Today not only brings a Version 1.2.0 update to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, but also sees its very first in-game event take place. Lovely stuff.
Named 'A Spectacle to Behold!', this event aims to mix up the Spirit Board with a particular collection of characters to aim for. Spirits of characters who wear glasses or sunglasses will be coming out in force and, if you manage to defeat them, you'll earn more gold than usual for your troubles, too.
As you can see in the tweet above, this also includes some rather special spirits that are usually pretty hard to find. If you want to add Jeff, Brewster, James McCloud, and Brittany to your collection (and who wouldn't?) make sure to keep an eye on the board at those specific times each day.
UK (GMT): Jeff: 00:00 & 12:00 | Brewster: 03:00 & 15:00 | James McCloud: 06:00 & 18:00 | Brittany: 09:00 & 21:00
Europe (CET): Jeff: 01:00 & 13:00 | Brewster: 04:00 & 16:00 | James McCloud: 07:00 & 19:00 | Brittany: 10:00 & 22:00
The event lasts for three days, from now until 17th December, so you should get a decent number of chances at snagging your favourite Spirits.
Have you been enjoying the Spirit Board in Smash Ultimate? Will you be loading up the game to grab these bespectacled heroes? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 26
Meh, I'm gonna just wait until I find them on the World of Light board, thanks, but no thanks.
Already have Brittany anyways
Got James and Brewster, the Jeff fight is insane though. I've been doing most Spirit matches with K.Rool, might want to mix things up there. Haven't encountered Brittany yet.
But yeah, these spirit fights are so fun. I love how they reference/emulate the respective character/object.
Only one I really want right now is James. The others can wait awhile.
I love the spirit battle themselves but idk why I find the board irritating. Probably because I aim for ones harder than I can do at my skill level.
Need dat gold tho...
So far got James and Jeff in the event. Though I did mess up getting Jeff and missed the shot costing me 4k. :<
@KryptoniteKrunch I got him by hugging the right side of the left house and just uppercutting with little mac. Jeffs missles won't hit you aslong as he stays on the top platform.
At the risk of repeating myself in every single Smash article, is there some way to know if paid online is required for these events?
I'm OK just knowing that NL will say when No is required, then if it isn't mentioned it isn't. So far I've read a few Smash articles and haven't seen it mentioned either way.
This doesn't seem like it should require it, but it would be nice to know a system we're in place for future reference. Same for the pair of Pokémon games. Thanks.
@rjejr Nope. I don't have the sub and I am able to do this event.
@SilentHunter382 Thanks. I didn't think it would, more just wondering allowed if the writers at NL would think to mention if it were or not. NO has been live for a few months now and I can't recall ever reading an article stating NO was required or NO wasn't required. Fro some things it's obvious, a Splatoon 2 tournament, that game is almost all online, but I wasn't sure it Nintendo was going to start massaging what it means to "play online" and require NO for an "Event".
Hopefully Nintneod keeps "online' to mean online, but ya never know.
@KryptoniteKrunch What are the conditions for the Jeff fight?
Will these be available later?
@Reigestugatensho You can see the whole screen in the tweet, but to summarize: 3 Inklings with shooting items, increased shot weapon damage on them, and Jeff periodically appears to shoot rockets at you. Only shooting items spawn. The Inklings are relentless.
@Shard1 The four spirits they highlight are available in WoL.
I haven't had enough free time to play this game since it was released to understand most of what this news is telling me, but I'll do my best!
You need to defeat all inklings on screen, but they keep spawning until they all get launched out at once. The jeff assist trophy also spawns to mess with you.
@IHateTombs These four aren't. They're all in WoL somewhere.
Thank you! I was worried that since I didn't have the game yet I would miss my chance to get them.
@IHateTombs sounds like they are making it easier to get them, and they could make doing the world of light easier. I haven't dabbled in the world of light yet to know much about it, though it sounds like it is a huge time sync to finish it.
Super Smash Bros. — The Ultimate in fan service
Was thinking of waiting a while before but I got Smash, but am tempted to get it sooner.
Wish I could get into this game more but currently I wish I hadnt purchased it. Fighting games just are not my thing.
@Grant007 Strangely I felt the same about Smash 4 after liking Brawl for Subspace Emissary mode, but Smash Ultimate has really addicted me.
You like Splatoon....Smash has a lot in common with Splatoon (which is why Splatoon is infested with Smash fans ). It's not really a conventional fighting game at all. Tekken 7 has 100+ combos per character....chaining high and low, heavy/medium/light kicks/ punches, different combinations transitioning from one move to the other leads to the next sequence combo, position (high/low/air) change position combo, and of course the joystick semicircle, forward-back-button combos etc. That's traditional fighters. Smash has basic attack, 4 "special" attacks per character, and the smash attack....no real combos or joystick gymnastics, so it plays more like an action game. I think if your'e a Splatoon fan it might click with you. Try unlocking/playing inkling. It might feel a little familiar.
I'm not even a "smash fan" and was kind of critical of this being the big game, but I find myself quite hooked on it!
@Jaxad0127 Oh, my...... Thank you for letting me know!
@MysticGengar Thank you! ( Sounds like I need a lighter character for this one...)
It might be a bit too late, but go heavy. They don't launch as quickly. He is also availible in world of light dead center of the map, right next to THAT fight.
@MysticGengar Ohhhhhh....(BTW not too late... Fight is annoying....)
No problem.
I still haven't beaten it myself, although I may have come up with a strategy. Maybe try raising their damge with projectiles, then maybe going in for a kill on all of them at once? Idk.
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