Just as it looked like last week would be light on Super Smash Bros. reveals Masahiro Sakurai hit us with confirmation that Diddy Kong will be a playable character once again, keeping up the momentum and hype for the 2014 dual release.

Beyond that new challenger announcement, the Super Smash Bros. Director's Room once again included some images there just for fun, and others that reveal a little about how the game will play. A well known item from the Zelda franchise will offer some healing respite, for example, while the sizes of characters seemed to be a theme.

So, as always, last week's screens from Sakurai-san are below for you to enjoy; you can click on the date heading to visit the Miiverse posts in question and give them a Yeah.

17th February


18th February


19th February


20th February


21st February


Some interesting shots this week from both versions, so let us know what you think in the poll and comments below.

What's your favourite Smash Bros. screen this week? (303 votes)

  1. Mega Man feels Little Mac's knockout power21%
  2. Peach is an interested observer as Bowser eyes up the fairy22%
  3. If that Nintendog mistakes Dedede or Mega Man as toys, there'll be trouble...10%
  4. Samus and Little Mac, the odd couple28%
  5. Diddy Kong stretches out to prepare for battle13%
  6. Um, I can't decide3%
  7. To be honest, I don't like any of them3%

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