There are a lot of franchises and IPs in Japan that struggle to make an impact in the West despite a hardy, determined group of fans, and one of these is Touhou; famed for bullet-hell shooters, the name has been widely incorporated and utilised in a huge number of fan projects of different genres.
One of these projects is Touhou Super Smash Battle, which is aiming to blend Super Smash Bros. mechanics "in the form of a Touhou Doujin derivative"; it's the work of three fans that form indie dev From Soy Sauce, and has a recently launched Indiegogo campaign that's off to a decent start in pursuit of a $10,000 goal. You can see the pitch video below.
The campaign is for PC, Mac and Linux, but the developer has told Nintendonuggets that it's also aiming for a Wii U release late in 2015 or early 2016. The only proviso, at this stage, is that the studio is still in the process of getting permission to use the brand; optimism is inevitable considering how many fan-projects are out in the wild, but it shouldn't be assumed. Beyond that, From Soy Sauce seems keen to bring a remaster of one of its older games, Glass Wing, to Wii U.
We've seen within our own forums that the Touhou brand has staunch supporters, but is perhaps more niche than a number of other Japanese franchises and IPs. If this project sees the light of day on Wii U and gets released in the West as promised, it'll be interesting to see how it's received, especially as interpretations of the Smash Bros. mechanics are at the core of the experience.
Is this a project you'll be following closely?
[source, via]
Comments 59
I think they ought to change the name a bit. Last thing you want is the lawyer squad after you.
I really don't like the models/illustration at all...
I'll just copy and paste what I said from the thread of this game:
Yuck. An anime Smash Melee rip-off? No thanks.
You want anime-ish characters in Smash? Then go play Smash 4 (Marth, Lucina, Ike, Robin, Shulk, Pit, Palutena, Dark Pit).
You want Melee? Then go play Melee.
You want even MORE Melee? Then go play Project M.
This is useless, pointless, unnecessary, redundant, and worthless IMO.
Touhou was never an anime, FYI.
@TobiasAmaranth The character designs and art style are anime-ish. That's what I meant.
Hey, if Meme Run got released, I don't see how any other game could find problems bypassing the apparently non-existent QA of Nintendo.
I'm honestly very tired of Melee being the template for Smash fan works.
Both games look like they would be in the top 5 eshop releases for me.
No more blatent really than some of the Streetfighter 2 clones were. (Probably more original).
Touhou would be a really good fit for the Wii U, in my opinion. That classic arcade style with huge emphasis on gameplay and recognizable characters, something Nintendo fans should be familiar with.
This project looks cool, but Touhou is really meant for 2D sprite artwork. Will still keep my eye on it though. I don't think it will be blocked by Nintendo. It admits upfront to being a SSB clone, but as long as no copyrighted assets are used, it shouldn't be a legal problem.
@TeeJay @Tsurii897 I'm still trying to figure where it in the article it says that they're using Melee as a inspiration for this.
Personally if I was a developer for this game I wouldn't want to base my game on Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros has set such a high standard for games that dare enter its territory that reviewers and players will compare how good the game is to Smash Bros and rate according to that. God knows Playstation All Stars was shown no mercy, judging from what I've heard about it.
It says right there in the video at 0:08. Simplified SSBM mechanics. And again at 0:40.
This game looks like it has potential. They may have to change the title tho. Didn't that wii ware game nyx quest have to change its because of nintendo?
While I've never played a Touhou Project game, what with not being a fan of PC games, I did get involved in the series to a degree through fan fiction and fan comics. It looks to be a nice series, although my interest in ever wanting to play a Touhou Project game is more so towards it's actual fighting game spin-offs rather than it's main, bullet hell genre games.
As for this project, I will say that I'm not a fan of the models. I feel a 2D artstyle, more like the actual Touhou fighters, or even akin to Arc System fighters, would have looked much better. That said, a SSB style fighting game (why are there not more of these) utilising characters from Touhou Project? I like the sound of that, and if it comes out on the UK eShop, I'll definitely purchase it.
Now I just hope for Suika Ibuki to be announced as a playable character for it... provided the Indiegogo campaign succeeds of course.
@TeeJay @Tsurii897 Sorry, nevermind I saw the trailer. Ugh, and I have personal dislike for Melee, wouldn't want to use it as base for my game (if it was me that is).
@sinalefa Yeah, I only now it, should've looked at the trailer soon.
Adding to my previous comment, I wouldn't base the game fully on Smash Bros Melee. This looks like it would succeed better if it was more of an arcade fighter like Tekken or Marvel vs Capcom. Still want some Smash in there? Then use some of the platforming ideas of Smash Bros to create a more unique fighter. Some of the attacks I see in the trailer look pretty neat too (like that freeze time attack). Combat looks good but I believe the game would look better if it didn't try to copy Smash Bros a bit too much.
This looks pretty good, though I hope they polish up those models during the next few months since generally Touhou looks better in a 2D artstyle than 3D.
They even have their own version of 8 player Smash. Um....
I'd play this but I wish Team Shanghai Alice ported their games over to Wii U and/or 3DS. Imagine playing Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and Imperishable Night on the gamepad!
EDIT: I honestly think Team Shanghai Alice could've made a fighter game better than From Soy Sauce ever could.
This looks interesting, IMHO. That freeze time attack looks like it would be useful in strategic battles. I also like the grab-and-mash-button scene, but I think that would affect other players in one way or the other; that may mean it might be exclusive in 1on1 battles. The lack of a KO effect is understandable, at the moment.
But please, nerf those exploits a bit...
What the hell is going on with the Touhou projects all of a sudden?! ZUN was always against mass-commercializing of his creation, so why are all these games suddenly showing up???
Interesting. Out of the all the Smash Bros clones, I mean inspired games I played and could think of, this is the only one that follows SSB this close and uses the % damage. Didn't know that was allowed in a non-free game (I assume) for legal reasons.
I thought it said SONY Sauce at first. But seriously, this just looks awful. Not only is it a bunch of lame ass weaboo material, it copies Melee. How about actually making your own style and mechanics (even if it is a Smash clone) instead of copying the game in the series that everybody loves even though it's incredibly exploitable and has mean spirited mechanics that way over reward aggressive play and has a super unbalanced roster.
Woah the animations in this are absolutely terrible!
Dang! You people are salty about something that (if this game sees the light of day) you're not gonna buy. I guess everyone has a hobby, but Good Lord!!
This looks promising, though I hope the animations and models get tuned up.
If Sonic Boom and Meme Run were allowed on Wii U, then so should this.
I'm the only one looking forward to this, and hinks this looks pretty good for something so early in development (4 months) and made by a very small team (3 people), and continue to be one of the very few people in the Nintendo community that keeps an open mind.
go me.
I actually want to play this.
Looks like a fun free-for-all melee game but the brand (Touhou) they choose to adapt for this I'm not too familiar with, may check it out though.
@Guybrush20X6: TMNT: Smash-Up for the wii was clearly strategically named, but it also had the advantage of buying the rights to Brawl's engine. Super Smash in the name might be cutting it too close.
@ultraraichu: Cartoon Network Punch Time Explosion uses the same % system actually so the concept can be used by other companies. That game apparently though was weak so I hope this one fares better. Interesting that fan projects (PM - granted it was a mod but still, SSF2) sometimes get controls down better than official games.
@TheItalianBaptist Yeah.
Hopefully, within the coming months, the game will gather up it's own identity.
@jedisquidward It's definitely adding in its own mechanics.
3- Air Grab: All characters have three standard air grabs: Up, Side, and Down!
4- Spell Cards: Touhou is at it's core a Bullet Hell shooter, and we wanted to make sure that aspect of it was present in this derivative game. However, it is incorporated in a way that character balance in the game still takes priority unlike Smash Bros Brawl's "Final Smash" mechanic which left certain characters with major advantages over others randomly. You have to charge your "Final Smash" and you can be interrupted during that period. You can only use it once and then it's gone for the rest of the match.
5- Overwhelm, when 2 characters grab each other at the same time they will struggle, the winner of the struggle busts out a very powerful attack.
@Retro_on_theGo so you're one of the developers I take it? This looks like a really exciting project and I'm looking major forward to it
@TheItalianBaptist Ah thank you, but I'm not a developer actually, haha!
That was an excerpt from the indiegogo page. The response to this project has been sort of negative because people see the characters and think "Smash with anime, whatever," but it looks like it is going to have some interesting mechanics that never have been in smash and improving on others that are in it so I'm just trying clear things up for people. It be a shame for this to be ignored because of the characters when it has a lot of potential.
this looks pretty good actually specialy considering this is a fan work am looking forward to seeing more :3 my only issue is that there faces look kinda awkward
I fail to see what this offers, unless you want to cross perving anime / hentai stylie and playing a crappy knock off of smash bros! if that's your bag go the whole hog and just find an illusion game for your PC.
Even for a beta the graphics and movement are pitiful, "watch my legs stay completely still as I float up into the sky, before beating you to death with a ribbon on a stick"
Would probably not bother wasting the bandwidth downloading this even if it were free!
looks interpreting and i might download if it does come to wii u
Brah...I am always up for some Tohou man! But this is not particularly what I was looking for. It's cool but I'm really sick of Melee related anything.
Anyway, i'd support it but I really want a NA release of one of the shmups.
@Zed101 wow dude, did Touhou like kill your dog or something? That's a pretty harsh attack. It's really not pervy or hentai at all. If you've seen anything like that of Touhou then that sir was a fan work. And there ain't jack diddly you can do to stop those.
Now the models...yeah they are ugly as sin.
@DarrelltheJ Welcome to the Nintendo community. Unless it's Nintendo or something in your comfort zone, please feel free to utterly bash games, regardless of being released or barely in development, no matter if the studio is incredibly big or a one-man show! And, if you actually have an open mind like me and take interest of games like this being on a Nintendo system, you're an idiot who deserves to be hit with a sledgehammer!
@Pahvi There's always those PS4 Touhou fangames coming out soon if you want to see if you can hop back on to the fandom. At least Sony fans are more open and grateful about them...
All they need to do is clean it up, change the name, and make it less of a blatant Melee ripoff.
Oh, you'd better hide for smack-talking melee, LOL. Not from me, I agree with you, but melee fans are as bad as Earthbound, Darksouls, Monster Hunter, Majora's Mask fans...scary T_T. Take my flameshield for protection.
That said, this is a bit strange...even for Touhou (from what I know of it).
I'm gonna keep an eye on this, hopefully they polish it up some more. Smash Bros could really use the competition, or at least an alternative geared towards a different audience. My only complaints, aside from the visuals, is that the gameplay looks stiff and a bit on the slower side, and they seem to be throwing in mechanics that might sound interesting but could end up not being fun to play with. The whole super move that freezes time, for example, if that ends up lasting a while (which it might, because every clip I've seen of it has a cut while the clock is ticking) would take the other player out of the game for too long and they might as well just drop the controller and walk away. It either needs the amount of time that it lasts for cut down or some form of counter play while you are frozen in place.
Those are just early observations based on a few videos I caught from the developer's youtube page, though. I'm not a fan of Touhou but I've been wanting to see a game that does a different take on Smash correctly. Hoping this turns out well.
this looks fun and I'm always open for other developers to make smash style games. I just hope they do something their own with it.
@R_Champ Melee haters are as bad as Earthbound, Darksouls, Monster Hunter, Majora's Mask fans...scary T_T. Take my flameshield for protection.
BTW, Name me some glitches in Melee that are highly abused. You can't name exploits, as they are not the same as glitches. Oh, and you can't name L-cancelling, as it's not a glitch or an exploit.
Good luck!
@TeeJay Would you rather them have it be based on Brawl?
@Cresartist a known fact anywhere. Saddens me, really.
I think I will just stick to Smash Wii U, it is more than enough for me!
I don't see why everyone is getting all salty. I don't care if it's a Smash clone. It still looks fun and I'm hoping this actually gets released.
You're right, I had to replay my 3ds copy just to make sure. I guess my mind really wanted to blank out that game. Not my best full price purchase decision.
This actually looks fun in my opinion, but they should really change up the gameplay mechanics to avoid a lawsuit from Nintendo
@Retro_on_theGo 3 New mechanics aren't enough to make a fighting game.
@ultraraichu The only thing that that game had going for it was a super meter to build up their version of the final smash. If this game can pull that off (which if I'm not mistaken, they are attempting to implement that in some fashion) than there's no reason for me to take any interest in what should have been a love letter to CN and SSB.
Don't knock it, till you try it, I say. Sure it looks a little rough around the edges now, give it time, it could be a great game, possibly better than SSB! I'll support it if they wanna bring to WiiU, I hope Nintendo does too! Heard a suggestion that I think would be great for this game, they should go with a 2D anime style, like Guilty Gear. Also I know they're basically using the SSB engine, but they really should try for something to make it truly unique from Smash. Either way, I hope it turns out well!
This seems to me the kind of thing Nintendo wouldn't like much. I dig it though. Don't really get the salt since Melee has some of the most hardcore fanbases of any Nintendo franchise and this looks harmless, stylish and fun. A kind-hearted memento to Smash as a whole with cute characters fighting each other. Sure, I love Lucina, Shulk and Palutena on Sm4sh, but this is nice too.
Oh, and, for what I watched, it's not Melee at all, just more than the others.
@sanguine TMNT: Smash Up was released for the Wii, and Cartoon Network Punch Time explosion was released for the Wii and 3DS.
I'm not trying to be rude, but I'm just pointing out facts.
what if we combined both games into one
@RickyWill I think I'll end up getting this game as well, Touhou is great
But man, didn't know there were so many melee haters on NL. The change in range and the length of the hitboxes alone would make it feel different from melee imo. I doubt this will be released as a 60 dollar game, so I wouldn't expect as much content either. If they clean up the models a LOT and the animations, I could see this getting its own niche fighting meta.
It looks way too projectile heavy to be an adequate fighting game. Why would you ever want to get in close when you can just keep spamming all of those powerful projectile attacks?
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