Wild River and Z-Software have announced that Pilot Sports - a cartoon-style arcade flight game - will be landing on Switch early next month.
We first heard about this one back in July, with immediate comparisons to Nintendo's very own Pilotwings instantly springing to mind. The game allows players to take control of a variety of aircraft ranging from jetpacks to hang gliders, each one coming with its own in-flight feel. Mastering the unique ways of each of these various vehicles is part of the fun here, but you'll also be exploring a tropical paradise, avoiding obstacles, and snatching up hidden collectables, all while trying to stick the landing for a perfect score.

You can choose from one of eight characters and glide your way across more than 50 picturesque courses. An unlockable explorer mode offers additional reasons to find new, hidden areas, and a four-player split-screen multiplayer mode means that the whole family can get in on the action - or your very own group of eager friends.
- More than 50 courses
- 8 playable characters
- 7 different types of challenges
- A variety of aircrafts (airplane, jetpack, two versions of hang gliders, parachutes)
- Bonus unlockable discovery courses to explore the sunny island
The game will be available on Nintendo Switch on 4th October. Will you be giving this one a try?
Comments 37
(quickly runs here) I just heard pilotwings!
Please be good. Please be good!
I love the first, and 64 PW titles. Never got around to the 3DS (entry). PW64 was done, in part, by Paradigm studios. I think, when they dissolved, the rabbit hole leads to THQ, which as I understand is now THQ Nordic? Although, in the end, Nintendo owns the ip.
Looks cool. From the character designs, I get a fortnight vibe, just from how those characters look, since I don't actually play the game. The video immediately reminds me of the biplane stage in Smash 3DS/WU.
A Pilot Wings clone, cool. Hopefully this will fill the gap for people until Nintendo get around to releasing one themselves.
@Shiryu YOU'RE HERE!!
I want to believe
The more the merrier, generally, but anybody having watched the included trailer will see this is NOT Pilotwings or anything like it, least not in any important ways such as physics and challenge.
The island looks very small.
I absolutely loved Pilotwings. If this game lets me simply fly around without doing any challenges, I will definitely pick it up.
@steve_1978 Small? Or far away?
Yeah, it doesn't look like a huge island but you do seem to be able to fly quiet far away from it. I'm guessing the island is really only needed for a few of the minigames.
@HobbitGamer A guy needs vacations.
Should have called it "Pilot Things Re-Sports"...
Nope. Not going to scratch the Pilotwings itch. Come on Ninty, get making a new one or just a HD upgrade of the N64 game. Bought a Wii U at launch and felt sure Pilotwings would soon follow. Doh.
Ah pilotwings 64, those were the days... An HD version of that would be an instant buy for me.
Dammit Nintendo why don't you make a proper Pilotwings? Grrr...
@kingofthesofa: The last time someone said, "Come on, Nintendo! Give us (insert game)!", Reggie laser-eyed that poor Mother 3 fan.
I love all the Pilotwings games. Especially the SNES one because it runs at 60fps! I also had a lot of fun with Sky Odyssey on PS2, which also runs at 60 fps. Whatever happened to Sky Odyssey? Would love a remake or sequel on Switch!
Does it have gyro controls?
If not, the game is dead to me.
Please please please be good enough. I miss Pilotwings so much. Spent ages acing Pilotwings 3DS. Underrated game
The physics look worryingly basic in video.
@Shiryu 70% it won`t be. I`ll be happy if otherwise.
That logo is surprisingly challenging to read.
@hatch i second that sky rogue is an almost perfect air combat simulator
I wish Laminar Research would port X-Plane to the Switch. It has the horsepower.
A Pilotwings clone, a Wave Race clone, a F-Zero clone... Lots of clones!
I wonder when Nintendo will step up and bring back properly these franchises.
@hatch Yep, Sky Rogue is great. Really satisfying game to play. I never get far mind you, I think the 5th day is my record.I usually crash.
Just as long as its a real Pilotwings and not Wii Sports Resort on 3DS, I think Nintendo could make the best one ever using BOTW’s engine.
This looks interesting though, and the other game people are mentioning in this thread raise an eyebrow as well.
I loved pilotwings, but this game is going to be trash. Calling it
It’s not a real pilotwings
@Mgene15 Wasn’t talking about this game. Was talking about the one we all want Nintendo to make, and remembering the 3DS entry. The game being reviewed here is an indie clone.
None of these clones will ever scratch the itch of pilot wings,wave race, f-zero, 1080 snowboarding etc. Nintendo really need to sort things out and give us what were craving instead of worrying about cardboard pianos etc. I don't hear anyone talking about labo anymore but these older, genre defining games crop up all the time. Come on Nintendo just deliver the goods....starting with pilot wings.
I want the revivals as much as the next Nintendo fan but would a pilotwings or wave race or 1080 really sell?
@Ryu_Niiyama Exactly what I was going to say. We're not seeing Pilot Wings, Wave Race, F-Zero and 1080 because these series never lit the world on fire sales wise. F-Zero GX, the series pinnacle, never hit a million sold.
As for Pilot Wings, PW64 was awesome, Pilot Wings Resort was garbage and probably sold as well as it was made: poorly.
I too boot up Sky Rogue more frequently than any other game on my switch. Pretty much unlocked everything but can't get past the 5th or 6th day. Don't know what they're trying to do with the difficulty but gameplay-wise it's the perfect game to get in the zone.
This looks jank...
Just saw a gameplay video. Ugly boring short-leged avatars with nearly no animation, jet-pack much easier to navigate, uninspired awful music, no starting and landing!?
No, I‘d rather play Pilotwings64 again, even with its outdated graphics...
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