You'd be forgiven for forgetting about 90's Arcade Racer - a game that was first announced back in January 2013 - but we can confirm that it is still very much alive, as this first gameplay video proves.
Developer Antonis "Pelikan13" Pelekanos has made it clear in the past that 90's Arcade Racer is a love letter to Sega's own line of coin-op speed-fests - most notably Daytona USA - and this initial footage shows that he's done an excellent job of paying tribute to those coin-guzzling classics.
The handling appears to be pretty spot-on, with the stock car drifting into corners nicely. It's also encouraging to see that Pelekanos - who is creating this game solo, we should add - has done a superb job of recreating the incredible track-side detail that was so common in Sega's titles.
At one point, a whale leaps over the track (a possible nod to Sonic Adventure, perhaps?) and shortly afterwards the car drives in-between the legs of a huge robot statue. Later on in the video, there's a woodland racecourse which looks like it was lifted directly from Sega's Virtua Racing. There also appears to be an option to play the game using a CRT-like screen filter, which emulates the scanlines which were common on '90s television sets.
We've been dying to play this game ever since it was announced - hopefully we won't have to wait too much longer for it to hit the Wii U eShop.
Comments 78
Looks great!
I'd given up on this one. This and Project Cars will be my racing for the year
I love how they made the game feel like 1990s. I really applaud them for their hard work.
Uhm, while speed and gameplay imitate Daytona USA quite well, the art style is plainly horrible...
@MussakkuLaden Looks pretty damn good for a one-man development team.
Well, damn! I really thought arcade racers were dead outside of japan - good to see there's a guy out there with the dedication AND talent to attempt a revival!
Man, that looks good. I love arcade racing games, and EA ground up my favorite franchise (Burnout) to make more Need for Speed games, so I'm looking forward to this.
Ha, Virtua Racing-style stages. That's pretty awesome!
Technically, Need for Speed and Blur are/were arcade racers. I think Grid might be, too. Need for Speed games are now made by Criterion, the team that created the pinnacle of the arcade racer--Burnout, but I miss Burnout.
I share your enthusiasm for this one, and I'm glad to see it's still in development.
@Quorthon Ghost Games now create Need for speed titles (Criterion helped out with Rivals) which explains why Rivals although good feels a tad lifeless compared to Most Wanted. It saddens me greatly we shall probably never see another Buronout Paradise. That game is an absolute masterpiece. 😢 This looks awesome however! Love my 90's arcade racers.
The amount of 90's feel is quite impressive! I'm not much of a racing fan but this does look good.
It reminds me of Outrun Coast 2 Coast
We need more quality racing games on wiiU. Of course we have the superb mario kart 8, we also have need for speed most wanted & sonic and sega allstar racing but that's it besides a few eshop racers that are mediocre @ best. This looks to play similar to need for speed nitro which was my favorite racer on wii. This & fast racing neo are both on my radar.
Looks more like a good 3ds game tbh. Kinda wish it was there instead. I also see more Ridge Racer in it then most I guess.
Awesome. I had no idea this was a single person affair. Pretty impressive.
Can't come fast enough! Since "Project CARS" is still some many months off, I sure could use some of this right about now. There really are huge gaps on the Wii U's library and "NFS Most Wanted" can only do so much.
Yeah, I think this is a similar case to how Activision has revolving Call of Duty developers (I think Treyarch is up next as Sledgehammer just released Advanced Warfare and Infinity Ward did Ghosts the year before) in how they use Criterion and several other developers on the NFS franchise. There have been 14 teams/developers that have developed NFS games over the years, so it looks like the franchise isn't managed as well as CoD. Or at least not as strictly organized.
Criterion is an extremely talented team, but I think EA bought them just so they could bury Burnout as one of the biggest competitors to NFS. I never cared for Need for Speed myself, but Burnout was pure gold. Especially Revenge, which I view as my favorite racing game (at least so far) of all time.
Is it just me or does it look worse than the first footage that was shown
@Quorthon Mate so true; EA have absolutely destroyed Criterion, isn't Ghost games nearly all of Criterion except Alex Ward?! Criterion are an amazing dev-co but whatever that was they unveiled last e3 smacked of a company that have been completely put on the back foot. It really says alot that I vastly prefer firing up BP, Rivals or NFS U over my PS4 Rivals. Just doesn't have that Criterion magic?
I have been wanting this game now for two years ... so long that I forgot it about it. I can't wait til it arrives.
This looks fantastic. You can tell they really loved Sega & Namco arcade racers, they're so many nods to their lineage.
Anyone notice the arcade cabinet filter at the end? Looks good, really hope its running@ 60fps
Original planned release date: November 2013.
Kickstarter projects, everybody
@Captain_Gonru OMG, Cruisin is one of the best arcade racers ever. Never played bad n64 ports, I only played it on the actual arcade.
Second would be old school Ridge Racer (3ds version is the latest that I liked).
And this game looks so amazing, and I can't wait for it to come out, just hopeing that it will come out on 3DS, PC or PS4, because I don't have Wii U
Loving the Sonic Adventure reference. I'm looking forward to this now, along with FAST Neo. Project CARS looks like it'll take forever and the latest trailer....for some reason the game looks uglier than it did before. What the heck happened there?
Cool idea! I always preferred '90s rally racers like Sega rally and top gear.
This developer obviously loves what he's doing, going the extra mile(s) to incorporate these different art styles. It'd be nice if it supported MP3 playback through the SD card slot so we can drive to our own playlists of 90's tunes and classic SEGA tracks...and if this game does well I'd really like to have a sequel or add-on with some rally racing!
Could be day one purchase for me. This reminds me of all the 90 racers like datona usa.
@Quorthon Hm, I didn't think those titles could be counted as arcade racers, but okay. I guess they're simply not colorful enough to have me draw the comparison. ^_^!"
Ow. That literally gave me a headache...
Really don't like the art style but if the gameplay is good (and the price right) that could more than compensate for the game.
Please, please let Project Cars be a reality on the Wii U.
coming soon in 2017.
Ahh! It's about gameplay, of course. Arcade racers are vastly more forgiving, tend to be faster, and using e-brakes to slide around corners tends to be a design feature--along with the occasional ability (like Excite Truck) to steer while airborne! Realistic or "sim" racing games, like Forza, F1, or Gran Turismo (I think), can see you heavily screwed over with minor steering mistakes, and physics are not only more realistic, but less forgiving. Cornering must be performed carefully and speed and angle need to be factors to maintaining control, whereas in an arcade racer, like Burnout, I just need to know when to mash the e-brake and send the car screaming around a corner. Crashing into other cars is also a bigger setback in a sim-style racer, whereas crashing and aggressive driving might actually be a key component of the arcade racer.
I personally prefer arcade controls and the intensity of arcade racers, careening through tracks with vehicular violence. I don't have the patience for the control necessary for a sim racer, which appears to be the design mentality behind Project Cars.
Basically--arcade racers are, regardless of graphics, not realistic, but they control beautifully (when done right).
I'll be checking this one out, it looks great
I just want this game to releas in EU already, so I can play it ^^
A bit Dreamcast Daytona, a bit Daytona 2, a bit Scud Race. Lot of potential, but SEGAs arcade racers are exceptionally well made and often deeper than they may first appear. I like the visuals and it could turn out great, hope so. Id still like to see SEGA bring the aforementioned arcade games to consoles though (and the arcade SEGA Rally).
Scanlines, having 'insert coin' displaying as screen burn would be even more acurate!
Yea baby!! Will be all over this like white on rice!! Day 1 download for me!! I'll give them my money instead of sega being they don't seem like they wanna get off their ass with wii u vc/eshop!!! SEGA Losing $$$ far as I'm concerned!!
I'm a big fan of 90s arcade racers but those tracks look really really boring. :/
Looks good but will it had other features instead of single racing mode? I just don't want it to end up like Asphalt.
Is it just me or does the track look like its moving rather than the car. Maybe its just the way its being displayed in this video but it just looks odd
I'm still waiting for the game. Hope it comes out soon.
@Quorthon Okay, that's good to know! I really never thought that much about the racing genre, so I wasn't aware of some details! Thanks for the heads up, mate!
Oh, and I agree with you: I also prefer arcade racers a lot over simiulations, and thanks to you, I finally know it myself.
It wasn't something I really thought about until a few years ago. It was specifically highlighted for me when I tested games at Activision. There were two Nascar games--one was built around sim-style gameplay and the other was a blatant arcade racer.
The sim-style Nascar title (2011) was much, much harder for me to play. You could actually set it up to go around the track something like 200 times--like a real Nascar event, to my understanding. Passing other cars required patience and careful planning, usually cutting around them on corners, and cornering had to be planned so that the pull of the car would be factored in. This Nascar game was also riddled with bugs, which grossly hinders the sim-style gameplay.
The other one, Nascar Unleashed was pure arcade action--driving through city streets, e-brake power slides, ridiculous jumps, constantly slamming into other cars (I like racing games where I can "bully" the other cars, and Burnout encouraged this), sometimes turning to the right, etc. Humorously, buggy gameplay in this title didn't hurt it as much. It's possible to spin your car like a top and still finish the race in a high position.
I hope Nintendo does another Excite Truck without the motion controls. That game was a pure blast. I was less impressed with Excite Bots. There are also racing games out there that blur the line in a variety of ways. I can't think of any off-hand, but I know I've played something like this before. I think Blur had very much arcade gameplay (and Mario Kart-like weaponry), but it seems to me the overall control felt slightly closer to a sim title.
track design looks so generic and pretty uninspiring!
graphics and art style pretty bland!
"At one point, a whale leaps over the track (a possible nod to Sonic Adventure, perhaps?)"
Yeah, but this time the whale doesn't destroy the track and chase after the car... Now that I'd like to see!
Is this one gonna have multiplayer? Local, online, or both?
Well I do like racing games so I think I will check this out once its out.
It's a decent attempt at imitating a particular genre of racer but it's not the most polished looking game. The game ls colourful and it's makes the right noises but on closer inspection it seems to lack substance but beggars can't be choosers and apart from Mario Kart there is not that many decent racing games on the Wii U. Nintendo's focus seems just to be on Nintendo made games and while that's understandable it does mean that variety is a little lacking, Mario Kart is great but surely other decent racers from the past and present could be made available. 90's racer is a well intentioned but pretty mediocre looking game, it says a lot about the selection of racers that are currently available on the Wii U that people are still waiting for it be released.
ok after watching that video, I have to say, I'm impressed. For a one man dev team, he has pulled of some very nice effects, sounds, and graphics. The only thing I noticed that seemed to throw me off a little , was during the last part of the video when the sphinx was shown, I didn't like how when the car took that turn and the sphinx rotated it just seemed to be a little "flat" as opposed to the rest of the background objects, Other than that though I say good job and good luck sir!
if it has good handling and drift mechanics, I want this!
People have been waiting quite a while now for a 90's arcade racer to be released, a game that takes inspiration from original arcade racers like Daytona USA and Ridge Racer, but why are these original games and games like them not making there way to the Wii U, wasn't that what the virtual console was supposed to be about. The original Wii had some classic arcade games for download as did the Playstation and Xbox why have Nintendo practically given up on this with the Wii U.
@Captain_Gonru FYI there's one crusin game in wii mode vc(N64). There were 3 on N64 all together. I'd love to see all 3 show up on wii u vc but being that Nintendo has botched up the vc sooo badly that if we ever see those classic racers it'll be a while...if ever. But yea all midway classics are now owned by Warner Bros but I'm not sure if it includes the crusin series...but here's hoping it happens!!
Ridge Racer, is that you? This game looks fun!
Lovin' da beats!
So is it local and online multi-player?
Looks awesome but the drifting mechanic reminds me of Ridge Racer, which is not so good because I could never get used to that wonky drift system. Either a demo or a bargain price will make up my mind.
Gimme some jumps to do to flips and barrel rolls off of and some shortcuts and I'll be happy, a spiritual successor to Cruis'n!
Looking good for a one-man band product, I do think though that the tracks feel very generic, apart from what's happening around you (not the last two tracks shown, they looked barren). And I've seen some frame-skipping too, but there's still time to fix these things, I hope, plus of course we haven't seen the whole game.
@MussakkuLaden : The Art style is better in the old screenshots than the new video.
Did they degrade the GFX?
For a game that is unlikely to even be at it's Beta stage, this actually looks impressively polished. Solid graphics, smooth framerate, unique style.
Saying a game that's still very much in development looks "unpolished" is an absurd criticism. It's still in development.
It's intended to be a spiritual successor to Sega's classic arcade racers, not the Cruis'n franchise, which, by the way, did receive a sequel of sorts on the Wii.
You are aware that Sega has been pretty consistently releasing games for the 3DS, right? And Nintendo hasn't even hinted at 3rd party consoles or VC games for the Wii U--there are no Wii U VC games from non-Nintendo consoles, and very little effort has been made to bring any 3rd party games to the system in that regard.
It's likely Nintendo's problem, not Sega's.
@Quorthon I think Nintendo want to focus on their console VC games first before offering third party titles later. Even back when the Wii first launch, Nintendo only had support for NES, Super NES, and N64 VC games, Nintendo was never going to offer Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Neo Geo AES and PC Engine/Turbo Grafx-16 titles, it was NEC, SNK, and Sega who came and bring those to VC on their own and they had to get Nintendo's permission to do it. I assume this time they are busy with other things now which is why you don't see Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Neo Geo AES, and Turbo Grafx-16/PC Engine games plan for Wii U yet.
You are incorrect. Nintendo planned on offering Sega and Turbo-Grafx-16 games right from the start, and even touted the inclusion of these games early on:
The first Sega games released November 2006, when the Wii launched. Same with the first Turbo-Grafx-16 games.
Indeed, as far back as March 2006, Iwata was talking about Sega and Hudson Soft (the primary company behind the TG-16, along with NEC) would be bringing classic games to the Wii in some capacity:
MSX support (in Japan) was announced in September 2006, and Neo-Geo revealed in February 2007. These third party games and non-Nintendo consoles were planned right from the start, before the Wii launched, and more were added very early on.
By the end of the first year on the market the Wii Virtual Console supported NES, SNES, N64, Genesis/Mega-Drive, Turbo-Grafx16, and Neo-Geo. Again, all of these platforms were on the Wii within its first year on the market.
We are now on Year 3 of the Wii U, and it has NES, SNES, and GBA. And that's it. Most of the games released, except for the GBA side, were already released on the Wii and are already playable on the Wii U.
Nintendo has botched the Virtual Console on the Wii U.
There is, of course, always something to be said for slowly releasing the games, having a steady stream of releases over dumping a whole bunch on the market at once, (which is the smart way to do it), but Nintendo is still far, far slower in supporting the VC this generation.
@Quorthon of course! I have almost all sega published 3DS games but the wii u is really where they should be in my opinion! And as far as 3rd party consoles go, well sega should be a no brainer and the wii u has 26 turbographx16 games in japan while we have zero and this is where NOA pisses me off...they should be here and they should be pursuing sega for Genesis master & dreamcast vc games on wii u!! They're so cheap!! I would even track down Atari now in Manhattan and consisting of a mere 13 employees and sign them on for Asreroids, centipede - Missle command- tempest- millipede- etc etc. I'm sorry but vc could be soooo much more than the wii was and the sad truth is the wii vc library is way better!! People say go into wii mode which I've already downloaded like 250 titles already but the big problem there is wii points cards are very hard to find!!! Sigh!!!
@Quorthon When they show off the Wii back in E3 2005, VC platforms plan for the system were NES, SNES and N64 games only. It was a year right after that when fans are clamoring for more games other than those on Nintendo's platform which encourage Sega, SNK, and NEC to join in. Remember that this was before the digital market hit the scene and before Androids and iOS came and took over the digital market. With Androids and iOS snatching every single digital titles made out there, support for VC and other digital service like PSN and X-Box Live Arcade are getting less and less support. Also since smartphones are offering digital games to the casual as well, it's a lot riskier for developers to port digital version of their games for VC, PSN, and X-Box Live Arcade compare to PC, iOS and Androids especially when you add in the fact that they had to pay license fee just to get the game on the service.
Obviously nowadays you will see PlayStation platform only games on PSN, Nintendo platform only games on VC, and X-Box Live Arcade pretty much end up having indie titles or retro remakes. The time when VC could play other platform games is over and with Hudson being dissolve by Konami, I don't see how we'll ever get Turbo-Grafx-16 games now unless they work out a deal with Konami or whatever is left at NEC.
Sega could still bring Genesis games to Wii U but at this point who here hasn't own a Genesis game, if you own any of the last gen systems or the ones before that then you already got your Genesis fix and if you hadn't there are a ton of compilations, emulator devices, clone systems, and plug n play devices that'll give you that privilege.
@Quorthon I agree but me myself I'm not looking for them to dump 200 of em at once(I'd go broke lol) but jeez they gotta do better than 1 a week??.....2 vc games a week wouldn't kill em! And us North Americans STILL don't have the DKC trilogy!!! Cmon!! As far as SEGA I blame them!! With that huge library of classic Sega games I would be all over wii u vc, xone and ps4 but especially hungry wii u owners would be snapping em up!! 8 million wii u installed base should be enough to get Sega's corporate ass off the fence!!!
Obviously when they first discussed things, Nintendo is going to mention retro games from their own platforms--you're going back too far in time at this point, because in 2005 almost nothing was known about the Wii aside from that it existed, was supposed to change things, and was still called "Revolution." That is a pretty weak argument for your point--as the Wii/Revolution was nearing release, Nintendo got a lot of other old consoles on their side and many were released with the launch of the console, and more in the first year.
Remember, your original point was that "Nintendo wants to focus on their stuff first," which would explain things if and only if the Wii was equally slow in releasing VC games and other retro consoles. But, as shown, Nintendo was more than happy to release Sega and TG-16 games along with their own when the Wii launched, so there was none of this "let's focus on our classics first" nonsense.
There also isn't just Playstation or Xbox games on PS or Xbox. They both have and still have a variety of games from other platforms and arcades--it's just that those games aren't listed as being NES or Genesis games or anything like that. For instance, the old arcade versions of Contra and Super C are on the X360, Rygar is on the PS4 and Vita. The old Mortal Kombat arcade trilogy appeared on both MS and Sony platforms, not to mention an N64 game appeared on the Xbox--Conker's Bad Fur Day. Also, the X360 had a huge arcade (Game Room) element that incorporated classic Atari and Intellivision games--and actually, like the Virtual Console, these were related to their original platforms.
I question how much mobile platforms impact re-releasing old games on consoles. Frankly, the retro market is bigger than ever, which is both good and bad for a collector like me (good: availability, bad: prices go up), and there are multiple pieces of hardware being released that play retro games from NES, SNES, Genesis, Atari, etc. With this draw, it would makes sense for MS, Sony, and Nintendo to want as many retro titles as possible on their platforms.
We can't judge the XBO or PS4 on this just yet, since they've only just entered their second year and we still don't know all the details of Sony's upcoming streaming services, which are planned to cover PS1, PS2, PS3, etc. But the Wii U is well behind the Wii VC in releases, and no, it quite clearly does not appear to be because Nintendo wants to focus on their stuff first. This wasn't the mentality behind the Wii, either.
Something else is wrong with Nintendo pertaining to the VC.
@retro_player_22 to me a lot of it has to do with the convenience of having multiple titles from multiple systems centrally located on one console!! That's the draw of vc to me. I married with 2 kids and I would like to pack some of these systems up but being that NOA has done sooo poorly with wii u virtual console I haven't packed em up yet! Lol the only other alternative is to pick up a retron 5 which plays Nes snes Genesis & gba games and also has an hdmi cable hook up!! At least then I can pack THOSE systems up and leave my Atari systems, Saturn dreamcast and T16 hooked up for now but at least I'll gain some space.
But beyond that to me it could be a HUGE selling point that wii u could have over it's competition and that's why seeing how NOA is handling it gets me so frustrated!! Even VIRTUAL CONSOLE ARCADE which could be home to 100s of perfect arcade ports isn't on wii u yet!!! Crazy!!
Well, to be fair, 8 million just over 2 years is pretty bad sales for a current-gen console. Sega may not see the point in re-releasing Genesis or Master System games on the Wii U since they are available on the Wii VC--still on the Wii U. Sega's efforts have been, pretty clearly, on supporting the VC in ways they haven't already, while Nintendo is more than happy re-releasing Wii VC games... on the Wii U. Sega's efforts have been on the 3DS, with loads of Game Gear games and revived 3D arcade titles.
I do wish the Wii VC and shop was just incorporated into the Wii U eShop already. I also have apprehension about the Wii Points, not because the cards are hard to find--I can just use a credit card--but because I don't want to risk having money lost, floating around in there. And I hate the extra steps to get to that shop.
@Quorthon only other thing I could think of is that Nintendo by sticking to the horrible pace of 1 vc game a week is maybe they wanna give the indie games a chance to sell?? Cause you DO see 3-4 indie games a week on wii u along with the 1 lone vc game otherwise I don't get it at all!! Wii U vc should be a treasure trove of many many classic games and being that wii u retail is dormant vc could be wii u's biggest selling point but nooooooo!!! lol otherwise this strategy or lack of it makes absolutely no friggin sense at all!!!
joey302, @Quorthon...Totally agree with what ur saying, i have big no issue with games like 90's arcade racer but like that it's an imitation of games that came out 15 to 20 years ago why are the original games not on the VC alredy, why is there so little variety in this genre of games and racing games as a whole on the Wii U, outside of Mario Kart there's no decent alternatives, that should not be the case at this stage. There's plenty of games that i would gladly buy but there not there to be bought.
Wow this just reminded me how much I love and miss this style of racing game.. The last quality racer I've played (aside from karts) had to of been Burnout 3.
Reminiscing on Daytona, San Francisco Rush, and Destruction Derby 2 at the moment. Good times
@White-Wash this is what I'm saying games like Daytona and San Fran rush, hydro thunder, crusiin USA , crusin erotica and countless others belong on wii u. Nintendo not handling this vc service right! Sigh!!
@Game-Over and while I agree with you bout sega I still feel 8 million wii u's are enough for them to at LEAST experiment with vc! Throw a couple up there SEGA and see what happens!! Take a shot!
With Nicalis as a publisher, I don't have my hopes up that this will ever get released in Wii U European eShop.
The most tragic part is that the developer is from Greece. European dev's game, never to be released in Europe for Wii U. You'll see.
Definitely am waiting for this game to be released!
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