
The PlayStation brand turns 20 this year, and Sony has plenty of reasons to be cheerful. It has gone from being an industry outsider to a major player in two decades, and has proven to be a worthy rival to the likes of Nintendo, Sega and Microsoft.

However, it would appear that one of the graphic artists working on Sony's European 20th Anniversary site is either a secret Nintendo fan or simply wasn't being careful enough when using Google Images to find assets, as the Super Smash Bros. version of Capcom's Mega Man has somehow managed to slip into the site's landing page.

The image is supposed to show all of the characters who have appeared on PlayStation systems over the past 20 years, and while Mega Man is most certainly one of them, the model shown is clearly lifted from the recent Wii U and 3DS brawler.

You can view the full image by clicking the screengrab below, and underneath that you'll see the original Smash art placed alongside an enlarged version of the PlayStation image.

Mega Man Wtf2

[source twitter.com]