Call of Duty Ghosts Wide

Activision has been rather coy about whether its latest FPS extravaganza, Call of Duty: Ghosts will be coming to Wii U, being suitably cryptic on the subject. Vagueness has left the door open to optimism for fans of the series that happen to primarily use Nintendo systems, especially as the title's being released for every other home console, both "current" and "next-gen".

The debut trailer that was broken out at the Xbox One reveal event yesterday didn't list platforms beyond Microsoft's new system, meaning yet another continuation of the uncertainty. We've already had speculation based on retail listings, but now two separate, large scale media outlets have included Wii U in their listings. Gametrailers is one, though it lists most versions as arriving on 4th November, contrary to the official date of 5th November. Polygon, meanwhile, has listed the Wii U as joining the other platforms in multiple articles in the last 24 hours, while also giving the official date of 5th November. There's still an absence of official confirmation, but with Polygon in particular repeatedly referencing a Wii U release, perhaps retail and industry sources are as good as confirming its arrival.

It's always seemed unlikely — though not impossible — that Activision would pass up a platform that it's already supported with Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and let's not forget that the last title was also confirmed for Wii U later than other platforms, with the final word only coming at the system's reveal event in New York.

Assuming the indications are correct, would you be interested in trying this new entry out, especially as it's recruited an oscar winning writer to help put together the campaign's plot? You can see the reveal trailer — catered to show off the Xbox One — below.

[source, via]