News - November, 2014

Sunday30th Nov 2014

  • News Walmart Offering Hot Deals on Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario 3D World Hardware Bundles

    $300 with a free $50 gift card

    Though Black Friday madness has now passed, we can still expect retailers to fight for our loyalty up until the festive break. From Nintendo's perspective it'll be targeting Wii U sales, and is no doubt hoping that retailers push exciting promotions — step forward Walmart with its latest deals in the US. The...

  • News Dear Nintendo, Please Let The Next Wario Land Title Look As Gorgeous As This

    D-Pad Studio's Simon S. Anderson mocks up some amazing concept art

    D-Pad Studio is currently hard at work on Owlboy, but that doesn't mean that the team behind it can't occasionally let their minds wander. In the case of the studio's painfully talented artist Simon S. Anderson, he's been filling his downtime with mocking up a screen from his dream...

  • Review Disney Planes: Fire & Rescue (Wii U)

    Take Off Aborted

    Movie inspired video games have often taken the liberty of deviating from the plot, throwing in events and scenarios that may be considered out of "canon" with the film's storyline and universe; a lack of faithfulness to the source material has been a frequent criticism throughout gaming history. Little Orbit's Disney Planes: Fire...

  • Review Snake Den (Wii U eShop)

    Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAKE!

    When revisiting a well-worn concept, it's important to bring something new to the table. After all, we've reached a point in the gaming industry where certain genres — first-person shooter, platformer and adventure, just to name a few — have been pioneered and perfected over the years by generations of developers...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Twelve: Cook

    Bread to rights

    In the final part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. Today is the day I complete my Life journey in Reveria. All of the Lives I have spent time as, all of the monster parts and mushrooms I have gathered, my fears of a secret organisation creating a new world order...

Saturday29th Nov 2014

Friday28th Nov 2014

Saturday29th Nov 2014

Friday28th Nov 2014

Thursday27th Nov 2014

Friday28th Nov 2014

Wednesday26th Nov 2014

Thursday27th Nov 2014

Wednesday26th Nov 2014

Tuesday25th Nov 2014

Wednesday26th Nov 2014

Tuesday25th Nov 2014

Monday24th Nov 2014

Sunday23rd Nov 2014

Saturday22nd Nov 2014

  • Weirdness Factory Error Results in Dual-Wielding Samus amiibo

    Can't grapple it

    Factory defects usually have hilarious consequences, but one plucky Nintendo fan managed to get their hands on an amiibo unlike any other: [tweet 536084014193713152] No doubt this figurine will become exceedingly sought after if kept in its original packaging. Of course you could quite easily make your own by buying two of the...

  • Review Lufia: The Legend Returns (3DS eShop / GBC)

    The legend isn't feeling so good

    Young Wain is the protector of his small village; it’s not a tough gig, with just the occasional blob-creature to slash on the outskirts, but things are about to change. As a spiritual force awakens inside him, the powerful Sinistrels re-emerge to release a threat of “unseen terror on the land”. His bloodline...

  • Review Sportsball (Wii U eShop)

    No harm, no fowl

    Nintendo has been highlighting TOO DX's Sportsball at various shows and conferences as one of several particularly strong "indie games" available on the Wii U eShop, promoting it as a quality party game. Though at first it looks like a primitive, simplistic Joust clone, its charms quickly become apparent with fast-paced gameplay and...

Friday21st Nov 2014

Saturday22nd Nov 2014

Friday21st Nov 2014

Thursday20th Nov 2014

  • Review Castle Conqueror EX (3DS eShop)

    Back to basics

    Four years ago, at the time of the original Castle Conqueror title's DSiWare release, we made a somewhat snarky remark in our review about the absence of Real-Time Strategy games on the Nintendo DS. With its touch controls and capability to display information on one screen and action on the other, the dual-screened console seemed...

Friday21st Nov 2014

Thursday20th Nov 2014

Wednesday19th Nov 2014

Thursday20th Nov 2014

Wednesday19th Nov 2014

Tuesday18th Nov 2014

Wednesday19th Nov 2014

Tuesday18th Nov 2014

Monday17th Nov 2014

Tuesday18th Nov 2014

Monday17th Nov 2014

Sunday16th Nov 2014

Saturday15th Nov 2014

Friday14th Nov 2014

Thursday13th Nov 2014

Wednesday12th Nov 2014

Thursday13th Nov 2014

Wednesday12th Nov 2014

Tuesday11th Nov 2014

Wednesday12th Nov 2014

Tuesday11th Nov 2014

  • News Target and Best Buy Weigh in With Nintendo Black Friday Deals, Including Super Smash Bros. Promotions

    A Wii U + 4 first-party games for $359.97, 15% off eShop cards

    With each passing year the build up and buzz around Black Friday — the crazy shopping day to trump all others — increases; as a result stores are more keen than ever to outline and preview what they'll have on offer. Even though the official day is 28th November, we're already...

  • News Nintendo Outlines Confusing amiibo Save Data Limitations

    Not as simple as with Skylanders

    It seems to be amiibo day, with a Wii U system update adding a settings menu for the figures and a range of 11 more toys confirmed for 2015; those are positives, though details on how to use the figures on the official website in Japan indicate some limitations to the figures. Though it's been comm

  • Weirdness Fan Turns Pokémon Blue into a SNES Game

    Making a classic…more of a classic?

    It can be said that most Pokémaniacs share the dream of one day being able to play a full Pokémon adventure on a big screen, and one dedicated fan has achieved this by managing to fit a Pokémon Blue Game Boy cartridge into an empty SNES cartridge through some soldering work. The Nintendo 64’s Pokémon...

  • News Nintendo Reveals 11 amiibo Super Smash Bros. Figures Hitting in Early 2015

    Bowser! Shulk! Mega Man! More!

    Update 2: Nintendo of Europe has now tweeted release dates for the figures in the region. [tweet Update 1: Nintendo of America has now confirmed the range of 11 new figures for February 2015 in the region, along with an overview video that you can watch below. [ Original Article: In the not-too-distant future...

  • Review The Swapper (Wii U eShop)

    A clone in the dark?

    With the Wii U eShop’s recent flurry of sci-fi titles such as Master Reboot and The Fall finding a home on the digital service, what does it take for yet another game set in space to stand out from the crowd? Puzzles. Yep, but not just any old puzzles — spatial physics-based conundrums that’ll give your brain a thorough...

  • Talking Point The amiibo Range Grows, Yet Key Questions Remain

    Its ambition is both a strength and a curse

    Back in August we outlined amiibo pros and cons, mainly within the context that Nintendo had revealed little about the figures over the course of the summer months. Many questions have since been answered in terms of how the figures will be used in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, in addition to their minor...

  • News Shulk amiibo Listed as GameStop Exclusive in the US

    Hopefully won't sell for $90 used

    Nintendo today revealed 11 new amiibo figures heading to stores in early 2015; in Europe six are listed for 23rd January and another five for 20th February, while in North America they've simply been given a 'February' window so far. In the latter region it's been suggested that some of these newer figures would be...

  • News Upcoming Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS Patch To Address Balance Issues

    You can smell the stability from a mile away

    With Super Smash Bros. for Wii U just around the corner, we reckon now's your chance to get in some practice with the terrific Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS before taking your brawling skills to the big screen. Today, Nintendo has announced the latest patch for the 3DS version, aiming to solve...

  • News Teaser Tweet Suggests Binding of Isaac on the 3DS

    Could it finally be leaving Purgatory?

    The Binding of Isaac may be one of the most-discussed games in Nintendo circles that hasn't yet appeared on a Nintendo system. The original title was denied publication by The Big N in 2012, seemingly over the nature of its content. Since then, the idea that The Binding of Isaac may still appear on the Wii U or...

  • News Wii U System Update 5.3.0 Adds amiibo Settings

    Register figures and manage their data

    The Wii U has had its fair share of updates recently, and another has been rolled out to add support for the upcoming range of amiibo figures. System version 5.3.0 (add a U or E depending on your region) has added new menus for managing amiibo data while also, no doubt, done plenty of firmware work behind the...

  • Review SDK Paint (Wii U eShop)

    Just OK Paint

    SDK Paint has an interesting history. Its developer, Hullbreach Studios, began making JavaScript applications for Wii, Nintendo DSi, and Nintendo 3DS using their respective Internet browsers. These include both the initial versions of SDK Paint — DSi Paint and 3DS Paint — as well as a full-fledged browser-based MMORPG called...

  • News Transparent Blue and Red 2DS Models Hit North America on 21st November

    Just in time for Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire

    Back in late September Nintendo of Europe revealed red and blue transparent 2DS systems that'll be bundled with Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire; though one of the models has since appeared in an early listing in North America, full release details for the region have proven elusive...

  • Review Chests O' Booty (Wii U eShop)

    Pieces of 2048

    You can hardly swing a stylus without hitting a match-three game on the 3DS eShop these days, but so far the relentless tide of phoned-in puzzlers has mostly sidestepped the Wii U’s digital storefront. And while Chests O’ Booty might at first look like a pirate-themed take on more of the same, it’s actually a surprisingly unique...

  • Video StreetPass East Midlands Goes Hands-On With The New Nintendo 3DS

    We caught up with the UK group at this year's GameCity event

    GameCity is one of the UK's biggest gaming events, bringing players, developers and publishers together for a week of activities, talks and demonstrations all across the city of Nottingham. This year, StreetPass East Midlands had its own little shindig in one of Nottingham's many...

  • News Spike VGAs To Be Replaced By The Game Awards 2014

    Awards show gets year one patch to enhance the 'next-gen' experience

    SpikeTV played host to the VGAs for a decade, and some of you might remember the awards ceremony fondly as a way to reward industry icons for their accomplishments. Others are more likely to focus on the often cringe-worthy creative decisions made over the years, and the commercial...

  • News Battleminer is Bringing Its Crafty Presence to 3DS in North America on 20th November

    Bring a machine gun to an ant fight

    Back in late September we directed your attention to Battleminer, a 3DS eShop release from Wobbly Tooth Games with "that Minecraft aesthetic". The developer made some bold promises, such as 60fps performance in a procedurally generated world, a survivor mode in which you mine, craft and fight enormous ants, in...

Monday10th Nov 2014

Sunday9th Nov 2014

Saturday8th Nov 2014

Friday7th Nov 2014

Thursday6th Nov 2014

Wednesday5th Nov 2014

Thursday6th Nov 2014

  • Review Pixel Paint (Wii U eShop)

    Almost pixel-perfect

    Let’s face it: at some point, every gamer has been caught off guard by the alluring retro beauty of pixel art. Say what you will about its overuse in today’s onslaught of independent games — chances are you still love it. There’s something majestic about the way tens, hundreds, or thousands of tiny dots come together to...

  • News Genyo Takeda Discusses Nintendo's Hardware Future

    "We have been making progress"

    In Nintendo's recent investor Q&A, Genyo Takeda described the possible directions Nintendo is considering for its future hardware: The integration of architecture is our fundamental policy, and we have been making progress. Now that our new hardware systems are on the market, I would need to comment in terms of...

Wednesday5th Nov 2014

Thursday6th Nov 2014

Wednesday5th Nov 2014

Thursday6th Nov 2014

Wednesday5th Nov 2014

Tuesday4th Nov 2014

Monday3rd Nov 2014

  • Review Ultimate NES Remix (3DS)

    Not as ultimate as you'd think

    Almost a year ago, the Wii U received some excellent download titles in the form of NES Remix and NES Remix 2, each taking a set of classic (and not so classic) NES games and making short challenges based on sections from each game, or in some cases creating entirely original scenarios. Curiously, the producer of the...

  • Interview Rocky Morton On The Chaos Of Directing The Super Mario Bros. Movie

    "It’s not the movie we wanted to make"

    Get ready to laugh in celebration or groan in pain: the Super Mario Bros. movie is on Blu-ray today in the UK. The 1993 film left a sour taste in many viewers' mouths due to a bizarrely altered story and some truly goofy action scenes, but has since become a cult favorite among Nintendo fans and bad movie...

  • Preview Using amiibo with Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

    We’ve got amiibo all figured out

    This holiday period is arguably Nintendo’s most crucial since the Wii U launched back in late 2012. The company's banking on Super Smash Bros. for Wii U not only attracting a lot of sales but, more specifically, system sales from those yet to pick up the console. Moreover, Nintendo’s new range of NFC (near...

  • News Bayonetta 2 Falls From UK Charts After One Week

    Lack of stock or interest?

    Sales for Bayonetta 2 have dropped disappointingly quickly in the UK, so much so that the game is no longer within the top 40. Despite Nintendo's best advertising efforts, Platinum Games' exceptional game has failed to sustain any presence in the UK market. It remains number two in Wii U games alone, but has not had not...

  • Video Son Of A Glitch Takes Apart The Wind Waker HD

    Not so perfect after all…

    YouTube channel A+Start has posted the latest in its Son Of A Glitch series, and this time it's covering the Wii U's HD version of GameCube Zelda game The Wind Waker, in the first of a two-part episode. The amount of glitches witnessed is quite overwhelming for a modern remake, and so the sequel to this episode (covering...

  • News SEGA Confirms Second Batch of 3D Classics for the West

    Five on the way in 2015

    In 2013 SEGA began to release its 3D Classics range in the West, and we enjoyed a mix of Mega Drive / Genesis and Arcade re-releases such as 3D Super Hang-On and 3D Streets of Rage. A second wave of these games, primarily arcade classics, hit Japan; unfortunately the prospect of Western releases seemed distant with each...

  • Nintendo Download 6th November (Europe)

    Ultimate NES Remix, Mega Man, The Swapper and loads more

    It's time to brighten our Mondays with the European Nintendo Download Update, once again, and this week serves up a lot of options across the Wii U and 3DS. There are some new releases on both eShop platforms along with Virtual Console entries and plenty of discounts. There's a lot to get...

  • News Region-Locking May Be a Thing of the Past Soon According to Nintendo

    Unlocking business benefits

    During the Q&A session which followed the Nintendo of Japan's investor briefing last week, Nintendo president Satoru Iwata indicated that Nintendo are reconsidering the unpopular policy of region locking on its consoles. An unofficial translation made by the ever-reliable Cheesemeister on NeoGAF turned up the...

  • News Retro City Rampage Gets Beefed Up on WiiWare With 'DX' Update

    Vblank have unfinished business with WiiWare

    Fans of Retro City Rampage on WiiWare will have further cause for celebration as Vblank Entertainment have revealed to us that it will be treated to a free 'DX' update next week on Thursday 13th November. For ‘DX’, every single mission's been re-tuned; vehicles, weapons, challenges, visual effects,...

  • News Watch the Sonic Boom Gang Try to Rescue a Cat

    "We're better at this in our world"

    We haven't got long to wait for Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric on Wii U and it's 3DS counterpart Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal. They are both out on the 11th November in North America followed by Europe on 21st November. To keep us entertained while we wait the crazy cats at SEGA have put together a TV commercial...

  • News Luigi's Mansion Arcade May Potentially Be a Thing in Japan

    Can you survive the night?

    Arcade machines are a medium that has waned in the West over the past few decades, but it's still an important part of Japanese gaming. An eagle-eyed Japanese blogger spied an interesting poster advertising an arcade machine that seems to be heavily based on the second entry in the Luigi's Mansion series, with the...

  • Nintendo 64x64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

    One game to Hyrule them all...

    The most hyped game the N64 ever received was a heavenly gaming spectacle. The franchise leapt across to 3D glitch-free, providing everything that was already loved: a franchise-traditional story, dungeons, longevity and challenge. The game's engine, controls and camera were perfect and allowed us to be immersed in...

  • News uWordSmith Is In Development Exclusively For The Wii U

    Coming to the US this December for $1.99

    If you’ve ever wanted to be a writer, perhaps this upcoming Wii U eShop release will let you start to make those dreams a reality (on a very basic level). uWordSmith is a new puzzle game for Wii U by Temple of Yog developer CHUDCHUD Industries. The creator, Cody Diefenthaler, has been promoting the project...

Sunday2nd Nov 2014

  • Review Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX (3DS eShop)

    More adult than necessary

    Zombie Panic in Wonderland DX is a rare breed on the 3DS, as shooters are rapidly becoming less and less common on the handheld machine. It's not the first time that this has arrived on Nintendo hardware, either, as it initially appeared as a WiiWare title; as the DX in the name suggests, this aims to tempt us in for more...

  • Preview Having a Brawl With Super Smash Bros. for Wii U

    Extended time with Nintendo's biggest game this holiday season

    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U is the most anticipated Nintendo title this holiday season, and with good reason. Whether it's the intricate and deep gameplay mechanics, the sheer amount of content reported to be on offer or the crossover Nintendo theme and the fan service that comes with...

  • Feature Working 9 to 5 in a Fantasy Life - Week Eight: Woodcutter

    If a tree falls in the forest, that was probably me

    In the eighth part of a regular series, Karen takes on Fantasy Life in a variety of 'lives' and documents her adventures. At the behest of one of the forest spirits I got to know while summoning blasts of elemental energy and healing the scrapes I got from wearing flimsy but fashionable cloth...

  • Nintendo 64x64 Rocket: Robot on Wheels

    Unfairly overshadowed by its high-profile counterparts, Rocket: Robot on Wheels is one of the best 3D platformers available for the N64. Physics-based gameplay and a futuristic theme park setting provide the basis for seven different game worlds, each filled to the brim with challenging platforming segments and hugely inventive puzzles -- the...

Saturday1st Nov 2014