HYPER JAPAN is a yearly event in London that, if you hadn't already guessed from the title, celebrates Japanese culture. It incorporates interests such as music, fashion, food & drink, sports demonstrations, technology and, of course, video games. Nintendo's been a consistent supporter of the event, meanwhile, and has now confirmed its appearance at this year's extravaganza.
Taking place at Earl's Court between 25th and 27th July, Nintendo has confirmed that it'll have various 3DS and Wii U games available to play, though it hasn't confirmed which titles as yet. The Nintendo UK store will also have a 'pop-up' presence to sell some goods, and the company says it'll "be participating in a number of showcases on the main stage to keep fans entertained throughout the event". Nintendo UK's Marketing and PR Director, Shelly Pearce, has said the following.
As a Japanese company Nintendo is really happy to be returning to the HYPER JAPAN expo in Earls Court. We really enjoy celebrating our Japanese heritage with our fans and the line-up of Wii U and Nintendo 3DS games available at the show promises to have something for every attendee to enjoy
This is an event that's always a must for those that love Japanese culture, and we suspect will have plenty of StreetPass opportunities as well. Details and ticket information can be found, of course, on the official website. Are you in the UK and planning to go along this year?
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Comments 14
Going never missed
Really wanted to go last year but couldn't make it in the end, hopefully we'll get to go this year though!
The guy in the bottom left looks like he's taking pictures of his junk lol
I wish Nintendo would blow people away with a new game announcement at every event they attended here on out. MEGATONNNN!!!
If Smash is playable I'll most likely go but I don't normally go to Hyper Japan.
I just hope for localization announcements...if doesn't come, that only leaves Gamescom and Nintendo Direct, right?
July 27th huh... Could it be a coincidence!? ... Probably yeah.
Tempted to go but would love to know what Wii U/3DS titles will be shown. That said, if the wait for that info is too great, the event may be sold out. Decisions, decisions.
I've been going to Hyper Japan for the past few years now. I like going to this one because it's not so manic or over crowded compared to MCM.
I must learn a bit of patience and wait in line for some noodles.
So hype train?
Looks like Stealth Inc 2 will be shown. I think it's at this event...
I can only make the Friday. Can anyone confirm that (1) Nintendo games will be available to play that day (B) NintendoUK will be active that day.
Need to know fairly urgently. Anyone want to be a lifesaver?
@dizzy_boy You just may be the person who can answer this for me, or at least tell me what has happened at previous events..
If you got the recent Nintendo news letter, they have an offer on for you to get tickets for only £8.
Is Splatoon playable
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