Always ones to be fashionably late to the party, we've set up an official Nintendo Life Google+ page.
If you're more a Googler than a Twitterer, you can add our page to your Circle to stay up to date with the latest Nintendo-related news and reviews. There's also the chance of digging through embarrassing photos of the team, so that's always a plus. Geddit?
Don't forget: Nintendo Life on Google+. You can also follow Nintendo Life on Twitter or Like Nintendo Life on Facebook for the full-on social networking experience.
[source plus.google.com]
Comments 38
Google+ is much better than Facebook, I've been waiting for this
Added. Now we're best friends forever.
Oh, why not? I never use that Google+ account anyway, and maybe I can pick up some more peeps from here to follow. It's a lonely ol' account.
I much prefer the Google Minus world. It's got lots of Bloopers.
This has been a subject of much debate around my office: what color is that Google logo in the picture?
Would you call it a variation on red, on orange, or somewhere halfway between the two? Or, would you name it something entirely different?
It's a colour commonly known as red-orange. Also, it's a kind of ironic: I first saw this post on FaceBook.
@warioswoods - It's the colour of basketballs.
@warioswoods I affectionately call it #c2543d
@wariowoods: auburn
Finally, a reason to check Google+ other than Jessi June updates
I'm sure the 5 people who use Google+ will really appreciate this.
Sweet! Now I have a legit reason to open that G+ app that's just been buried in my app menu list now.
I can't be bothered with a SECOND social network, facebook for me, already liked you there
@warioswoods - must be busy at the office then.
I've got Google+, but don't use it.
I also find it humorous that no one has "+1'd" this yet.
Well... we do have a kind of hand in our university's web presence, so Google's interfaces and aesthetics come up frequently as a topic.
Only evil people use hex, and those with 8 fingers on each hand.
In about 3-5 years when Google+ has a user base, I will follow you guys on there. Till then, I like ya on Facebook.
I don't have an account there, but cool for the people that do.
geez i been waiting for this
Cool. Added to my "interesting"-circles . I like Google+ much more than Facebook (which I don't use anymore).
I love you guys at Nintendo Life, but this is shameless. Don't back google.
@XCWarrior: So you rather they just back Facebook instead?
This will be the first page I'll add to my Circle when Google finally opens + up to users younger than 18.
I was really hoping Google+ would take off when it launched, but no one else seemed to be bothered, so alas i'm stuck with using Facebook, majority rules and all. Added anyway in the hope that Google+ becomes relevant one day!
If you're using Google Chrome, be sure to add the 1-Up plug-in from the Chrome Store. Every time you +1 something.. Well, it's just cool
I love google plus.
I don't use Google+ so. I might make an account though, It seems to be the new hype.
Quote from Mario Kart Wii:
Toadette - "Ohh kay, okie dokie!"
Don't have one, but I like google stuff, so maybe I'll see.
too bad no one actually uses Google+...
Immediately +1ing your page!
Added! My first user, haha.
"Nobody uses Google+"
Those 295 people who've added us must be figments of my imagination then
Do a search for "not google plus" on google.
Sometimes college humor can come up with some pretty clever ideas. I thought their video was funny at least.
@Usagi-san: Thank you so much!
Finally! I love Google+ heaps, (my FB account died long ago) so it's great to see more people catching on. Just because Facebook has millions more people doesn't mean it's better...
1. JarvanZheitk It's the same thing, thus useless.
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