Just in case you've missed it, or in case you'd forgotten, the Dark Souls: Remastered network test is starting today, giving players the chance to have an early look at the game.
For players in Europe, we are a mere matter of minutes away from the test at the time of writing; those in the US have a few more hours to prepare. Players who play through the test will be able to explore the Undead Parish and will have access to both single player and multiplayer content, so we're sure fans of the series - or those who are interested - will want to get involved.
Here are all the times you need (you can download the software from the Nintendo Switch eShop right now):
- 21st September - 6pm - 10pm BST / 7pm - 11pm CEST
- 22nd September - 6pm - 10pm BST / 7pm - 11pm CEST
- 23rd September - 6pm - 10pm BST / 7pm - 11pm CEST
North America
- 21st September - 5pm - 9pm PDT / 8pm - Midnight EDT
- 22nd September - 5pm - 9pm PDT / 8pm - Midnight EDT
- 23rd September - 5pm - 9pm PDT / 8pm - Midnight EDT
Are you going to be giving it a go? Feel free to let us know in the comments below, and why not share your experiences with the rest of the community as you play?
Comments 122
Never played Dark Souls before- excited to give this a go!
Can't wait to try out a Dark Souls title for the first time!
@ReaderRagfish Yup. Go download it now to be ready when it goes live.
Not for me I don't think.
@NewAdvent On plus side it isn't like what EA did and release them at the same price. Pretty sure the trilogy is a much higher price right?
Don't care for 2, but would dig 3 on Switch. And yeah its only difficult if you just power through, while if you play cautiously and level up it isnt too bad aside a few bosses.
@Shiryu Two thumbs fresh.
Looking forward to this.
I was able to play it earlier this morning but not working now.
I've never played any, so I'll be on the network test tonight!
Is the difficulty curve really any different than BotW or Fallout 3? (Full disclosure, the first time I played FO3 I wandered away from Megaton and ended up falling into the sewers of Old Olney...)
@Shiryu That's an accurate depiction based on what a coworker has described.
Pretty much my favorite game of all time so it's a no-brainer for me!
@Mamabear my favourite games series and I’m only on my second one. 😂 played Bloodborne ear;ire in the year and it utterly blew me away- more so than Breath of the Wild did. I’m now on Dark Souls 3 and it’s even harder!
Do not let failure in these games put you off- it’s an integral part of the playing experience.
They have B as confirm and A as cancel. Game is crap. What they think we are, ps gamers?!?!?11?1?1?1?
Tried the network test and... Well... We're not playing Dark Souls: Remastered. The lighting and all elements match Dark Souls: Prepare To Die Edition to a T.
The game we're "network testing" is a port of the original game. People who have played both versions extensively will be able to tell immediately. The roll is also messed up and clunky regardless of how much weight you use, at least when playing as the black knight or soldier.
@XenoShaun You can change it in button config. That sadly does make your dodge/sprint your B button.
Also, we're the only ones using a different setup. Xbox has A where we have B, and B where we have A. So Nintendo's console is the odd one out
Those of you who have never played the series before, you're in for a treat! Stick with it!
@Blizzia For menus they seem to be blanked out for changing, which is a shame. It feels really weird.
I don't get why people are so upset by that, though. DS 2 and 3 are already available for XBone and PS4, so it's not like they're putting any real effort into it.
@BanjoPickles Even looks like we're getting the original instead of the godawful remaster! The network test is definitely not running the remaster, it's the prepare to die edition.
@XenoShaun eh... No. press right on your dpad. There are 3 "tabs" of settings under button config. Tab 1 shouldn't be visible because you shouldn't be able to change it. It's just movement lul. It's locked to the stick anyway.
Looking forward to checking it out, never played a souls game before.
@HobbitGamer diffrent games,you cant compare them
Hmmm, the controls feel kinda sluggish and "odd". Also I couldn't figured out, how to use my shield (besides that shield bash). AND SINCE WHEN IS "A" CANCEL/CLOSE AND "B" ENTER?!🤨 Makes no sense!
@XenoShaun I came here to say the exact same thing. Nintendo is A for advance. B for back. What are they thinking.
@MrBlacky You use your shield by holding L that's "block". Some shields can shield bash, others can parry with ZL.
You can changge your button config in button config settings. It'll change confirm to A and dodge/sprint to B.
No, because the SNES released 1992and the XBox released 2002. Besides "B" on the left makes more sense because you can read it as "Back" and "back" is almost always associated with left.
@GrailUK It's based on the Western dark souls control scheme. right side is down = confirm, right = cancel/roll/sprint, up = toggle 1h/2h, left = use item.
It's nice for Dark Souls fans but bad for anyone else.
Thanks! Need to try it out again tomorrow. Does this also change the labels to A - Accept/B - Cancel?
@MrBlacky Release dates don't matter MrBlacky. XBOX and PLAYSTATION use down (X on Playstation / A on XBOX) as "confirm" and right (O on Playstation / B on XBOX) as "cancel".
Nintendo's consoles are the odd one out of the three.
@MrBlacky hmm no idea about the labels. It should, but it's just a network test so it might not be coded in. They've stripped most of the game out of the test coz, well, hackers can do anything.
See? That also doesn't make sense. O clearly should be confirm and X should be cancel.
@MrBlacky Sony Japan agrees with you, as that is their default control scheme in games. Sony Europe/America? They disagree.
@MrBlacky but for pirates, X marks the spot for treasure. But a bullseye is a circle.
I will give a try later today but it is a game I don't care about ( the gameplay I saw show a clunky gameplay and glitch heaven)
Downloaded and ready for tonight!
I don't know, it seems Playstation games can't come to consensus over whether X should be confirm, or circle. I have seen it both ways.
Regardless of how other consoles have it, however, not switching the buttons for the Switch version is just pure laziness.
@Shiryu I was gonna post that as well!
As someone who has to deal constantly between A and B on Switch, X and O on Pro and use the DualShock with PC seeing Xbox mapping, playing DS with B being “confirm” instead of “cancel/go back”, my mind wants to literally blow up.
SNES had the same button layout and came before them, technically they are the odd ones just because they don't use "the standard".
Anyway, Japanese use circle as Accept and X as Cancel ( search "maru and batsu") so X for accept is still kinda bad.
The thing here is just that Nintendo players are used to a different layout and they should use that as default, no real excuse to have a different console standard.
Edit: I kinda want to know how was this topic handled in the Monster Hunter series, being it huge in Japan, initialy in PS, later ported to West and finally changing to Nintendo consoles.
@RandomLeo00 we can keep arguing about stupid things or just look at the facts: Xbox and Playstation uses a layout where the down button is confirm and the right is cancel. Nintendo's is reverse, so Nintendo is the odd one out.
They should've switched it, definitely, but if you know Fromsoftware at all, this was exactly what everyone who had played souls games expected, because it is officially their default control scheme for the franchise on consoles, position-wise.
There are two odd-ones out, and that's Nintendo consoles and Japanese Playstation consoles (other countries in the east too but I can't remember exactly which ones also use circle as confirm and x as cancel).
That is great news! The game was already beautiful, so I'm happy to hear that!
@Medic_alert It's the opposite for me. I find the atmosphere of Bloodborne to be absolutely miserable and joyless. Even if the gameplay is stellar I just don't find it fun.
@Blizzia Given that a chunk of the community seems to detest a lot of the visual and lighting changes. I don't entirely see that as a bad thing. Although that really begs the question of what the heck took so long.
I was mostly pulling your leg as we can argue all day, everyday and there's always going to be a reasonable argument for every position. The rest of my comment is of more substance (specially my edit).
@Indielink That was the point It's annoying because it's deceptive and misleading, but it's brilliant because the original game looks MUCH better than the remaster. The remaster is pretty much the "kiddie" version because the lighting is way too bright and reflective. The game is supposed to be dark and gritty.
@RandomLeo00 Missed the edit xD but yeah I know about Japans layout as you perhaps saw from my own edits hah.
I'm not specifically a fan of the sony/xbox layout, nor do I think it's a good idea to keep the official dark souls layout when porting to Nintendo consoles as unlike literally any other platform, their main audience will not have played the game before, while coming from games that ALL use A as confirm and B as cancel... But I'm not against it, as they let you change it in the options if you want. It's kind of a mix of it being anti-newbie and pro-fanbase.
Either way, game looks good, like it used to before it was remastered. We can obviously also make use of the remastered features like 6-player co-op and... have it look better.
@Medic_alert It's not that I dislike the atmosphere as much as I dislike the lack of respite from it. The Belfrey Gargoyle is the first big boss of DS1 and it congratulates the player beating it with the ringing of the bell and the utterly phenomenal view from the belltower. Being able to look down from the steeple during the sunset and see your route up is super rewarding. Bloodborne lacks any of that.
I beat Celeste and Hollow Knight with the Joy Cons. I'm not worried about Dark Souls. Honestly the only genre I feel them to be weak with is first person shooters.
Instantly died! Never played before though. Quite an impressive port. Looks and runs well
I've never played Dark Souls before, but I think I'll go for that PS4 Trilogy instead.
The controls do not feel good, the button mapping is horrible
After playing for about twenty mins. The controls are fine just keep playing ffs instead of twining
Looks good in handheld. But was noticing alot of frame rate problems. Hopefully it's better docked and it's due to the fact it's pre release code.
Never played a dark souls game. Played it. Didnt grip me. Shame as i would of loved to have loved it. Oh well theres loads of games coming out at the moment
The wait is killing me.
Tried it for a little while. Damn, I suck! Thought I got a hold on the battle system for a moment, slaying some skeleton soldiers, but then I got struck down by a big armoured guy at the top of a tower. Don't know how the hell to beat him. But it seems like a fun game! I don't regret preordering it.
I hope one can change the command button in the full version, was annoying making choices with B and backing with A.
Never played the souls games. Played bloodborne and loved it. After playing a half hour of this dark souls remastered in switch I’m loving it. Will pick this up.
That pig destroys me
Get a pro controller
@Mgene15 A little tip for fighting it: You can "mount" it shortly. Have fun
Oh thanks for the heads up . I’ll save before I get killed 8 times before sucessfully following through
@Mgene15 Np. Also, it's buttocks aren't armored. Hitting it front and center does nothing, jabbing a sword up it's behind? Yes.
Wait, what??? How can I participate, where can I download Dark Souls to help test?
Best. Game. Ever.
@evo_9 go to eShop, download it from "what's new" tab. you can play during the times specified above today, tomorrow and sunday.
Thanks man, appreciate it !
Also I will try not to invade you... haha.
@evo_9 No problem
@Mgene15 I think I killed that pig by mere accident. It and some skeletons had me cornered into some burning stuff, and at the same time as the pig and/or the skeletons killed me, the pig also died. I don't know how. My guess is it either got burnt to death by the fire, got killed by one of the skeletons by accident or that I actually hit it with my sword (but that's the least believable reason ). When I respawned and went back, the pig was gone. Hurrah! Then the tower guy kicked the s**t out of me.
I'm in! This will be my first look at the game!
You dont need to wait for an $80 trilogy to buy all 3 games for $80. You can do that right now.
@AlphaElite Most of the game on Switch don't chave option to change buttons layout or single button.
I'm playing Victor Vran And I should be handle pad upside-down to normal play. I ask on reddit developers to change that to gives option to change the buttons but no respond there.
I never thought to ask, but this isn't one of those games that requires internet to play is it ??? I love all types RPG's, but unless it's in my house, I don't play with other players, I hate getting online except at work or at the library, neither of which i can access wifi or LAN, so I was looking forward to this game, but if it requires constant access, I'm gonna be bummed I will miss
Nintendo life. why does the nintendo switch dont have a demo for fifa 19?
If only it wasn't on at 3AM in Australia.
The schedule is ridiculously tight. My girlfriend is crazy about Dark Souls and yet she can't give it a go because we just finished to do our stuff a few minutes ago.
I have frame rate complaints about this game, but also have to be honest that I had a hard time stopping playing. At first I was the witch, and once I ran out of magic shots I would die quickly because I couldn't figure out any other attack beside weakly hitting baddies with my wand/stick. Then I used the horned black Knight and it got addictive! It's a fun system where I get farther and farther on each life. Such a creepy nightmare world to continually fight farther and farther into. I really wish it ran at 60 fps, even if they had to reduce the resolution dramatically in docked and undocked gameplay. Barring that, I hope they can lock it to 30 fps. I won't play it in handheld at that frame rate, but my TV dejudders inputs and brings them up to 60 fps. The input delay wasn't making the game unplayable for me, just like it doesn't with Breath of the Wild. But, when the game drops below 30 it produces this horrible judder, going from effectively 60 fps to 25 or whatever this game drops to on those somewhat frequent short flurries of choppiness.
It's not working in north America!!!!!!! I am pissed
@Matthew010 still free so worth a try
@Bliquid What?
DS2 felt much more personal, and depressing. It's witnessing the rise and fall of someone- just like you- and how despite all of their strength, courage, tenacity... there is no breaking the cycle. You aren't the first, you won't be the last, and in the end it doesn't matter at all.
Being a dad, I find portability does a lot for every game I play. The fact that I can drag it around, pop in for a few minutes, and put it down wherever whenever is HUGE.
Welp, I’m terrible at this game! It was enjoyable, though. I just can tell it’s definitely not my thing. Hope everyone looking forward to it gets a chance to play the test.
No. It's completely playable offline.
And Switch will be the only version you can pause (thank God) since all Switch software suspends with the home button.
Dark Souls on a handheld. The future is here.
@JaxonH awesome, thanx for the data man, appreciate
i'm unhappy that it says I have to have online service from Nintendo to actually play this test.
I'm so bad at this game.
@HobbitGamer Same. I played around on it earlier. Messed with some enemies and I got invaded. Fought against them, died, and then turned it off.
Not too sure I have the patience for this game.
Prepare to... parry, a lot
@HollowGrapeJ Yep. Me too. Had the same experience for about 15 minutes. My life has no room for this. I need to enjoy a game right out of the box without allowing 15 hours of dying until I 'get it'. Pass. Too many other games to play!
@Fake-E-Lee Yeah, I'm not feeling it either. I flounder around, manage to kill a few skeletons, and then just get killed, again and again and again. Every movement feels so sluggish, I just don't see the fun in it.
@JaxonH not saying that from software will do it but if they want they can prevent the home button from working outside bon fires (arms does it during online play...)
Dark Souls is a masterpiece that really deserves to be played. I was pleasantly surprised by the Switch version and I'll probably double dip.
For you guys out there, don't give up so early,DS rewards patience,and observation.What amazed me the most about it was the level design, it's a giant Maze filled with shortcuts, memorable sceneries, and amazing lore.
If you're only used to nintendo games it may be hard to adapt at first but progression is really rewarding.Ds is a love letter to european folklore.
If you want to be good at DS you need to play DS, your amazing skills at Mario or Splatoon won't save you here 😁
@60frames-please wha? Your TV won’t magically make the game 60fps or change the input latency on the controller. That is all determined by the Switch’s hardware and how well optimised the game engine is for the console.
At ‘best’, your TV may have a good response time like my monitors 1ms but it won’t drastically improve the gameplay in the way you imply.
@tedko It’s a difficult game because people play it wrong to begin with.
The short version is - patience is highly rewarding. Your general attack plan would be this:
Encounter enemy/new enemy > check enemy attack pattern (they usually have 1-3) > bait enemy to attack and miss > counter attack (1-2 hits) > repeat.
As for exploration, you want to progress slower into new unexplored areas so you don’t get caught out.
Finally, it is advisable to try and bait enemies away from groups. An example may be to slowly get into an enemies ‘aggro’ range and then pull back with the one enemy chasing you to deal with it. Alternatively, a ranged weapon can help you get a single enemies attention to deal with.
Once you effectively nail this, the game basically becomes easy outside of a few, challenging areas. You’ll feel powerful, rewarded and realise that if you do die, you’ve made a mistake somewhere.
One final note - even early sections, there may be a single, unique, powerful enemy in the area. These, which are common enemies late game, will drop very powerful gear early on if you manage to take them down, making the early game even easier. You can however, avoid them completely and just progress as normal.
It’s not for everyone, but it’s certainly worth trying and giving another shot if you can. If not, then no worries!
Did all the people who demand 60fps simply not play games before the PS4 era?
Online play is one thing cause it would interrupt online connection.
But making an offline game unable to suspend on a portable system meant to suspend on a moments notice...
They'd have to be pretty dang ballsy to try that
@Warioware Eh, 60fps was common before the 8th generation, or am I misinterpreting what you mean?
@TheMadPolarBear Yes and no. I am not saying that it is not desirable or noticeable (less so to my aging eyes these days though) but I feel that some people act like a game that is not 60fps is unplayable. I know we had some games even in the PS1 days that were 60fps but even today it is still not an industry requirement or even standard and games are far from unplayable at 30fps.
I remember playing games in the Amiga days that probably had single figure updates and enjoying them. I know we've moved on and expect more but some great games of this generation and last (that are still awesome today) have not had 60fps so I just find it weird when people say things like "no 60fps, no buy". I know you can see the difference but really I don't think our eyes and reactions are so finely honed that it makes that much difference to all but the fastest-paced games. I've played several of the From Software games and never found that lightning reflexes were more important than good observation and patience.
Sorry if this rambles, hope my view is a bit clearer now.
@Warioware Ah yes, it does make it clear thank you!
I agree with you. These days many people are quick to immediately put a game down due to framerate but it's in no way unplayable. However, I do think some game types have 'desirable' framerates.
60fps = higher response time. So for games like FPS's and racing or other twitch based games, 60fps could help or make a difference.
But people often overlook the other big elephant in the room, frame pacing. If a frame is not delivered consistently, then there will be stuttering and input latency spikes.
E.g. 30fps needs to have a new frame every 33.3ms. 60 needs 16.6ms. If a game has bad framepacing, it will not do this and the result will be stuttering on screen with input latency spikes in the controls. Best way to describe it would be a smooth road would be good framepacing and one with bad would be a road with potholes.
So in my opinion, a 30fps game can still be good like Dark Souls on the Switch, if it has consistent framepacing, otherwise, it could impact the experience. I do understand people's arguments surrounding a 60fps target though 30fps is by no means unplayable.
I honestly have no real understanding of the technical wizardry that makes it all happen. I think I would notice and be bothered by inconsistency in a game like this than high refresh rates though. Honestly though I get more bothered by bad cameras, time-padding filler and cheapness in games than framerates. I remember in the 16bit days some of the big slowdowns felt almost like slow-motion for a dramatic moment to me and gave me more time to react!
I think my favourite game last generation was The Last of Us which ran at 30fps I believe. I have played the remaster too at 60fps and still love it but it's not like it was a revelatory experience or anything.
Maybe it's because I've been playing games since the early 80s but graphics just don't have that ow-factor any more anyway. I'll take good art and game design over a shiny but dull or cheap game any day.
Agreed though - some of the modern twitch shooters and fighters which I have no hope of competing in do require the highest fps and smoothest experience possible for fans of those games.
@Warioware I've only recently come to learn of the terms but I agree, bad cameras, time-padding filler and cheapness often cause more annoyances to me too. I also dislike bad business practices like Destiny's overpriced DLC but that's another story.
The Last of Us was amazing and a remarkable game, great at 30 or 60fps!
I think being an older gamer does help. The early 3D era with the N64/PS1/Saturn was full of low framerate games but it never stopped us having fun with Goldeneye now did it?
@TheMadPolarBear Thanks for your reply. It seems that you feel about Dark Souls the way I do about Monster Hunter. It's a also a game that rewards patience, observation and responding to attack patterns, but a lot of people get frustrated early on and are quick to give up on it. So I totally get what you're saying.
When I first tried the demo for Monster hunter 3U I hated it, and I've seen many other people say the same thing. Now Monster Hunter is one of my favorite series.
I really think Dark Souls should be my type of game, but after we'll over an hour of playing, I couldn't seem to get a feel for the movement at all. With MH it clicked with me when I realized that in order to move quickly you have to sheathe your weapon, so it's a matter of knowing when to draw your weapon and go in for the attack based on the enemy patterns. (And I do tend to prefer the smaller weapons which let you move fairly quickly even with your weapon drawn.)
But I can't find any way to move quickly in DS, and I think that is what is putting me off. Everything feels slow and that is taking away the fun factor for me. I'll give it another try, but I'm still not sure if it's for me. Can you recommend a particular character or weapon type that might suit my play style? I was using a knight. (I think that's what it was called. It was the first option).
@tedko Of course, it does sound like MH3U is similar (ironically, I couldn't get into the Wii U demo) so i'll try to make a few suggestions.
For beginners, I always recommend the Knight to learn the mechanics. Now, as you said you've tried the Knight but mentioned things feeling slow, this could be due to a few things but I think it's the following:
1. Weight
Dark Souls has a weight mechanic to the game. Your equip load affects the speed and responsiveness of your character and even affects your dodge roll invincibility frames. The lower your equip load, the faster your character will be. There are 3 stages of equip load - Light (fastest @ 0-25%), Medium (25-50%) and Heavy (50-100%). Anything over 100% causes your character to basically walk and unable to dodge. As a Knight just starting, your armour will put you in the heavy equip load, which means the slowest possible movement and something known as 'fat rolling' (next to no invincibility frames for dodging). I recommend removing the Chest/Helmet to be within the Medium category for a good balance of defence and movement. Your ability to play the game will make up the rest.
An additional note for the above, as your Endurance increases, you will be able to wear/wield heavier items and there is a ring (Havels ring) which will help change boundaries of the equip load percentage. Additionally, you may struggle to use some weapons one handed but using two hands can actually result in your character getting full movement. Experiment with the equip loads to see if this helps your 'speed' issue. Different players have different tastes and there is no right or wrong answer (except fat rolling!).
2. Stats
Depending on your playstyle, some weapons will handle differently and your 'build' will need to be built around certain weapon types. Typically, Broadswords and larger weapons (strength build) require two hands, attack slower but inflict much higher damage. Regular straight swords can be wielded one handed, with a shield or two handed and have a medium attack speed (strength build) whilst some prefer to go for faster attack speed (Dex build), which hit faster but not as hard and weapons like the Rapier and falchion.
Basically, these all affect the movement speed and how you will approach the game. The 'core' combat mechanic remains the same in the post I mentioned before but the weapons you use and what you can get away with changes based on the above as well. An example is heavier builds can reduce the chance of you being 'stunned' whilst heavier weapons can inflict stun damage to the enemy at the cost of risking your ability to dodge or defend.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, experiment with the equip loads and the play around with the weapons. You should eventually find something that fits your playstyle. Again as said, it's not for everyone and it does require you to play a bit until you find something that clicks but if not, it may just not be for you, which is perfectly fine.
That's probably my best advice. There are more in-depth videos that can demonstrate the above but simply hopping on to the game and playing with the equip loads may even be enough to demonstrate for you. I hope you do enjoy it but if not, i'll have to learn MH3U as payback!
You should play a dexterity build,falchion/rapier, with light armor.The knight is not the fastest one but everything is related to stats, less armor/weight=more speed.Try different weapons and movesets you'll surely find one that 'll suit your playstyle.
DS's pace is intentional and I'd say MH is even slower tbh...Any hit is dangerous, DS is more about waiting for the best opportunity, well timed dodge/parry and movement. This is clearly not an action Game. Keep in mind you're playing knights with heavy armor and weapons...
That's exactly why DS is amazing imho and it's also faster than Demon's Souls, which I prefer because you feel even more the weight of the armor and the strength of the strikes.
People tend to give up too early,just adapt and you'll be greatly rewarded by this amazing world and its lore.It's totally worth the effort.
It's harder at the beginning,but there's nothing impossible to overcome.
You'll have to figure many things by yourself,DS won't treat you like a child.
@SuperZeldaMaker @TheMadPolarBear Thanks so much for the advice! I will play around with it some more and see if I can get the hang of it. This is the kind of info I need. I'm sure the game explains it somewhere, but in game tutorials for complicated games like this often feel overwhelming with so much information being thrown at you. (Again, very similar to MH. I think MH is best learned by having an experienced player show you the ropes.)
I think this network test isn't the best way to experience the game for the first time, since the times are fairly restricted.
Starting at the cathedral was really rough for newcomers honestly, with the boar , the dark knight etc...It's actually after the tutorial.
You'll have all the infos you need ingame and there's many comprehensive guides on YT if you need it, but beware of spoilers...
@TheMadPolarBear Well, if you ever feel like giving MH another chance, I highly recommend MH generations ultimate. If you're looking for story, you will feel let down, but in terms of gameplay and enemy variety, it is absolutely massive, and playing it on the switch feels fantastic.
@SuperZeldaMaker Yep, but I suppose since it's a network test, do they really want people to run off to the Catacombs
Btw, has anyone had any invasions yet? I've only just got my internet back so i'm looking to try DS1 on Switch today.
@SuperZeldaMaker ah, that makes sense. Much like the MH demos, which just throw you into the deep end with no explanation.
@tedko Yeah both Generations Ultimate and M3HU have caught my attention recently due to their cross-platform support (particularly MH3U with Wii U and 3DS). I feel like it's a series I will like but similar to how you felt with DS1, I need to learn it a bit and put time into it.
It was the best location to run the test yeah 😁 but for newcomers it's brutal 🤣
The gargoyles are not the first boss you should encounter lol, it's like starting with the man eaters in demon's souls...
Edit:nope i didn't try invasion and coop for now, I'll try tonight.
@TheMadPolarBear You should be able to get MH3U super cheap by now, if you want to try it out. The game mechanics are the same as generations, which just builds on that. Cross platform play locally between wii u and 3ds was awesome!
I wanted to buy 4 but it's too colorful for me, i prefer MH3U especially for undewater levels,the design is better.
@SuperZeldaMaker I've enjoyed every MH, but generations ultimate is definitely my favorite now. The variety of play styles and amount of content is just incredible. I haven't played MH world though since I've always been a Nintendo only gamer, since they have the most exclusives that appeal to me and my time and budget are limited. I'm glad to get a chance to experience some games like Dark Souls now on Switch.
@TheMadPolarBear Never had an N64 but would consider an N64 mini largely because of my old memories of GoldenEye, licensing probably frustrating that though.....
Don't get me started on DLC. I think it has ruined games in many ways, especially as a fairly obsessive person - I'm eyeing up FighterZ but can't justify the full version because of the cost but it will nag me that I never owned the anime music (despite never having watched the anime!). I kind of like Nintendo's way of supplanting sequels with large expansions but DLC and patching is one of the main reasons that has driven me to become a 95% digital buyer - these days you can rarely buy the "full" game on a disk or cartridge. I love some of gaming's advancements but miss game like Resident Evil 2 that had so many unlockables and secrets. You'd have to pay for them now.
And regarding The Last of Us, me favourite game that year and probably ye best acting that yeat too (I could have sworn Troy Baker was Texan and who would have thought it was the girl from The Avengers!?). Looking forward to the sequel!
I really hope confirm and cancel buttons can be reassigned in the final release as some say (even though I really don't understand why it is not possible in this demo), because if not, I'll probably resell the game immediately.
Why ? Play it 30 minutes and it won't be a problem at all...
Not against you but gamers these days...It's plain stupid.
I grew up with both japanese and pal games and it never bothered me to swap between x or o to confirm/cancel.Took me five minutes to adapt to DS.
It's too slow, it's too hard,it's too 30fps,it's too slugish, it's inferior on switch,i can't confirm with B... Smh
Does the trilogy have the remastered DS1? If so that even sucks for people that got the remaster on PS4 and XBOX.
@SuperZeldaMaker I've got a PS4 and a Switch so I have to adapt very often. I got used to it of course, even though I still make stupid mistakes sometimes (like exiting a menu instead of using an item when I'm about to die...). And when it's reversed on the Switch it is even more confusing. I agree that you get used to the different layout after a few minutes, but then you go back to the Switch menu and you've got to adapt again. -_-
But my point is that I find it baffling when most games including AAA games do it the right way. Shovel Knight inverted the buttons initially but added the option to swap them later via a patch. The only Switch games I know that use B to confirm are from Inti Creates, which is ironic since it is a Japanese company and Blaster Master is exclusive to the Switch. -_-
Now I didn't complain about DS being too slow of whatever. I'm just tired of that confirm/cancel buttons issue (I just don't understand why Sony still hasn't added a setting to invert while you can completely remap the DS4 buttons - which doesn't help in this case) and I find it particularly frustrating here because the option is greyed for some strange reason in the demo. As if they could let you do it but won't to be annoying.
@TheMadPolarBear Yes, I agree with what you're saying. I think I was trying to say that the motion interpolation, or dejudder, or motion smoothening, feature on my TV makes 30 fps games with perfect frame pacing look like 60 fps games. It also adds latency, so I've found it really doesn't work with racing games, for example. I've generally found I can play Twilight Princess, BOTW, wind waker hd, skyrim (on Switch, docked of course), etc and these games look way better to me than if I didn't use my TV's motion interpolation. Really it's like night and day to me. I love the way these games look at 60 fps. I don't love the way they look at 30 fps. And I understand that the game isn't actually running at 60 fps, it only appears that way because my TV is creating intermediate images between each frame of the 30 fps output coming from my Switch, Wii U, or whatever system I've got hooked up. Oh, and I recently tried Mario Sunshine and it looks beautiful at this "fake" 60 fps.
It’s absolutely disgusting and disgraceful that I have to subscribe to a paid online service in prder to play a demo.
@Medic_alert I think it's probably more related to handsize, if you think about it. Personally the Joy-cons fit perfectly in my hands, and they are superior (for me) to every other controller. I own several pro controllers, a fighting stick and also have that magic whatsitsnameagain thing that lets me use stuff like ps4 or xb1 controllers on the Switch.
None of it comes even close to the comfort of my joy-cons.
But as long as one finds the right fit, all is good I guess
@clvr Calm down now mate. You don't have to subscribe to a paid online service in order to play a demo. If you look very closely at the title, it says: "Reminder: The Dark Souls Remastered Switch NETWORK TEST is starting today".
Now you might say "yes, the demo is starting today" but no! It is not a demo. As can clearly be seen from the title of this article, it is a NETWORK TEST. A NETWORK TEST is completely different from a demo.
A demo is supposed to give you a taste of the game in its intended state and entice you to buy it.
A network test is supposed to test internal servers, p2p links, netcode and connection stability.
This is/was a network test. Not a demo. It isn't meant to make you decide on buying the game or not. It isn't even utilizing a near-final build, but an old one from several months ago. It's 100% ONLY for testing their online capabilities, which is why it obviously requires the Nintendo Switch Online service, as you can't use the features being tested if you don't have it anyway.
@clvr it's not actually a demo though 😂😂
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