In true LEGO style, the lightheartedness of LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham has been pushed further yet with an increased character roster and — most importantly — with Adam West joining the cast of well-known stars who will be lending their voices to the game.
Veterans of the series will be getting a bit of old-school love as well, with classic 1960s costumes for characters such as Robin, Catwoman and Batgirl, so fans of the show will find plenty to remember.
West plays himself as well as the iconic vigilante, and will be joined by some of the more obscure characters from the DC Comics universe, including Arkillo, Blue Beetle, Booster Gold, Hawkman, Krypto and Mr. Mxyzptlk, with more yet to be announced.
This instalment promises to push the boundaries of the previous two games and expand the world beyond our atmosphere and into outer space. Even with two versions of Batman can the Justice League muster enough bat-strength and conquer the likes of Lex Luthor, The Joker and the rest of the cacophony of villains lead by the sinister Braniac?
You can find the trailer from Comic-Con 2014 below, complete with subtle ducks reference, and a neat cast video with the voice actors — including Adam West.
Comments 36
Will definitely think about getting this game. I watched the Adam West Batman show when it was on reruns and loved it. Hopefully this will be a good game.
Ok as much as I think the lego series is a waste, if Adam West is performing in this one, I may pick this game up.
I love the adam west batman series . so glad it's getting a dvd release this year
I love the adam west batman series . so glad it's getting a dvd release this year
Awesome Adam west will always be the best batman in my heart.
Haha! Thats awesome!
Hopefully he comes packing the shark repellant bat spray!!
First Stan Lee in Lego Marvel now Adam West in Batman 3. Imagine Shigeru Miaymoto in a Lego Nintendo
Hawkman is obscure??
I only own 1 Lego game, and it's the first Lego Batman game. If Adam West is in this 1... well I might have to go ahead and buy my second Lego game.
Adam West is the best Batman, and any argument against this fact is invalid.
Oh yeah baby!!! Now shut-up and take my money... oh, wait, too soon?
Batman games are the only Warner Bros games that I am willing to buy. No Batman Arkham Knight, no sale from me. I will think about this game, though...
Oh no! Those poor ducks!
No no. His name is Adam We.
@XCWarrior better than George Clooney?
But in all seriousness, I wholeheartedly agree with you.
This news just made this jump from "Oh, another Lego game" to day one purchase lol
@Gen0neD Nobody messes with Adam We......
The first one was okay, but Lego Batman 2 was great fun. Assuming they keep that uptick in quality going this should be awesome. Adam West is just icing on the Lego cake for me.
Na na na na na na na na BATMAN
Pure West style. He was my favourite Batman! Hope Burt Ward will be in there too. "Holy Atomic Pile, Batman!"
Im not a DC fan but this installment is looking quite fun. Have they shown the giant Legion of Doom head hq yet?
If we have Adam West Batman, how about Heath Ledger Joker? They've got a special minifigure for him and everything.
thats great!!! i hope they put the 60s theme in here aswell
nananananananananana BATMAN!!!
Perhaps worth mentioning that Adam West has already provided the voice for a "Lego-compatible" C3 Batman figure - in the animated short "Batman: New Times". Mark Hamill voiced the Joker and Dick Van Dyke was Commissioner Gordon.
The DVD is long out-of-print, but the short can still be streamed from DAVE School, where it was made.
What about Will Arnett?
WB Games need to hire Julie Newmar to voice Catwoman.
@chewytapeworm easily one of the funniest moments in Family Guy. Next to Surfing Bird.
@Microwaveable1 That would be pretty awesome!
Going to be another great LEGO game as always (with the exception of every DS LEGO game and LEGO the Hobbit)!
What I don't like is how they keep using the Batman name. At this point it should be called Lego Justice League. But will probably get Lego Batman 6 before that happens.
Hold on a sec. Roger Craig Smith in a Lego Batman Game!? This I gotta see!
@Dauntless - I would love just a regular Justice league unlimited game done by a solid developer without any ridiculous time restrictions or lame movie tie-ins.
I don't want it dark like Arkham series...I love Arkham series but we already have one...and not too light-hearted like the Lego games...again, great games but we have them already.
Looks fun! The only Lego game I've bought is Lego Star Wars the Complete Saga.
I AM tempted to get this, Adam West is almost worth the price alone!
Just keeps getting better and better!
@Austroid Do you own a Wii U? If so, Do yourself a favor and please, please Get LEGO City Undercover. You can thank me later
@Bizzyb Yeah, I do have a Wii U.
For some reason I haven't gotten Undercover yet. It really reminds me of those older Lego games on PC like Lego Island, which I enjoyed for countless hours back in the day. Gotta fix that!
Woah it's Alex's first post!
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