
Topic: Gaming regrets

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So what games do you regret not purchasing?
To me I’m really embarrassed and a bit ashamed that I never played the Pokémon BW games.



One time when were walking by a mall street market in Arizona, my dad found someone selling a used Mario 25th anniversary edition Game Boy Micro for really cheap, and I just said “don’t worry I already have a Game Boy Micro!” and we moved on.

Silly me, I should’ve accepted his offer of buying it!


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I wouldn't worry about that too much. Chances are they'll remake them in a couple of years.



I don't regret not getting any game because life's too short and full of other stuff to do. The closest I come to regret is when the original Xenoblade came out for Wii and was impossible to find, my GameStop had 4 or 5 copies. I only bought the one I needed, even though I could have bought them all and sold the rest for like $200 each. But that would have been a pretty jerky thing to do and I let others who wanted to play have it for MSRP, so I don't really regret it.


3DS Friend Code: 5069-3937-8083


I regret for not getting Yokai Watch 3 PAL version from play-asia while it was still available before the game was nowhere to be founded. 😟



Never finished Tropical Freeze. I kept getting pi**ed about how I could never get a collectable in an underwater level (for me, a 100%-ed game is never a complete game). Then, the Switch came along and that was that...
Oh, well. Hopefully the rumours are true so I can have a shot at a clean slate.

Hope you're having a good day.


any game is designed to make you feel regret the moment you step beyond a fire's light.



I'm not sure I regret buying a game, but I do regret not playing certain games. There are a couple of games I bought like 8 years ago and have never played them. I also only played Excitebots for an hour because my Wii broke the day after I first played it and by the time I had it fixed, I never went back to it.

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


If I had one, it would be not getting multiple of the base 2DS models back when they were cheap. At one point, I think they were as low as $99. After replacing the battery, I wasn't able to get the back plating completely back in, so the model I do own is now more of an adjustment to play...Before that though, the 2DS was my favorite hardware I owned from Nintendo. It's the most comfortable system to play both DS and 3DS games on.

"The secret to ultimate power lies in the Alimbic Cluster."


I regret having never owned Snatcher and/or Dragon Quest IX.

Switch Physical Collection - 1,257 games (as of June 4th, 2024)
Favorite Quote: "Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown, and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies." -Edna St. Vincent Millay

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