Square Enix's Octopath Traveler celebrates its third anniversary this week, and while it's no longer a Nintendo Switch exclusive, it's still an amazing game and one we would absolutely recommend trying out if you haven't already.
It's got everyone wondering though if there are more adventures to come. While Square Enix has mentioned previously how it's talked about a sequel and what it should be like and how it would likely take a bit more time, there has been no announcement just yet. That's why the latest anniversary tweet for the original game is so exciting.
As highlighted in a translation by Nintendo Enthusiast, the message in the tweet below seemingly teases the possibility of a "new adventure". While this could potentially be a reference to Project Triangle Strategy or certain other Octopath games, hopefully, it is a reference to a proper Octopath Traveler follow up for console.
"Today, July 13th, is the 3rd anniversary of Octopath Traveler! Thank you all very much for your warm congratulatory messages! The development team will work hard so that we can set off on a new adventure with you all!!!"
The Octopath Traveler Twitter account also shared some special artwork during last year's anniversary celebrations.
Would you be up for another Octopath game? Leave a comment down below.
[source nintendoenthusiast.com]
Comments 45
The sequel has you playing as Octomum and her 8 kids who take on different JRPG classes. I’d probably play that.
...for mobile devices
I tried the game and demo, and while it's not for me, it's a really good and beautiful looking game. I highly recommend it if you like classic RPGs. Unfortunately I don't, so I won't be buying this, but I encourage you to at least try the demo.
Maybe if it’s quadpath traveler
I played as much as I could, and it was a lot of fun- it just goes on too long. 8 stories, each with many chapters, all that combat becomes a drag. I would love a sequel with a tighter, smaller cast and more concise stort
Absolutely agree
Please, make it happen Squarenix!! Octopath is such a cool game!!
Is the Octopath team working on the DQ3 remake?
I loved Octopath! Though I've only completed two of the paths so far... but I fully intend to finish the rest someday! I played a few chapters at a time in-between longer games, and that worked pretty well
Assuming this is actually a new game (and not just referencing the other HD-2D games we already know are coming) I will have to try really hard not to board the hype train
For now just finished Project Triangle Strategy, the Octopath Traveler sequel could wait for the 5th anniversary.
@valharian nope it's the other game (Champion of the Continent).
Day one pre-order
Thought the sequel was the strategy one?
I need to finish this game at some point but unfortunately my Switch was stolen so I have to start all over.
It’s a beautiful game but it was a chore for me to finish all eight stories, it’s like 8 side quest not good enough to have their own game tied together by the characters but without an overarching story to wrap it all, disapointing game for me , I speak french and I renamed it « octoplate traveler », in english octoboring traveler.
I loved the visual aesthetics of Octopath Traveler as well as the music and battle system, and I would absolutely be down for a sequel. The area I would hope to see improved upon DRAMATICALLY, however, would be how the individual story arcs intersect. Having the events of each party member's storyline go unnoticed by the others or, almost as bad, be given token one-and-done dialogues concerning them was the original's most glaring problem, and one that really sabotaged its core selling point.
The real issue, in fact, may simply be in Octopath Traveler's narrative approach; countless RPGs have handled multiple, complex story arcs for individual party members that impacted the rest because they were a part of the overall journey. OT by comparison made the common journey and shared experiences an afterthought, which actually diminished the individual storylines in the final analysis.
Hopefully Square learned some lessons from the original game if in fact there is a sequel. It'd be incredible to see the package that might come together if they could bring so much as the writing and onscreen moments that were the company's hallmark during the SNES era the aesthetics are inspired by. Heck, imagine Final Fantasy IV, V, or VI with these production values, for that matter.
Still need to play the original
tbh I'm more excited for the HD-2D DQ III remake than anything, though. And if we ever get a FFIV - VI remake in that style, I'll be in heaven.
I still need to play this game. It's backlogged, but it's in my "Reserves" category, meaning it'll be a good while before I get to it. It certainly looks like a beautiful game, and I'm willing to try it, but I am a little anxious about the runtime.
@AtlanteanMan 100% agree. Some of the individual stories were quite interesting, but I felt the overarching story didn't tie them together well, and the "true ending" was a bit disappointing in both story and gameplay (I did not find the final boss to be particularly enjoyable, and the fact that it came after a psuedo boss rush with no savepoint made it way worse).
I'm hoping they improve the sequel. I.e. a story that comes together. Nothing worse than investing so many hours into a JRPG that uses so many random encounter battles and then having the story be a let down.
@Classic603 felt the exact same way. awesome music and game for the most part.
Can't wait to play Project Octopath Triangle Strategy Traveler.
There's a lot of aspects to this game that I think are appealing. The music, the art and the gameplay all look wonderful. However games like these live and die by their story, and Octopath's narrative is firmly in the "die" camp for me. I am really looking forward to the Dragon Quest 3 remake. Project Triangle Strategy also looks to have a vastly more appealing narrative, so I'll likely pick that up upon release.
@Dezzy Triangle Strategy shares the HD-2D artstyle, but otherwise it appears to be unconnected to Octopath.
Hmm, I still don't quite understand how this game managed to be more popular than the entirety of the bravely default games. I'm guessing it owes its success to nostalgia but there are so many bad design decisions in the original octopath that just ignored the more interesting/fun/player forward thinking that is present in all three BD games.
Oh well, I'll definitely play the sequel and I'll probably enjoy it but it's disheartening to think that the BD series is probably done after the performance of 2 and is ostensibly being replaced by a series that seems very regressive in nearly all design aspects aside from its cool visual identity.
Side note: there are two cats in that anniversary image... I approve.
@3RedTriangles or/and at least project triangle I'd recon!
@Chowdaire BD2 has to be a big success though, right?
@PerishSong Another game that offers a genuinely pioneering approach to intersecting storylines is Shining Force III for the Sega Saturn. Each of three separate, interlocking Scenarios following a different commander (Synbios of the Republic, Medion of the Empire, and a mercenary named Julian who actually is a member of both the other two's forces for awhile during their Scenarios) has events and even recruitable characters that can change or even become unavailable depending upon your choices in the preceding one. There are situations where your actions may decide whether you're forced to fight and kill someone who otherwise would have joined your cause.
Aside from that, it's just an incredibly epic and fantastic SRPG, with over 190 hours of combined gameplay, varied maps (some with hidden areas that conceal timed objectives including miss-and-they're-gone-forever items you must seize from thieves before they get away), insane hour-plus long battles toward the end including a finale where you control all three armies, and villains who play some seriously deep games. I readily place it alongside Valkyria Chronicles and Skies of Arcadia as probably the three greatest games Sega ever released.
Sadly, most Western gamers never got to experience it's full glory because Sega never localized beyond Scenario 1. But believe me when I tell you it's not your Genesis' Shining Force.
If Sega (or more likely another location specialist) were to ever remake SF III for Switch, you betcha I would grab that sucker Day One and dive joyfully back in. As it stands, you can check out a full English patch over at Shining Force Central that's playable if you can acquire the original discs. Trust me, they're worth it.
@Manjushri You know she is a real person? Google her 😆
I really.liked the game! Just couldn't kill the last special boss because it basically requires all 8 characters to be maxed out. That was too much of a chore to achieve...
........... Good news. Let's hope it arrives soon.
Considering the team is working on Project Triangle Strategy and it is somewhat involved in the 2d-hd remake of Dragon Quest III I suppose It's not coming out before 2023 at the earliest, and that's fine by me.
I loved the first game and 100%'d it. To me it kind of felt like what a SNES sequel to Final Fantasy VI would have been. Speaking of which we need a FF1-6 collection on the Switch!
Yes, please. A new Octopath Traveler game would be nice.
@AtlanteanMan yeppers. Without any meaningful intersections, the whole game seemed like it was forever in the larva stage. I'd say of everything, the dialogue was hit the worst - just the hokiest yuk-yuk exchanges, no humor, heavily sentimental. Seemed like it could have been fleshed out or been more impactful if the game wasn't tied to the 8 characters x 4 chapters setup - you could set your watch to how long each chapter is, and unfortunately with that I never got 'swept away' by the game (despite playing for 80+ hours haha). Sequel would not be a blind buy for me
Wasn’t there a mobile game for octopath traveller
I actually liked the individual stories.........maybe all a bit simple but enjoyable enough.
I already read about the true boss (as the game doesnt really give you any indication on what to do to unlock it)
But Ive read about people being fustrated the 50 min slog to get to the final boss only to be destroyed by it first time....
.....I didnt fancy wasting that 50 mins to get to it each time.
So I just watched the ending online......that 1min ending was really not worth the effort.
Id like the next games individual stories to be more interwoven (rather than feeling all standalone).
After seeing Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes and what 2D-HD should look like, is anyone really excited for this?
I'd love to see a game in the style of Octopath Traveler that offers real choices and consequences and a branching storyline.
Yeah I meant like spiritual sequel. Just the game that this team was doing next, along a similar vein.
@Chamver yeah, I've got an unhealthy SNES fixation so... these remain right up my alley.
Sequel...I haven't broken the seal on the current one yet? I've only tried the Demo... Now with MHS2 that makes it even harder.
I haven't logged in Nintendolife in ages! Nice to be back and post again!
Now to the article, it's crazy that it's already been three years since Octopath Traveler has been out. I really loved the game. It is funny, fun, amazing soundtrack, good writing with some surprisingly dark themes, and pretty graphics.
I do agree with some of the comments that it kinda dragged for a bit.
The secret final boss though....so HARD!!!! Ridiculous, but that's how JRPG games are supposed to be. That secret boss is similar to fighting Culex from Super Mario RPG or that Omega Weapon thing from Final Fantasy 8! Ridiculously difficult! Good times. XD
I loved Octopath, finished all the paths and directly wanted to play more. Gimme
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