Tag: Squids Odyssey

  • Review Squids Odyssey (Switch eShop)

    The return of the flinging cephalopods

    You might have stumbled upon The Game Baker’s Squids Odyssey before since this charming adventure/strategy/underwater billiard simulator has been previously released on both the Wii U and the 3DS. But is Steev and Vahine’s epic quest to save every creature in the sea worth another go or is it destined to...

  • Review Squids Odyssey (3DS eShop)


    It might be said that Squids has come full circle. Starting on mobile platforms, The Game Bakers’ brand extended its tentacles to a console experience with Squids Odyssey on the Wii U, which we’ve reviewed. The same game has now found a home on the 3DS, returning to its portable roots with a few small differences. Squids Odyssey...

  • Review SQUIDS Odyssey (Wii U eShop)

    Calamari meets kamikaze

    Squids Odyssey plays like a mix between Angry Birds, billiards, and a strategy RPG. If that sounds like fun to you, that’s because it is. A cast of cephalopodic heroes embarks on a quest to save their underwater world from a corrupting black ooze the best way they know how: by launching their soft, squishy little bodies...