Smash Melee

Evo 2014 is just days away, bringing together the best competitive fighting game players from around the world to compete across multiple titles. After a briefly troubled history last year, Super Smash Bros. Melee has long been confirmed for this year's event.

Evo will be streamed fully online, and there's so much going on that there'll even be two dedicated channels — three if you count a Capcom-only version. The chart below shows when Melee will be on across the three days — 11th to 13th July; it even gets to launch the whole event on the first channel.

Evo2014 Stream Schedule V3

These are Pacific times, so go forward three hours for Eastern, eight hours for UK and nine hours for Europe. The all-important channels are and

Will you be tuning in to see who wins the Super Smash Bros. Melee tournament?

[source, via]