Senran Kagura Burst may have come to North America before Europe, but the latter is getting a physical and a pre-order bonus release — something which has annoyed some US players, as they had to make do with a digital launch only.
As if to pile on the pain even further, it has today been confirmed that the UK will also be getting a "Life and Hometown" special edition of the game, which comes with a lenticular 3D Poster (which is also available as a pre-order bonus at GAME) and an exclusive T-Shirt — all for £49.99. The pack is exclusive to UK retailer FunStock. If this takes your fancy, then you'll need to move fast — it's limited to just 500 copies.
According to Zen United — the firm which is handling the PR for the game — this release is a "thank you" to fans who have supported the title amid criticism from certain quarters about its racy content. According to Official Nintendo Magazine blogger Chris Rooke, the game is "damaging the industry".
The physical release of Senran Kagura Burst hits Europe on the 28th February, with the 3DS eShop launch happening in the same week. Will you be picking it up?
[source funstock.co.uk]
Comments 32
A tad expensive (basically an extra £20 for the shirt, hopefully it comes in a nice box).
Still, my weakness for Limited Editions made me order it, at least I found a 10% off voucher online so £45 in the end. Could always eBay the t-shirt and get my £15 back.
On another note, surprised the story hasn't included a translation of the t-shirt.
Now I honestly don't know whether I should wear it just for laughs.
So it's the same as "game" but with a t-shirt and 20£ more expensive.
I love how scandalized the ONM blogger's article sounds: "Senran Kagura is one of the worst types of game around. It's insulting to the intelligence of gamers, damaging to the reputation of the industry, and alienating and harmful to women (both inside and outside the gaming community and industry). So, do yourself, and the wider community a favour: don't read articles about its release. Try not to Youtube it. Avoid reviews. And certainly don't buy it."
I need that T-shirt......
To anyone who plans to order it, use the coupon code "asylum" to get 10% off.
I tried out several but this was the newest and worked first time, all others failed.
@pepsiplunge Err, I think I'd rather that than have to miss out on a special copy of the game just because I didn't buy a limited copy variant from an unknown website, wouldn't you?
Dammit America!
Aw, man. This is so tempting (particularly as I suspect that there will not be a physical release in Australia), but yikes, that's over a hundred dollareedoos (including shipping).
morefun discount code also works but you still have £3.95 shipping on top of price.
Will buy the regular version.
@turnmebackwards it said shipping within the UK was free for me.
Damn! Just when I ordered it on GAME! Although I highly doubt the t-shirt is worth it, even with the 500 copy limitation.
But I want it... T_T
sigh....... North America get NADA!!! The shirt looks pretty cool thought!!
I'd be so embarrassed to wear that shirt, much less buy and play the game.
@Kaze_Memaryu You can cancel orders, that's what I did. But I'll admit the price increase is pushing it, even with the code. Wish they threw in an Artbook or OST at least.
@FX102A I know, but still... if this had showed up before the GAME offering, I would've gotten this instead. Now I don't wanna spend 20£ on a shirt, but I want the whole thing... decisions...
I wish that America got this. Honestly why not? I don't understand sure some small groups of mothers would think it's filthy and wrong but people have been doing that since the creation of video games. Didn't stop anything else from coming here.
Ugh, I forgot how much I disliked that ONM article.
It's incredibly sensationalist. Of course one single game is not going to damage the industry, just like the music industry isn't considered damaged by filth such as Blurred Lines.
Don't worry, ladies of the internet. With a tip of the fedora and a greeting of "m'lady," your White Knight Chris Rooke is here to save you from pansu.
Seriously though, I like the game, but I don't think I would wear that t-shirt in public.
@SMEXIZELDAMAN Lol, i'm surprised that a fan of Tingle would be embarrassed by anything of that sort....
What, no body pillow?
@Ralizah it massively annoys me when people think that making a game with a sexual slant on how they treat female members is damaging to the industry. Don't get me wrong I don't really condone it, but I don't really care if it exists either. Reason being, almost every single action game that includes a male lead has an everyman, man's man, ripped muscles beyond humanly possible (due to work and life and family) and is not really any different from senran kagura in that it conveys a super deformed ideal body and attitude that consumerism tells the public to aspire to. I'd bet that guy is a gears of war fan
Finally a CE for the perverts!
Everyone please buy this game. It's actually really fun and has a good story.
@whodatninja You obviously never saw the Xbox 360 'Really Naughty Edition' of Agarest Generations of War.
this chris rooke fellow sounds like a real moron
IIRC Funstock limited edition items do not come in a box. :/
I'm jelly
@FX102A This one?
Well they have gone fast. I like how the t-shirt size information did not help. Is that in cm or inches? Chest or waist?
Hopefully a small will fit me (my t-shirts are both small / medium). That's all that was available.
Ordered mine yesterday with the XL shirt for maximum chillness (I am size medium) gonna be my new chillout shirt if it is comfy
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