
Topic: 3DS Friend Codes

Posts 41 to 60 of 30,844


Wow yeah that's going to fill up fast!!

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | X:


I've added everyone so far. And I'm afraid about the list filling up fast, too. However, there's pretty much always someone who doesn't add you back, so I guess I'll be deleting them if it becomes a problem.


Mine's in the sig.

Adding everyone.

[Edited by Hoffkage]

3DS Code: 4553-9942-9180
Wii Friend Code: 3696-5353-2266-8921
GoldenEye 007: 2207-9446-2010 - Mario Kart Wii: 3308-6640-1225 - Monster Hunter 3: A6WF6Z Hoffkage
Mario Kart DS: 1032-6187-2808 - Zelda Phantom Hourglass: 4597-4384-9522 - Scribblenauts: 2665-1833-7371


Tech101 wrote:

OK this is about to get ugly fast so I've decided to help post a friends code list. I will update the list as often as I can and repost it ever couple of pages so all can see. Ill put mine in on Sunday!

Deesotilio 5026-4413-9840
Hoffkage 4553-9942-9180
James Newton 1203-9192-8778
JarvanZheitk 3909-7500-2590
Kirigirisu 5026-4410-9196
KrazyBean 1934-0647-4207
MrMagpie 0173-1277-4175
NeoRausch 4639-8940-9147
Oregano 3050-7562-6102
Potomas 0989-1717-4190
Sadman 1160-9709-3926
SegaGamer93 3737-9511-8335
Stine 2878-9571-7307

Ok this is the most updated list to this point!

[Edited by Spoony_Tech]

John 8:7 He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone.

MERG said:

If I was only ever able to have Monster Hunter and EO games in the future, I would be a happy man.

I'm memory of @Mr_Trill_281 (rip) 3-25-18

Switch Friend Code: SW-7353-2587-4117 | X:


SegaGamer93 wrote:

@KrazyBean: I just added you now.

Yeah you did, you were playing SSFIV not so long ago xD

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


@KrazyBean: Indeed i was playing SSFIV. I do enjoy playing the game but i need a lot of practice. I hope you SSFIV its a great game. I was playing online and i lost 3 fights and won nothing. im really am a Street Fighter newbie but hey ill get used to it soon.

I officially own a MAME arcade machine.
"To be this good takes AGES, to be this good takes SEGA".

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9511-8335


JarvanZheitk wrote:

@KarzyBean added you now ^^

Cool, I'll return the favor very soon =)

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


SegaGamer93 wrote:

@KrazyBean: Indeed i was playing SSFIV. I do enjoy playing the game but i need a lot of practice. I hope you SSFIV its a great game. I was playing online and i lost 3 fights and won nothing. im really am a Street Fighter newbie but hey ill get used to it soon.

I know how to play Street Fighter, but the Circle Pad just doesn't cut it for me...

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)


Feel free to add me to the list, but I won't be able to add anyone back for a few days
Getting my wireless internet sorted out again

New name, same game.
3DS friend code: 5026-4413-9840
XBL ID: Kriedler 0

Now Playing (3DS): PKMN Y
PC: X-Com: Enemy Within, King Arthur's Gold
360: GTAV
Wii U: Deus Ex


@KrazyBean: To be honest i never tried the Circle Pad and i dont feel like using it either. Id use the directional pad instead its more effective and better to use. I probably would use the Circle Pad for driving games like Ridge Racer 3D or Asphalt 3D thats my opinion.

I officially own a MAME arcade machine.
"To be this good takes AGES, to be this good takes SEGA".

3DS Friend Code: 3737-9511-8335


I kinda wish some games had separate friend's lists. Like, the option of adding so&so to SFIV with it's 50 spaces and so on. So space won't be an issue as I'm sure by the time Smash Bros. comes out on 3DS, I'll be going to websites and versing random people.



Ok, added everyone till this post. Peoplle should start adding too!

and oh my! Stine is a göarl!

3DS FC: 4639-8940-9147


when i put in a code it asks me for a name,is this the same name as your author name

3ds friend code/4339-2499-8318


potomas wrote:

when i put in a code it asks me for a name,is this the same name as your author name

Put in any name, the system doesn't mind
EXAMPLE: You could call James "Jimmy".. not that I'd call him that...

[Edited by Sadsack_Awesome]



thanks sadman

3ds friend code/4339-2499-8318


HoffKage and NeoRausch have been added by me. ^^
EDIT: Added everyone else.

[Edited by JustAnotherUser]



Sadman wrote:

potomas wrote:

when i put in a code it asks me for a name,is this the same name as your author name

Put in any name, the system doesn't mind
EXAMPLE: You could call James "Jimmy".. not that I'd call him that...

Hey sadman, I've added you, just to let you know =D

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0647-4207
Please add me, and send me your friend code too =)

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