Author Profile

James started his career in video games as News Editor on Nintendo Life. Since leaving in 2012 to join Nintendo of Europe, James has risen through the ranks to become NoE's Senior Product PR & Corporate Communications Manager.

3,355 (146 reviews)
First Article
Sat 12th, January 2008
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  • News NES-Bit Magazine Volume 2 Hits the Stands

    Back to the past

    Fans of the humble Nintendo Entertainment System can learn more about their favourite machine with a new issue of NES-Bit, a fan magazine devoted to all things 8-bit. The second issue features a look back at the NES vs. Master System war, a guide to importing Famicom titles, a Castlevania series retrospective and much more. It's...

  • Nintendo Download 21st June 2012 (Europe)

    Mutant Mudds is here

    Well, that was a long wait. Renegade Kid's acclaimed platformer gets to Europe this week, along with a 1000 Point WiiWare adventure and a kickabout on DSiWare. Here's what's up this week. 3DS Download Software: Mutant Mudds (Renegade Kid, £8.10/€9) — What started life as a DS retail game called Maximillian and the Rise of...

  • First Impressions Nintendo Land's Multiplayer Games

    Wii U's main attraction

    Nintendo Land is lots of fun. In some ways it's exactly the kind of fun you had when you played Wii Sports for the first time, regularly erupting into laughter and occasional curses when things don't go your way. It didn't look much on stage at E3, but Nintendo's right to put its faith in the game's ability to communicate...

  • Nintendo Download 14th June 2012 (North America)

    Mad dogs, spider-men, mega men and more

    A good all-round week for North America: 3DS gets an ageing arcade game, a demo and a 3DS Virtual Console game, DSiWare is graced with a music-themed take on the Plants vs. Zombies formula and Wii owners get a VC game too. 3DS Virtual Console: Donkey Kong Jr. (NES, Nintendo, $4.99) — A rare appearance from...

  • News Amazon Removes £199.99 Wii U Listing

    Update: Pre-orders cancelled

    Update: Amazon has cancelled pre-orders for the Wii U, saying "the product was listed in error". Bad luck, everyone. We had a feeling that Amazon listing Wii U for £199.99 was too good to be true, and now the retailer's taken down its cheap listing. The Wii U product page now generates a 404 error, with the

  • News Japan Gets New Skyward Sword Link Figure in October

    Go Figma

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword's interpretation of Link gets immortalised in resin later this year, when Japanese manufacturer Max Factory puts out its Master Sword Link figurine. The ¥3,800 statue — that's about £30 or $47 — comes with Link, a Master Sword and Hylian Shield (of course), as well as an effects piece for his sword...

  • News Reggie: Friend Codes Return on Wii U, But They're Better

    Pack away the bunting

    It seems like just last week we were celebrating that Wii U won't have Friend Codes, but it seems our fireworks and streamers were a bit premature. Nintendo of America president and honorary purple Pikmin Reggie Fils-Aime has told Kotaku Wii U will have friend codes, but they'll be different. By the sounds of things, you'll be...

  • News Yoshinori Ono Still Overworked Despite Health Scare

    Strong arm tactics

    On a press tour of Asia earlier this year, Yoshinori Ono was admitted to hospital and stepped down from his role as Street Fighter producer following the health scare. While you might have expected Ono's hectic work schedule to slow down after the incident, a new interview with reveals that's not the case. Ono...

  • News Project Happiness to Put a Smile on 3DS Owners' Faces

    Open the TOYBOX

    That Project Happiness trailer we showed you last week certainly looked cute, but we didn't know if it would definitely come to Nintendo platforms. And now we know it will, we have an excuse to show it again. Publisher Rising Star Games confirmed the game will reach Nintendo 3DS and mobile platforms. Project Happiness is the new...

  • News Let Camelot Know If You Want Another Golden Sun

    Speak up

    Golden Sun: Dark Dawn hit DS some seven years after its predecessor, Golden Sun: The Lost Age landed on the Game Boy Advance. What are the chances of a new entry in the series, though? Camelot head Hiroyuki Takahashi wants to know if that's something you'd want. In an interview with Nintendo Gamer, Hiroyuki Takahashi said that if enough...

  • Nintendo Download 14th June 2012 (Europe)

    Sonic, tattoos and a samurai sword

    After all the E3 excitement last week it's back down to Earth with a bump this week, with a Game Gear Sonic game and European releases of decent, if long overdue games. Here's what's available this week. 3DS Virtual Console: Sonic Blast (Game Gear, SEGA, £4.50/€5) — Sonic's last adventure on Game Gear (in...

  • E3 2012 Probably The Best E3 Video Of All Time

    Prepare yourself

    Nintendo's E3 showing this year gave plenty of stage time to some less familiar faces: Katsuya Eguchi and Scott Moffitt both spoke at length about Wii U and 3DS respectively, while president Satoru Iwata — traditionally the conference mainstay — mostly stayed behind the scenes to tweet. This video is probably his finest ever...

  • E3 2012 Miyamoto Talks Zelda Wii U Experiments

    Several in the works

    Last year's Zelda HD experience was certainly graphically impressive, but as always Nintendo was keen to stress it was just an example of what's possible; we know from past experience Zelda tech demos often vastly differ from the finished product. Nintendo's main man Shigeru Miyamoto told Entertainment Weekly there are various...

  • Poll Which 3DS Game at E3 Got You Most Excited?

    Only one can triumph

    After we asked which Wii U game got you excited? we want to know how you felt about the line-up for 3DS. Unsurprisingly Nintendo first-party games dominated the poll, but there were good showings from Konami and Square Enix. Paper Mario: Sticker Star — 75 Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon — 62

  • E3 2012 3DS Software Showcase Trailer Round-Up

    Luigi, Mario and more

    If you missed last night's 3DS software showcase you didn't miss a whole lot, to be honest, but we've collated the trailers and bundled them all up into this very post all the same. Each game page has also been updated with new screenshots, artwork and official details, so click through to see what's new. Luigi's Mansion:...

  • News Retro City Rampage Is Still Heading to WiiWare

    Summer fling

    Once upon a time, Retro City Rampage was announced for WiiWare. That time was over two years go, and with the game having missed its most recent May release window many are starting to worry that this quirky 8-bit-styled title won't make it to WiiWare. The good news is that the game's still coming to WiiWare, and should be out this...

  • Nintendo Download 7th June 2012 (North America)

    Bats, cats, balance and curling

    It's a bumper week for North America with new 3DS Download Software, demos, DSiWare, 3D videos and more. Here's what's available today. 3DS Download Software: Art of Balance TOUCH! (Shin'en Multimedia, $6.99) — An excellent puzzle game that tasks you to create a balanced stack of blocks. It's tougher than it...

  • E3 2012 Project Happiness Trailer is Adorably Wistful

    Pokémon artist on board

    Harvest Moon creator Yasuhiro Wada has a new studio and a new game in the works, currently codenamed Project Happiness. TOYBOX, Rising Star Games and Natsume have just released the first teaser trailer for the game and it looks very much like Wada's signature style. The voiceover will sound familiar to Little King's Story...

  • E3 2012 Reggie Confirms Fire Emblem Awakening for America

    Everybody gets a turn

    Although there was no mention of it during last night's 3DS software showcase, Fire Emblem: Awakening is coming to North America. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime confirmed to IGN the turns-based strategy RPG will make it across the Atlantic, but at the moment we don't know any more. Nintendo Europe recently...

  • E3 2012 Nintendo's 3DS Software Showcase Live

    What will we see?

    Nintendo's hosting a 3DS software showcase to spend more time talking about its range of upcoming 3DS games. And you know what? We're going to be covering it live right on this very page. It all kicks off at 6pm Pacific — that's 9pm Eastern and 2am UK time. Don't forget the comments will automatically refresh so kick back,...

  • News Reggie: Retro's Hard at Work, Won't Say More

    Could be a long wait

    We all wanted Nintendo to show what Retro Studios is working on, but we saw nothing of its mysterious project during yesterday's E3 conference. Nintendo of America president Reggie Fils-Aime has assured fans the developer is hard at work, but we probably won't get to see it for quite a while. Speaking to IGN, Fils-Aime said:...

  • E3 2012 Ding Dong, Friend Codes are Dead on Wii U

    Happy day

    Short but snappy: the dreaded friend codes are gone on Wii U. Shane Satterfield from received the good news this morning. Oh yeah, was confirmed to me today that friend codes are gone for Wii U. Wii U's Miiverse is now the central hub for meeting people and making friends on Wii U, and with online accounts we should...

  • News Reggie: Wii U Launch Window is Four Months Long

    Talks up first-party

    How long is a piece of string? And how long is a console launch window? Nintendo says it'll publish several games in the Wii U launch window, but how big a span of time is that? Leave it to Reggie Fils-Aime to explain. Fils-Aime told IGN Nintendo sees the launch window as spanning a fairly lengthy period: It's launch plus the...

  • E3 2012 Rayman Legends Trailer Looks Glorious in HD

    Wii U's best looking title?

    Ubisoft's got eight games on the way to Wii U, but few look as beautiful as Rayman Legends. Don't believe us? Here's a five minute gameplay video running in 720p. Rayman Legends is exclusive to Wii U and supports five players: four using Wii Remotes and one using the Wii U GamePad to play as Murphy, a helpful little chap...