Mario Kart 8 Screen4

A worrying trend in the weekly charts we've seen in the UK throughout 2014 has been for Nintendo releases or system exclusives to make an initial appearance before rapidly tumbling out of the top 40, with the exception of Pokémon X & Y clinging on in the lower reaches. As we head towards July the latest major releases on Wii U and 3DS are showing some reasonable staying power, however, to help both systems through the traditionally barren Summer months.

Mario Kart 8 continues to mix company with multi-platform releases, though has been pushed down to 7th in the all-format charts with the arrival of EA Sports UFC and the never-ending sales of FIFA titles being boosted by the World Cup; despite this it's still 4th in the single-format chart, behind the PS4 and One versions of UFC and Watch Dogs on PS4.

As for Tomodachi Life, it's showing relatively decent legs, with the quirky Mii-sim securing 17th in the single format charts and 19th in the all-format charts, a modest drop since last week. The aforementioned Pokémon Y is outdoing its X brethren with a presence in the lower-reaches of both charts.

Nintendo, with a relatively quiet release slate between now and September — in retail game terms — will no doubt hope to see these titles continue to mix it in the upper half of the top 40.
