News - 2009, Week 18

Sunday3rd May 2009

  • News The Conduit: Special Edition At

    Slap in your preorders now folks!

    If you’re not exclusively a Nintendo gamer you’ll be used to coming across special edition game releases. Heck almost every game on the Xbox 360 seems to get them now. If you’re a fan of the franchise having all the extra stuff can make you feel quite smug when you know the average man on the street will just...

  • News Pokémon Gold and Silver To Be Remade?

    A recent episode of the Japanese-only Pokémon Sunday TV show has provided the biggest hint yet that Nintendo is currently working on remakes of Pokémon Gold and Silver. The classic duo originally appeared on the Game Boy Color and remain two of the best-loved entries in the insanely successful series. Apparently a "world-exclusive first...

Saturday2nd May 2009

  • First Impressions The Conduit Multiplayer Madness

    Tom ventures to Sega’s London HQ to play the game that is on the tip of everyone’s tongue.

    To say that The Conduit is eagerly anticipated would be a serious understatement – this is potentially the title that could be the next best thing since sliced Goldeneye. Imagine then the excitement I felt at the opportunity to visit Sega’s London...

  • News First Look - Pop Plus: Solo

    We finally get to see the upcoming DSiWare title in action

    The original Pop WiiWare release was quite an entertaining little game that featured a very simple, yet addictive game play experience. With the introduction of Pop Plus: Solo on the DSiWare service, Nnooo hopes to capture lightning in a bottle for the second time. Pop Plus: Solo will still...

Friday1st May 2009

  • Review Nobunaga's Ambition (Wii Virtual Console / Super Nintendo)

    An ambitious strategy game from a nobler time.

    It is hard to imagine now, but there was once a time when strategy games were the primary style of play on home computers. Japanese game developer Koei made it their mission to bring this style of game to consoles. And by appearances, they were successful given the sheer volume of games they were able...

  • Review Excitebots: Trick Racing (Wii)

    Excitebots is everything a great sequel should be - and then some!

    When Excite Truck launched alongside the Nintendo Wii console it was the perfect showpiece for showing off the Wii console's motion controls while still providing a true arcade racing experience for gamers to sink their teeth into. While the game lacked the real-life physics and game...

  • News Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Remake Coming to XBLA, WiiWare

    Good news for fans of the Turtles!

    If you know anything about TMNT you should know it's their 25th anniversary this year. To celebrate, last week in New York there was an event called Galabunga. Just your average party for fans of the series, you'd imagine, but there was in fact a surprise reveal of a new game as well. That game just so happens to...

  • News Monster Hunter G Gives Wii a Sales Boost In Japan

    But it's still not enough to catch the 'reborn' PS3

    Capcom's Monster Hunter G has given Wii a much-needed kick up the arse in Japan, where the console is currently being outsold by Sony's resurgent PS3. Sony's machine has been enjoying a rare period of sales supremacy thanks largely to killer titles such as Resident Evil 5, Yakuza 3 and - although...

  • Talking Point About "The Waggle"

    A button press by any other name...

    For some reason the fact that motion controls (or "gestures") are a major part of the Wii control interface bothers people; it is felt that this ruins the gaming experience and that the majority of such implementations would be better served by traditional digital button presses. Indeed some people go so...

  • News Sony to Reveal Copycat Motion Controller at E3?

    If you can't beat them, join them

    Ok, before we start let's get one thing clear - this is piece of news is still trapped in rumour-ville for the time being. With that out of the way, we can get down to business. We've heard word that Sony is set to reveal details of its own 'motion-sensing' controller for the PS3 at E3 this year. "But the PS3...

  • News Nintendo EU Price Fixing Fine is Reduced

    They still have £107,000,000 left to pay, however

    Back in 2002 it was revealed that during the 1990s Nintendo's European operation had been colluding with retailers to keep the price of its software and hardware artificially high. Such naughty-type action was brought to the attention of the European Commission and Nintendo was promptly slapped with...

Thursday30th Apr 2009

  • Review Job Island: Hard Working People (Wii)

    In the words of Sir Alan, You're hired!

    After Hudson’s relative success with Sports Island, last June, comes the first of two new titles; Job Island: Hard Working People and Sports Island 2. Job Island (aka Help Wanted) has to be one of the most bizarre ideas for a mini-games title yet, working! Job Island has 3 main game modes: Employment office,...

  • News Sexy Poker Headed to WiiWare

    It seems the WiiWare service just got a little sexier

    According to the German USK ratings service, Gameloft's Sexy Poker title is headed to Nintendo's WiiWare service. As you might imagine, the game is basically a video game version of strip poker. The female players place bets using their own clothing instead of money. Since Nintendo is quite...

  • News Williams Pinball EU Release Date Confirmed for September

    Finally the collection pinball fans in Europe have been waiting for!

    System 3 Software, the UK-based publisher of Williams Pinball Classics in Europe, has not only created a brand-new website featuring all of their products but also seen fit to put forward a new release date of 11th September 2009 for it. Whilst we have no idea what has caused the...

  • Nintendo Download Bit.Trip Beat, Dr. Mario, Magic and Galaxy Force II (EU)

    Alternating Virtual Console and WiiWare weeks come to an end!

    WiiWare's almost been out for a year in Europe, and it seems that because of that, Nintendo of Europe has decided to start using the same schedule North America does - Releasing both VC and WiiWare games every week. Of course there's another DSiWare game as well. None of the games are...

  • News Final Fantasy IV: The After Years Official Website Goes Live

    Square Enix opens the window to one of their latest Wiiware offerings...

    If you're a fan of the Super Nintendo classic, Final Fantasy IV, then prepare to bask in a deep bowl of nostalgia soup. Square Enix's Final Fantasy IV: The After Years is soon to arrive on WiiWare services around the globe, and for a sip of this rich classic gaming stew you can...

  • News Klonoa Remake Coming to US Next Week

    The remake of the classic Playstation platformer is coming to Wii

    Playstation fans might remember that Klonoa: Door to Phantomile first made its appearance back on the original Playstation console in 1998. The game was a 2.5D side-scrolling platform title that featured a floppy-eared protagonist named Klonoa. The game featured some beautiful polygon...

  • News Madden NFL 10 Wii to Showcase Stylized Look

    EA reveals new shots of its best-selling sports franchise

    After a few attempts to create next-gen visuals on the Wii, Electronic Arts has finally come to its senses and has given the latest version of Madden NFL a light-hearted visual sheen. The new shots show the unique caricatured players, which the developer promises will boast amusing animations...

  • News Namco Bandai Turns Up The Heat With Cook Or Be Cooked

    A realistic Cooking Mama?

    'Casual' gaming on the Wii is currently big business so we probably shouldn't be surprised that Namco Bandai - along with Ghostbusters developer Red Fly Studios - is working on a 'serious' cooking title. Food Network: Cook or be Cooked contains a fully-stocked kitchen and will attempt to give a more true-to-life...

  • News New WiiWare Screenshots - Karate Phants

    1970's German cartoon inspires new WiiWare fighting title

    We just got our hands on 12 brand new Karate Phants: Gloves of Glory screenshots showing the WiiWare title in action. As you can see, the game looks to be a two-player one-on-one fighting title. The game is based on an old 1970's German cartoon called The Ottifants. Apparently the cartoon was...

  • News Peter Moore: "EA Needs To Do Better On Wii"

    Former Microsoft man comes clean about EA's poor Wii performance

    EA Sports boss Peter Moore has admitted to Eurogamer that his company isn't doing as well as it could be when it comes to the Nintendo Wii. Speaking in an exclusive interview with the UK-based website, Moore had this to say: I think we need to continue to work on the Wii. When I look...

  • News East Meets West In Red Steel 2

    Details on the newly emerged action title begin to spill...

    Although Wii launch title Red Steel received a mixed response from the critics, its sequel is deep in the works and presents more than a little promise. The motion sensitive Wii Remote seems an uncanny representative for both shooting and sword fighting games, and Red Steel 2 promises to...

  • News Nintendo UK Set To Attend GameOn! London

    More than 20,000 gamers expected to visit the UK-based 'eSport' event

    Nintendo UK has confirmed it will be joining the lineup at this year's GameOn! event in London. The two-day show takes place at London’s Olympia National hall and will be attended by more than 20,000 people. As well as witnessing various 'eSport' events such as UKeSA (United...

Wednesday29th Apr 2009

  • Review Cocoto Platform Jumper (WiiWare)

    Will Cocoto have you jumping for joy or off a cliff?

    It's no big secret that WiiWare could use more platformers, . Cocoto Platform Jumper may count itself lucky then that this genre is relatively underrepresented at this time. Is it worth enough to spend your hard-earned cash, though? It just might be. The player is represented by the whimsical...

  • Review Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics (DSiWare)

    Call Nintendo's bluff or fold.

    In the vein of the previously released Express titles, Clubhouse Games Express: Cards Classics offers a very slimmed-down, bite-sized version of its full-featured cartridge release. Whether this package offers enough to warrant a purchase is the question, and although this is a strong hand, ultimately there's no real...

  • News No Madden NFL On DS This Year

    EA's Gridiron franchise is Wii only for '10

    EA has confirmed that its best-selling Madden NFL franchise will be skipping the DS for the 2010 edition. Rumours started to circulate when EA revealed the cover artwork for Madden NFL 10 and the DS version was missing, but EA Sports' Senior PR Manager Rob Semsey has confirmed what DS-owning American...

  • News Toss Some Tuna in Sega's Wacky World of Sports

    "Mind boggling sports action" is coming to the Wii!

    Flush from the success of Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games, Sega has today announced the rather strange-looking Wacky World of Sports. Containing such dubious 'sports' as Tuna Tossing, Extreme Ironing and The Mud Slide, this off-the-wall title is obviously aimed at party play. Here's the...

  • News Capcom Announces Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth for Western Release

    Play as Phoenix's rival in the newest Ace Attorney game.

    If you've been following the game since it was announced for Japan (As Gyakuten Kenji) you should already know what Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is like - It focuses far more on the investigation aspect of the previous Ace Attorney games, leaving out the court scenes entirely...

  • News Top 20 WiiWare Games in USA (29th Apr)

    It's Wednesday again and time for the WiiWare Top 20!

    It's time to take a look at the most popular WiiWare titles available on the Wii Shop Channel. If you're feeling adventurous you can even take a look for yourself by simply logging on to your Wii Shop Channel, heading into the WiiWare section and then viewing "Popular Games". It's that...

  • News Come Wish Pixel a Happy Birthday!

    It's the Cave Story creator's birthday

    Guess what? It's Pixel's birthday and the guys at Nicalis would like to request that game fans head over to their blog to wish him a Happy Birthday. For those of you who don't know, Pixel is the creator of the Cave Story games, and is currently working on the WiiWare title as we speak. He's also the guy who...

Tuesday28th Apr 2009

  • Review Pokémon Red and Blue (Game Boy)

    Catching them all never felt as good as it did back in 1998.

    To say that Pokémon has made its mark on the video game industry would be something of an understatement. While many claimed the franchise to be a fad when it first made its debut in each of the world’s four major video game regions, over time those people have been proven wrong. Even...

  • Review Red Alarm (Virtual Boy)

    Should Fox McCloud be scared?

    Red Alarm is a 3D shooter where you take your Tech-Wing Fighter and battle through five enemy-filled levels, each ending with a showdown with a boss character. When it was originally released the first thing people noticed were the wire frame graphics, bringing to mind games such as Battlezone and Elite; although these...

  • News Official Punch Out!! Site Reveals New Brawler

    Nintendo is being SUCH a tease, you guys!

    We already know that many familiar faces will be returning in the Wii version of Punch Out!!, but Nintendo has confirmed that new characters will be present also. The Punch Out!! website now has a little teaser online which shows the outline of a new challenger, along with the words 'Coming Soon'. Could Iron...

  • News New Game Play Video - Toribash

    Nabi Studios releases new game play video of their upcoming WiiWare title Toribash in action.

    The main goal behind Toribash is to give players unprecedented freedom by providing them with total control over their fighter's bodies. The developers have said that they hope this will provide a unique experience on the WiiWare service for gamers who have...

  • News Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 in "Not Coming to Wii" Shocker

    Wow, that was unexpected.

    If you've kept your ear to the ground you'll know that Capcom has recently announced that Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 is coming to Xbox Live Arcade and the Playstation Network. This is very much a BIG DEAL because the game is a 2D masterpiece. Sadly, the Wii is getting the cold shoulder. Capcom won't be bringing Marvel Vs. Capcom 2...

  • News Mr. T and Will Wright Vs. The Nazis?

    Okay, we didn't see this one coming...

    ZootFly, developers of action games for the PC and Xbox have turned their attention to licensed properties and after completing a game based upon hit TV show Prison Break are going to tackle the Mr. T graphic novel license. Not only are they planning on doing a Mr. T game, but apparently a series of Mr. T games...

  • News New Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Trailer Shows More Gameplay

    At Captivate '09, Capcom released a new trailer for the upcoming Umbrella Chronicles sequel.

    The game looks fantastic for a Wii game - although this is no real surprise, because the previous game The Umbrella Chronicles was one of the better-looking Wii games. Still focusing on the game's Resident Evil 2 scenario, the trailer shows many familiar...

  • News Smashmouth Games Announces Ongaku for WiiWare

    Rhythm/action game Ongaku is on its way to WiiWare

    Smashmouth Games has just announced that their flash-based rhythm/action game Ongaku is headed to Nintendo's WiiWare service later this year. With the recent popularity of these rhythm/action games, it comes as no surprise to see them make this announcement. You can check out a snippet of...

  • News Nintendo Power Reveals New Red Steel 2 Artwork

    Game to showcase a Wild West theme?

    US magazine Nintendo Power has published some new imagery from Ubisoft's upcoming Red Steel 2. The new artwork appears to show some kind of katana-welding cowboy. The images shown so far are merely snippets from the final print magazine, and we'll have to wait until the physical issue hits the news stands before...

  • News Henry Hatsworth Gives Australia a Miss

    Our tea-drinking hero won't be making the trip Down Under

    Henry Hatsworth in the Puzzling Adventure is certainly one of the freshest games to emerge from EA in quite some time. Featuring a unique brand of 2D visuals and old-school puzzle/platform gameplay, we awarded it a very respectable 8/10 when we reviewed it not so long ago. Bearing this in...

  • News The Conduit: More Multiplayer Details Revealed

    Hopefully this will save a lot of tooth enamel...

    IGN blogger gamingmaster42 had many questions about the multiplayer aspects of The Conduit (as do many of our own forumites) and decided to send off a missive to get the straight story from High Voltage regarding ranking/achievements, friend codes and WiiSpeak. Here is the response from Josh Olson,...

  • News Bit.Trip Beat Coming to Europe on Friday

    Time for European gamers to get a dose of Bit.Trip Beat!

    It seems the wait for Bit.Trip Beat is almost over. Alex Neuse, CEO of Gaijin Games has just announced that their unique retro WiiWare title will be released on the European WiiWare service this coming Friday. Bit.Trip Beat takes the classic idea of Pong and injects a whole new level of...

  • News New Bit.Trip Game Teaser Image

    Check out the new teaser image for Gaijin Games' new upcoming Bit.Tip WiiWare title.

    Gaijin Games has sent us over a new teaser image for their upcoming Bit.Trip title. While we'd love to tell you the name of the game, Gaijin Games has asked us to keep it under our hats until they have a chance to make a formal announcement of the game. It shouldn't...

Monday27th Apr 2009

  • Review Real Football 2009 (DSiWare)

    A good effort, but does it hit the back of the net?

    As the first Premium title available on DSiWare, there’s a certain amount of expectation surrounding Gameloft’s Real Football 2009. Do you get enough game for your 800 Points? First things first – Real Football 2009 is more or less a straight conversion of the same game that was released on...

  • Review Jewel Quest Solitaire (DS)

    Is this puzzle game a hidden gem or a useless trinket?

    If there's one thing you could say about Nintendo’s DS console it's that it certainly isn't short of puzzle titles. Over the years we’ve seen many good (and not so good) games that reside within that particular genre, and in Jewel Quest we have another to add to the ever-expanding ranks. The...

  • Review V-Tetris (Virtual Boy)

    You know what to do…

    Blocks fall down the screen and the player has to place them to make lines. Get a line and it disappears. Get multiple lines for extra points. Alexey Pajitnov’s falling block puzzle game has been ported to many different systems over the years, all essentially playing the same, only differentiated by the variety of modes...

  • Nintendo Download Clubhouse Games, Paper Planes, Platforms and Warring States (US)

    Nintendo of America's DSiWare push continues.

    The pattern continues this week - Two new DSiWare games and one new game each for WiiWare and VC are available once again. Both DSiWare games are cut down versions of already existing games. Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics includes five card games from Nintendo's DS game Clubhouse Games, but be...

  • News Controversial Super Meat Boy Advertisement

    Team Meat attempts to stir up some interest in their upcoming WiiWare title.

    As far as advertising goes, there are several ways to draw attention to your product. You can pay thousands of dollars to an advertising firm to come up with an extremely catchy slogan or jingle that will make your product instantly recognizable to consumers, or you can do...

  • Interviews Cocoto Platform Jumper - Neko Entertainment

    Neko Entertainment spills the beans on their latest Wiiware game.

    Coinciding with the release of Cocoto Platform Jumper for Wiiware in North America, comes our chat with the folks who brought it to us. So sit back, relax, and open the floodgates of knowledge which shall pour forth from the minds of Neko Entertainment! Nlife: First off, what can you...

  • News The King of Kong Strikes Again

    Steve Wiebe bags the Donkey Kong Jr. World Record

    As we noted a while back, Steve Wiebe (star of the hit movie King of Kong) is busy preparing to make another attempt on the Donkey Kong world record at this year's E3. As part of his training he's set a new high score record for Donkey Kong Jr. - 1,139,800 points, to be exact. Here's the full story,...

  • News Mad Dog McCree Coming To The Wii?

    Crusty old FMV shooter gets rated by the ESRB

    Chances are many of you won't have been alive when the FMV gaming craze happened in the late '80s/early '90s; the storage power of formats like LaserDisc and CD-ROM caused game developers to go a little crazy, creating titles with live action footage that had all the depth of a shallow puddle. One such...

  • News Dead Space: Extraction Screens Emerge From The Shadows

    New shots from EA's on-rails scare-em-up

    EA has unleashed more shots of its upcoming Wii-exclusive title Dead Space: Extraction. Based on the same universe seen in the 360/PS3 original, Extraction is an on-rails shooter which sees the player fighting off alien monsters called Necromorphs. These rather nasty creatures inhabit dead bodies and...