Virtual handles not included

As Nintendo's Wii U approaches we can expect a number of announcements, some big and others small, over the coming weeks. There are a variety of things we want to know more about, one of which is the Virtual Console offering on eShop.

The latest console to feature on the Wii's Virtual Console was Nintendo 64, so it immediately raises the question of whether Wii U will step it up a notch with GameCube titles, especially as the discs won't work in the new system. Not long after E3 we wrote about the future of GameCube on Wii U, and intriguingly Nintendo of America executive Amber McCollom was quoted, a month later, saying that GameCube games would be available on WiiWare: we do wonder whether McCollom misspoke.

It would appear that she did, as NoA boss Reggie Fils Aime did anything but confirm it when asked about the subject by Kotaku; he apparently said the following with a smile and, we suspect, a wink.

That is a great question. And personally I would love for that to happen, but we have nothing to announce right now.

An optimistic outlook when someone says "nothing to announce right now" is that it'll come at some point in the future, and we doubt Nintendo would pass up the chance for download sales of GameCube classics.

So, which standout GameCube titles would you like to download from a Wii U Virtual Console?
