
Topic: How many games do you play concurrently?

Posts 21 to 40 of 43


Play alot of different battle royal games.
Sea of thives
Titan fall 2
And plan buying overwatch



Almost never more than 4, and usually less. And even lately when I've been trying to juggle a few games I just stop playing one or two of them.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


One single player story game that I'm playing through (usually tends to be a VN or JRPG) and then like 2-3 games I can play on the side (roguelites, rhythm games, puzzle games, online multiplayer games, etc.).


Switch Friend Code: SW-4616-9069-4695 | 3DS Friend Code: 3652-0548-9579 | Nintendo Network ID: Ben_AV | Twitter:


I juggle two backlog games, one multiplayer and one fighting game. That's why I don't play JRPG's or RPGs anymore too time-consuming. Except for series I'm already invested in, like Xenoblade.

The Harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.

I'm currently playing Red Dead Redemption 1 & Fatal Frame Maiden of Black Water

Switch Friend Code: SW-5827-3728-4676 | 3DS Friend Code: 3738-0822-0742


3, as long as 2 of them are AC and Pokemon.

Switch: SW-5411-8301-5248
3DS: 0362-3144-2568


Simultaneously I play 2 games most nights. Usually Splatoon and something between matches. That something can change from day to day



Mostly 1 but 2 at the most. Usually the second game is something like madden or nba2k.

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


Between 2 to 4 at any time.

Currently playing:
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth
Persona 4 Golden
Dragon Quest XI S
F1 23
Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114


At the moment I'm not really playing any game actively.
I mostly play party games when with other people, I rarely play on my own these days.


With me it also depends what game i'm playing. If it's a big game i'll likely focus more on that big game (like BOTW, The witcher 3,...)
But most of the time it's more then 3 game's that i'm playing between Switch and PS5
I also like the replay some games which also adds to the number

Edited on by Kaioken



Usually only a few at a time, and a few others in the back burner that I tend to revisit around once every few weeks or roughly once a month (those being Mighty Switch Force Collection, the Japanese physical release of Spelunker Party, Two Point Hospital, and Big Brain Academy).

But the main games I’ve been playing lately are Animal Crossing and Pokémon Brilliant Diamond/Shining Pearl. I revisited Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee for the first time in a while last night to complete both Pokédexes once and for all (and mission accomplished), and I’ve done the same for Shield (+ expansions) before that, and I’ve occasionally been playing Sword to do the same.

I’ve also been playing Family Feud and Wheel of Fortune as something I can do when having a late-night snack as they can be played using the touch screen (via a clean pinkie ).

Porygon did nothing wrong.
Pokémon GO Friend Code: 3186-9043-9218

Switch Friend Code: SW-1910-7582-3323


I usually have 4 games on the go at once, and try to play 2 of them each day. I don't tend to play for very long in one go though so it takes me a while to finish games.

"Remember, Funky's the Monkey!"

Funky Kong


I usually bounce between half a dozen games. At the moment those would be Warframe, Path of Exile, Root Double, eBaseball Pro Yakyuu Spirits 2021, Riddled Corpses EX, Xenoblade Chronicles DE, and God Wars. Warframe has gotten the lion's share of my time recently because I'm marching towards legendary rank one while catching up to gear that dropped with the New War update.

Too many games, not enough time to play them.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,258 games (as of June 7th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay


@Snatcher I should clarify: I'm towards the end of the story mode in Age of Calamity. I've never played Stardew Valley. As charming as the game looks, farming sims are a subset of the simulation genre I can't really get into.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


@Tyranexx I wasn’t a big fan of the final levels of that game Tbh, idk why, it just wasn’t my thing.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


@Snatcher I quite enjoy it, but it does become more grind-y in later parts of the game. I suspect that'll become more apparent after I see the end credits lol. Which will hopefully be this weekend.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


I’ve had to scale back my gaming so it’s usually just one and a fighting game. But I used to do like 4 (different genres) at a time but stories and inputs started to blur. I will knock out a visual novel in a weekend even if I am playing something else though.

Edited on by Ryu_Niiyama

Taiko is good for the soul, Hoisa!
Japanese NNID:RyuNiiyamajp
Team Cupcake! 11/15/14
Team Spree! 4/17/19
I'm a Dream Fighter. Perfume is Love, Perfume is Life.

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9849-8413 | Nintendo Network ID: RyuNiiyama


I had a Wii and the Wii Fit. so it was fun playing all those games.



Realistically, I don’t think I can juggle more than a couple of games at once - but I am growing increasingly unrealistic. I’ll usually have one main game I’m playing, and sometimes a second game in a different genre to break things up - and then a time waster or two, like a puzzle game to chip away at.

Currently my go-to games are:
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D (3DS) - my main game
Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations (iOS) - my secondary game
Pokemon Picross (3DS) - time waster

However, Game Pass has given me a bad habit of starting games, and meaning to go back to them. So I’ve got a long list of PC games that I’m currently “playing”: Guardians of the Galaxy, Resident Evil 7, Outer Worlds… I mean to get back to all of them eventually. Nier Automata timed out on me, and Avengers was just a far less interesting GotG.

Oh, and I’m also dabbling in Super Metroid on Switch. And have a hankering to start playing either Baldurs Gate (iOS) or Divinity Original Sin2 (Switch). Dagnammit.

Switch ID: 5948-6652-1589
3DS ID: 2492-5142-7789


I try to keep it to less than 4:
1 on handheld, 1 on a retro system, 1 on Switch and 1 on Xbox.
So currently it's Monster Hunter Stories on 3DS, about to start Simpsons Hit & Run on PS2, Hades on Switch and just finished AC Odyssey on Xbox (haven't decided what to play next on Xbox yet - something shorter I think!).

Edited on by dmcc0


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