Today saw an official livestream for the Senran Kagura series take place on YouTube, with details expected to be shared surrounding the upcoming Switch title, Peach Ball: Senran Kagura. Unfortunately for those watching the show, YouTube terminated proceedings before the stream reached its end.
The stream focused on a few various aspects of the Senran Kagura series, including new info, images, and footage for its most recent games, all presented by series producer Kenichiro Takaki. New details for the Switch game were shown during the event, including some new gameplay footage, and a 'Premium' edition has also been announced for Japan containing the game, Nyuu Nyuu Special DLC costumes, a 'Diorama Motion', a ball set, and even more characters and courses that will be available to purchase separately at a later date.
It was after this that things turned a little weird (or normal in Senran Kagura's case). The show soon reportedly moved on to a 'real life' version of the game which involved some of the ladies in attendance throwing ping pong balls at a model’s cleavage. In what was, perhaps, a rather unsurprising move, the stream suddenly came to a halt here thanks to a violation notice from YouTube. You can see it here for yourself.
We expect Marvelous Entertainment will re-upload the non-offending trailers and footage for Peach Ball: Senran Kagura at a later date, making sure to get rid of the show's ending to ignore further trouble. Until then, though, fans will have to enjoy this lovely black screen.
Comments 85
"It was after this that things turned a little weird (or normal in Senran Kagura's case). The show soon reportedly moved on to a 'real life' version of the game which involved some of the ladies in attendance throwing ping pong balls at a model’s cleavage"
Lol what?
Personally, I don't have problem but... that's so random. I guess it's just another day in Japan.
This kind of Censorship is sad
@Tsurii Or if you're a "Priority Creator". You know, Jimmy Kimmel, James Corden, CNN, Fox. They get to break those rules with no punishment.
Getting banned is a great way to get a bit of publicity.
If they hadn't, we wouldn't be talking about it.
What's funny is that it's actually super easy to find full on pornography on youtube. But the confused puritans in charge rip this sort of thing off their website.
Oh well. As people have said, it's free publicity.
Good job YT, we don't need any of that pervy nonsense.
I'm so glad Google and Alphabet Inc. is helping to keep the morals and ethics of the world in line. Eric Schmidt can recognize sexual deviance almost instantly and acts upon it immediately. He's such a role model we should all be grateful to have!
So, throwing ping pong balls at a fully dressed model's cleavage is now considered to be "nudity or sexual content" by YouTube aka Google?
You almost wonder if these people actually have a life, considering they're so annoyingly petty with the appliance of their dumb@ass rules.
And you would think they actually DO have a life, considering the amounts of money that they're making over there, but apparently, being well-provided for, only makes you more of a puritan...
On a side note: the earlier (albeit animated) live stream of the same Senran Kagura game, where there was full-on boob grab, feel and squeeze, was NOT removed or interrupted in the middle of the live stream.
Go figure...
@ThanosReXXX Come on dude, everybody knows that throwing ping pong balls at cleavage is the most hardcore sexual thing you can ever do
@roy130390 Well, I for one would be rather disappointed, if I would have to stop there...
Yup, and that's why I have a problem with this. If you couldn't easily find far worse stuff on youtube, and if it were consistently run across the board, it's a non-issue. But that's not the case.
It’s easy to find tons of strip teases and pole dancing and all sorts of nws stuff on YouTube. This is ridiculous. At least that’s what a friend told me...
Does the table contain a bare chest at some point or did YouTube bots fire off to a literal cleavage (which, to my understanding, is a word that already contradicts "nudity" by definition)? I thought YT was already quite full of fictional female skin courtesy of all the anime clips uploaded.
Censorship sucks!
@Tsurii Well, I guess with rules going in all directions, except logical ones, I wouldn't even be able to tell anymore...
Not surprising, showing a girl in bikini is very bad and not done on YouTube.
Meanwhile killing people in CoD or cutting heads of in Resident Evil is totaly fine, I remember my Dead or Alive Xtreme video being banned in first place (fixed with some tricks) but my GTA V and The Evil Within gameplays never got any trouble being there.
America (-_-)
But on the other side of the coin, japanese tend to ban blood and violence in western games, but still we (the west) are worse on more regards.
So dumb to remove it. But of course lots are easily offended and instead of ignoring it they cry fowl (crow) and complain about anything they don't agree with! No wonder things in the world have gotten out of hand.
Women should be banned from the internet, they're too inappropriate.
We need more blood and gore, anyways, just give us the normal stuff.
@NEStalgia Well, we better tell mr. Steve-O to take down his "T***y Trick shot" video then, because in that video, he's doing the exact same thing, except with a rubber bouncing ball...
Pretty talented, though, I have to say. All me and my friends ever used, were peanuts, and on unsuspecting cleavages...
How abhorrent!! Does nobody care about protecting the children!? The Earth is going to explode soon if we do not do anything about this madness! This humble mom, for one, thanks the lovely chaps at YouTube for bringing justice to these crazy Japs. After all, throwing ping pong balls into people's.... cleavages (brr) is much worse than recording and having a good time cracking jokes with dead people.
@Tsurii Well, she's not ugly or anything. Mind you, I'm not really into the tattoo sleeves, but other than that, I've seen FAR worse than her.
And there are of course always people that DO like tattoos. Might have to give @rjejr a heads up to watch that video linked to in comment #23...
Won't someone think of @anti-matter?
Poor lad would have a fit if he'd seen the video.
the modern era is a bunch of puritantical babies. Susan Wocalakadingdong just mad she doesn't have oppai.
@Tsurii putting boobs and violence together though? We need more of that. Just offend everyone. I'd love more of that.
@Mii_duck But wouldn't the cute art style of the game cancel out everything else for him?
@Joeynator3000 Cover the females! Spill blood everywhere! This is when the world was at it's best. Why can't we go back to the good old 8th century when people were wholesome?
@roy130390 If we're talking about the average Google employee, that is a true statement.
@Anti-Matter I have a guinea pig.
@Anti-Matter Why? You're pretty much famous here, surely you are used to that
Listen here Roy, I'm going to need you to never change your avatar, alright?
Typical morons being typical morons. Japan doesn't give a damn for those ridiculous rules
I agree with YouTube's decision, but I'm surprised. I didn't think YouTube had any morals at all or cared about the content on their site whatsoever
Gonna get that limited edition even if I have to pay scalper prices for it. I need that in my collection.
If YouTube has rules against violence too, they should take down every bloody violent video too. Especially those bloody violent video games that sells much more than Senran Kagura and therfore affect more people.
Pathetic YouTube at it again
can't wait for those youtube news channels report about this.
ehhhhhhhhh, probably not.
@Anti-Matter Oh man, that’s the best thread intro all week!
We love you, Anti!!
@Anti-Matter that’s gonna get everyone stop replying to you
That has to be the funniest takedown they've ever done.
@Equinox – Someone took his red pills today.
I didn't know Youtube was based in Saudi Arabia.
If you don't like something, then look at something else instead, and I don't believe anime boobs ever hurt anyone.
Siliconera has a bunch of gameplay up and the trailer. Basically a PinBall game with digital boobs (really YouTube?). But to each their own - now the switch has a pinball game
Didn't see the content in question, but my thoughts;
Sexiness shouldn't be considered bad, but Senran Kagura frequently takes what could easily be fun/sexy situations and turns them into a more exploitative nature, which I do have a problem with.
The content may or may not have violated Youtube's rules, but as is always the case with this type of stuff, it looks bad to crack down on some morally questionable content but not others.
@Anti-Matter Hello there.
Oh no, not boobs!!! And from a Japanese game....😱😮😲...I’m shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!!!
@Anti-Matter chibi shirtless males!
Oh no won't someone please think of the children! they must only be allowed to kill people in the most gory fashion and similiar lewd content that is readily available on netflix and basic tv is a ok.
@MrGawain exactly so. Malcolm McLaren (sex pistols manager) once said about the band, “love us or hate us, you can’t ignore us” similar tactics.
And where were all that "nudity and sexual content" exactly?
All those false "morals" that some companies/governments/countries seem to adhere to are so unnatural and hypocritical.
I'd much rather let my kids watch some boobs (even if they're covered by a bikini! Unthinkable!) than letting them see a person being decapitated or disemboweled any day. But it seems that for some self-called "puritans", blood, gore and death are much more tolerable than a bit of "obscene" skin. Disgusting.
How the hell did we even end up here? Since when is violence okay but sexuality is not? At this point I'm genuinely baffled at how society has turned out.
Meanwhile there are hundreds of videos of Sonic the Hedgehog characters nude and getting raped, that have been up for years with thousands of views.
LOL served them right.
Nice move from YouTube... Women disserve more respect
Maybe viewers complained that the stream moved away from their superior 2D waifus to 3D pig disgusting smelly women? ;P
Weird, because there's always been risquée content on YouTube, never explicit. And I could swear that some time ago they lifted the censorship on nipples, after all it's a natural thing.
But I don't understand this move with Senran Kagura, because even in Japan there's no nudity really.
@Equinox And the Western SJW Agenda doesn't care about boobs, except to say people should be more open with them. "Free the Nipple" and all that. You are conflating two unrelated issues lol.
Lol. Look at the Weebs defending it.
1) it broke the rules. Doesn't matter if you agree with them. I don't agree that Weebs that get caught with pictures and videos of cartoons depicting child abuse get let off so lightly. But I respect the law even if I dont agree with it. That is something civilised people do. A famous philosopher was sentenced to death, and his friends tried to free him... He refused. Saying law is law.
2) YouTube monitors this because Japan is one of those countries that allows child porn. Whilst that happens it means all live streams from that area are monitored.
3) Guns aren't the same as pornography, implied paedophilia and the like. Even in the UK you can own a gun, and use it for sport, hunting or work. Child pornography has no use.
But at least there is a list of names here. A list of people that justify any sordid act committed by the Japanese.
That stream sounds very "cringe-worthy", maybe that's secretly the real reason they took it down
(seriously though it only sounds tasteless and off putting)
@Tsurii That's true, and it is also true that I'm a bit older, and I tend to look with a broader view, as in "even if I personally don't like it, I can still make out the difference between ugly and not ugly" or "even if it's not for me, I can see the attraction it might have for others".
If you're not a really extreme person by nature, then views and opinions tend to become somewhat milder, over the years.
Well, at least: in my case. Wouldn't want to be assuming things for other people...
@R4z0rGr1nd3r Japan allows child porn? You literally have no idea what you’re talking about.
And besides, the stream didn’t break any rules because there were no “nudity or sexual content” anywhere to be seen.
@Tsurii I would not know that.
My fav pub in college had a pinball machine called "twister" by SEGA (based on some old Movie about tornadoes) and when you on a groove it brought out a FAN and blew air at you... I loved that contraption 😂
Pinball on a handheld? Not for me.
@ThanosReXXX It's not that I'm a big fan of tattoos per se, like if a bunch of guys have tattoos I really wouldn't care, but young attractive physically fit women undressing to show off their tattoos, well now you have my attention. 😆
I've been on vacation, so now I'm more behind than usual.
@rjejr Ah, that explains it. Not to worry, I'm used to you dragging me into old threads by now...
By the way, DID you watch that video linked to in comment #23?
It's actually reasonably funny and/or entertaining, in a no-brainer kinda way, and it's got tats and tids...
(had to misspell that last word on purpose, obviously)
@R4z0rGr1nd3r I agree with all of the things that you are against, but no offense: if you go off on a rant towards some users here, at least be informed enough about the actual facts of this incident.
As stated in the article, the stream got cut off because there was a section in it, where a part of the Marvelous team themselves (women, actually) were having a bit of harmless fun by throwing ping pong balls into a fully-clothed model's cleavage.
Oh, the horror...
So, there was no pornography, let alone pornography that involves children, to be seen anywhere. And banning that stream was indeed ridiculous in light of the far more sexually charged content which is easily found all over YouTube to this day, so even viewing the entire matter objectively, it was a bit over the top for them to cut off this live stream.
And it was not like the stream was made by some shady YouTube character...
@ThanosReXXX No vid watching yet, still catching up to reality. I need to go food shopping now, was just on here for my digital coupon email from the grocery store. I'm one of those coupon clippers, I dont' have an income so I try to save as much as possible to compensate a little. One of the upsides to finally getting a paycheck will be to say goodbye to all of that nonsense, it's really not worth the time I spend for the amount I save, but when time is all I have I feel like the meager savings are at least a contribution.
Oh great, there goes the noon whistle, I'm already 2 hours behind.
@rjejr Noon whistle? Didn't know you lived in a factory...
@ThanosReXXX All the towns I've ever lived in have had a noon whistle as far as I can recall. I just always assumed there was 1 factory in every town that liked to let people know what time it is. Not that I can usually hear it with the windows closed or if I'm doing something, but sitting here on the PC with the windows open and sliding kitchen door open I can hear it in the background blocks away. It's 86' in my house right now, I'll be turning on the kitchen AC for dinner in about an hour before my wife gets home to eat.
Oh, and I never did get food shopping, My kids whined after walking around the mall to get them Pokemon download codes at Gamestop so we just came home and it was too late and hot to go back out again. I may take 3 showers today.
@rjejr Ah, okay. I actually figured something like that. Must have been a vague memory, or something that my uncle, who's still living in the States, once told me.
Over here, we still have some, for outsiders probably weird custom/remnant of WW2, namely a monthly test run of the country-wide air alert system (used to be a wartime air raid alarm). It consists of around 4200 pole-mounted systems that are wirelessly connected, and controlled from one central point.
Every first Monday of the month, at noon exactly, the alarm goes off for about a minute, not just to test if it still works correctly, but also to keep the alarm in the collective consciousness of the people, so that they're used to it, and will know what to do when it sounds on any other day, and in such cases, it also doesn't stop after one minute, something we all learned at one point in our lives, probably in school or through the local news.
It used to be these really old systems, with three megaphones mounted on a pole, much like you would see in a lot of other countries, but ever since the late eighties, they modernized the system, and now the poles look like this:
There was talk in 2017, that they wanted to dismantle all 4200 poles before the end of the year, to replace it with a much more modern, less maintenance-prone and less intrusive country-wide alert system, a smart phone text message service called NL-Alert (no, not Nintendo Life Alert.. ), but after rather rigorous testing, it became clear that this replacement service was anything but waterproof, so to speak, because only 12% of the people actually received the alert message (for which you had to accept an earlier sent message, so your phone would be connected to the proprietary NL-Alert cell broadcasting system), 22% had accepted the initial preparation message but did not get the alert message regardless, and as much as 40% either didn't have a cell phone/smart phone or a provider that supported the proprietary service. (yes, I had to look those numbers up. I'm good, but not THAT good)
So, they ditched the initial plan, and now the new date for a replacement of the physical alarm network will be January 1st, 2020, but I kinda have a hunch that they're not going to make it by then either...
And three showers? Well, that'll do your natural skin balance a world of good, NOT.
I'm just always relaxed, and never try to get too bothered, especially not in these temperatures. Today was 89.6°F, and it's still 85°F in my apartment now (6 hours later than in your time zone), and I have no AC, just a standing fan, which is currently running on its maximum setting.
So, I'm not going to run around or do things that may potentially cause any stress.
And I just take one cold shower before going to bed. In the morning, I just wash myself with a wash cloth.
Tomorrow is going to be around 95°F, which means that we've now had two official, consecutive heat waves over here. Last week we even had a code orange, which amongst other things means that farmers aren't allowed to water their crops anymore, nor can water be used for anything other than primary needs in the household.
But it's not so much the heat, but the on average 65% humidity that is doing me in. So, I try to move as slowly and as little as possible or needed, and if the weather predictions are correct, things are going to come down again to normal levels around Thursday, so I'll have to stick to being in sloth-mode until then...
@ThanosReXXX 65% humidity
We've had way too much humidity here lately. It was 70% today and it felt pretty good, I didn't even turn on the AC for dinner, we had wraps so no cooking. No where near 95 though, then the AC will be on. We've been topping out about 90, but only 85 tomorrow so that should feel good.
End of the world as we know it though, just saying.
@rjejr Are you mixing up humidity with Fahrenheit? I never said 95% humidity...
And how about that air alert system, huh?
@ThanosReXXX "air alert system"
I may have glossed over the middle 5 or 6 paragraphs. I mean I read them, but it was all too much of a blur to form a cohesive reply.
I thought you guys up there would all be more worried about how long until you are all underwater to worry about the air quality, soon you'll all be breathing water.
@rjejr Well, that's great. And I especially looked up all the numbers, so as to not just pull numbers out of my backside. That's the last time I'll ever go through so much trouble to make a text wall, damned...
And it's not about air quality, it's a nation wide warning system in case of calamities, or heaven's forbid, war.
And a calamity could of course also mean a flood, so you at least got that part right...
@ThanosReXXX Only a gov't would think an "active" personal smartphone warning system would be better than a general loud speaker system.
What could possibly go wrong?
@rjejr Yeah... I think it's probably that the upkeep/maintenance is the largest bother for them, financially, and they just try to cover it up by giving us the excuse that the system is dated, and needs to be modernized, regardless of the fact that it has always worked flawlessly, ever since 1946...
To be fair to the smart phone alert system, though: so far, I've personally received every warning they've sent me, so I'm with the 12% for whom the service actually works.
And it actually works too good for me, because I even got an alert once for a province that I'm not even living in...
Back to current affairs: survived the last day of the heat wave, tomorrow is supposed to be a lot cooler, around 79°F according to predictions, so that's a 20 degree drop in one day.
And then the storm and the rain will come, for one day, which is never enough for anyone. Not enough for the farmers and their crops, and not enough to cool off the city dwellers...
And around the weekend, temperatures are going to rise again.
Man, I'm SO done with this heat. I can hardly get anything done, because it saps all my energy.
Oh well, the worst is over, guess I'll live through the rest...
@ThanosReXXX WE had some serious torrential downpour crazy lightining thundersotrms last night for a couple of hours. The kind that usually after the heat and humidity drop. Btu we're pretty much right back we're we were yesterday. I'm being a real bad dad, my kids have been in the house for days. I just can't bring myself to make them go out bc/ I dont want to go out. I did tell them today at 5:00 after we have some shade were' going outside for an hour, even if it's just to sit. Rib dinner in the crock pot slow cooker tonight, so at least that's taken care of.
@rjejr Yep, thunder here as well, last night, and a decent bout of rain showers, but no torrential downpour. But today was dry again. Temperatures did go down as predicted, so that was a welcome change.
By the way, you can start feeling young and energetic again, because we 48+ gamers have just been demoted to being younger gamers again:
a 75 year old gaming newbie has entered the fray as of today...
The man actually has a fun story to tell.
Most "hardcore" gamers would probably laugh their socks off...
@ThanosReXXX "start feeling young and energetic again"
Maybe when it gets back down to 72' and 50% humidity. Maybe.
And I did read the forum thread, but I have no advice to give.
@rjejr Haha, that was not the reason I linked you to it.
Just wanted you to have a peek at his story, which is actually kinda great, still jumping into gaming, at such an age.
As for feeling young and energetic again: I'm pretty sure that once the heat and the humidity dissipates, the cold and the freezing winds will cause some other kind of discomfort in select parts of your body...
The curse of ageing, I suppose. No matter the season or climate, almost always something to complain about...
@ThanosReXXX Winter only really bothers me in winter, Dec, Jan, Feb, I do my best to enjoy all of Sept, Oct and Nov. Though the way things are going Sept may be unbearable in the next few years.
Last night severe thunderstorms woke us up at 3:30AM, even my kid. We closed a few windows and went back to bed. About 15 minutes later the air conditioner choked itself to death. If I can't figure out a way to fix it by tonight my wife is going to be unbearable. And it's a tiny unit in the wall so nto as easy to replace as a window unit. And my window in that room I believe is too small for a window unit. It died a few years ago and I had to take it apart and smack it around a bit to get it working again.
My kids are currently sitting outside on the deck building Labo project #3, the motorcycle. Not exactly exercise, but at least it's fresh air.
@rjejr Well, the rain better stay off your deck, then. Otherwise, rainy deck + Labo kit isn't really a very good combination...
Rain over here has stopped for now, temperature has finally dropped another few degrees, and according to the weather report, a storm is coming from the south, which was first wreaking some havoc in parts of France, and is now coming our way, so that might be a big one.
People in the southern region are already receiving storm warnings, so it'll probably come with some thunder and heavy rain as well.
Guess I'll find out soon enough. Luckily, I live in a pretty sturdy building. Nothing has ever happened to it so far, in the 12 years that I've lived here.
Good luck with fixing the AC.
@ThanosReXXX Good luck with fixing the AC.
Thanks, btu no go. Spent a couple of hours on it, everything works except the fan blade won't spin. Happened a couple of years ago and got it to work whacking it with a hammer but I think it's bit the ghost now. We've had it for 15 years at least and it was $300 installed so we got our moneys' worth out of it I suppose, but now there's a big hole in my wall with a big dead AC unit in it. And it's the 2nd floor so fixing it won't be easy. Will try to buy a replacement to fit in the sleeve but ti's really small so I'm not optimistic.
If I get divorced in the next 3 years I'll look back at this is the first nail in the coffin. Maybe I'll just buy another window unit and leave that one in the wall. Who knows, I'm hot, bloody and cranky, time for a shower, maybe a beer.
@rjejr Perhaps an obvious question, but have you removed the blade and cleaned it, or is that even possible in a built-in unit like that?
A lot of dust, grease and grime can build up there, which might make it run less smoothly, or even come to a complete standstill/jam altogether.
@ThanosReXXX I tried getting it off as it was obviously stuck on something, but as many parts as I took off I couldn't get it completely apart. The rod holding it onto the motor was rusted up pretty good, so I sprayed some WD-40 on it. (That's the go-to for rust removal over here.)
It would do about 3 revolutions before jamming up again. The motor was getting super hot, like I could barely touch it hot, so I finally just decided it wasn't stuck on the outside but on the inside. I've thought about paying someone to repair it, but the part seems impossible to come by as it's a 17 year old AC. New plan is to try to find one that fits in that whole, or board up my wall and get a cheap window unit. I was supposed to go out looking today but we have a bbq to go to tomorrow and I'm supposed to be shopping for appetizers. Fortunately while ti's still 86' out the humidity has dropped to 50% and it feels pretty good. High of only 79 the next 2 days, so I'll go looking on Monday. Maybe Sunday.
@rjejr Yeah, I know the stuff, they sell it over here as well. Or any other brand of silicon spray, so I'm no stranger to such solutions.
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