
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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@CaleBoi25 W PFP

"I don't live for the world I live for the King" ~ NF

CaleBoi25 is PEAK

Switch Friend Code: SW-5348-4240-7813 | My Nintendo: ZeldaNerd


@jedgamesguy Dream Team is a fantastic game, I'd totally recommend it to @Tyranexx as well! And yeah, Paper Jam isn't bad, but it's mediocre at best. It felt generic and it doesn't do enough with anything that the Paper Mario series is known for. It's really just a Mario & Luigi game, with Paper Mario as a guest.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


I have a Horse
I have a Radish

Squidward : Horseradish is not an instrument either.




I have a pan
I have a cake
I have a pancake.


Don't tell the me moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass.
-Anton Chekhov


Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


So it’s been awhile, but wanted to pop in to share this. It’s Chuggaconroys full statement on the allegations against him. Nobody here probably cares, but i think it’s important to put the truth out there.

Long story short, he was screwed over by most everyone involved and is largely innocent.

Currently playing: Pokemon Soul Silver, Mario RPG
Enos 1:15


Oh, gosh...
I have 3 weeks to finish my story telling project that I will perform on 16 May 2024.
I have to prepare the cardboard standee for the background on next week and I have to color all of my characters in multiple different poses quickly as I need to scan, edit, print, cut, laminate and cut again for playable characters.
Not to mention the other stuffs that I have to print also as part of background properties.
Wish me luck.



@Anti-Matter GLHF shirtless chaddddddd

"I don't live for the world I live for the King" ~ NF

CaleBoi25 is PEAK

Switch Friend Code: SW-5348-4240-7813 | My Nintendo: ZeldaNerd


My head felt quite dizzy for coloring six pages from 9.30 am to 5 pm. πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«
The coloring process was really tiring as I have to keep the color consistency for the same characters.
Tomorrow I have to scan all my colored characters of story telling to be edited.
And I have to prepare the cardboard standee for the backgrounds that fit into 3 different sizes (1 A3, 2, A3, 3 A3)



Wow, sounds like a tough project. Would you mind posting a picture of the finished results? @anti-matter


Don't tell the me moon is shining;
show me the glint of light on broken glass.
-Anton Chekhov


Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


Oh, I will perform story telling in my school library on 16 May 2024 and the grade 2 students will be the first customers to watch my performance. The next customers are grade 3 and 1 students on 20 and 21 May 2024.
I will post the final product once it finished.
The story will be about my original story, the police wolf.



I just finished the original Paper Mario a couple days ago for the first time and...I get it now. All of you that sing it's praises weren't kidding, what a treat of a game! It's not perfect, none of the partners really wowed me, and it definitely took some time before it got REALLY good, but once it did I just couldn't stop. I'm eagerly looking forward to Thousand-Year Door! I'm not usually one for ratings, but if I had to I'd say OG Paper Mario is an 8/10 Engaging combat, fun writing, and some really fun moments (Especially the ending) I'm very happy with the time I spent on it!

Edited on by Novamii

I'm cringe, but I'm free.

My Current Games: Omori (Wow, this game is intense! Yeesh.)


Good morning.
Today the grade 3 - 6 students in my school will have Cambridge Progression Test from 22 - 24 April 2024.
I'm pretty nervous to see a few of grade 3 students can't finish the test right on time due to their behaviour.
Well, at the same time I will teach Art lesson for grade 1 today, the grade 3 - 6 students will having Cambridge Progression Test and they will go home after the test finished.



I should make a "Kitsune Woman" OC for the Mega Man series.



@Sunsy I think some of the physical games still come with My Nintendo inserts, though I didn't think you could redeem coins for Wii U and 3DS games anymore. I have plenty of older games sitting around, and I do replay them...though not often. Too many new games often steal my attention.

I was actually on the top bunk; my sister slept on the bottom (she's younger). The bunk bed was built to easily disassemble into two twin beds. In fact, I moved out with one half; it's now in my spare bedroom. My parents junked the other half since it was in worse shape after my sister used it for several more years.

I have a Sheikah Slate Switch carrying case I got with the Breath of the Wild Special Edition back when the game launched. I waited two years to play the actual game since I didn't own a Switch for awhile though. There was no Wii U equivalent, but I wanted the goodies and knew I'd get a Switch eventually. I think there used to be an Uber driver that operated around here on weekends, but I haven't heard any updates for awhile. No Lyft that I know of. Those services tend to crop up in more populated areas than here.

@MarioVillager92 Yep, those are the two main reasons why I've cut down on purchases for a bit outside of a couple planned preorders (one being TTYD): an upcoming summer trip and an already robust backlog lol. I could see choice paralysis affecting how "daunting" a backlog is. I try not to let it get to me; I have a text document that's in a list/category format on my phone, but I use it for organization. Not as a laundry list. Furthermore, many modern games are designed to keep people playing them as long as possible...and there are more of them than ever.

Most of what my high school had was the basic stuff. Though in hindsight I wish I'd taken a couple business courses since that's ultimately the world I went into. Dual credit opportunities were very few at the time outside of higher math, which...I can be decent at math, but I'm not a fan of above basic algebra level since I feel much of anything past that is only specific to certain fields or rare situations. Thankfully I didn't deal with many jerks online - most were in person. Though a couple adverse WoW experiences were one of the reasons I gravitated more towards single player and local multiplayer games for the most part. There were a couple adults who failed us too. The important thing is we are not alone when it comes to our negative thoughts, though some minds are definitely more affected than others through how we're wired and/or our experiences and/or personalities IMO. But yeah, keep working on that self-love, and fight your brain when it starts jumping into the unhelpful patterns it's familiar with.

Most of what I'd be interested on when it comes to PlayStation ends up on other platforms after timed exclusivity anyway. A new PC is another reason I'm saving. I'm the r/patientgamers sort and can wait lol. The only possible exception would be something like Horizon: Zero Dawn, but other games like TotK help scratch that open world exploration itch pretty well for me too. As for M&L: Dream Team, I've heard it's a pretty good game, albeit one that can take a bit to get going thanks to tutorials. I've heard mixed things about Paper Jam - though some really seem to like the music - but I already own the game and have come this far, so...I'll likely play it sometime after I get to DT.

@jedgamesguy I completely agree regarding demos for games where we know the quality is high; I've skipped more than one demo for this reason! One example is the demo for DQ XI. While I know the actual demo is quite meaty, I already know I'll enjoy the game. So why bother downloading the gimped version? XD As for Dream Team, many M&L fans seem to regard it highly, a few even listing it on sites like Reddit as their favorite game in the RPG spinoff series. Sounds a lot like what I've heard about Paper Jam sadly.

35 was the most I had in my class in high school at one point. We had people move out over time. My high school was small enough we had some of the larger stereotypical cliques, but not some of the smaller ones....One of those categories I probably would've fit in with if it had actually existed. I was kind of filed into "Other". XD Though I was on the brighter side too.

Currently playing: Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door (Switch), Pepper Grinder (Switch)

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Mark 12:31


While I'm having my dinner at McDonald's, I want to have several minutes to memorize the dialogues from my story telling project.
Even I have created the storyline and the dialogues, I still have to memorize the dialogues so I can improvise when suddenly I forget the lines.
Sometimes I have to revise the dialogues after I consulted with other teachers to get more accurate information about the theme from my story telling or I changed the dialogues to make it shorter / more interesting / fit with the dialogue length.
I still have 3 weeks to finish all.



Well, it WAS going to be a "Kitsune Man", but um...I think we need more female Robot Masters.



what was inappropriate even lol. I didn't say anything even remotely inaproppropriate. I dont even

Also got blocked for trying to just strike up a super normal conversation lol

Edited on by Princess_Lilly


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