.
I just ask them personally
Has anyone sussed out which are the short packed scarcer figures from this wave as it helps to go for those first to avoid missing out. I seems like greeninja and jigglypuff, as they seem to be sold out on game etc.
One of each per customer or just one amiibo?
@Einherjar Toad is in stock at GAME
I just want the girls in this wave, so I will check on the european Amazon stores as I may have to import like I have done with other waves.
@adamatsu Which doesnt exist around here
And most (local) online retailers bumped up their prises to ridiculous hights
Greninja and Jigglypuff are on the UK Nintendo store website now
Thanks lying e-mail. Putting them up 10 minutes early is NOT 3pm. Pre-ordered them both!
Got them both.
@Achoo Dont worry, anyone that orders more than one amiibo figure gets their order cancelled, but they do it when the store is out of stock to teach them a lesson ;P
Greninja is already sold out only took 5 mins, they went up early before the 3 oclock time , jigglypuff is still there
Sold out at 2.59: 3:00 and 3:01.
An email was sent out at 14:52 (well according to my phone) that the pre-orders went live, so 8 minutes it went out of stock, however i was able to see the pre-order go live at !4:40 and thats when i pre-ordered my two
wonder how much longer jigglypuff will be there for lol
Both sold out. Woah
greeninja still there further down
Jiggly is still there, its mental how fast these are going though
Annoying that the site was slow for me. Managed to get jigglypuff.
I have Greninja pre ordered with GAME but was hoping to save the £4 in price difference.
Just sold out as I looked again!!
Well I managed to get Jigglypuff, but Greninja had sold out even before 3 as others have said! What a load of rubbish Nintendo. Putting them up early is not cool, nor is not limiting them to one per customer.
agreed bad nintendo
Well this will be fun to do it all again tomorrow!
Like everyone is saying, why make the point of an e-mail specifying 3pm then do it early?
Sold out instantly. Redonkulous. They didn't appear straight away, and by the time they were up, they were saying sold out. Why is there not a '1 per customer' sticker like there is for the rest of the amiibo on the site. Absolutely disgusted by this.
Its annoying but for the true collectors of the amiibo waves the best bet is to try refreshing the store from around 2:30pm tomorrow, this doesnt help me during work though, not going to look very productive hovering over my phone trying to grab one of each of them...
I was so impressed with them giving notice, but they still managed to screw it up.
It was a major f**k up by Nintendo,but they dont care if there making money
Now I'm extra glad I pre-ordered at instead.
This isn't right, I got the email about 7 minutes before 3pm.
To be honest Nintendo isnt to blame fully here, the website is actually run by a company called 'The hut group' They are just selling on behalf of nintendo, the also own Zavvi online store aswell
well if you want them now you can always go here i guess
what a joke!
i think there needs to be a new law that states you cant sell something at a marked up price before its available and you cant sell it for more than the asking price within the first 6 month. It will never happen I know but its so frustrating seeing this kind of thing on ebay and for true collectors who get shafted by these scalpers
Im sad to see people fueling this kind of selling.... someone clearly has just spent £85 on the two from that ebay link and it just causes more of these scalpers to get on board and follow suit to grab these desired collectibles :/
yeah the people buying are as much to blame as the people selling, clearly they have to much money i guess
what i hope is the guy who is selling them for £85 does not get his delivery so cant fulfill his promise and gets lots of negative feedback from the buyers, id love to message him now and tell him what i think of him but whats the point
Had them both in the basket and on the payment page, but had to ask myself why? Why did I want them? I'm not getting every single Amiibo; I'm cherry picking the ones that I want where I can get them and other than buying to sell somewhere down the line, I don't need them... Besides, that would just make me a scalper... So in the hope that the karma fairy will be nice to me tomorrow (those are the ones I actually want) I deleted them from my basket...
@Charlosa "Had them both in the basket and on the payment page, but had to ask myself why? Why did I want them? I'm not getting every single Amiibo"
Word of advice regarding amiibo... NEVER ask yourself whether you want to buy them or not until you have been through the checkout process and have received a confimation of preorder... Those are the very wise words I live by.
Fair comment
@Charlosa. Those wise words are how I have managed to successfully order 41 of 50 Super Smash Bros. Collection amiibo, the three Yarn Yoshi amiibo and all of the Splatoon amiibo including the Squid amiibo.
Some of these I have double dipped and preordered twice as I am a collector.
Somebody ship them to me in America!!!
@Achoo But then Charlosa could at least have the opportunity to choose to keep the preorders or cancel them and allow someone else to preorder.
The original idea of asking yourself at the checkout page allows others to swoop in and preorder them before Charlosa could and that would make it all irrelevant..
That was a total joke and a load of..... Endless words I'd get banned if I typed them.
Had alarms in my phone and everything and was checking from just before 3 and BOTH were sold out. How the hell was I suppose to order them? Why put them up early? Absolutely ridiculous
Oh no, wait. They sent me an email at 2:52 to say they'd gone up early! T***S!!
I was driving and made sure I got where I was going so could check in for just before 3! How am I suppose to read my f******g email while I'm driving. Why change something so last minute when you'd told everybody something so specific that was planned for 3!!!!??? It will have been the scalpers hovering for the first split second too.
If not clear. I am in a totall rage at nintendo for this and think they are disgusting
@PinkSpider told the guy at £85 that's he's disgusting. Which is unbelievably true
@DESS-M-8 good man you won't get a reply though as he would be to weak to do that lol
well i managed to pre order them so will be cancelling my game pre order -saving £8. My most expensive amiibo so far has been Meta Knight which cost £30 on ebay from japan.
Im sure will have theirs up within a week mind for those who missed out.
@dazzleshell Wow... That is a crazy price for Meta Knight... I was able to get him as well as Shulk and King Dedede from GAME for £10.99. O.o
I managed to nab Meta from Amazon (UK) for £10.99, possibly the one amiibo I wanted most as he's my main, so I was relieved with that. Greninja is my second main though, so missing out on him thanks to Nintendo opening pre-orders before they said they would has me in a rather foul mood. I've not paid more for £10.99 for an amiibo yet (Have 15 of them) but might have to go over that for Greninja as I really wants :3 Still not paying more than £20 for him, though.
Scratch that guys, just managed to get a preorder on Greninja from for £14.86, massive bout of YAY! Not sure how many they have left though so you'd likely have to be quick...
I wish with all this buying and selling on ebay for people that aren't obviously Nintendo fans or collectors would stop.
There should be something to do with your Club Nintendo account.
(i know it is on its way out) With who can buy them to begin with, abit like the Ambassador New 3DS, i know some people did sell there 3DS on ebay, but it wouldn't be as many as it seems to be now with all the amiibos.
I got a greninja of shopto but could not find a jigglypuff anywhere
Well I got 2 Greninja's and 2 Jigglypuff's.
One set from Game and another today from the Nintendo Store.
Just pre-ordered zero samus, ganondorf, palutena and dark pit for £30 total!!!! Don't have to bother with the stress of this tomorrow now.
Meanwhile, it's still a disaster here in the States, as Nintendo and NA retailers have done absolutely nothing to improve the Amiibo situation.
Does anyone know if Nintendo will make more Wave 3 amiibo? I really need Shulk amiibo, and they're sold out in my country.
@BassLostie If the last three waves are anything to go on, probably little to no change for a re-release... Nintendo just throws out new waves to my knowledge.
But I could be wrong. I hope I am. But I have seen the last three waves and it is not a good sight...
@Alundra-1998 i know. I had it preordered from zavvi for 10.99 but their supplier couldnt get anymore so zavvi cancelled it. Ive managed to get the other 28 for £10.99 each before then. Argos and toysrus confirmed Meta was now discontinued for uk stock so caved and got him on ebay. Im only collecting the smash ones.
Damn I want to know when NA GaneStop will do pre-orders for ZSS and Palutena.
Earlier was the first time I missed getting any of the Smash ones from the Official Nintendo Store. For starters, I was working all afternoon anyway so would've found it difficult to hover on the site all afternoon. For seconds, I did actually manage to get onto the site at 3.02pm, only to find out that they were already sold out (at least on my screen they were) because Nintendo had lied and put them up 20 minutes earlier. And then shortly afterwards, there were loads of preorder sales popping up all over Ebay for £60+ each. Well done Nintendo. You played right into the scalpers' hands there by not sticking to the announced time. I'm genuinely happy for the the real collectors and fans who managed to get their orders in though.
Luckily for me, I've managed to get both shopto and GAME preorders in for all the ones I want, hopefully I'll get at least one of each and any duplicates I get I'm selling for cost price to people I know genuinely want them. This rip off nonsense has to stop, and Nintendo need to take responsibility and start manufacturing more of these things. The demand is there, they must realise this from the amount of preorders there are and all the comments on social media, and the sheer profit they'd make from the ones they do sell would outweigh the costs of any they don't.
Despite the website nearly breaking - I think I got all 4
At least I got an email saying I've ordered them... Damn - why should I have to feel like I've had a rush, when all I'm doing is ordering some stupid bits of plastic...
Well at least today they actually went up at 3. My webpage took 2 minutes to reload which felt like forever, but got the three from the four I wanted, so yay!
6 minutes and counting and there's still pre-order availability for all 4... Any takers on less than 15 minutes before they're no longer available?!?
Well I'm surprised they're still all available seeing how Nintendo have so far forgotten to limit people to one of each on the 4 of them - went to my basket with 2 Dark Pits as I'd accidentally clicked him twice, but took the other one out as I have no need for more than one. It's certainly interesting that these 4 appear to be less sought after than the two pokes - perhaps due to the fact these ones aren't store exclusives in America? I know it's the UK store but I know a few americans who use the store to deliver to relatives over here to then get them sent over to them.
Of course as I post that 3 of them go out of stock... Ganon's the last man standing!
Got all 4 of them, smooth with no problems
I wasn't at home yesterday to get greninja so I thought there would be a great rush to get the 4 today but I seems to manage to get them fine after the 2 minutes of page not available.
Sold out already... not good... at least I got them... wasn't so lucky with yesterday's amiibo
Just Captain Olimar and the Woolly (Yarn) Yoshi's to go now... Cause there's no hope in hell of me finding Ness or Shulk now and it doesn't look like the Gold Mario's coming to the UK shores anytime soon (well not without a stupid £300 ticket on Amazon Marketplace anyway)
Anyone else have an e-mail from Nintendo cancelling amiibo from yesterday?
I had pre-ordered a Jigglypuff yesterday because Greninja was out of stock when i went on at 3pm.
Now Nintendo said they can't fulfill my order of 1 Jigglypuff.
So i e-mailed asking how can Nintendo not manage to stock Nintendo merchandise? And why wern't they actually put on at 3pm like the e-mail said.
I also said there should be some sort of loyalty scheme to purchase first.
Its ridiculous having Jigglypuff and Greninja on ebay for £80 EACH.
Well I accidentally had 3 Zero Suit Samus in my basket after I completed checkout.
I realised straight after and immediately cancelled 2 of them.
Sorry to anyone who didn't get ZSS because of that.
@Charlosa I got a Shulk amiibo off a seller on for around £16, then shipped over via Tenso for around another £6.. Still a little more than I think any amiibo is worth but when I bought it they were going for around 40 on ebay which is ridiculous..!
Got an email from Nintendo UK Store about the new amiibo's "available" to pre order.. Might as well been titled "Look what you can't have!"
Nice one @hybridseed
It's just a shame that you had to go to such lengths to beat the scalpers... And while my email from Nintendo did technically arrive in time to have ordered Thursday's Amiibo's, that was totally dependent on my being able to receive it, read it and get online to order them there and then...
Don't get me wrong I'm really pleased that Amiibo is so popular and must be giving Ninty some extra money to play with, which all being well will be turned into the sort of games Nintendo is renowned for, either directly through the cash investment or indirectly because it gets the share-holders off of the developers backs, but I can't help but wonder how much they're shooting themselves in the foot all the time with the apparent scarcity of so many of them and the negative impression it gives when the scalpers make such a clear profit from their Ninty's inability to supply the fans actual demand...
@Charlosa Yeah, I work til around 4pm most days so I knew they'd be sold out by the time I got home.. Still checking the Nintendo store to see if Lucina and Robin become available to preorder as I want them for when Code Name Steam is released..
I'm glad amiibo are popular too but honestly think Nintendo should concentrate on supplying the demand for the ones that are already out before releasing more..
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