Nintendo of America has announced sizeable price drops for the DSi and DSi XL consoles.
From 20th May the DSi console will cost $99.99 — down from $149.99 — while the XL will set you back $129.99, down from $169.99. 3DS remains at $169.99.
If you haven't already picked up a DSi or DSi XL, this might be a good time.
New Prices for Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL Make Them Even Better Values
Two of Nintendo's top-selling video game systems are getting attractive new prices. Effective May 20, the suggested retail price for the larger Nintendo DSi XL will be $129.99 and the suggested retail price for Nintendo DSi will be $99.99.
Both the Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL systems come pre-loaded with a variety of fun software, including Flipnote Studio, Nintendo DSi Camera and Nintendo DSi Sound. Nintendo DSi XL comes with additional pre-installed games and applications, including Brain Age Express: Arts & Letters, Brain Age Express: Math and Photo Clock.
The Nintendo DS family has more than 2,000 different packaged and downloadable games for veteran and new players of all tastes. These include timeless Mario games like New Super Mario Bros. and Mario vs. Donkey Kong: Minis March Again!, puzzling adventures like Professor Layton and the Last Specter and Dr. Mario Express, fun software like Photo Dojo and Shantae: Risky's Revenge, the gray matter-stimulating Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day! and Brain Age 2: More Training in Minutes a Day! and upcoming games like Pokémon Conquest, which is available June 18.
The new suggested retail prices provide an even greater incentive to pick up the systems, and provide an easy option for parents who want to introduce younger kids to their first portable games.
With graduations looming, Father's Day approaching and the start of the summer travel season imminent, the new suggested retail prices appeal to all kinds of shoppers.
Comments 35
That makes sense.
The DSi XL being the same price as the 3DS was ridiculous.
I feel sorry for any unsuspecting people who bought one, not realised that there's a newer system that can play the same games plus more, for the same price.
No such treats for Britain.
Why's the USA so lucky?The Aussie Dollar is basically the same as the US.. and we get to buy the DSi for $170 and XL for like over $200
this is good, ill wait for a day when the dsi xl is 99.99(probably wont happen) im thinking about getting the dsi xl, even though i already have a 3DS. depends on how much i really want one. just for dsi ware and most of my ds games.
I somewhat understand your pain @clubmini. I see the prices here, and it's just insane. But anyway, nice of them to finally drop the prices of these now. I already have both though, so not really anything for me. Glad though that other people can get them for less though.
So does this mean the DS lite will discontinue, considering there was no news about the DS lite?
I want my 3DS XL!!!
This is rhetorical question, because I already know the answer/s, but other than price why would anyone pick up a DSi/DSiXL over a 3DS at this point in time anyway.
I think this move makes all the sense in the world and would have made sense even six months ago.
I was going to send my kid's out of warranty DSI to Nintendo to get it fixed, but after shipping they wanted 90 bucks! Apparently it's really not worth it now!
The price should be much lower, considering that Nintendo is now focusing in on the 3DS.
I like the price drop but I own a 3DS, don't need a old DS
They just need to axe the DSi line by this point, the fact that they insist on keeping it around just puts a damper on 3DS sales
It's about time the price dropped. Nintendo constantly bangs on about the perception of value from the consumer's point of view, and having the XL as the same price as the superior 3DS was a bit strange and potentially confusing for people looking to purchase a console.
I noticed a few days ago that Walmart had already implemented this price cut, but only for the XL and I'm in the US so that's all I can speak for.
Long overdue! Currently the DSi XL sells for more than a 3DS and that makes no sense at all. BTW: this price drop will certainly come to Europe too with the DSi at around 99 euro
Are games more expensive in the UK or Australia? Because I know that in the UK we have to pay an extortionate amount more than in the US.
For people wondering why anyone would buy one of these when the 3DS is out there, I'm one of those potential buyers and I already have a 3DS. It would be a total luxury buy, totally unnecessary, but damn if those huge, beautiful DSiXL screens don't call to me with their siren song.... I don't love buying DSiWare on my 3DS 'cause of the resolution difference, and I have a handful of DS games I still haven't put time into (FFIV, Advance Wars Days of Ruin, Dementium). I'd much rather play those on a DSiXL than on my 3DS. And with the price hovering around 100, I might just take the plunge. If I ever get a coupon or there's a sale that knocks 30 bones off the 129.99, I'm in.
What's the big deal about U.S. gamers being lucky? We got a price drop on a past system. The price would have to be much lower to be worth purchasing. Just buy a 3DS, because if your interested in the DSi and DSi XL you should know it's not worth your money, but the 3DS is.
Its about time. I always thought it was weird that the DSiXL cost the same as the 3DS. Personally I think they should just discontinue the DSi since I dont see much sense in choosing a DSi over the DSiXL or the 3DS. I can however see choosing the DSiXL for the bigger screen to play DS games and DSware games rather than the 3DS or DSi.
Should make it easier for consumers to figure out that the 3DS is the superior and newer system now. Phew.
I still want the limited edition 25th Anniversary Mario DSi XL though, freaking expensive for a new one now...
The DSi XL price drop was in a Walmart ad a couple weeks ago.
I would really like to have a DSi. I just don't like playing DS games on my 3DS, it looks kind of blurred. The DS Lite's screens are too small for my liking.
For old timers like me, gaming on the 3DS for long periods is uncomfortable and a pain to squint at when playing DS/DSi Games.
I too would love a 3DS XL (with extra Circle Pad, and extra shoulder pads)
@Tasuki the DSi is cheaper than the 3DS. that's why you might choose it over the other.
I think the DSi is a little too cheap now... it's the same price as the Nintendo DS. The DSi should be around $120 and the DSi should be $140.
I got the Poke'mon White bundle for $105 at Target. I guess Poke'mon White was worth the extra $5. And yes, I have a 3DS and I owned a DSi. I really got tired of the 3DS's battery life, the weight, and the d-pad, so I got a DSi again so I can be comfortable playing original DS games.
My local Disc Replay sells DSi XLs complete for $119.99 used so I wonder how low they will be after the price drop.
@Millenia Agreed. The DS Lite felt perfect in my hands, but the screens were too small. The DSi XL is too big. The 3DS makes DS games look funny, though I do love playing Kingdom Hearts on the 3DS. The DSi is light, pretty comfortable, and I prefer the camera on it.
"They need to discontinue the DS...It's too old...the 3DS should be the main focus."
I can't wait to hear the change of tune in the comments if the DS finally outsells the PS2 worldwide, thanks to price cuts like these, becoming the best selling game system of all time. For those keeping score, the DS is only two million away from the PS2. (Cited May 10th, 2012)
And with two new Pokemon games coming out reasonably soon, there's a chance it could actually happen.
So...until that time, give the DS a chance.
Why they still sell this thing? Just get a 3DS!
I'm half tempted to pick one up now, but the 3DS and my Phat are all I need.
So on May 20th i will be like this: DS Lite Only 99.99! DSi For Only 99.99!!!! Ouch. lol
I'm actually considering buying a spare DS Lite in case my old one breaks - I've got a bunch of original GBA games and they look great on a DS Lite, much better than on a GBA. But the 3DS gets most of my limited gaming time these days.
I too would love a 3DXL . I don't mind the extra weight because for the larger game screens. I dislike not being able to download the newest eshop stuff but what the heck I love my XL screens and I think if they ARE TROUTING the lower XL prices they should have newer DSi ware and some of the Retro games ported to the Dsiware shop.
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