Yo-kai Watch 4 will be launching in Japan in just under two months' time and, while we still haven't heard any news of a western release just yet, Level-5 has shared some new information about the game.
First up is 'Yo-makai', the fourth world that you'll be able to explore and home to the Yo-kai. This world was first seen in Yo-kai Watch the Movie: Forever Friends and joins the three variations of Springdale as another location in the upcoming game.
Next, we have confirmation that a total of six human characters will be available to use in battle as Watchers. We already knew about Keita (Nate) and Touma, but Fumi-chan, Natsume, Akinori, and Shin will also be able to fight alongside the Yo-kai. You can see them all in this image below.
The game will use an all-new system for befriending Yo-kai called Konkatsu (or 'Soulmatching'). You'll meet the mysterious monkey Yo-kai, Konsaru, who will introduce you to other monsters.
That's not all, though, as it has also been confirmed that physical toy connectivity will play its part - picking up Ark toys will allow you to get special items in the game - and several new Yo-kai have also been shared. Below we have Gomendako, Fuukun (who has two forms), Raichan (who also has two forms) and Narukama.
Are you hoping for Yo-kai Watch 4 to make it over to the west? Will you be grabbing a Japanese copy? Let us know if you're a fan of the series in the comments.
[source gematsu.com]
Comments 62
Just let this rip off Pokemon series die already Nintendo.
I'm not usually into monster catching games but... color me intrigued
Now this is the kind of game i bought the switch for.
I liked Yo-Kai Watch 2, but I hated the controls. As long as this one has standard, Non-screen damaging controls, I`ll get it.
I can' wait for this game to come out
it's already better than pokemon sword and shield
I don't know why (as this isn't my kind of game and I shouldn't care) but I want to see all the human characters burn.
I would love for it to come to the west. I love the series, but more importantly it's one of few RPG's that my significant other loves. But yeah, if it's only released in Japan, I'll have to import a copy and wait for someone to write a guide I guess.
It's a shame people in the west just write off this series as a Pokémon clone. I honestly get a different vibe and feeling from Yo Kai Watch then from Pokémon. Where as Pokémon is more epic and grand, this feels more nostalgic and relaxing.
@BeanoWild it's better than pokemon
But, Pokemon games are still simple Turn Based 1 vs 1 by mostly while Yokai Watch has 3 Yokais battle together.
They are completely two different games, like between Mc Donald and Burger King.
@BeanoWild It won't hurt you, so let it go with your mindless hate and let the people who likes it to enjoy it.
I'm intrigued by the new befriending system. Is it going to be something similar to what was present in Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon (although I didn't play that one), with specific Yokai requirements?
I've never played a yokai game so this is all jibber jabber to me. I'm gonna need to see gameplay footage if they're gonna sell this to me
Only just got into Yo-Kai through 3 on the 3DS. It’s such a fantastic game, I can’t wait for 4 to get announced.
With how limited the release of 3 was, I can them not bothering though. There’s a LOT of localisation work in these games.
As someone who initially dismissed the series, I urge anyone to actually give it a go.
@BeanoWild It doesn't really have anything in common with Pokémon other than the fact it has a contemporary setting and you can collect creatures to fight for you in an RPG-esque fashion. The world, your and the monsters' role in it, the battle system, the focus, the way the story is presented, and the general tone is quite different.
And Level-5 is the developer, not Nintendo.
@AxeltheBuizel: If I could upvote your comment more than once, I would. The comparisons are inevitable as they're both, at their core, monster catching/befriending series; for me though, that's where the similarities stop. Both series are wonderful in their own way, and it irks me that some Pokemon fans write Yo-Kai Watch off or complain that it's a blatant clone. I've been playing the Pokemon games since Gen 1/2 up to the present and don't really understand why some won't give this series a chance.
I personally feel that Pokemon's underlying mechanics are better. Overall Yo-Kai Watch wins in the story (though it depends), side quest, and uniqueness departments for me.
I'm not totally opposed to playing a Yokai Watch game, but the battle system would need to be dramatically altered from the way it was in the first game.
So glad when I finally see a game on NL that is not a $19 random 2D Indie game
Still looking impressive on Switch. Amazing how much NinoKuni2 look like actual cartoon - This keeps that up.
I get whatever Level5 does on day 1 one way or another.
Sorry. Just I tried 1 and tried to watch the anime and no. Sorry for going a bit salty
@Agramonte what’s wrong with Indie games. Most are better than the AAA garbage they’re putting out I’d say about 80% of the time.
Transistor, Wizard of Legend and so many others have more original and fun gameplay than anything EA, Activision and Take 2 is putting out. Hellblade even though it’s a AA title again better than these high profile loot box and monetisation infested crap.
They mess up everything that’s good. AC Odyssey & DMC with its “experience boosters” and looter shooters Christ don’t get me started, and between FO76 and Anthem I can’t figure out which games worse. Thank God for Sony and CDPR and even From Software. At least keeping it about good games. Most of the time I get my gaming fix with phenomenal indies.
@MaSSiVeRiCaN And good for you. I do not care for Games that 80% play and look like they were done in a basement in 1987 or on Macromedia FLASH in the late 90s.
Why always good to have a big supply of BOTH!. Because not everyone plays the same stuff. There already tons of Indies on Swicth.
Played both AC:O and DMC5 and I didn't buy any "Boosters" or Microtransactions of any kind (great games people would go nuts if they announced on Switch). Nop, I rather use Spotify or CrunchyRoll on my commute and wait for games like YW4 and Astral Chains come out. I also didn't wait 2 years to finally play HellBlade. Sure the Digital Artist that did Heavenly Blade and DMC would make a great "Indie"
I never get the hate for these games, I started with #2 and I love this series! They've got such a unique and fun style, I think they're a great, relaxing, fun ride
@BeanoWild sorry you don’t like it, but maybe other people do?
I love Yokai Watch. And it is nothing at all similar to Pokemon. I really love the offbeat humor of Yokai Watch as well as the gameplay. I even like the anime, hope they bring more than just the first movie to the states.
This series can just die already. Looks bad.
@Ralizah Well, you're in luck. This one is an ARPG not unlike Ni No Kuni.
@Seacliff Nice. Guess I need to check out footage.
@BeanoWild The way Pokemon's been going lately, I'd rather Pokemon be the one to die. At least this game is ambitious and feels like it belongs on a console. LGPE and SwSh look like glorified mobile games being sold for $60 and Game Freak seems to be utterly clueless as to what people want out of a console Pokemon experience and why the jump to console is such a big deal.
@BeanoWild watch the anime, or play a yo-kai watch game you salty Pokémon fan. Yo-kai watch is completely different. But you Pokémon fanboys are like "YoU cAn bEfRiend CreaTurEs...RIP OFF" just give the game a try and stop comparing it with Pokémon. Also btw Pokémon SS is a HUGE disappointment, and Yo-kai Watch 4 has like, 4 different worlds with amazing graphics and an amazing battle system, which is DIFFERENT than Pokémon's.
@The_Keywork like ur mom
You're a little too late with that joke. Nice try though.
I bet Pokemon SS sales more than Yokai "I wish I was Pokemon" Watch 😂
@The_Keywork sure it will since it's not that popular in the west 🤷♀️
And because it's a better game.
@The_Keywork also btw have you ever watched the anime, or played a yo-kai watch game?
@The_Keywork everyone has an opinion I guess
I don't play simplistic weeb games.
@The_Keywork ha yep, here we have a salty Pokémon fanboy
I don't play Pokemon either. Try again.
@The_Keywork also I don't think Pokémon SS is better than Yo-kai Watch 4, look at those graphics man, with 6 playable characters and 4 DIFFERENT WORLDS, and Pokémon SS just shows how lazy Gamefreak is
@The_Keywork you like Pokémon anyways and you can't accept that it's not a rip off, the battle system, the anime, everything is different expect that you can "befriend" creatures which means it's a "pOkemon RiP OfF". Like can you guys give it at least 1 try. Or else don't call it a rip off since you know nothing about jt
I never called it a rip-off.
@The_Keywork then why do you hate it sooo much
Because it's not my type of game. Not everyone is going to like what you like. Instead if trying to start internet arguments just accept that fact and move on.
@The_Keywork sorry but what, you literally just said "this series can just die already, looks bad" I think you wanna start an argument. This is a post for people that wanna know new information for Yo-kai Watch 4 you can't just comment this and then say "idw to start internet arguments" like alright buddy
Then just do like I do. Label my post as bait and move on. That's what I do when I come across a comment that looks like it wants to start an argument more than an actual discussion. It saves time that way.
@The_Keywork yeah whatever "innocent guy" looks like your comment wasn't BAD at all. Delete your comment and leave then
I never said I was innocent. If you don't like my comment you don't have to respond to it. Just block me and let that be it.
People who keep calling yo-kai watch a Pokemon rip off need to move on. Obviously they've never played the games or seen the anime (you know it actually has story lines!).
I hope there isn't going to be a massive wait for the Western release. The whole franchise is awesome. I wish Nintendo and Level 5 would try pushing it the West again, the market is there. This game has real potential to revive it in the west, I hope they get it right
And when are we getting more of the anime?!
Wow this exploded. And I don't have a single Pokemon game in my collection. I'm just getting a Pokemon vibe from it.
@Xavcob I know this article is old but I wanted to respond to you in how much I agree! I’m importing 5 copies on release (one for myself and one for each of my kids) and we’re hyped for it.
As to getting more anime... I really wish they’d bring Shadowside over to the US as I feel its darker tone would probably resonate with audiences more here than it did in Japan. I believe too many found the original anime here to be so very kiddy and too comedic with no real story goal and Shadowside is the total opposite.
I also factor Hasbro’s hand in the toys as a major factor in the series failure. Bandai made quality stuff for Japan and Hasbro cheaped out on us totally. There was no marketing, the show went on Disney XD which is a paid cable channel which already limits the audience unless you have streaming services... Hasbro never even gave us Fumi-chan’s watch (and I showed a rep the toy I had of it during the first game’s launch at Nintendo World)... Bandai needs the rights back for international distribution and amp up marketing
@Nintendrone Neither game has came out yet. There's barely any info on SwSh as is.
@Orin41 Why are people so harsh on Pokemon just to prop up Yo-kai Watch. Yes bad things sell but good things sell for a reason and in my opinion, the Pokemon series has earned it's status as a best selling game.
If you want, check out the YW games on the 3DS or watch the anime. But please, don't go in with the mentality of "oh so much better than Pokemon". You'd be doing a great disservice to unique and quirky game.
@Bolt_Strike Pokemon games are doing fine and looking good. No franchise needs to die. Stop it with the forced rivalry.
@KenpachiRamasama Financially yes. Quality wise, the games are lazy, minimalist cash grabs that are about 10 years behind the times. Meanwhile Yokai Watch is legitimately evolving its gameplay and showing just how much the jump from handheld to console can improve its gameplay, it's doing everything Pokemon should be doing in SwSh. That's why it needs to die, Game Freak is shorting out the Pokemon fanbase big time and if they were smart enough to see through it, Pokemon would be tanking right about now.
@BeanoWild It really doesn't play anything like Pokemon. Very different game.
@Nintendrone It's not remotely similar to Sword and Shield.
@Ralizah If you'd seen any footage at all, you'd already know that the battle system is wildly different. It's basically a different take on Ni No Kuni and isn't remotely like the turn based mini game it was before.
Eagerly awaiting the release of YW4!
@Bolt_Strike I’m not going to say that YW hasn’t been innovative, but it’s disingenuous to say Pokémon is nothing more than a cash grab and hasn’t changed at all is disingenuous. And it’s strange how we want it to change yet also want it to follow in the footsteps of another franchise.
And it’s really disingenuous if not insulting to suggest that Pokémon fans don’t know what they want and are just blind. They like what the series brings in and support it. It’s no different from being a fan of Mario or Legend of Zelda.
Again, just because you hate something doesn’t mean it has to die. If you really wanted to support YW, you wouldn’t have to resort to putting down another franchise.
@KenpachiRamasama I never said that Pokemon hasn't changed at all. What I'm saying is that the series isn't evolving with technology, it continues to follow archaic design practices and provide minimal content while asking for $20 more than they did before. That's why it's a cash grab, they're happy to rake in the extra income that comes with a shift to hardware while providing none of the benefits, which makes it a poor value for gamers.
Hoho, boy this test was a cooking! I'm Soo popualr now!
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