In February, Frictional Games - the developer behind the Amnesia Collection - said it was interested in creating a Switch port. Although nothing has been announced since then, a recent interview with GameSpot has revealed the developer is still hoping to bring its series to the Nintendo Switch.
Creative Director Thomas Grip said the team was looking into it, and that he would personally love to do a Switch version of the survival horror games:
I grew up with Nintendo being the big platform, so it's like, 'Wow, we're actually doing video games for real now if we can get it on Nintendo! And it would just be cool to get it on a handheld as well, because I think that should work for Amnesia and other games as well. We're looking into it and seeing what can be done. We're hoping--if everything goes as we hope--we hope we'll have it [on Switch].
The Amnesia games would no doubt be a great addition to the horror library on Nintendo Switch, which already includes games such as Layers of Fear: Legacy and the Outlast series. The Amnesia Collection is comprised of Amnesia: The Dark Descent and its expansion, along with the sequel A Machine for Pigs.
Would you like to see the Amnesia games make their way across to the Switch? Are you a fan of the horror genre. Tell us below.
Comments 27
Is horror my genre? No, I'm not manly enough to handle the scares. But more quality games for people who enjoy their genre can only be a good thing, so for their sake I hope this ends up happening!
@ilikeike Meh, these games mostly are only scary because they make you think something terrifying is there.
Which isn't a complaint, they handle things very well. I think Amnesia was their best one though.
I don't remember hearing there were plans to bring this series to Switch. Maybe I have a case of...
I'm on board if they go physical, I've already got these on Steam so I'd only grab them if thrown on a cart. I like the company and their games so having them on Switch would be great. They should also bring over The Penumbra Collection as that's a cool series as well that not as many people are familiar with
I've only played a bit of the first one on Steam while I was drunk, and being drunk and disoriented while playing an already disorienting game did not go well. I'm not easy to scare but I remember not being able to play it for more than the first twenty minutes. Never picked it up again after that.
If it comes to Switch, I'll be more inclined to give it another shot. Sober this time!
@Kalmaro Well I guess I should actually play a horror game all the way through sometime before deciding it's not my genre. The only horror title I played to completion was Doki Doki Literature Club, which is more unsettling than actually scary. Idk, I play games to have a good time, not to experience unpleasant emotions like fear. But thanks for the info, I've heard lots of good things about Amnesia so I might check it out if it comes to Switch.
@ilikeike You should give it a shot when you can! Try not to run into the monster if you can help it, makes the game that much scarier xD
That game really works the 'fear of the unknown' angle.
Also,doki doki literature club is messed up in the blessed way.
@Kalmaro Thanks for the tip and recommendation! I've had too many people (online and in real life) tell me to play it to ignore it now. Gotta play it sometime.
Doki was the game that showed me that maybe horror isn't that bad of a genre for me. I guess now's the time to expand my horror repertoire outside demented visual novels and see if it really is my thing
If the Outlast games can come to the switch. There's no reason Amnesia can't be ported to the system.
@ilikeike lol. There's different types of horror stuff too. I prefer the psychological side. Like Amnesia. Verses something like, say, outlast where they focus more on jumps ares and just trying to creep you out.
For me, it's the building tension that gets to me, and that fear from not knowing what's going on.
@Kalmaro I feel like that's the kind of horror I'd appreciate, since I enjoy stories with heavy focus on psychology in general. My favorite part of doki was how it messed with the player's psychology while also revealing more about the real game world. I'd definitely prefer that style to something like jump scares. I've watched gameplay of things like outlast and fnaf and it seems like the style would get old pretty quickly.
@ilikeike I agree! Jump scares and just having a game just show you gross stuff gets old because after they it once, it starts to lose the appeal. Much more fun when you slowly build the dread and stress, going out with a huge bang later... Or sometimes never giving you the satisfaction of closure and leaving you guessing.
Like with inception where you're not really sure how things end and you stress over it for ages.
@Kalmaro Dang it now I'm stressing out about Inception again...
I definitely agree, the ability to build suspense and mystery is pretty amazing, be it in games, movies, or even books. If a game can maintain that tension without resorting to cheap scares and lead it to a satisfying (or intentionally unsatisfying) ending then I'm down for it!
...And this conversation has made me realize that I might enjoy horror more than I initially gave myself credit for lol.
The game that ascended Pewdiepie to the YouTube heavens.
@ilikeike Horror means different things to different people, but I think everyone loves a good thriller, something that has you guessing. We just enjoy it in different amounts that's what I think anyway.
I can oddly watch and enjoy Dead Man’s Shoes but can’t play even the most gentle of horror games....”go figure” as they say around these parts...
@Kalmaro I can certainly agree to that! While I'm not the most experienced with horror video games I've certainly read and enjoyed a good deal of classic psychological horror/suspense (Dorian Gray, anyone?) I'm sure if I branched out a bit more I'd find similar enjoyment in video games.
I don’t know abut this series... I got (I think?) all 3 in a sale on PlayStation for like $7. It was real cheap anyway. But the games play like crap. The first thing I noticed was the crosshair in the center of the screen having to be almost PERFECTLY set on the things you have to interact with. Its PC roots were showing hard core.
It’s a shame because I’ve heard good things about the game and series but like... it should really have a few touch ups done to make it more console friendly. I probably won’t double-dip on this one unfortunately.
Rather see them making a new game, instead of porting very old games which were free on PC and available on all platforms (except Nintendo then) for a very long time.
It isn't a case of one or the other, though. Maybe they're just not working on anything right now and feel like porting these to Switch? Nothing wrong with that.
Yes please. Please make this happen.
Insta buy, if it happens.
@Kalmaro It always feels like something's behind me. This game makes me scare myself!
@Reigestugatensho That's how you know it's working!
YES PLEASE!!! I want this so badly!!! More horror to my collection
That pig bloke isn't very scary.
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