Just last month, gaming accessory maker PDP shared its officially licensed Afterglow Deluxe+ Audio Wired Controller, which grabbed our attention thanks to its LED light display. Now, the company is back with a wireless version.
Just like before, prismatic LED lighting options allow players to cycle through a rainbow of colours, highlight their favourite colour, or have the colours change on the fly in relation to your control stick movement. This new wireless variant is also officially licensed by Nintendo and is set to launch on 26th November. You can go ahead and grab a pre-order from Amazon as we speak for $49.99.

Here's a feature list to tell you all about it:
- Clear polycarbonate housing uniquely reveals the controller’s inner circuitry.
- A built-in rechargeable battery offers more than 20 hours of intense Switch gaming.
- Responsive, low-friction analog sticks allow for smooth turns and quick movement.
- Dual programmable, paddle-style buttons can be mapped to any button on the controller for the ultimate customization experience. Players can quickly and efficiently get access to jump, swap weapons, or any other essential functions to enhance gameplay.
- Built-in motion controls for any Nintendo Switch games that utilize that function.
- Wireless range of up to 30 feet.
Do you like your controllers on the flashy side? Will you be getting one of these? Let us know with a comment below.
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Comments 37
If this is essentially a Pro controller with added gimmicks, I'm on board! Will try to get my hands on one
Pro controller is pretty close to the same price. I'm sure someone will fall for it though.
How is the plastic? I feel like it would get smudged and dirty really easily and defeat the purpose of looking cool without having to clean it all the time.
Can it be done with real analogue triggers? I mean if they can get it to work with GameCube controllers in GRID, can't they find a solution to achieve that wirelessly?
No mention of HD Rumble?
No rumble no thanks!
Looks super rad, always was a big fan of see through controller designs but I unfortunately I have nothing but bad experiences with third party hardware.
See through glowy plastic is so 90's
The wired version of this controller has a headphone jack, does the wireless version also have one?
I found a wireless controller on Amazon for $29 CAD. Haven't had any issues with it yet. AND it has motion controls and rumble. Not HD rumble though.
Cheaper than most and reliable so far.
Pdp does awesome stuff! This is the first 3rd party pro controller that's really caught my eye.
@Heavyarms55 i had the xbox 360 version the plastic is fine i really do reccomend this!
I actually had good experiences with the Afterglow controllers for the Wii U all things considered. The dealbreaker for me though is actually the rechargeable battery.
I prefer being able to switch them out in PowerA’s model as opposed to buying something and watching it slowly die.
It looks like a larger controller. Is it comfortable?
No rumble so no point in this existing. Doesn’t matter what they do. If they don’t match Nintendo’s features then it’s a dead duck.
Also why are kids so into LEDs in their gaming devices these days. They always look so cheap and bad. I bet they think they look cool, LOL.
Gosh thats a really pretty controller.
Should be a bit cheaper if there's no rumble, I think. Glad motion controls made the cut, though. If it reviews well, I could see myself buying this in a sale.
I would buy one. If I had the money...
@Heavyarms55 depends how grubby your hands are i guess. i have had mine for about a month and it still looks like it did when i bought it. Awkward undertray aside ( which is removeable ) this is a great controller.
Normally I only buy nintendo on controllers, but I like the afterglow controllers, and while I wasn't interested in a wired one I'm a bit more interested in wireless. It's especially tempting because Nintendo apparently doesn't like money since they have not been doing more options on pro controllers!
I guess there's no rumble though, that's a shame. I think I'll just stick with my official Splatoon 2 Nintendo Switch Pro Controller.
No rumble is lame, but for the price I can see why it was omitted. Also, that home button placement is a little too close to the X button for me. The pro controller location is slightly different and better overall (for me).
For the price of even a single third-party controller, these products should definitely be put through the ringer. Test 'em good. Too expensive to just buy any one, and it turn out to be junk, or quickly turn into junk after a few gaming sessions.
I seen a sweet Super Mario Bros. 3 design Pro-controller. Though cool it does look, I'm gonna check into the quality.
Nope, why would you ever take a 3rd party controller over Nintendo Pro Controller? You gotta be outta your mind. Lol. Just me...
If it's comfortable, has good buttons and the build quality is solid then I might want one. I love everything see trough, brings me back to my childhood!
@Expa0 Their wireless GC controller ain't so hot in it's actual build. Had to return one right under a month's time because the right bumper lost it's springy-ness and LITERALLY the left stick wore off a bunch of it's top grip. 40 hours of Smash did that last Dec/Jan. If the Dpad is good here I'd be tempted to try it. Like the ban of my existence on Switch.
@hitherehello Pro Controller is 20 bucks more unless it's on sale. The headphone jack in this though...why the hell again did Nintendo not put that in their 70 dollar Pro Controllers with Dpads that barely function they way thy should? Lol
@Zidentia very comfortable. I have bigger hands then most though, being 6'3". But I will say the sticks are a little bit taller than the pro controller. About 1/8" of an inch. I don't notice it, but others may.
@Zidentia I've also gotten around 25 hrs between charges playing botw. I use a fast charger, so it only takes about an hour and 15 minutes to charge it back up. Can also play while charging.
The only complaint I have is it won't turn the console on. Need to use my joy con to do that and then switch to this controller.
@ItalianBaptist It was okay for a third-party controller, but the analog sticks stuck to much. Made Black Ops 2 especially frustrating.
I appreciate the info. Thanks
If only it had a headphone jack!!!!
@Dang69 I don't think this one has a headphone jack, sadly.
@Jevig What the hell?! Why make a wireless version of their controller then drop the jack.
@Dang69 it is especially weird since they show the function button and volume controls. What could those possibly be for?
@Jevig...if you're playing in desktop mode with the kickstand on? I guess? I think they left it on to trick people. I have a Genki thing for my Switch but haven't ever tried it.
Have the wired version of this pad its brilliant for the price. Tight Analog controls and a great Dpad suprisingly.
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