Update 27/07: Niosi's dialogue has been replaced by Zach Aguilar.
At the time of writing, Niosi remains in Fire Emblem: Three Houses, but Nintendo has stated that a patch will remove his dialogue:
After assessing the situation, we decided to re-record the character's voiceovers in Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Heroes with another actor. The new voiceovers will be included in a future patch.
Original Story: Nintendo has removed voice actor Chris Niosi's name from the credits of Fire Emblem Heroes following admissions from the actor, animator and producer that he has abused and mistreated friends and partners over the past decade.
Chris Niosi – also known as Kirbopher – is perhaps most famous for creating the web series TOME: Terrain of Magical Expertise, and has lent his vocal talents to the likes of Pokémon, Bakuman, Queen's Blade Rebellion, Tales of Zestiria, OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes, Sailor Moon and Octopath Traveler.
He also plays the role of Byleth in the new Switch game, Fire Emblem: Three Houses, as well as the mobile spin-off Fire Emblem Heroes. A week ago, Niosi – who refers to himself as a 'high functioning' Asperger syndrome sufferer – published an admission on his Tumblr account that he had "horribly mistreated and abused friends, colleagues and even my significant others" and that he had decided it was time he "addressed each and every one of those people and responded to their feelings with individual apologies for what I’ve done to hurt them".
Naturally, Nintendo might not have been aware of these abuses prior to hiring Niosi to work on Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Fire Emblem Heroes, but it would seem that it has taken retrospective action following Niosi's confession.
Nintendo has so far refused to comment on the situation. We'll update this post if that changes.
(Editor's note: The original version of this story incorrectly started that Niosi's name had been removed from the credits of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, when in fact it was removed from the credits of Fire Emblem Heroes. We apologise for the error.)
[source gonintendo.com, via nintendoeverything.com]
Comments 112
Not like his character really says much anyway.
If NL did their homework, they would know that they have already recast and replaced his voicework in Fire Emblem Heroes with Zach Aguilar. Presumably they'll replace the voicework with Zach in Three Houses, too.
Was this removal part of the day 1 patch? Will they be patching his name out of any other games?
JFC, I assume we're all lucky it was too late in the release pipeline to recast him altogether? :V Pierre Taki's case and the subsequent Judgement disaster was more than effin' enough. And here it's not even someone supposedly caught red-handed about drugs (which I do know is a sensitive topic in Japan, although the collateral impact on fiction works is not much more excusable in the light of it) but a guy coming clean and apologizing in public for the crap he's done. Jerking one's knee in response to THAT is embarrassing to say the least - infinitely more than Nintendo may fear leaving things as is would have been.
That said, again, I feel bitterly "thankful" that this is the extent of the kneejerk so far (even as someone who has no intention to play Three Houses with the dub himself). Fingers crossed this won't escalate to the point of afterthought patches or outright stunts of Sega's caliber.
Having a mental condition has nothing to do with being abusive or aggressive.
People with aspergers are just as likely to be overtly kind and helpful. Choosing to latch onto a negative trait, instead of positive ones, perpetuates an unjust phobia against people who need your support and understanding—not blanket negative assumptions about them based on their disabilities.
damn isnt that the guy who made brawl taunts? such a shame
@HappyMaskedGuy So there are no mental conditions that can cause a person to be violent and harm the people around them in physical or mental way?
I'm guessing it's the English voice actor. Am I right? I know it's obvius given his name, but I find it srange that it says it nowhere in the article.
Here we go... This is gonna get nasty.
Does a person require a mental health condition to be violent or abusive? I thought most humans were capable of that.
This is some pretty heartrending stuff. I was a big fan of his work on Newgrounds back in the day, and TOME. I felt that he really did deserve to get in the big leagues doing actual voice acting work.
But based on what he wrote himself, he has clearly had some real problems with handling his life and relationships. It's always sad to see people you'd want to root for revealing how they truly are outside the work they do. Of course, it has no bearing on the actual work they do, but it gets very difficult to not let it affect your judgement on it at all when stuff like this comes to light.
I guess I fail to see why this fellow felt the need to make what he felt his personal failings were public.
@HappyMaskedGuy Sure! But he states that he is suffering from such condition and that is why I think he already identified where his problem lies.
That is why I am thinking the same. Many people are abusive just for the sake of it. I do not think this is such case.
Nothing more.
@Zuljaras I understand what you mean, but it is problematic. And it is very easy for this man to shift the blame for his actions onto a mental health condition, rather than take personal responsibility.
@Zuljaras You met many people with Asperger syndrome? I have a nephew with it (amazing lad who has gone on to do amazing things via college and university) and have worked with people with it. Not one has been prone to violence or abusive behaviour. Though there are "Mental conditions" that result in these behaviours it's usually more towards the higher end of autism spectrum.
I do feel that if replacing his lines is relatively simple then Nintendo should do that. However, I can respect him apologising and not waiting for it all to inevitably come out in the media. In time, if he sorts himself out, maybe he’ll be back but until then, it’s better he doesn’t drag the game’s reputation down.
Putting aside whatever he did or did not do, I don't agree with removing his credits from the game if his work is still in there.
Anyway, I have to say, I think this is the first time I've seen someone #MeToo themselves!
@HappyMaskedGuy Got to agree with you there. 99.9% of us have ‘struggled’ or been self-hating when it comes to our sexuality but that doesn’t cause us to touch up 14 year old boys. It’s a way to shift blame and it’s dangerous to other people with similar circumstances that haven’t done anything wrong.
@Zuljaras Say that to anyone with a disability. I've dealt with people in the deaf community, Down syndrome and general LD conditions and they don't see themselves in a negative way. In fact they are usually proud of who they are.
Also the response to knowing someone with AS. Surely your answer to that is generally an answer to be given to any person in general not aimed at people with a "Mental condition". I possibly found more "normal" people I dislike than people with LD. I currently work with people with LD and dementia. I dislike the staff more than the clients.
Well you do get the people who want to remove their own limbs, but that's a whole other kettle of fish.
@Beermonkey That is nice. Also nobody should see themselves in negative way.
Also I have never dealt with such people. I thought they need professionals that know how to communicate with them. I mean the really special cases. However over the internet it does not matter if the other person is deaf. I may never know. Probably played with deaf people in WoW
I did not want to offend or such thing. Lately I try to be more polite
@shaneoh I have read about that. Alien limbs or something. Also have seen dogs with that. They try to bite off their own legs.
But this is way too off topic
@Beermonkey because a lot of living and coping with a disability revolves around refusing to let it define [the entirety of] who you are. By my impression, @Zuljaras point is that disability is still ultimately a challenge to try and overcome, not some kind of privilege to try and welcome. And as someone with a disability degree since birth, I think I can agree with (and dare to claim a right for an opinion on) this point.
Aww, those poor dogs. Now I'm sad
@shaneoh Yep. First I saw a clip with a dog whose back leg wants to steal it own food and the dog was biting it. I thought it was very funny.
After that I read about the disease and it was horrifying!
Yeah that's one clip I can do without seeing
@nhSnork I wish I could have read into what he has said the way you have. Yes having an opinion is everyone right. Stereotyping is also something we all do. Making an opinion by stereotyping... every right to...
@Zuljaras no problem if this hasn’t been clear, just in case, your initial comment sounds like you think Aspergers is responsible for / the cause of aggressive behaviour. It isn’t. That’s all. Just need to be careful how some things come across.
@gb_nes_gamer I thought it might be responsible since the guy tells about it in his public apology. Otherwise no point of mentioning it.
Or like other users said he might be trying the free pass disability card like some celebrities etc.
That is all.
Ok so his voice can still be heard, but his name hidden?
@Lord his name and voice were removed from heroes with a new VA doing his lines.
“Naturally, Nintendo will not have been aware of these abuses prior to hiring Niosi...”
A ridiculous and unsubstantiated statement. The absence of official recognition prior to hiring does not mean they were unaware. This stuff has a tendency to circulate via whisper networks and often remains an open secret in industries that have been unsympathetic to victims. Former employers of abusers do not warn future employers and colleagues, instead quietly pushing out “problematic” people in the hope that no negative attention focuses on them. That is if anything is done at all. I’m glad this guy has come forward so people know who they’re actually dealing with and nobody else will be put in danger (best-case scenario). But to assume Nintendo, or the person or persons who hired him and have been hiring him for the past decade or so, didn’t know or suspect anything about him is dangerously naive.
Fire emblem: three horses? Haha
Why state something like this publicly, anyway? Apologize to people in person, and don't create net drama that forces companies to disassociate with you.
Stupidity knows no bounds.
Must be a knock off title, sounds less than mildly entertaining.. I need at least four horses
Either remove him from the game or keep him in the credits. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
That’s not how that works. If someone’s voice is in a game, you have to credit them, otherwise it’s plagiarism. If they want to remove him from the credits, they have to remove his voice from the game too.
@HappyMaskedGuy what a stupid comparison, you can’t be serious.
Well if this thread did not exist most of us would not have known or cared. Now we do know we can't unknown so should we care?
There's something strange about this story, or maybe just NL's coverage of it. So this guy who's been doing VA work for some time, makes a statement he's been "abusive" to people including co-workers, friends family. We do not know what he means by "abusive" (or maybe he has said so and the article doesn't include that information?) - "abuse" could mean many things to different people, and in the context of coworkers, it doesn't sound like he's specifically meaning violence (or not exclusively at any rate.) It could mean being difficult...we don't know, at least from this article.
But even if the guy is a serial killer...it seems odd that a publisher would retroactively remove credit for work provided, because of self-reported "abuse" of vague description as a public apology. OJ Simpson's sports records didn't suddenly get erased (Ok, in his case he "didn't do it...." Then got locked up for threatening to do it anyway...) . Phil Spector's illustrious music production history didn't get scrubbed. In present context, Harvy Weinstein's film's haven't been renamed and re-credited. It's pretty weird to scrub someone's history and contributions, after the fact, as though it never happened, because you've decided the guy presently doesn't represent your values.
Each day we're moving one step closer to 1984 since the invention of the
telescreeninternet. Now we can change history at any time, and move people's past work down the memory hole the moment they become an unperson.So he confessed to being abusive but wasn’t so abusive charges were filed.
I feel like this can be left in his hands
@Beermonkey Give a blind person the option of seeing or a deaf person the option of hearing and see if your argument holds up.
"A week ago, Niosi – who refers to himself as a 'high functioning' Asperger syndrome sufferer –"
I stopped at this... As someone who also as Asperger's Syndrome. Seeing this disgusts me.
This is very odd.
I'm sorry we can't go around erasing people from history every time someone does something wrong. This is insanity. Look I get it the guy sucks, he did something that honestly leaves me with some choice words I shouldn't use here. However he did work this game and his name should be on the product. He is clearly looking to fix the situation as well and make amends to those he's "abused". Not entirely sure what that even entails as it's a very vague statement. Now I can understand Nintendo not wanting to work with him on the future. Well within their right.
@bLiNdSiDe82 Not always the case. Grandparents were both deaf. The deaf community at one point where against cochlear Implant surgery. I asked someone once about this and the answer was "Why correct something that's part of me". Given this isn't the complete views of everyone and rightly so (freedom of choice and all).
Let's not act like every other actor/voice actor on the planet is a perfect angel that has never, ever done anything wrong in their personal life not once. Nintendo let him keep his job likely because what happened was outside of work and he was able to settle it there. There might be tons of things your favorite VA has done that you may not approve of. But so long as it's nothing completely illegal or morally reprehensible, then I believe we should find the speck of dust in our own eyes before we look for someone else's. Because I can almost guarantee that someone else on this game and your favorite game's cast list has made some kind of mistake in their lives at some point. We're human. This is why the phrase "you shouldn't meet your heroes" is a thing.
Am I defending his actions? No. But he owned up to it, so I'm willing to put that aside as I play the game.
The fact that he has Aspergers is irrelevant and shouldn’t be included in this article or his statement. It only unfairly links Aspergers to his disgusting behavior and creates stigma. It would be just as relevant to say, “Niosi, who has blue eyes.” Aspergers isn’t a pass or an excuse for this behavior. I know plenty of people with Aspergers and not a single one of them is aggressive.
I just want to help clarify to everyone that this probably has much more to do with Chris breaking his Non Disclosure Agreement with Nintendo by revealing he was voicing Byleth prior to the games release. No idea why the NL article doesn't mention this
Great here we go again. Seriously what he did and the fact he got Asperger aren't linked.
I have the same condition, but asperger is mostly an problem making an personal connection. Most people I meet are the silent type. People who like to work alone and do their job
Thank you for those words. It really annoy me personally when people link this kind of bad behaviour to autisme of any kind.
It like those myths that violent videogames make you kill people.
I don't understand why he got removed from the credits.
He just apologized, I don't think his name will give some bad reputation to Fire Emblem. Asking for an apology is already the first step so I don't know why he should be punished because of that.
He worked on the game, give him the credit he deserves and MAYBE if you still don't want him to be credited, well just don't hire him for other characters.
@nessisonett Maybe I didn't read everything, but I thought he did stuff like be emotionally mean, ask for friendship with benefits from an ex, was awkward or selfish in sexual interactions, and acted immature and needy and selfish. From what I read he didn't commit any crimes. I didn't even see anything close to what people like Kavanaugh and Trump have done, let alone Jeffrey Epstein. Also, I once had a friend who had Asbergers and he could do things that were shockingly inappropriate. He was also gay, and would tell me about going to bars out in the country, like redneck bars. He had no idea who it was okay to hit on, so he would flirt with rednecks. He told me he got beat up often. I can't imagine what Asbergers is like from the inside.
@Zuljaras Hey, just wanna say that, even if you didn't mean it that way, Asperger's Syndrome doesn't make you more aggressive or prone to abuse, and saying that it is SUPER insensitive. Niosi is an abusive individual who is using his being on the Spectrum as an excuse. I have Asperger's Syndrome, and I'm not a domestic abuser like him, nor am I particularly inclined towards abusiveness. Again, maybe you didn't mean it in a bad way, but think before you speak next time.
Removing someone from credits is wrong. I dont care what they did, if they contributed they should be in the credits.
I have Asperger's and have suicidal depression, but I havent done these things. However, I do understand that these are real issues he struggles with. I am actually glad he was willing to opnely admit to his mistakes whether or not other people call him dumb for it. Hopefully he does improve as a person as he claims he wants to. I also wish Zach Aguilar luck in recording the new dialogue.
@Roam85 Whether or not charges were filed does not deter from the level of the abuse. People can be horribly abused and not report it to authorities for a variety of reasons.
@Zuljaras you are like many people quite mistaken, autistic people are far more likely to be victims of abuse than to be perpetrators of abuse themselves.
So I’ve read the apology/admission, and it makes no reference to his Asperger’s condition. The article reads like he seeks to shift the blame onto this condition, which is both a mis-characterisation of his statement and a mid-characterisation of the condition itself.
Asperger’s is not known to cause people to be abusive. While it can present difficulties in social interaction, nothing about it screams ‘abuse’.
My first impression of the article was that a guy was trying to say “it wasn’t me, it was my condition!”, a bit like politician Ryu Matsumoto putting his behaviour down to his blood type after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. But this isn’t what the admission post states at all. He doesn’t shift blame onto the condition. He doesn’t even mention it. He doesn’t lay blame on anyone but himself. I’d recommend people actually give it a read.
I don’t know. Given it’s not mentioned in the apology at all, I’m really not sure how necessary the Asperger’s comment is in the article. It bears little relevance to the what he’s apologising for, and risks creating false parallels (as we’ve already seen evidenced in some earlier comments).
That carreer is probably ruined...
I wonder why he decided to make an online confession.
He doesn't mention sexual abuse in his tumblr post.
I don't know what he did that was wrong, so I can't form an opinion on this.
As for me, I honestly couldn't care less about a replaced voice actor.
It won't lessen my enjoyment of the game.
I'm not sure I understand what's going on here. If he admitted to being abusive in the past doesn't that signal that he's realized his faulty behaviour and that he's trying to correct his faults?
Besides, abuse can mean many things, more context would be needed to form an opinion. We don't know what he actually did.
I'm not a fan of removing one's credit if the person did the work, that feels like erasing history to me. Perhaps Japan is more strict about these "clean image" things then us westerners, I don't know...
-A RATHER LONG TEXT FOLLOWS, you've been warned -
Now this has nothing to do with that voice actor, but after reading some of the comments here I felt compelled to write this.
Regarding the discussion about violent behaviour in relation to autism here, maybe I can provide a bit of context. I have Asperger's myself and I'm neither agressive on purpose nor abusive towards others. I don't have many friends, but those I have I value highly and I treat them with respect as good as I can.
I wasn't diagnosed until I was 21, so throughout my entire school life I had no idea why I was acting different from others in some regards, couldn't understand or explain my own behaviour and it caused me all sorts of trouble.
The main issue I had were sudden outbursts of aggressive behaviour which nobody understood because I'm usually a very calm and friendly person.
When I do get aggressive it's always caused by stress. For example, when I'm having a conversation and other people in the room are talking at the same time then trying to focus on the words of the person I'm talking to becomes extremely stressful for me. I can't do multitasking at all, I get distracted easily and I'm also a very noise sensitive person. Eventually I might just explode and start shouting because I can't take the stress any longer.
Other (non autistic) people couldn't understand my sudden outbursts. It was a regular occurence at school and at home with my parents. Before I was diagnosed I couldn't explain myself after an outburst because I didn't understand it either. They asked me "Why did you start shouting?" or "Why did you throw over your chair and slam the door?", things like that and I stood there and didn't know what to say, even though I felt bad and was sorry for my behaviour. At school I was told to seek aggression training more than once...
I never had aggression training and I don't think it would help in my case, but with the help of my autism therapist I finally learned to handle these situations differently. Instead of thinking "I'll pull through this", nowadays when I start to notice that something is stressing me I tell people "Hey, there's too much going on at once, I'm getting overwhelmed with all this input and I don't want to explode. I'll go outside for a few minutes to calm down, ok?" (Perhaps you could word this more elegantly, but you get the idea).
My coworkers know about my Asperger syndrome and the related stress problem. I've explained the cause of these outbursts to them and how they should handle these situations. People who know me understand when I tell them that I need a bit of quietness for a moment. If the situation allows it, they'll try to keep the noise down, if not nobody is angry with me when I leave the room and go to a quiet place to calm down.
If I do shout I'm calm again within minutes if people just let me be. It is important that nobody tries to reason with me while I'm angry, otherwise I'm getting more and more worked up and it keeps getting worse. That's something my parents took a very long time to finally understand.
Also, I never focus my aggression on people. Usually I'm shouting and I run away, in really bad situations I might smash the door or throw things through the room etc. but I don't project my anger on people.
I've been thinking a lot about this and yes, I am afraid I might actually hurt somebody when I'm angry and a situation escalates too much (although it hasn't happended so far, thankfully). It's simply not possible to avoid every single stressful situation in my life but I'm doing my best to pay attention to my stress level and tell people what's on my mind instead of ignoring it until it's too late and I loose control.
If any of you reading this finds him/herself within the autism spectrum I'm sure you can relate.
Now I realized that I've been rambling on and on and that I wrote a very long message. I apologize. It's a bad habit of mine. I often don't know where to stop when the thoughts start flowing...
Anyways, I felt compelled to share my personal experience after reading through this comment section. Again, I'm sorry for stealing your time with my way too long comment.
For those who were interested enough to read to the end, I hope I managed to help you understand people within the autism spectrum a little better. We are not more and not less agressive than the "normal" (Oh how I dislike that word, nobody is 100% "normal", the world would be dead boring if that were the case) people, it's just that many of us can't cope well with stress and that the world can be lot more stressful to us than it is to non autistic people because we tend to be sensible to various stimuli like noise, light etc. and don't take well to multitasking or processing spoken words.
That's all from me.
Have a great day! Life's too short, so stop fighting and start working together, ok?
Bonus fact, instead of "normal" we call the non autistics neurotypicals. ^_^
That was way longer than I expected it to be.
Guess that's another asperger's problem, they never shut up...
I won't do that again, I promise. °_°
Have absolutely no clue who this person is, or their drama. To say I care little for personal controversy and drama is putting it mildly.
This idea of retrospective erasure of a person's work just because we might not like them is interesting. It's like a modern-day equivalent of the ancient Roman damnatio memoriae. He has done the work and presumably did it well, they should just keep it and if they don't like the individual maybe don't hire him again. The other apparent learning point from this is that you should never admit to any personal failure or make an apology to anyone, particularly on the internet.
At least he came out about it, because there are so many that are outed as abusers that take zero responsibility.
Okay. I may be not objective here - I have As and my son is autistic (we both are on a spectrum) . But this sounds harsh. We don't know the extent of him mistreating people. He feels remorse. He is trying to right his wrongs. Also, I think it breaks his copyrights if his voice is in game but he is not credited.
So we're still going to hear his VOICE?
But they just won't acknowledge that it's his?
How is that not infinitely more creepy?
Not at all a fan of this pattern of removing people from credits because of cancel culture. Performance is art, and to deny his claim to his own performance sets a dangerous precedent. I don't care what the performer has done, it's still their performance and they deserve to be credited for it.
@Pod He's being replaced by another actor. Nintendo Life is obsessed with the idea of publishers not crediting people so they just forgot about that part.
@HappyMaskedGuy well, some mental health conditions do effect actions. (Although asperger syndrome is not a mental illness.) I know a mentally ill person that manipulated a single mother into legally signing a child away. She has that mental illness brought on by inability to have children and intense desire to have children. The family of the child is heavily concerned for the mental health and safety, especially since the situation is already looking abusive. The mentally ill person wants to keep the facade of her being the mother and the family. No one can do anything.
Convenient for drama. Thank you for the clarification.
Hmm, looks like nintendolife might want to get their facts checked before they push out an article...
"Suffering from -insert contemporary shrink label here-..."
Of course. Everyone is a victim nowadays. Well played.
Does anyone cares about voice actors?
I can read faster, I kept pressing A to skip the voice.
I agree! I find them distracting for the most part.
I actually played Fire Emblem Awakening with the Japanese voiceovers because they wouldn't annoy me as much as the English ones. I would have disabled them completely if that were an option.
I played Awakening in German, so the voices didn't even match the text that I was reading.
@nintendolie play something like Baldur's Gate. You'll care.
@HappyMaskedGuy nintendo could not have made a worse decision ostressising someone with obvious issues
Everyone seems to have their knickers in a twist over violence and this “abuse” but unless you have read it from somewhere else we actually have no info as to what he did.
Many of you in this very thread are exhibiting abusive personality traits.
We all abuse others in our lives. If you think you don’t you are more dangerous than those that recognise the need to be a better person.
We hurt others without meaning to.
I don’t know what I am meant to think of this news as it tells me nothing.
People need to stop jumping on words like “abuse” “problematic” and other buzz words that are in fashion and look at facts and what happened. What abuse has this guy committed? How many people actually commenting here know??? Is that not the most relevant part? Assuming it’s something if you don’t know isn’t helping anyone.
Hysteria is everywhere
Ah, more shining examples of the measured, nuanced perspectives I've come to expect from NL's comments.
It's genuinely fascinating watching a young actor like this deliberately and needlessly destroy his career in such a public fashion.
Am I missing something here? I'm 7 hours into the game and Byleth has not spoken a word. Are they suddenly going to start chatting halfway through the game?
@Zuljaras aspergers isn't something people "suffer from"
Wait...didn't this happen before or am i imagining things?
I'm pretty sure the same thing happened to that guy a couple of times now O.o
What levels of abuse? We all do bad things or can be hard to work with at times. But the work was done and at least he’s apologizing. Unless it was jail time sorta bad. There are people very close to me who have autism and Aspergers, and I don’t know if thats a good crutch. I mean, do you have to achieve a Jesus status of being a goodie two shoes to do any sort of work for Nintendo? And, putting it on Twitter... I don’t know if I’d have gone that route... but to each their own.
If it hadn't been for nintendolife and me being interested in three houses - I would have never known. The guy is a imo - why didn't he just apologize in person. I would feel like an ass if the whole internet knew I was mistreated over years by a dude who is sick in his head. Seriously, people should stand up and fight at the moment where things happen and not get back to things years later like the whole 'me too' movement. Maybe I should file a lawsuit against a teacher who threw me out of the classroom for misbehaving - I was so young and vulnerable and this hurt my feelings so much that I remember it to this day, lmao.
@VR32X I’m curious as well to the level of abuse.... I mean if it’s just standard over the top name calling and arse chewing, then this is getting blown outta proportion. I’m guessing this either escalated to physical abuse, or serious derogatory remarks regarding ones gender, ethnicity, or religion.
Thank god ... couldn't have lived with myself otherwise!!! My voice actors are required to be above questionable deviances ... or else its just a "no way, man!" .. "No frickin' way!"
Bit over the top really, he has a condition which means he doesn’t understand how to behave in some social situations so seems a bit unfair.
As along as it no effect on gameplay, I think most gamers would just game and move on. Yes, Abuse of partners is a very immoral ground and shouldn't be condone in any form but his admission is a start. So don't let this stop one from playing the game. We shouldn't be doing morality police on here.
I don't know much about the situation other than what's written here, of course abuse is bad, but it makes it sound like Nintendo is the bad guy here for removing this guy's lines for wanting to essentially apologize/repent for his actions. I could see it being a problem if Chris confessed to these things and was proud of hurting people and wouldn't stop, but if all he did was say "I messed up bad, and I see it now, and now I want to make things right", which is what it sounds like he's doing, people shouldn't be condemning that, they should be happy that he's trying to course correct his life.
We've all made mistakes in life, becoming an adult is owning up to your part and then trying to make it right.
So at least off hand, it sounds like Nintendo is in the wrong here, or being too overly cautious to try to please people. People are dumb sometimes and make mistakes, that's part of the world we live in. But again, it feels like Nintendo is punishing Chris who's trying to now do the right thing, which I think is counterproductive
@Dm9982 He apparently sexually abused at least on ex girlfriend.
It's being said like 20 times at this point, but bringing up the fact the guy has Aspergers is pretty underhanded and insulting. No other major games news site which I could find raised that point, for the simple reason that it is irrelevant and adds nothing to the story other than making the audience angry or otherwise emotional.
The news is a voice actor in a video game is getting replaced for unacceptable behaviour, and the new voice is coming soon. It should not be an expose on the voice actor's actions or mental condition, which have no value to the general public. If people want to know what he did, they can Google it and find out themselves. This is a news site, not 4Chan.
I dont care about this. It's a bit like digitally removing O.J. Simpson from the naked gun movies. I don't have any info if the accusations are even correct, but what does his behavior have to do with his voice acting? If he did a good job, credit him, pay him. Done.
According to wikipedia he's caused an NDA breach by revealing information about the game before he was allowed to and that was the reason his voice work was replaced.
That puts a different perspective to it.
Seems like he got a little too excited and couldn't keep quiet until the NDA lift date.
This whole abuse story must've added additional fuel to the fire and also factored into the decision to replace him. I can't decide whether to pity or condemn him. Perhaps he's learned his lesson and is trying to improve...
His asperger's shouldn't have been mentioned here, it's neither an excuse for his actions nor is it the cause of such behaviour. It only paints a bad picture for uninformed people as if we hadn't enough of that already.
Asperger syndrome is not an illness, it's a different way of functioning that causes people to percieve the world differently. Personally I dislike the term disability as well, I don't feel disabled, it's more like I don't really fit into a world that consists almost entirely of neurotypicals. If there were a "cure" for it I most certainly wouldn't want to use it.
@NIN10DOXD Ah, yeah that would be cause to remove him from everything. Knew it had to be serious to basically delete his existence from any work done
The story here is voice actor admits to doing horrible things. Nintendo decides to replace him in its product and obviously they dont want an association between his actions and their image. Its simple really ts Nintendos call, it doesnt even affect the game in a meaningful way. Wont be missed.
If you've done something wrong and feel bad about it, you should go and apologise to those people in private. I still see no reason why any of this should be public knowledge, unless you've committed a crime.
It's impossible to distinguish between people who want you to become a better person, and people who simply want to steal your job. That's a problem.
Zach Aguilar eats puppies and smokes kittens**.He should have his name removed from Fire Emblem immediately.
** Not actually true.
Isn't this replacement a prominent anime dub voice actor?
@Lizuka You're right, the stat growth lines go by so quickly I forgot they were even in there.
With luck, this cis-White man never finds work again. I am literally shaking that Nintendo allowed such an inhuman abusive and toxically male being into our lives like this. I literally feel violated, I will have nightmares and panic attacks now. I regret my decision to purchase this game and literally can not even look at my Switch right now. I am in tears. This is beyond abhorrent that a deplorable man like this ruined so much, for many who bought this game unknowingly allowing a toxic abuser into their lives like this
Wow, Nintendo is vicious. People make mistakes. Our society is so unforgiving sometimes. No wonder so many people are under high anxiety and stress.
It seems like bizarre wording to me that he would suddenly be all repentant for these past transgressions. I find that highly improbable. This sounds more like a caught fish wriggling to find freedom.
There's not a lot of information to act upon here but if these various personal abuses were criminal in nature, it was surely necessary to scrap the lines / discredit that sort of behavior.
Cool story bro.
@Patron are you out of your actual mind?
@Patron You should go in for therapy in a mental health facility for a long time.
Actually I think you are too far gone.
I think the dude should have been fired for having a Tumblr account. That's bad enough.
Hey, even Steve Jobs, John Lennon, Kevin Spacey or Michael Jackson were abusive to some people in periods of their lives. Let's all go out and burn all their work now!
This is clearly a unnecessary and harsh reaction from Nintendo. It's ok, if they do not want to work with this guy from now on, but deleting his previous work like this, is just a stupid and unnecessary decision.
I guess I'm being naive but I don't understand why this would cause Nintendo to kick him out the door. I mean, even if he was a drug addict, how does that affect the audience or the characters? Nintendo needs to erase all history of working with someone that has abusive behaviors outside of work? I dont get it.
@invictus4000 - It's a curious thing I have been thinking about myself, actually. Where does the personal life and professional life truly separate. And how far does a career need to burn before the crowd asking for retribution is satiated? How will this effect creations going forward?
I can understand where cutting further communications with someone because of their actions, or even addictions. I mean people get fired for drug and alcohol addiction all the time. That being said, we're in a time where a firing isn't enough. I have seen many songs and books, even artworks removed from their creators' origins due to their actions. Because a firing just isn't enough, and them moving to a new career isn't enough. Gets to a point you ask... What is?
We've seen Limp Bizkit pretty much get purged of all their songs in any popular music streaming and radio long before the internet outrage culture became what it is now, many won't even carry their CD's even though they won't even get a dime from them. So this, I am not actively blaming this "current year" nonsense on it. It's been growing for quite some time. Amazon won't carry certain authors anymore for less.
Which kind of gets me, because Nintendo is still asked for a comment about this whole fiasco. Firing him wasn't enough, replacing lines wasn't enough. People want Nintendo to outright and openly condemn him, play the "team game," their platform would garner more exposure to him... Then where will it lead?
@Jango296 He admitted to abusing his exes. He said himself he was guilty.
Aaaaaand my hopes jinxed it. Creative production choices 0, kneejerk reactions 1. And of course, anyone buying the game digitally afterwards will not even have a choice in the matter. Only the original voicework being unaffected affected this time around stops this case short of "Judgment 2.0", but it feels nasty nonetheless.
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